We finally got some snow

snow house - cartoon house in the snow
@lulu897 (176)
December 27, 2006 8:04am CST
Dec 26 and it finally snowed. It would have been nice to have snow on Christmas day. We have been dealing with mud and rain since September. Living in Canada this weather is really different. I remember when I was a kid and the snow was piled higher than the truck in the driveway. And the temperature was way below -10. Now we have rain and the temperature is above 0. I am not really complaining because I don't like driving in the snow, or shovelling it but it is kinda scarey that we are ruining our planet. What do you do to help our enviroment? Do you even think about what it will be like in 20...30 years?
1 response
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Dec 06
Thats great We still haven't got any snow but I guess we will get it in January again like we normally do I wonder if I will ever see a white Christmas again
@lulu897 (176)
• Canada
27 Dec 06
The way the weather has been changeing. We'll be lucky to get another white christmas. Here in Canada the weather in January February is usually very cold and snowy.... we'll see