
@aggiejoe (799)
United States
December 23, 2006 7:36am CST
My son who is 10 has this little friend who was born with spina bifida. They are so close that they are practicly insperetable. Well the day after christmas break started Josh became sick. He has fluid on his brain. He was air ported to University of Kentucky hospital. Where last night they told his parents he might not make it through Christmas. Chris and Josh Have been best friends all their lives and I really don't know how to tell Chris About Joshes condition. How do I look at him and say something so hard for an adult to understand? It will kill Chris to know that His friend want be growing up with him. Help I need advice on how to explain it Him.
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31 responses
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Oh that is going to be the hardest thing you ever do in your life. But I think you should sit down with your and your sons friends parents and all of you explain it to him he is not going to take it well however you do it. Because they are so close. I think maybe a video should be made of his friend so he will have something to remember him by if anything should happen to his friend. But I think I would get a helium filled ballon cost 33 cents where I live. And have your son write God a letter maybe like a prayer for his friend to get better. And if anyhting should happen to his friend this would be a great way for him to express his grief by writing his friend a letter to float up to the heavens. It might bring him alot of comfort to still be able to communicate with his friend. Even if it's one sided. I know i probably didn't help any. I have a niece with cystic fibrosis who is in the hospital more than not. And all we can do is pray and give her all the love we can. And we talked about doing the ballon thing for my other niece and nephew. Well I hope you find a way and that it helps you deal with what you are about to be going through be strong Ask a pastor at your church for help maybe they can help you. God Bless!
@armywifey (882)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Just be honest with him, it is going to be hard but you should let him know what could happen and what his frend is going through. He will be hurt and scared of course, but he will respect you more for being honest with him. Just be there for him and help him get through anything he may be feeling, and offer counseling if he needs it. Good luck. This is a very sad thing.
@prasadr (871)
• India
23 Dec 06
is a spina bifida so deadly. I dont know more about that...
• Romania
24 Dec 06
yes it kills you nice and slow it affects the brain
@aggiejoe (799)
• United States
26 Dec 06
Yes it usually Kills a child with in the first 5 years but Josh made it to 11. He beat the odds but it has just made it harder on those of us who love and cherish him. He is the sweetest boy. If you meet him you would instantly love him.
@aggiejoe (799)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Yes They think he will be fine they did put in a new shunt to remove the fluid from his brain. He does have mild brain damage but not enough to say he wont be a normal little boy Chris is so excited that his friend is getting better that he wants to have a party for Josh when he get home. So me and Pam (Joshs Mom) have talked about it and they said Josh would love that. He wants to celebrate Christmas When he get home. I want to thank everybody for their prayers. It just goes to show God does Listen. Thanks everybody. Not just from me But Josh and his Family also. All our love goes to each one of you.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
28 Dec 06
If Josh is still alive and you can arrange it, your son should visit him in the hospital. If Josh does die, I see lots of help here in this post. I would see about letting your son plant a tree in memory of Josh, either at your house, or even at the school. My daughter had a friend with sb, all the way from elementary to graduation. He had a rough time at about this age. I remember taking three kids to see him at the hospital. Justin was still alive the last I knew, and he was over 21.
@aggiejoe (799)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Gerty I just posted an update on josh's condition. Me and my husband finally told chris what was happening with josh it was hard for him to understand but its hard for all of us to understand. I just figured we needed to tell him because he goes back to school tomarrow and I didn't want him finding out the wrong way. I just told him that josh wouldn't be at school and that he knew josh has always been sick but its worse now Because josh is asleep and may not wake up. But to always remember to pray everynight for him. And maybe someday he can play XBOX with him again. Pam (josh's Mom) even calls and tells chris how Josh is doing now that we told him. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life Chris cried so hard thinking he would never see Josh again. It broke my heart. But they said as long as he is responding to sound and touch there is a chance he will come out of the comma. Thanks for your concern Me and my family and Josh and his Family really appieate it. The morgans
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Aggie Jo we want to know how Josh is doing, can you post another discussion. Did you have a party? I read that earlier somewhere in this discussion, I hope it is right
@janet069 (663)
• United States
23 Dec 06
You are faced with a very difficult task but one you cannot avoid. You will have to explain to your son and then you'll have to be there for him. It is sad when someone so young has to go through something so painful but that is taken out of our hands. The schools often offer counseling for students who lose classmates and if they do it might be a good thing to put your son in. He will get to see that othe people his age are also hurting. My heart goes out to you and also to Josh's family. My family went through losing a 16 year old to an auto accident and it was the hardest thing we have ever done. Depend on God. He can handle anything.
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@amafrias (455)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Oh that is very sad. children are more risiliant than we think sometimes, but it will be very hard for him for awhile.You definaltely need to talk with him. Is the hospital he is in very far from you? I would want to take my daughter so that she would not feel that she didn't get to say goodbye, or talk to him. I think that is very hard on them. I really hope the boy recovers, miracles happen every day. I will keep him and your son in my prayers.
@aggiejoe (799)
• United States
26 Dec 06
Yes it is about a 6 hour drive to University of Kentucky Hospital from here. I wish I could let him see him but its too far to go. Chris has been asking to call him but I just tell him Josh isn't home that hes sick and I don't know when he will be home. I really don't want to tell him how sick until I know for sure they are trying everything to save him. I pray to god he will be ok. Its killing me that he is going through this.
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
its really hard to blast off the sad news to a 10 year old kid. i dunno whats the best way to explain. im so sorry to hear the story. good luck to you. ill pray for you.
• Canada
24 Dec 06
I´m sorry about this childs condition, I hope the frienship between yopur kid and this kid helps improve his overall condition
@emmet18 (1114)
• Romania
24 Dec 06
God, that is very offul. To bad for him, I wish I could help.
• India
24 Dec 06
heloo i can understand your problem but you are helpless..........so sad of chris and josh too...you have to say but you dont say.you just say that josh is going to some other place....and make him believe .i think this may help you because you cant break the little heart........
• Canada
24 Dec 06
I don't know if I could explain this circumstance to my child...I'd most likely just say that his friend would be gone for a very long time and wait till he was older to tell him what happened. I know that's not the right thing to do, but I wouldn't know what to do... I wish your kids friend the best of luck with everything, and hopefully he makes it out unharmed! Suggestions to everyone else reading this. Religious people, pray for this child! Non-religious people, feel for this child Mylot administrators, I say we do some kind of money lend. For people who wish to do so, take a certain amount of money earned on this site and have it donated to finding a cure for spina bifida.
@aggiejoe (799)
• United States
26 Dec 06
I think thats a great idea I would gladly give all my earnings to find a cure for it. I don't want another child to have to go through what Josh is. It hurts you to the core to love a child only to loose them to something so deadly. Than you.
@tiamat (113)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Take your son to the butcher shop for a tour......
@aggiejoe (799)
• United States
26 Dec 06
Why a butcher shop???
• United States
24 Dec 06
My prayers are with you, and I am deeply sorry to hear about Josh. I am confident that you will find the right way to explain to your son what is happening. As a mother I think it will come naturally, especially with all the advice you have got here. It will all come together I'm sure. If it were me I would want to make sure my child understood that everything happens for a reason, and the reason might be to end Josh's suffering and pain. It might also be meant to influence you or your son or both to start a charity of fundraiser to raise money for Spinal Bifada research or something like that. Tell him that Josh will always be with him watching over him and just to hold on to the memories until the time comes and they meet again in the afterlife. Take Care hun, Merry Christmas
• United States
23 Dec 06
I am so sorry for what you are having to go through. I have a question though. What exactly is he sick from? you stated that the friend has fluid on the brain. my 9 month old has the same problem and he had a VP Shunt placed at 3 days old. He has severe medical disorders but I am wondering what is wrong with Josh because he shouldn't be dying from the fluid. That can be fixed! I don't know what to tell you. I am just a curious onlooker.
@aggiejoe (799)
• United States
26 Dec 06
They did the VP shunt but the problem is more fluid keeps building up faster then it can remove and its slowly causing his body to shut down. Hes made it through christmas which they said he wouldn't do but the extent of his brain damage is undetermined. He my not regain conciosness.
@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
23 Dec 06
I've tried dieting many times and never can stick to it.
@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
24 Dec 06
If you have faith in god pray to him and he will help you tell your loving child what is happening you never know Josh might have already told your son about not being long on this earth. God always has a plan for us even if we don't know how to handle things he shows us. Try to be helpful when the time is right,and as far as growing up without his friend thats not true his friend will always be in his heart because he has the happy times that he has shared with Josh and I bet Josh will be with your son always in spirit. Tell him its ok to cry, but he should remember the good times. He could also write a poem to show how he is feeling. God bless and good luck
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
24 Dec 06
My brother lost his best friend to leukemia (sancer) when he was about that age and you are right - it is hardto explain but the best way to approche it I think is to be honest aboutit. Maybe say that he is an angel now and that he was needed somewhere else at the momet - but that they will meet again - someday!
@amithzepp (153)
• India
24 Dec 06
this is a good topic
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Just be honest. It'll be worse on him if you not.. Hopefully, his buddy's shunt issues will turn out okay.
@Leonzz (195)
• Brazil
23 Dec 06
Spina is muhc deadly. So sorry for this. I think thats a bad situation for live.