No snow yet :(

United States
December 27, 2006 11:01am CST
Usually my state is pretty much burried in snow by now. I live in Connecticut! We should normally have a good few inches of snow at least. so far this season we have none! Zero zip nada!!! Granted ok I like not having snow because everyone drives like they don't know how to in the snow, But the snow makes the landscape pretty and I want to go snow boarding on some real deal snow! How is it in your state? and how different is it from it normally is this year?
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43 responses
@jbl1975 (374)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I'm from Michigan, where it snows AFTER Christmas usually. I live in probably the only state where people complain about snow falling, even though it is common to have it. I tell these people "MOVE TO FLORIDA!" if they don't like it. I learned to love it and adapt to it. Right now, it has been raining more then snowing. However, it is supposed to snow right around New Years (see my statement above). I hope it snows so I can go out in a salt truck and make some money. However, I should ask if he needs a snow plow driver too.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
We had a snow here in arkansas on the first week of dec.It wasnt much,it was gone the next day.And i like it better this way,i dont like to drive on snow,its dangerous.
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@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I live in Kansas and it has been a lot warmer then usual for wintertime. Most of the days have been in the fifties, some even in the sixties. We have had one snowfall so far. It was a good one. Snowed all day and all night! That's it though.
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@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I live in Pa and we have had nothing so far this year. It was 52 at christmas. My kids were disappointed they miss the snow. I would also like to go skying but it's still way to warm out here yet.
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@ichigo111 (491)
• Canada
27 Dec 06
Well, up here in Toronto, Canada, we don't have any snow either. So I guess we should stop global warming.
• United States
27 Dec 06
yup i agree global warming is really in affect right now!
• United States
17 Jan 07
but how can we stop global warming. what common people like us can contribute to help the world. let us know
@CleveRed (43)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Welcome to Global Warming.
• United States
27 Dec 06
haha so true. where are you from and how is it there?
28 Dec 06
yeh its global warming fault... even over here in england we aint had no snow or rain in last 2 weeks lol and like 5 yrs ago it would rain every single day
@Matducks (130)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
it's because of the gases that gets trapped by the earth's atmosphere. i forgot what those gases are. i live in the Philippines. i dont knw how snow feels like.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
27 Dec 06
My best friend is from Conneticut and he wishes that you were all snowed in all the time! We live in Sunny Southern California where we only see it on the mountains that surround our valley. It hasn't snowed on the valley floor since the eighties. Long before I moved here and for that I am glad!
• United States
27 Dec 06
haha if you want we can switch places to live ;)
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
28 Dec 06
yeh I think the weather patterns have changed a bit, here in Melbourne Australia we usually have very hot weather but it was so cold this year, we are not used to cold christmases....
• United States
28 Dec 06
interesting. thank you for sharing that!
@FraYFaN09 (1558)
• United States
27 Dec 06
That's the same way where I live. I live in Ohio and usually we have some sort of snowfall by now. Instead of getting snow we've been getting rain and it's really bugging me. I really wanted snow for Christmas but once again no snow came... now I just hope we get some snow before winter is over!
• United States
27 Dec 06
We haven't really been getting any rain here. It's just been between the high 40's and high 50s everyday. We will all probably get bombarded with snow in Jan and febuary. lol then we'll be complaining that there is too much snow.
@Khokhonut (702)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I am in Colorado and we've had way more snow than we usually do. We've had two legitimate blizzards already, and we're waiting for another storm to come as we speak.
• United States
28 Dec 06
Nice pic of Pikes Peak ... ditto on the "blizzard as we speak" ... they say it's gonna be as bad as the last one. Guess we'll see ... stay warm ;-)
@artguy (1474)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I remember as a kid we use to have snow November to about March. I live in Ohio and we have had very little snow at all this year and no accumulation. This global warming thing sure has changed things.
• United States
27 Dec 06
oh yes it has... yet I remeber also when I was a kid we had a good amount of snow all the time. When I was in middle school we had atleast 2 blizzards a year and really haven't had any blizzards since.
@kareng (70295)
• United States
28 Dec 06
We have had unusually warm weather in general so far this winter. However, this week we have had cooler temps with a biting wind. I live in Louisiana and snow is a rarity here. When it snows, everything closes. lol I would love an extra holiday so bring it on!
• United States
28 Dec 06
How I would love for everything to close here. But unfortantly I would still have to be at work unless the state closes.. And that is a rarity! We would have to get 12+ inches of snow for that to happen here!
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
you know what you are so lucky to experience snow boarding. In The Philippines (in our country) there is no snow since then. I didnt even experience wearing that thick jacket. We only have to seasons here. and i think you should not be sad. in your life, you experience a thing which we cannot experience. :( huhuhu.
• United States
28 Dec 06
wow.. i guess the small things I take forgranted others see as presious.. thank ou for making me realize that.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
12 Dec 07
I'm from Michigan, and your weather sounds very similar to what we are experiencing right now. We would normal have at least a few inches of snow by now also. It snowed quite frequently last week and the week before. If all the snow that came actually "stuck," we'd be under a few feet of it by now! It's still been cold here, but the snow is almost all melted away. It's been between 20s and 30s during the day and down into the teens at night. We've actually been having more sleet and freezing rain lately more than snow. It's so strange, isn't it? This is really different than it's been the last few years. It's mid-December, and we're all wondering if we're going to have a white Christmas this year! We didn't have a white Christmas last year. Did you?'s not just Connecticut that is having all of this strange weather!
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I live in the snowbelt of NE Ohio (up by Lake Erie.) Usually by now we have a lot of snow, this year we had one snowstorm that was Lake effect, and then nothing since. For us in this area it has been a most unusual year. It's been up in the 40's and 50's and we've been having a lot of rain. If the rain would have been snow we would have been really dumped on, lol. I'm 57 years old and have lived in this area my whole life, this is only the second time in my life that I remember having no snow at Christmas or through December. It's almost like it's eternal fall season here. Usually by now Lake Erie is starting to freeze over, especially at the edges...none this year. In January it's usually frozen almost all the way across. I know in Connecticut there is a lot of Maple syrup production, as there is in my area of Ohio. We are all concerned about this years syrup production because of the strange weather. While it's nice to have nice weather, most people don't think how it affects farming on all levels. (Yes, I'm a farmer:-) I'm wondering if this spring will bring crops rotting in the ground again too as they did after our mild winter last year. Global warming is truly affecting us all, and in the long run, the effects of it will bring higher prices in the food market place. Most people don't take global warming as seriously as they should, it will continue to be a problem until they figure out some viable solutions so it doesn't get worse. (Just my humble little ole opinion:-)
@massaj03 (4367)
• United States
28 Dec 06
We haven't gotten any snow this year either, so far. Which is sad, it didn't even feel like Christmas this year weather wise....But hopefully we'll get some before winter is over with.
• United States
28 Dec 06
I live in Indiana and just moved here from Florida expecting to have a first white christmas for my children but NOPE!!we have none and thats not the normal for here either,I was born and raised in Illinios till I moved to Florida and we always had snow every year!!!my family there say there is nothing as well.Its scarey what this world is coming down too
• United States
28 Dec 06
It appears that your snow got dropped in Colorado this year. More on the way here and the last 2 feet of snow hasn't melted yet :-O This is very unusual for Colorado ... we get snow every year but sheesh ... not this much LOL
13 Feb 07
that is really werid because i have lived there for alot of yrs since i was little and all, i use to liver in Montville connecticut, i even went to school at montville high and those was the days too, so yeah when i use to live there, there use to be alot of snow there all the time, and every time the phone will rong that there will not be no school so whats the deal there now?lollolGosh now i live here In NC abd same here we really have not had that much snow here either my son wants a blizzard like we had long time ago that was like the blizzard of something there i can't really remember, but yeah we had alot of snow then when we had that blizzard there.Well if you ever get alot of snow there again or if you do please let me know ok.lolol
• United States
12 Dec 07
When I was a kid I lived in Bridgeport and went to East Side Middle. I was not far from Harding High. I loved it back then. My address was 1315 Boston Ave it was a conner apartment building. I use to love to watch the snow fall from my bedroom window. Florida is so different. It is hot almost all year. It might get to 40 a couple of times during the year. But it is a beautiful state. I do not know were you live in Connecticut, but if you are ever in Bridgeport can you email me a pic from the apartment building I mention if its still there. Thanks