wat is money?
@ideas4worldwelfare (223)
December 27, 2006 9:31am CST
is it something due to which billions of people in poor countries are dieing to starvation.is it something due to whiach many millionaires are wasting on their luxury. is it something which has made a group of people to buy weapons and become terrorists.is it something that has got to do nothing with ecological balance or existence of earth itself.is it something without which all the species of life including humans will cease on earth.wat is it? can u answer,it is not a literary discussion,but still is there an answer to it.
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45 responses
@raybillion (11)
• United States
27 Dec 06
money is security and well being---many people look at money as dollars and cents or whatever your country use. money is whatever we as people put value to. diamonds, gold, silver, etc. we could a value to anything and make it money. if you have something everyone else wants--you have money.
@1986ankush (1241)
• India
27 Dec 06
I AGREE YOU IN THIS AS it is hard and fast at all levels of life also every needs more more more money , and also this need never ends anywhere
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@unlimited7 (92)
• United States
27 Dec 06
What is money? I'm really beginning to understand what this is to me. I grew up not having much! I won't say poor because their are so many people in the world that had it so much worst.
I remember saying that I didn't care if I was poor as long as I had Jesus as a young girl. I didn't realize that "money answereth everything." This is a bible verse that I've read.
I know money doesn't make you happy but you sure do need money to make it in this earth.
So what is money? Money to me is a resource! Money is Food! Money is My book being publishing! My songs being produced! Money is a way to a better life!
Now money in the wrong hand for the wrong purpose can also cause a lot of heartaches! I pray that we will learn to be more responsible with the money that we do have and "be a blessing until all the families of the earth are blessed."
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@prasanta (1948)
• India
27 Dec 06
Hi friend,
The experts long back declared that money is the root of all evils. If you have it in excess, you will be the cause of others' loss (either directly or indirectly).If you have less of it, you will be put into misery by the people who have it in excess (either directly or indirectly).
Thus I say, Money is something that makes people restless.
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@ideas4worldwelfare (223)
• India
27 Dec 06
hello prasantha,u have the same opinion as i thought.perhaps u have added more value to it giving a very perfect summarization.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
27 Dec 06
i don't blame the rich people. i have no right to tell them what to do with their money. some of them actually are helping through their donations. they have the right to do everything with their money for as long as they won't hurt anyone else in the process because it's their hard earned money. it's sad to know that most are starving these days. i still hope that people learn how to control their population. as i notice, those who are poor and can't even afford to raise a child are the ones contributing to population explosion. they jsut blame the government not thinking that they have their own faults, too.
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@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I don't know vaht money is. I was watching woodstock the other day on VH1 and they were all free spirited back in the 60s they didn't even think of money.
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
27 Dec 06
The reason for the starvation in poor countries is the improper distribution and corruption of the rulers. They can become terrorist and afford to spend billions on weapons, but cannot utilize it for the benefit of the people.
If billionairs are wasting money, that means it goes to someone elses hand. Even if they burn their money the value of the money in the rest of the people will increase. Luxury is a state of mind. A billionaire might own 500 acres of forest land. The only thing he has is the feeling it is his. The land cleans the environment for all of us. Seperate that into plots and distribute it to 5000 poor people, and whiting 2 years we willhave 20000 mlanourised little children in them waiting for state aid.
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@ideas4worldwelfare (223)
• India
27 Dec 06
your response answered the question really bautifully,thanx
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@198112 (335)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I know i can't control what people do with their money but i just wished they would give more to the needy and leave off the other contributions that really requires no donation, in my opinion. For example like some organizations give money to support the gay rights. If you arte gay no offense but i just dont think they need any donations when there are a lot of starving people and people without health insurance that are in much greater need.
@ideas4worldwelfare (223)
• India
29 Dec 06
i truly appreciate ur way of thinking
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@Aami9420 (4)
• Pakistan
27 Dec 06
I have neva earned a single cent, since i m still a student and in ma country there is not much to do in the shape of part time work. I have always seen money as a commodity, a resource to be used when u need it. dont believe in wastin money, not even for entertainment, n for that reason i think that all those ppl who waste millions on their recreation n fun shud stop it. because money is powerful, it can change a nation's destiny. n i think the best thing u can do with it is give in charity, for there is no experience better for the heart than reaching down n lifting ppl up (I dont remember who said that so I wont quote).
@ideas4worldwelfare (223)
• India
29 Dec 06
u might have not earned money but still ur thought on money is great.
@blacknight000 (1397)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
money is all we need!...It will help us to provide things for our daily needs and life!...Many people are starving for money because they misuse it and they dont make a budget out of it!..Money is all we need to have a better future for our family and for the next generation!...
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@1986ankush (1241)
• India
27 Dec 06
according to me "money is life" as it needs to every one as it is very important also all persons working on this site is only for money , and also there is no end to say on money but now also i say money is life
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@shivaanand (31)
• India
28 Dec 06
money is nessary thing to buying any thing of the world, but money is not whole thing
money as a thing which fulfil our desire...............is called money
@ideas4worldwelfare (223)
• India
29 Dec 06
u have made the mostpowerful statement on the issue using only a single world,u rock.....
@pufitza_mison (627)
• Romania
27 Dec 06
money...without money you can face the world, you canot fight with the nature if you don't by clothes, you canot face the ealness becouse you don't have money to by medicines, you can't face life becouse you don't have money to eat...when are many there not good becouse people change and forget the way that they start.When have to little is not good becouse they are not enough to survive.So better is to have exactly to have a propriate life.If you have to much to help others and you have little to be helped by others.
@ideas4worldwelfare (223)
• India
29 Dec 06
no other species of life that exists on earth has got to do anything with money ,still they survive,without clothes,so clothes may be luxurious but not a necessity ,we have made it a necessity. so many animals survive in africa and amazon,without medicines and perhaps the most important fact about medicines is that they cant save u from dieing,no matter how much money u have u still die,the question has got much deeper intricacies than u have attempted to touch,by the way thanx for ur post.
@sureshtvin (120)
• India
28 Dec 06
actually in olden days,humans are doing different works nad survives accordingly,but time came wherea man should depend up on other to enjy his needs and desires,so thay started to help each other ,help in the sense exchange of work ,if one person does a work for someone ,he will get something else from the otherone.as time passed people became so cunning and did cheating ,so to avoid any malfunctioning,our society invented a thing called as money,a thing which we can get according to the value of our work,so this is a normalisation tool invented by man
@bkpdp1 (920)
• India
28 Dec 06
I think time is money in this world. Who can utilize is times properly he can get more money. Because if we have to earn 500$ in a day then we have only 24hrs with us. If we have to earn 5000$ per day still we have 24Hrs per day. So who can utilize time the most, he will get the best.
@GlussBrazil (290)
• Brazil
28 Dec 06
Yes, I don't know exactly what is money. Money is nothing, peace and love is everything :)
@superjinx (1)
• Lithuania
28 Dec 06
Well now everywhere corruption is growin up.Everyone need money to survive.:/