Whaty does age/marital status have to do with having another child?
By megs85
@megs85 (3142)
December 23, 2006 9:13pm CST
How dare someone judge me based on my age?! I am probably ten times the better parent than those ten years older and married.
What right does someone have to pass judgement on me because I have held off on getting a piece of paper to legalise my marriage. My partner and I are commited, and with the dicorce rarate as high as it is, I dont think there is "sanctity of marriage" anymore.
If I could reach through this computer and slap someone I would.
I am usually a reasonably tolerant person that accepts others personal views, but HOW DARE someone say I am an unfit parent, which is what they insinuated, because of my age.
I am so sick and tired of this young mother label. I am perfectly competent, and my child is hppy, safe, secure and growing up beautifully.
So why do people feel they have teh right to label and JUDGE me?!
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46 responses
@birthlady (5609)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Ignore ignorant people who judge you. You don't need to defend yourself. I understand that it hurts to be judged. But you and those in your life know who you are, critical people judge others to feel better about themselves because they are too emotionally shallow to even HAVE self esteem: their self esteem is rather a false feeling of SUPERIORITY they gain when being judgemental of others. Hang in there, I think you're doing a great job!
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@chunkers (1050)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Megs! Calm down!
Why should you care what someone else thinks? You are NOT in control of anyone or anything except yourself. If people judge you, don't speak to them!
I know you are strong-willed and competent! Don't let others dictate how you feel! Go on with your own life and don't be concerned with what others say!
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@tarheelnancy (1317)
• United States
24 Dec 06
NO ONE, I MEAN NO ONE...should ever judge another! Your child is healthy and happy and that is all that matters in this world. Ignore the ignorance of others!
@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I don't know how old you are, but age has nothing to do with being responsible. There are teen moms out there more responsible than 30+ year old parents. I do think people should wait until they are in a stable relationship (which you are), have stable jobs, and graduate from school. You need to just ignore those people. Maybe they are jealous of your life?
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@pixielust (42)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I agree with you 100%. I have a sister who had a daughter at age 15. Not only did she graduate high school a semester early, she graduated at the top of her graduating class and she's going on to college next year. Not to mention that she's the child's main caregiver (our mother, God love her, is kind of selfish). She does have a supportive fiancee, the child's father, but he works a lot at his job...so she does the majority of childcare, housework, and schoolwork on her own, and excels at everything.
She's a better mother than a lot of "adults". So I can only applaud you for being a good mother of young age and hope only the best. :)
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
24 Dec 06
Thanks ver much for sharing your sisters story. My partner works his behind off, I'm goign back to Uni to finish my degree (I took a year off whilst i gave birth and got used to being a mum). I am bringing on income from a nu,mber of online resources, and like your ister raise my child- with only the help of my partner cause my mum is selfish and uncaring, and do all the housework(soemtimes it gets a bit messy but we get there). I am so sick of the judgments and labels.
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
24 Dec 06
So Megs85 your only income is what you make online? What is that maybe a couple hundred a month? Do you think you can support yourself and two kids on that?
How would you support yourself if your boyfriend leaves you (and don't say "I know he would never leave me", what happens if he is in the wrong place at the wrong time and is hurt and can't work anymore? Then how would you support yourself?
@megs85 (3142)
• Australia
24 Dec 06
If he camt work anymore, or left me, I would get a job to supprot my children. I would do anything it took to make sure they had everything they needed. I dont resort to charity, handotus or anything of the like. I know older mothers that do! i think the real underlying issue here is you trying to put down people taht dont fit your ideal stereotype as married, over 30 mothers taht work full time.

@PurpleButterfly (33)
• United States
24 Dec 06
no one has the right to judge others, especially about something like that. i'm so glad your child is happy and safe.
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@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
25 Dec 06
There is nothing wrong with being a young parent, it's are you ready to be a parent, that's all that matters, I was twenty one when I had my first baby, he's going to be three in a month, I think I am a great mother, he's intelligent and doing great all around and so is my other baby, I am happy about everything with me and my kids. If you are hapy with yourself dont worry about what others have to say, that's their opinion, so what? live your life and be happy with your kids.
@kids91911 (4363)
• United States
25 Dec 06
I don't judge people until they start questions me. I definitely know how you feel. I had all three of my kids out of wedlock and all three have different dads. But I never let those facts get in the way of my parenting skills.
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Don't worry about what those people say, they don't know what they're talking about. You keep your head up high and go about your business.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
26 Dec 06
Why does someone's opinion (or the way they have phrased their opinion) have to affect you especially when you don't know the person. If it's an important person in your life, then I understand that you would be angry and hurt...but this person's opinion needn't rattle you. I would suggest ignoring the post if you didn't like it.
@harsh1985 (593)
• India
24 Dec 06
why r u concentrate on such people....many people many minds
don't ask him ...and your child photo is pretty good..that means you perenting him/her very nicely..so go ahead!!

@shooie (4984)
• United States
25 Dec 06
I will agree with med on the her not being ready or that the time is right for her to have another child from the other post that she did that I answered in. I'm sure she is raising her child great.(smiles) but she was on an anti depree medication and well that takes quality time away from a child and everyone else involved. She will probably be able to handled another child and bring him/her up great I just feel this isn't the time to think about it. Oh btw congrats on the wedding and wish you luck. Learn from your past *winks* get the budget like i mentioned on the other post. Spend some time with your 7 month old baby and let your body heal.
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
24 Dec 06
umm you are judging how a child is raised by a photo? Oh boy lol

@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
25 Dec 06
be cool..its their opinion you cant argue with that.if you think your fit then why care for some opinions..just do what you think is best for you and prove to the world that you really are emotionally stable as well as in financial aspects..
@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
Don't listen to that person at all... you didn't threaten at all, you just expressed your disgust for someone telling you you're something that you are not.
If you are a good parent it doesn't matter what age you are. I know some young teens that have babies, and while I think that's way to early to have a child in today's age, some of them are better parents than people 10 years older than I!!! And I'm 28!
I became a parent at 23 and while I wasn't prepared for the full brunt of it, I adjusted quickly as I love kids. I consider myself a great parent and have been told by many a person that I am such. So many people have opinions that they push on others or judge others because they don't approve.
That's just not right. They should state their opinion but not make it personal.
Financial status matters not. A good parent can be a good parent without a lot of money, and everyone goes through tough times.
I wish you the best of luck in the new year and a very Merry Christmas (if you celebrate!)!!!
@starr4all (2863)
26 Dec 06
I agree with most of what you say. But, despite what most think, it does take some money to take care of children. If you don't have a job and don't have a support system, the children will suffer. I do agree that age shouldn't be a factor.
@whattobegood000 (1179)
• China
25 Dec 06
acc to my education i can say that people should not have kids too early or too late it will effect the kid also and the mother ,so giving birth in a correct time it good for both mother and kid
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
25 Dec 06
Mothers are inherently protective to their children except the ostrich which God did not give wisdom to.
Young mothers are presumed to be irresponsible but that's not always the case. Unless there are valid reasons to separate mother and child, they should not be separated. In the Philippines, children under seven years of age should be under the custody of the mother except for some certain reasons.
You did not mention your age but if you are already of the majority age and no legal grounds to separate you from your child, you should have your child, married or unmarried.
May God bless you. SEN
@sweetieBerry (235)
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
i'm sick of it was well...
i know the discussion has been lengthy already.
but i'd just like to say that being a young mother has its own ups and downs like everything else in this world.
in my observation though, one advantage of being a young mom that other people don't seem to realize - is that we have the point-of-view of being a daughter and being a mother. if you don't get it, let me explain a little further - i got pregnant at 17 - i still basically had to deal with everything as a "daughter".
i had to deal with my parents and the rest of my family's reaction when i told them the news about the pregnancy.
even now,my mom still has a lot of say regarding me and my daughter's welfare and she still pays for part of my school tuition (though, for everything else, it's me and my husband) and we still do a lot of mother-daughter stuff together when we find time - shopping, catch a movie, argue, fight, etc.
at the same time, i get to be a "mom" to my own daughter so i feel like i'm more sensitive to how she feels and i understand her reactions more than my own mother does. my daughter and i have a more "friends" kind of relationship. one that i've never had with my mom until i got a little older.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
24 Dec 06
People always feel like they have the right to judge. There's really no good explanation, other than it's what we naturally do. Now don't take offense at this, just see what I'm saying. Often times we set ourselves up--such as your question asking others if they think it's a good idea for you to have another child. Opening. Pounced. If you realize, that much of human nature is animalistic then things begin to make a lot more sense. Also, realize we act on scripted behaviour created when we were children. (Fantastic Book: read "Games People Play" by Erik Berne.)
My opinion? You should get married, and provide that example of a Loving couple to your child(ren). Afterall, in your own statement you leave it open to the possibility that your relationship won't last.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure, that you are more than quite capable of being a great parent, and I hope I'm right in my guess that you are. Just remember this--are children learn much more from example than anything we can ever tell them.
Love your children. Love your mate. Love yourself. And don't worry about the rest of the world. Just take care of your family. Keep the faith and stay strong. I'm a stranger and my views may mean nothing, but I for one, am impressed with you. Peace out, David A. Reedy... vox populi
@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
25 Dec 06
be cool dear....shalom(peace)to you!just let them be and just do what you think is right,as long as you are not hurting anybody on what you are doing all is at peace!even if they say this or that about you....they cant stop you anyway.....so be cool and shalom to you!