Need For Speed: Carbon
By qwertypunk
@qwertypunk (119)
December 27, 2006 2:58am CST
The Factory Previously known to the world as Electronic Arts, has struck again. The Need for Speed franchise never seems to get tired, seeing a benchmark so high that few arcade racers come close, much less threaten the games obvious superiority. With Need for Speed: Carbon (NFSC), EA brings to us a stew of the best of its predecessors, and then some.
The Story
The game starts off where NFS: Most Wanted Ended- your unceremonious return to your old city of Palmont. A flashback also ensues, informing you that you high- tailed it to Rockport in the first place because you ticked a bunch of people off plenty. You must redeem yourself in the eyes of your former peers, not to mention one highly cheesed-off ex-girlfriend(played by the hot but not Josie Marian Emanuelle Vaugier ) . You need to take over the territories of the other gangs in the city, bringing back the old sense of order that you left behind. If you can’t figure out how, perhaps you should read a different review.
The story ( and I use the term very loosely) progresses in the mixture of full motion video and CG that Most Wanted brought to us. Unfortunately, while the acting was hilariously tacky, the acting in this one rivals the movie industry’s prize turkeys.
Which Door?
When you start off, you get to choose from three car classes- The Muscles, Exotics, and the Tuners- each with its own advantages and quirks. The Muscles are insanely powerful and slide like oil on a banana skin, the Exotics are natural superstars, and the Tuners on embarrassing number of customizations. The Muscles are undoubtedly the most entertaining, you can handle any thing. Overall, though the cars handle pretty much the same way as Most Wanted- rock solid, but with sufficient variations to keep you entertained.
Mi Amigo!!
The first addition to NFSC is the crew – your wingmen, who will help you out in your races. You can choose only one per race- either a blocker, drafter, or scout. Blocker will(duh) block your opponents from threatening you , drafters will let you ride in their slipstream for a boost and scouts ride in front of you, making off the fastest way through the track. The addition is neat , but your wingman’s constant chatter can get on your nerves, and strangely, he always manages to come ride next to you the second you take the lead.
Pretty Pretty?
NFSC’s Palmot is a grey city, whose well lit night time environments really show off the lighting effects the game is capable of. For the looks, NFSC is unnecessarily resource-hungry. Cars look slightly better than Most Wanted, the road looks far worse; there was no justification for the fact that the only card that can run it at 1600 x 1200 and everything turned on without framing, is the 8800GT.
Another new feature is the over hyped Autosculpt, which takes the number of ways you can customize your car to obscene highs. Quite nice if you’re into the sort of thing, but ultimately, it’s just eyewash.
Brass Tacks
To win territories in the game, you have to race against the bosses in a three tiered event. The first is a basic Most Wanted style race on a city track followed by the Canyon Duel- the most refreshing part of the game. This is a two stage affair where you first follow your opponent along a winding canyon track, gaining points as you inch closer. In the next round, the positions are reversed and you lose more points if your opponents close. If your points come down to zero you lose. And yes, this is the first NFS since NFS2 where you can fall off a cliff(or canyon tracks in the case) and lose the game.
Drift races make a comeback again- another lemon of a decision. While handling does change dramatically, these cars are not built for drifting well-realistic games like Project Gotham racing or the insanely arcade-ish Ridge Racer are much suited for such activities.
The rest of the game is pretty straightforward, and if you’ve played Most Wanted recently, irritatingly repetitive- including the cop chases. There are some little things that are quite neat- traffic now responds to oncoming racers with nervousness, and it may even be possible that cabbies are the worst of the lot. Even in the Canyon Duels, your opponents start making mistakes if you stick to his/her bumpers for too long.
Bottom line
If you’re just off Most Wanted high, wait for a few months before you go near this one – Most Wanted is a far superior game, and won’t tax your graphics card as much. If you’ve never played a NFS title, Carbon will prove it’s quite enjoyable.
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25 responses
@iknowitall (455)
• United States
28 Dec 06
lmao...EA is a corrupt company youll be lucky if you dont get shafted by them on another NFS....what you can expect is for them to continue popping out more crapworthy games while not giving a crap about you or your wallet, or your gaming experience.... Be smart Boycott EA...I would but I cant because i like Madden to much...and they kinda got the PC football on lock so.... they used that to release a half azz game....
Im just really P.O.d at EA right now ya couldnt tell...
I did play the demo, I didnt think it was all that great...
@bimmer999 (1158)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
i have this game and still have not found time to play it
i cant wait to play it though...i finished Most Wanted a few months ago
it was a lot of fun
looking forward to play this one!
@adarshgirish (247)
• India
28 Dec 06
ive always loved NFS series games. they just keep getting bigger and better. One of the neat features of NFS Carbon is the crew system. It gives you the freedom to select who ur crew member is. the member can be a blocker,scout,drafter who can help u out to win da race. The array of cars available is also extremely cool. NFS is the best racing title out there!
@harsh1985 (593)
• India
28 Dec 06
well i have not play nfs so much time but htis is a ver y exiting game...i feel much exitement while playing the game.
this is the real exitement of car racing.. i just think that i am driving the car in real cart racing!!
no another game touch NFS in graphics ,music etc...i.e in all respect
you have collected lot of info on NFS...keep it up!!
@amafrias (455)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I am a 38 year old stay at home Mom who has never played any sort of PC games, except Yahoo's Texttwist and the like. I downloaded Carbon, and am completely hooked. I am still trying to beat the first boss race where you have to follow him, then him you. I just haven't gotten it I will though. I have done really well on a PC keyboard, and new to the gaming world period. I love it!!
@slappynuttz (19)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I have this game for the XBOX 360 which in my opinion is the best version of the game. The customization in this game is not as addicting as say Need for Sped Underground or Need for Speed Underground 2 but is still pretty good. There are plenty of races to keep you busy and different race types (Drift, Speed Trap, Circuit, etc.) to keep you entertained. I also thought the idea of adding boss races was good because it involved you further in the game and the story line. Overall this is a great racing game that does not involve too much simulation. Great holiday fun!
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
27 Dec 06
I know i know i played the demo its really great
I did play underground and most wanted and guess in carbon we can get a Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION IX, Lamborghini Gallardo or the Camaro Concept
its really great!
@shyam4uall (1002)
• India
27 Dec 06
I think it is one of the best part of the NFS after Need Foe Speed Most Wanted..I think it doesn't stand in the vicinity when compared with Most Wanted on its storyline and gameplay.I think the graphics in Most wanted was far better than carbon and was far difficult in the game play.Carbon is lot more easier than Most Wanted.It is true that Carbon has agsin introduced the night racing after Underground which is catchy to our eyes and some great canyons and drift racing which was lacking in Most Wanted.
@brunors_mg (85)
• Brazil
27 Dec 06
Need for Speed is a good game, but it would be better if it had option to become the jogability most simulator, is very arcade. Keyboard use for drive is no felt.
@iknowitall (455)
• United States
27 Dec 06
You mean EA is milking another Franchise
what did they leave out of the PC version oh wait!
let me guess "Steering Wheels" EA SUX
Too Bad i'll have to spend money on Tiger and Madden next year...bah...
The Fact is EA has made the PC gaming world worse bye releasing half-a$$ Versions of thier console counterparts,
And buying up smaller co. who have more Imagination and less
quotas and profit margins
If you dont think so, Remember Westwood and the C&C titles they made into great games then EA to come along and threw something together (C&C Generals) that was crap and has ruined the franchise once agian EA SUX