i hate people labeling others...as if they are that perfect...
By 007Bond1974
@007Bond1974 (881)
December 26, 2006 1:13pm CST
i almost figured into a fight with a group of guys for calling one of my girlfriends japayuki...and as if staring at her naked...we were fortunate that a police outpost is near..hence we called the attention of the police then they shut up...we jusy left afterwards to prevent any altercation...true that my freind worked in japan and an entertainer at that..but she deserves a little respect and dignity...those labeling indeed makes our filipina workers in japan seem like doing bad things there!
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20 responses
@ladytiger (64)
• United States
21 Jan 07
i dont see the point in labeling other ppl. ive had ppl labeling me, im like no im just me. sounds like to me they wanted some attention and they must be bored out of their minds. i guess it was a turn on for them to label someone, it probably helped boosted their ego.
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
i do agree on your opinion ladytiger(compensating their shortcomings and handicaps)...thanks for that reply..peace!(shalom)
@lilmeowsy (685)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
Yeah, that's bad. Honestly, there are a lot of people who are like that especially in the Philippines. I am a Filipino and I know that most people here like making gossips and talking about other people as if they are perfect and that they've never commit any mistake or wrong doing. It's bad to judge other people just because of what you see. You should get to know the person first before saying anything about them. Of course, you wouldn't want other people to do the same thing to you right? Respect begets respect. So if you want to be respected and not to be judged, don't do it to others too. It is a lesson that all of us have to learn and remember each passing day. I have had the same experience when I was a lot younger. I was judged by my new classmates when I tranferred into this new school. They were really mean to me. They bullied me but it's okay because at least, they cannot do that to me anymore. I am already far away from them and I have done greater things than them. They cannot judge me anymore! DO NOT DO UNTO OTHERS WHAT YOU WANT OTHERS NOT TO DO TO YOU!!! ^^
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
i really hope your ok now friend...im a filipino too.and i do know that in our setting gossiping is one of the menu of the day for people who cant do anything good...your right bout that rule it was introduced by confucius otherwise known as the golden rule.peace
@risk_taker20 (2096)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
sometimes people get to be so judgemental and just have to ignore them before any fight will occur.they are not worth your time and energy, as long as you're safe and it's not true. take care!
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
yeah your point is the same s mine...in not stooping to the same level these people have...ignore and let them be unless they are in a position of injuring you and they already have crosed the line...peace!
@blacknight000 (1397)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
All of us deserves respect!..And all of us dont have the right to judge someone because of her actions!...It's her life, instead of judging her, why dont we just support her!...I know that she has a valid reason why she need to go to japan to work!...Before judging, you must know the person's inside and outside part!...Anyways, she's not asking for your help or anything from them!...That boys lacks attention that's why they keep on monetoring the other people in there surroundings!..
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
a salute too your opinion and a thanks for your reply...lets just pray those people would realize that what they are doin is wrong....and have they attention they deserve to let them stop....kng matigas pa ang ulo...ewan ko na lang!....SHALOM(peace) TO YOU MY FRIEND!
@sunshinecup (7871)
27 Dec 06
Well it's sad to say, labeling is all part of being human. Now I'm not saying it's right, I'm just pointing out on the whole, we have yet to evolve pass that stage.
Labeling, for those that do it, is the way their brain compensates for their own short comings. Instead of improving the areas in their life which needs it, it's best to say I can't and lash out at others that have. When we label, it demeans the other person, making us feel superior in some sense. I am sure the cavemen used this method, "Them bad...Me Good". We have just taken it a step further and turned it into a "She's this....yet I'm that" which still translates into the good and bad thing.
Hope I made sense, too much coffee and I just ramble.
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
you make sense mam,thank you soo much for the opinion....we are of the same brain wave concerning this discussion...peace my friend!
@jen20619 (1300)
• Ireland
27 Dec 06
She is just doing her job like any other job.I also hate this kind of labeling no one is perfect.She should be allowed to choice what ever she wants to work out without been judged.I wish her luck in what ever she does in the futher.
@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
thank you for the reply beautiful one...my regards to your friends....your opinion is well take.....SHALOM(peace) TO YOU MY FRIEND!
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
26 Dec 06
i hate people labeling others as well. but when they label me as thrifty and kill joy, i don't care. it does not matter to me. i think those people who loves to label others are attention seekers. they are the insecure ones. they feel like they are better than us but in reality, they are bitter persons.
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
your opinion is well taken and on target...thank you for the reply....do these people if the same wy labelled as bad by another will they fell the same as those they labelled?i hope they do for them to reflect on their attitude..thanks freind for the reply....SHALOM TO YOU!
@wavelander (1526)
• Portugal
27 Dec 06
People look at others and think they know everything! A guy with a suit and a tie is a good guy, but if you have a black t-shirt and some old jeans and long hair you're a junkie! This is stupid! That's how society works!
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
yead dude...some people nowadays tends to be materialistic...judging the book by its cover without first openeing its contents....maybe someday if those people are placed on the same shoe of those they insulted thell realize that what they are din is wrong....that is if they have feelings....thanks for the reply...SHALOM(peace) TO YOU FRIEND!
@ndraj_2006 (1422)
• India
26 Dec 06
Every man in this world should think that no one is perfect including him. Everyone inthis world will have some weakness or any kind negativeness. few things come to know to people but, few are unknown.
so, we should not label others, they should think about there weakmess which they dont want to show to others.
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
your opinion is well taken..i agree to that...shalom(peace)my friend!
@Lil_miz_ice_x (614)
27 Dec 06
Some people just tend to think that they are better than others, or even if they don't, they simply think that by people choosing a certain proffession, or looking like someone who has a certain profession, it gives them the right to judge and make comments freely, and whoever they are talking to had better not complain...
I also used to know someone who had a 'good upbringing', as he put it, which meant basically that he was rich, big house, nice car etc...and he would comment on literally everyone that we passed in the street, or on the road, and I have to admit, he got punched a few times, so I think it's just a case of standing up against them, like they tell you to stick up for yourself against bullies at school!
@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
if im with you right now mam ill give you a high five...your right on target girl....thanks for the comment..SHALOM(peace)TO YOU!
@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
thanks for the complement...i do agree to your opinion girl...thanks for the reply...my best regards to your friends...SHALOM(PEACE) TO YOU!
@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
thanks for your reply...your point is well taken...my regards to your friends...SHALOM(peace) YO YOU MY FRIEND!
@daqn4etoo (136)
• Bulgaria
27 Dec 06
you say : i hate people labeling others.....as if they are perfect....hay i`m agree with you.i had never labeling others or other are labeling me but i`m eyewitness on that how other people labeling .its so horribly and disorder!
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
thank you for the reply girl..your opinion is well noted....SHALOM(peace) TO YOU MY FRIEND
@schulhelm2007 (21)
• Philippines
21 Jan 07
I really dont know what a japayuki means,but my opinion is in cases like that,just dont bother those kind of peole who cant do anything good,they are just a waste of time.
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@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
27 Dec 06
my ex-boyfriend was like that too. always making fun of asian people (mostly girls), but it was very hard for me, since most of my friends were asian :(
and finally, i understood he is only saying those things to get my attention because in fact, he would like to sleep with every single one of them ;)
proof: he was cheating on me with my neighbor, who was taiwanese. and then while continuing to say bad things about taiwanese, he always said how hot she was. then he cheated on her with a japanese girl who he said was ugly. how could you say that your own girlfriend is UGLY?! that's horrible!!!! i never saw this second girl, but the way he described her, she was just a simple-looking general girl. not pretty but not ugly. i think in his mind, because she was asian that means she must be ugly :(
i was on her side even though he was my boyfriend lol.
sometimes we would go out with some of my friends (by the way, he had none of his own, i wonder why1?), and he would confuse them, even though they look totally different and are from different races.
for instance friend A is from china and is short and wears glasses, and friend B is from japan, wears no glasses and is tall. why confuse them so easily?
really he didn't know the difference. his ignorance is what made me not want to be with him anymore, long before he started cheating on me.
i live in a part of town with many mixed races, but especially arabic and asian. how can someone like my ex live in such a society and still be as ignorant and rude as that? i can't imagine :(

@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
28 Dec 06
haha yes i have a new boyfriend, sorry :)
actually he ran into my ex a few weeks ago, and said he has a new asian girlfriend, but it looked like he didn't even care about her. he was ignoring her, and she was kind of, how would i say, jumping all over him in public....i feel sorry for the poor girl :(
even a lowly worker deserves
respect or their shall be dignity
be diminished!
yeah, it isn't fair for example, if someone is a janitor, why shouldn't you be respectful to them? people think they are stupid or poor, but in fact, in my country, people who do this kind of job make much more money than office workers ;)
and same goes for people of another race here. some of the native-land people are now working for asian or arabic bosses. they came to our country as a foreigner, and become so successful that they hire US. we cannot get jobs because they are beating us to it lol. this is bad for us, but good for them haha.
peace out!
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@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
thanks for the reply girl...your opinion deserves a salute..and your decision on dumping your x boyfriend deserves a high five and a celebration...hehe no offense to him...respect does not depend on who you are whats you do whats your race religion work or status in life.it is the humanity of every person which is deserving of respect from another human deing...even a lowly worker deserves respect or their shall be dignity be diminished!SHALOM(peace) TO YOU MY FRIEND!if you dont mind me asking...do you have a new boyfriend...heheh just joking.

@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
We don't even have the right to do so. It is important to remember the golden rule. Calling names won't even make one superior. It won't do one any good. In fact, it only causes trouble. We must not take pleasure in saying ill things about others. Because the truth is we all have our own share of flaws and we don't want people emphasizing those flaws by calling us names or giving us monikers.
"Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter. And ruining Regina George's life definitely didn't make me any happier."
@gnosticfanatic (214)
• India
27 Dec 06
hey whats a japayuki...i m sure its not an english word....is it some japanese word or what ?? btw...i think u did the right thing....its always better to let the cops handle such stuff...rather than doing it yourself
@007Bond1974 (881)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
well the word only means one working as an entertainer in japan(a lady entertainer)but due to some dirty mind i started to be assiociated to wemen selling their own flesh for money while working in japan...its a filipino jargo for such a definition....but my point is not all filipina in japan are like that or even if they do those wemwn still deserve humane respect...not degarding labelling from another narrow thinking human whatever...tahnks for your query and opinion my friendi hope i gave you some good info...SHALOM(peace) TO YOU!
@purposedriven (842)
• United States
28 Dec 06
People who label others our insecure and not satisfied with themselves. No one is perfect, something that many people in this world fail to realize. Sometimes the best thing to do when these situation arise is to look within yourself and be thankful that you are not like them.