Need some advice on breaking the habit
By sroth1999
@sroth1999 (6)
United States
December 22, 2006 11:20pm CST
I have been a smoker for 17 years and am going to try once again to quit. The last time I quit I was pregnant, after writhing around on the couch for a week being miserable I got through the tough part. However once I had my baby I couldnt wait to start again - I couldnt even believe it myself. My husband quit when I was pregnant also and has stayed a non smoker. I really want to stop, for my health, my finances and my family. I need your advice on tricks you may have used to get past the hard parts. How many times did it take for you to quit? How long has it been? Did you use any over the counter meds? I hear there is a new RX available that starts with a C.... ( I cant remember )has anyone tried it?
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61 responses
@gadituzair (985)
• Pakistan
23 Dec 06
The only way u can get rid of a bad habbit is to take the support of any other comparatively less bad habbit,otherwise i dont know any other way to get rid of them.
@humaaaa (1386)
• Pakistan
23 Dec 06
Its very hard to quit smoking, i already discussed about my brother to quit smoking here on myLot and got very usfull tips. Most of them he already tried but failed. The only thing i think will work out is, start reducing your daily quota to cigerates, like if you take 20 to 30 cigerates every days, make it 28 the otherday than 26 or may be 27 and likewise reduce everyday.
My dad quited smoking for more than 2 years for no reason, but again he started smoking. I guess its pretty hard.
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@darkwingz (46)
• Philippines
23 Dec 06
Discipline is all you need. The courage to quit isnt the only way to start it. You have to be sure first. Quiting isnt a one way shot. Its a step by step process. Start first by limitations of sticks you smoke pr day. One at a time,,then goes on... You will surely be successful if you have discpline on yourself. Goodluck!
@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
23 Dec 06
First, good luck :) You have to want to quit, can't do it because someone's nagging you to, have to be ready to do it-which sounds like you are ready. I just quit, think it was the end of October(I don't keep track, just depresses me lol). Smoked 1 on Thanksgiving, didn't have to just wanted to-really didn't enjoy it either. I'm having really good luck with the nicotine gum. A lot of people had good luck with the patches, but I'd rather use the gum-can have a piece when I want to unlike the patches, still get cravings but you already have it on can't do anything about it. I know there's a new scrip out, don't know anyone that's used it though. Insurance probably won't cover it either and will be expensive. I've heard a few people that have had good luck going with that laser thing on your neck/ear area. Costs about 200.00, with a 6 month guarantee/redo. I'd love to try it, but the place is a couple hours a way. Do an online search for it, laser stop smoking clinics, called New Life something or other. The first few days are hard, as you already know lol. The gum helped me a lot, I've gone down to the lower dosage now, and when I'm ready I'll quit for good. Try as hard as you can to stay away from others that smoke. That's my problem, my dad smokes, and when I see him(fortunately not often anymore) I always bum one or two. But, I figure if I only smoke one or two once in awhile, it's better then the 2 packs a day I was smoking. Just think about how much better you'll feel too. I can breath without getting winded or wheezing, haven't really needed my asthma inhaler, I don't wake up in the AM coughing up half a lung anymore, don't smell like smoke anymore-& I can actually smell now too lol. Funny thing, I've always hated the smell of smoke, especially on me. Again, good luck to you!!
@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
23 Dec 06
I just saw on your question you've been smoking 17 years, and I thought wow that's a long time. Then I stopped and counted, I've been smoking for about 19-20 years, so if I can do it, you can do it. I have very poor will power when it comes to smoking, I did it for 4 months when I was in basic training. Had no withdrawal symptoms or anything, because I knew I couldn't smoke-couldn't get them anywhere. So, I really believe it's all in the mind, you overcome that and you'll be fine!!
@Nitemare (279)
• Pakistan
23 Dec 06
Basically it is will-power and self control which really counts. nothing will affect you unless you yourself are willing to quit smoking. whenever you feel like smoking just start chewing bubble gums or start eating biscuits. this will help a lot!
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@dradelelassy (1208)
• United States
23 Dec 06
i guess the first thing is your will and real wish to quit
second thing to change your habit ,meanng to be away of any stressful places ,people ,and situation
you have to tolerate the side effects which usuall happens after quitting like nervousness,and lack of mood
myself i yhink smoking is habbit rather than addiction
@sroth1999 (6)
• United States
26 Dec 06
thanks for all the advice and support. I really do want to quit and hopefully this time it will stick!
@avi_rocks (460)
• India
23 Dec 06
I recommend you better consult a doctor. And ask him for a better suggestion....
@toonatoons (3737)
• Philippines
23 Dec 06
really, just like that, huh? you were like my dad, then. he was a chain smoker for so many years, but one day, he just decided to quit, and he just did that. i've never seen him having withdrawal symptoms or whatever. i think it takes a lot of discipline and determination.
@foxsoon (150)
• Australia
8 Jan 07
Talk to your pharmacist to plan. What I would advise you is to start off with some high dose 24 hour patches. But more importantly, set goals, short term, long term, and write down things that will motivate you such as by stopping smoking you might save an extra money and have a better lifestyle. Write it down, photocopy a few pieces of it and stick it at places where you have a lot of cravings and maybe your little hideout place to smoke.
I definitely do hope you don't stop it cold-turkey as it will definitely make your blood pressure uncontrollable, and with your blood pressure, I think you can actually try any Rx but also monitor yourself, and visit your doctor to change your blood pressure medications maybe increasing it for a better control until you completely control your smoking habit (usually takes a week or two). I think there's also a nicotine chewing gum, and I think you should take it when you are having too much of a cravings there. Or maybe if you have some favorite food in mind, eat a bit, make sure you don't stop smoking and gain weight which in the end you will need to lose weight which makes life a bit miserable.
Well, I'll be supporting you all the way~! Congratulations for making the first step where it is actually one of the hardest part to start off with, which is deciding to quit.
PS: I think there should be smokers quit line in countries around the world, maybe you can find the link online, try call them and see what they can tell you.
@sandie61 (2359)
• United States
24 Dec 06
have you tried Chantix? you need to ask your doctor about it. I am trying it for the second time. it worked well the first time but I didn`t totally quit so my doctor wanted me to try it again. Good Luck to you.
@radrock2000 (24)
• India
24 Dec 06
u should consult a doctor n ask him bout the after effects of smoking..dat'd make u realise the "hell"ish problems related 2 it..
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
24 Dec 06
I just quit a month agao after smoking for 13 years and it is a pain. i do nothave any certain tips for yu, but what i do is that i brush my teeth ALOT, several times a day and that usually stops the craving for a while atleast. just try to stay busy - do not let yourself think about it.
It is HARD wich you know since you quit before - but u also know that it can be done. Good luck!
@Devinarun (387)
• United States
24 Dec 06
u can also quit so easily...u just have to go on reducing it a bit by bit and that is how many of the people do it.u can never quit smoking all of a sudden.that will lead to soem problems,u have to reduce it intially.