What are the qualities of a person that could make you fall in love?

December 26, 2006 9:27pm CST
What do you think should your lover possess to be able to make you fall in love with him or her?
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35 responses
• United States
27 Dec 06
The qualities I looked for was, honesty, trust, and that he loved me for me no matter what. I have been married for almost 18 years now and it was love at first site. I didn't have to make him fall in love with me. We have never lied to each other, we tell each other everything, and we never fight. I trust full heartly.
• Philippines
29 Dec 06
Congratulations for having such nice marriage.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Jan 07
In all honesty it takes a lot for me to fall in love with someone..in fact I've only ever been truly in love once in my life and that person had all the qualities it took.. Compassion and understanding Openmindedness great sense of humour acceptance of the fact that i am a strong woman and do not like being treated like I'm some frail weak little helpless kitten someone who isnt afraid of his feelings and doesnt put on a front acknowledgement and understanding of where I come from and how it has affected my life patience accepting me and my kids flaws and all and never trying to change us cause we are fine just the way we are..
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@Lillith (774)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I am already with the man I love, but the things that drew me to him was his sense of humour and his romanticism, along with his intelligence. Once I met him in person, it was his eyes that I really loved. He also has the most kissable mouth hehe He is a very sensitive and generous lover and he does very considerate things for me. I am sure this is my short list of qualities, but those are the ones that stand out.
@JoeyCa (1810)
• Belgium
27 Dec 06
My lover has to be romantic!! One aspect of romantic love is the randomness of the encounters which lead to love. It may be for this reason that some in Western society have historically emphasized romantic love far more than other cultures in which arranged marriages are the tradition. Yet while romantic love may remain no more than a dream for many, as a dream it is unquestionably a powerful influence on real-world behavior and judgements. xx
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• Philippines
27 Dec 06
He should be a true person, whose not pretending to be somebody that he is not. one thing thing more, very sweet, responsible, gentleman and god fearin person.
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@SHINTO (142)
• India
29 Dec 06
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
10 Jan 07
When I found my bf, what I most admired and loved about him was his honesty, his patience, the fact that I felt that I could tell him anything without him judging me. I love the fact that he's so positive, and logical, and reliable, and loving, and gentle when I want him to be. He's everything to me.
• United States
27 Dec 06
I think that they should be thoughtful and kind. Very considerate and compassionate. Not only to you, but to everyone around.
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@playgirl (1359)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
i didnt know... i dont have any standards of references of a boy to be able for me to inlove with him...
• Bangladesh
27 Dec 06
there have nothing qualities. you can fall love anyone for his/her bad habits.
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• United States
27 Dec 06
Smart, Humble, and Sense of Humor rank awfully high on my list...SS
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@santaram (1422)
• India
10 Jan 07
she should be good understanding person and she has to love my parents
• United States
27 Dec 06
Goals, a sense of humor, communications, can't be afraid of commentment. I like a guy that's well rounded
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@darckj (885)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
that someone must be caring, and sensible.. yah.. no matter what that person is, and who that person is... i easily fall for those who are caring.. and simple.. those who remain in a low profile..
• India
10 Jan 07
i think she should understand me and accept me as i am..... rather than change myself for her
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Well, I go for a person that makes me feel good and is kind hearted.
@soulist (2985)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I look for honesty, trust, loyalty, and good personality. Our faiths have to be similar. I couldn't be with someone who did not believe in God as I do. Mainly it how the person acts when he is with me alone and around others. If he's different then I don't know which one is the real person.
• India
1 Jan 07
it is good if she or he has a good character rather than their beauty
• United States
1 Jan 07
I draw a portrait of my love in my heart, I want someone who make me fall in love in one sight, I can't express my loving princess in words.
• United States
4 Jan 07
He has to be able to melt me each and every time he speaks. My boyfriend does that to me...he is understanding, trustworthy, loving, and has an incredible sense of humor. He is definitely everything I have ever wanted and possesses all the right qualities of a real man.