Does Name Brand matter when it comes to buying milk?
By ratty79
@ratty79 (284)
United States
11 responses
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
24 Dec 06
There may be an illusion that the gallon of milk you buy is from a single cow. Truth is that many cows are milked and then the milk is in vats, to trucks and then processed. Name brand would matter is you prefer Organic milk or some other preference of locality or some such thing. I like the whole milk, drink mostly 2 per cent.
@moonlover7808 (71)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Name brand never matters that much. If people are willing to pay a higher price for basically the same thing as the lowest price version, then whatever idiotic thing they want to do with their money. If Tommy Hilfiger put a brand of milk out that tasted like poo it would probably sell just because of the name. Oh and how about Jordans, the shoes? We're just too gullible to know we're being taken. That goes for the diet industry, the plastic surgery industry, tanning, nails, fitness centers and so much more I can't believe we are really that dumb.
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@moonlover7808 (71)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Yeah, I agree there are a couple of things I usually don't switch up on - laundry detergent and coffee - but I still think the rest is just about the same. I know individuals have their preferences but why would I pay over $3.00 for a box of cereal when I can get the 'seconds' of the very same cereal with a generic name on the box for under $2.00? They have come out time and again and said that the different lotions and shampoos we use are all the same. I know there is a difference in something like our skin's toleration for certain products. But definitely the most expensive is not the best necessarily.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
We used to have a dairy farm and all of our milk went into the vat to cool. Then it was picked up by the milk tanker which also picked up from dozens of other farms and the milk was not put in separate sections but in the same tanker. Some of that milk went for processing into butter, cheese etc but some was also used as fresh milk. The company we supplied did not process fresh milk but would supply it to other companies that did. I assume that it would then be mixed in with milk from literally hundreds of farms before being processed.
So, irrespective of what brand milk you buy it could come from any farm in any number of districts. At least that is the case here in Australia, so buying the cheapest is just the same milk as you get when buying the dearest brand.
@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Since I cannot tell where you are from, I'm going to give a response that is valid here in Kansas. At one time I would only drink milk that was WHOLE. Without realizing it, I started drinking 1% milk. It tasted fine to me. When I went to get milk I was told to get 1%, I said "I don't drink 1% milk, it tastes watered down." I was then informed that 1% was what I had been drinking all along. The brand can make a difference. Believe me. The brand, in this case, is Braum's. I was then informed that Braum's doubles up on the available calcium, while also cutting down on the fat, too.
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@makem0ney (293)
24 Dec 06
i alos buy the cheapest, they all taste the same to me
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
1 Jan 07
You're right, I'm not sure why people are so hyped up about the brand name. I go for whatever is cheapest too.
@wyykidd (1459)
• Singapore
1 Jan 07
For full cream milk, I don't. But for chocolate milk, yes. I have tried many types of choc milk & many of them taste awful, too sweet, no chocolaty taste at all. So I insist on a particular brand of choc milk which is the best of all I've tried.
@mousehunter (7)
1 Jan 07
Hi, Ratty79, I used to love drinking cows milk. But, became food intolerant to it. And have since found out that there is a Growing number of people including a lot of children, who have the same problem!
However, the only way I was able to find out it was milk that was causing me problems . . . was to visit a Chinese Herbalist practitioner,[my doctor was Totally Useless]!
He cut off a length of hair, and sent it off to a laboratory, and a week later they sent back a report showing Exactly what items I was intolerant to, and it showed the things I was most having problems with, were dairy, such as cow's milk, butter, cream, cheese, and anything that included cows produce!
The report, however, suggested that Goat's milk, butter, cream and cheese would prove tolerable to my system! As indeed they have!
There has even been a silver lining! You see, as a child, I visited my Gran in Ireland, and she had a butter that I just could not find a comparable butter for? But, as soon as I tasted Goat's butter . . . I realised I'd found it! And it was then I also twigged that my Gran kept goats . . . and was - obviously - making her own goat's butter!
And, even if I could go back to cows butter, I'd not bother now!
There is also the fact that despite what dairy's might want you to believe, cow's milk is Not as good for you as they suggest . . . and That's being proved by the Growing number of people who are experiencing health problems!
Many without knowing why they are? And many being misdiagnosed by Stupid doctors who see certain symptoms and assume their cause is due to other things!
Oh, by the by, just as a side issue, I assume you are aware that tap water is polluted? And that it should be filtered and boiled before drinking?
Water authorities actually state their water is "within Tolerance levels" . . . which means they Know it IS polluted . . . and what may be tolerable, does Not make it good for your system ! It's still poisoning you slowly !
But, what you may not be aware of beyond this, is that once water has been polluted, it then has the wrong molecular spin. So, even when filtered, it is still unhealthy!
But, there is a simple solution to this problem! All you need do, is get hold of a magnet - as strong as possible - fill up a bottle or water container, and put the magnet under it for at least 20 minutes! This will then reverse the molecular spin of the water, and make it healthy to drink!
I Know this for a Fact! As until I started drinking magnetised water, I was having to make frequent trips to the bathroom, which Stupid doctors would have said was due to other things! But, they would've been Wrong! As now I'm drinking Healthy water, I'm not having to go at about 2 to 3 hour intervals . . . Which is a Blessed relief at night! As I'm now sleeping through without interruptions!
Oh, and magnets are pretty good at dealing with things like joint pain caused by rheumatisms, arthritis and other such problems,[good for relieving tension headaches as well! Perhaps even migraine pain]?
But, you Must move the magnet in a Circular motion, to obtain a good result! And you Have to be a bit persistent as well! But, I've had great results myself, and those I've recommended it on to, have also told me it's helped them!
There is a possible scientific reason why this works, in as much as blood has a small amount of iron in it, and creating a magnetic field draws extra blood to the problem site. Which can then help the healing process!
Danny, Mousehunter
@aquariancore (608)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I worked in the supermarket industry and can tell off brand and name brand milk comes from the same distributors. All you have to do with milk is watch the dates.