My bestfriend hates Christian n Jesus
By wealthseeker
@wealthseeker (55)
December 26, 2006 2:58am CST
I got a good of friend of mine hate this religious and Jesus to core.
He will shout n scold anyone who try to preaches him christianity. I ask him, if u dont like their religious just kindly reject them, and they will understand. He said he did, but those who preaches it wont stop and keep pestering him.
Now he is damn pissed with all people who try to knock on his door or people approaching him trying to preaches him.
So im wondering why christian people are so persist to spread their religious even if people rejects it. People do have their choice to chose what they want to believe. This will only make the religious look bad.
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59 responses
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
There are some who are very much persistent in preaching Christianity, because they want others to understand the Christian's way of life, and it is unfair to push someone into converting even if they already said no. It's the same here, there are some Mormons, Iglesia, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Muslims who go around in Universities trying to preach Islam and pursuing students to convert into their religion. I understand that your bestfriend hates the preachers but it is wrong to hate the whole Christianity religion and Jesus.
@wealthseeker (55)
• Singapore
26 Dec 06
I know we should not condamn the whole religion, but there is an saying, one rotten fruit will spoil the whole basket of fruits.
@pemaldak (79)
• United States
26 Dec 06
There is nothing wrong with listening. In fact, one should welcome people from all walks of life only to learn what they have to say. Only then can you compare different beliefs and see which one makes sense. Ultimately it is you who will decide your fate. Never take what they say at face value. Listen to people but do your own research. Like Reagan said, "Trust but verify".
@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
26 Dec 06
Well your friend got no right to dislike jesus or christanity. If a bunch of people are doing something wrong doesnt mean the whole community is to be blames.
We all love jesus christ and i respect all religion. If this world starts respecting every religion the war on race will be eradicated.
I hope this happens and happens soon.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
27 Dec 06
With NO disrespect to any religin most think they are the 1 tru religin. You mentoned Christians. They firmly believe that there religin is THE religin the 1 tru religin that will save them in the end. Please understand I grew up a Christian, within the last 2 years I have converted to Wiccan. I know that dosnt make sence but there are things in the bible that domt make sence to me and that dont add up to history. Personally I prefer to believe science and history over the bible.
I personally have found satisifaction with the Wiccan religin that I did not find in the Christian religin. My coven sisters and brothers have been the most loving people I have ever met, and to be honest we have NEVER met in person. I am a member of an internet coven and I finally feel at home.
I believe that Christians and other religins of the like kind, believe in there religin so much that all they want to do is share the feeling that they feel with others and that is why they try to get others to join so that those people can feel the joy and love they feel, that they dont realise that they are bing overly pushy.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
26 Dec 06
ha! that is so true.probably people in countries where christianity is a major religion would not have this problem.but in countries where it is in minority,like in inidia,they go around and taqlk to strangers and tell them to come over for a friendship meeting.they tell you that it is not about religion and only friendship and all that.if you tell them that you are not intrested and all that,well they become very persistent.and when u go to such meetings you find out that it is all about religion.
such behavior sucks and is ggiving all of christianity a very bad name in india.
the above experience actually happened to me and i was piping mad by the end of that the meeting itself the preacher said that all religions are false except for one true one and that is the religion of christ.for a faith that preaches tolerence and nderstanding of other faiths,this behaviour is unacceptable.they were literaly shoving thier faith into the throats of all those who had attended the meeting.
i agree with u totally and if any more people approach me for any such meetings i have every intention of reporting them to the law for harassment!thats for sure!
@thewatchlist (653)
• United States
26 Dec 06
You are so right. Here in the US it is the reverse. You get approached by people who are of minority religions and they don't understand what "no thanks" means.
We do have some christian based churches (other than JW or Mormons) who go door to door. There is a big movement apparently with the whole "Purpose Driven Life/Purpose Driven Church" thing... I've had someone ask me repeatedly to go to their church telling me that who ever got the most people to show up during a certain month would get $400. Nice to see that God is giving out referral bonuses now. : )
"Spreading the word" in my opinion is an attempt to make a profit for the church. If god wants to reach you, he will. I'm pretty sure he won't do it by sending strange people in a van to your neighborhood or putting some weirdos in the airport or on the street corner... : )
My uncle is a baptist minister who is acting as a missionary in europe. He and my aunt used to have the pledges sent to my mother so she could mail them all together overseas so the people who made pledges didn't have to deal with mailing everything overseas themselves. My mother said they were getting around 75,000 USD/yr this way. It was enough to afford them a very nice vehicle and rent a nice place to stay. They also did not have to have any other job at all. It makes me wonder if I got into the wrong line of work... :^)
@caj1202 (162)
• United States
26 Dec 06
hmmm.... i believe it's no longer a question of religion which people needs but a personal relationship with a true and living God. Whatever religion we are into, if we don't know how to love others as we love ourselves then we are good for nothing. A life with purpose, a life that is full of love is what the aging and decaying world needs now. It is now how good we preach the Word of God but HOW WE LIVE IT. Just one question for all who will read this - what would like people to remember of you when you are gone? good or bad memories? God bless you all...

@artygirl2006 (641)
26 Dec 06
everyone has their own belief. i dont believe christians preach that much.
@wealthseeker (55)
• Singapore
26 Dec 06
I do not agree with you. Why those preachers had to be so agreesive in preaching? It only end up spoil the whole community!

@jimotman (633)
• Indonesia
26 Dec 06
yes I agree with you, but I think those people are not the same "normal" christian, the "normal" christian don't go knocking at people's door and then preaches.. everyone will be pissed by them, so I think the best way is not to let them in to the house, and before they preach, tell them to leave.
@wealthseeker (55)
• Singapore
26 Dec 06
What my friend did was, when he open the door, one the person wanna say something about christ or god, he will slam the door n start to scold. Cant blame him also, becos they knock on the door early in th morning when my friend said he was not interested, they still dun go...
@cuddiluk (1523)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
He doesn't believe because presents of his family is not giving him/her a value. He feels that no one love him/her. He feels empty,meaningless and useless. So if I were your friend show your love to him/her. Ok. Just like Jesus is in you who loves you the way He does to others.
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
27 Dec 06
hate jesus! i think your freind made need help.maybe the word religion makes him feel guilty.but he should not be rude to ppl.maybe you an your fd need to talk more about cant hate jesus!
@johnalan (64)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 06
I myself also very hate Christianity.
I don't like the way they spread their religious, why should you spread your religious and keep annoying people even if they reject them.
And always says how good is their mighty GOD JESUS.
Everyone have their right to believe in any religious, and don' t need to spread the religion. Always put their GOD so high and self praise on themselves and the GOD.
If you are broke now, can Jesus send you a pack of gold an save you?
just believe the god in your heart and there is unnecessary to spread it out.
@wealthseeker (55)
• Singapore
26 Dec 06
I do agreed with you. Sometime they will say we all will go to hell if we dont believe... I hate that!
@anuragmishra (127)
• India
26 Dec 06
why do u have to care about hat he hates and what he loves.. its not what ur friendship is based on... all people are not same minded.. every body has different thoughts and u should not break ur friendship for he hates christians or jesus
@wealthseeker (55)
• Singapore
26 Dec 06
I dun care what he love... Im just discussing the way my friend behave and how people preach the religious.
@ethaniverson (72)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
Not all Christians are like that. That depends on ones conviction. some Christians are really persistent on preaching Gods Word to other people as a form of thanking back God. Some believes that it is their calling to become a preacher. some thinks it is their duty to do that. different styles different approach. but anyway, if your friend scolds anybody who preaches to him, that is his prerogative. but I as a Christian will just pray for him that God touches his heart so he may be able to understand the message God wants him to receive and i will pray for the people who will preach to him as well so that they may have the knowledge to find the right words and the proper approach to your friend that would not piss him off.
@wealthseeker (55)
• Singapore
26 Dec 06
I wonder how will he react if you are the one talking to him. :)
@bimmer999 (1158)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
well its his choice and right to hate Christian and Jesus. everyone has their own belief.
but he should respect other people's belief also and refrain from offending them.
just avoid announcing to these religious people in their face and he'll be fine.
to each his own.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
26 Dec 06
i belong to no religion but i wouldn't do what your friend does :) im protestant.
@chifeo4y (271)
• Nigeria
27 Dec 06
Your friend truly needs deliverance.How can he hate his creator?I command that spirit of anti-Christ in him to loose its hold on him right now in Jesus Name Amen.Are you a xtian?If you are, you `ll see the danger your friend is in by rejecting Jesus Christ as his Lord and Personal Saviour.
@Lunnazol (296)
• United States
27 Dec 06
He does need to be a bit kinder and respectful of other people's religions. On the other hand, i do understand that some people can be very annoying. i will not mention any religions but they have knocked on my door on a Saturday at 7 a.m. and I think that's a bit respectful. Sometimes they can be very fanatic and unfortunately that can turn a lot of people off.
@killerman7777 (114)
• India
27 Dec 06
I thinbk take ur friend to a Pyshologist.. if u think he is doing to much... other wise leave it to himm and never talk about religious belifs infront of him... u wont have any problems..
@captainambosky (117)
• United States
27 Dec 06
you are suppose to plant the seed in the heart,not try and force them.A lot of people don't realize how you are suppose to beat some one with the idea,you are suppose to make an example by how you live.I think if more people did that than you would have more people more willing to listen.But that is a hard thing to do and at least occasionally(or everyday)you will fail.But it is how you react after the fall.Christianity is a good religion,people sometimes just take it to far.