I Did it with my Girl friend's sister - Suggest
By manav_in4u
@manav_in4u (76)
December 27, 2006 1:22pm CST
I will narrate a story which happened to me last night. I stay in an apartment. My girl friend and her friends also stays in the same apartment.y' day when my GF went to her home town I went to her apartment and enquried about her. her friend asked me to sit for sometime and offered me a drink which she got it that day. After few drinks we started watching a movie. That movie has some adult scenes which made me and her i suppose Hot. We started kissing and ended in the bed. We both feel guilty. I am very much confused what should I do to come out of the situation. I need your suggestions????????
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190 responses
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
27 Dec 06
I do not feel a bit sorry for you. you made the bed now lie in it!
You should tell her the truth and give hera chanse to decide weather or not you´re even worth beeing with!
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@tawnabelle (27)
• United States
28 Dec 06
gotta agree with these two... there is no excuse for what you did... you did it, confess it. you know it was wrong or you wouldnt have posted a discussion about it!
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@aswaniexpress (1454)
• India
27 Dec 06
leave abt it and atleast from this point onwards do good
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@hackedmind (271)
• India
28 Dec 06
it's u who did it..........and only know the situation so decide it
@EconKnowMix (858)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
don't you ever try to see your gf's
friend alone and if possible do not
see her again. I know she will
anyway, is it good?

@Libertarianz121 (36)
• New Zealand
28 Dec 06
Either tell her or live with the guilt. Sometimes its just a one off mistake, a drunken act and you dont really mean it, and you dont tell and you end up happy. However, if she finds out in any way, its over.

@tamra2 (259)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Most likely, your girlfriend's friend/sister will tell her at some point.
At which time you will probably find yourself single, and if she is the "revenge minded" sort you may even find parts of your anatomy super glued to inanimate objects upon waking one morning.
There is really not much you can do at this point, you already screwed up big time.
Just learn from the mistake and try to avoid making it again.
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@jackpot (138)
• India
28 Dec 06
I agree.
I mean, you have already created a big mess. I mean if you have a couple of drinks, then watch a movie with some adult content, you get so "Hot" you can't keep off women (being inspired from the movie)??
And if it was so why did you commit yourself to your girlfriend?? And how serious are you about your commitment to her, anyways?? If you are even slightly commited to her and want to spend your life with her, you better come out with the truth. In any case, you will hurt her a lot less!!
@KahYee (104)
• Netherlands
28 Dec 06
I agree with you, that girl will tell your girlfriend someday... it's just a matter of time. Before that, why don't you tell it your girlfriend first?
Im pretty sure she will break up, but maybe you can still be friends with her?
Acting like there's nothing happend won't help, you will feel sorry for your girlfriend, and you will even hurt her more if she finds it out trough her friend/sister but not you. Afterall you are her boyfriend.

@muthunaveen (102)
• India
28 Dec 06
Just dont bother about it .Dont tel your girl friend about this .And finally dont let anything like this happen here after or if you wanna do it , do it in screcy
@johny_shokeen (80)
• India
28 Dec 06
what ever happened was an accident.
its none of ur fault.
someincidents like tis do happen in life ,so its better that u leave the regretion & bettter start thinking of it as a
@prasanta (1948)
• India
27 Dec 06
It happens sometimes, not that you too were the first pair to do such a thing. Both of you make a resolution - What has happened, forget it. Please do not publicise it. Remember, the wall also may blackmail either of you later. But you have a duty, in case she shows any sign of pregnancy, please help her to get an abortion done secretly.
@198112 (335)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I dont know what to say. I know things happen but things like this shouldn't happen. I hope you both feel as guilty as you claim you do. If you do really regret it then just take it as a lesson learned and dont ever do it again. If you tell your girlfriend it is going to be a mess. Just dont ver do it again then everything should be ok.
Dont be so easy next time and avoid sittings like that where you are alone with a women.
@agrawalnakul (648)
• India
28 Dec 06
if ur guilty
and want to be loyal with ur gilfriends
and always wants her to trust u
never tell her a single thing
@manav_in4u (76)
• India
28 Dec 06
Guys I tried to tell my GF but couldn't. I met her friend today with whom I slept. She started liking me and asked me not to tell and wanted to have mroe from me.What should I do?
@ahmedrulezz (103)
• Pakistan
31 Dec 06
o boy! dun u hav any self control at all???
i mean, if u were left alone with some hot girl, n ended up watchin similar movies, ur frustration level wud make u do such things again!!
or is it that a mistake made once, wud neva be repeated twice!
i dunno if it's a good idea to tell ur gf about it or not, coz that might really hurt ur relationship. depending upon ur level of understanding with her, you're the best judge to decide how she'd react, would she understand or not.
think about the worst though, if that girl is so guilt ridden that she decides to tell ur gf herself about it, u'd be in REAAaallll trouble man!
jus stay away from that girl, coz u dun wanna repeat any such mistake and u dun want ur gf to get all too suspiscious about something fishy goin on!
@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
28 Dec 06
now why would you tell him to keep it a secret????
@groomtobe23 (635)
• United States
27 Dec 06
If this is a good friend of hers, then it is going to come out. You are going to have to admit what happened first if you want to save your relationship, and you are really going to have to work hard at making this up to her. She may not forgive you, but that is a risk you are going to have to take if you want to have a future with your g/f.

@artygirl2006 (641)
28 Dec 06
well said. tell her..it will all come out in the end and you will look even worse.

@wildecoyote (975)
• Australia
31 Dec 06
Be honest with your girlfriend. If she finds out a different way she'll hate you. Yes you may loose her, but you need to tell her.
@linusv2006 (209)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
well,it takes 2 to make a tango.dont u think tis juz a setup fr ur gf & her friend to prove whether u-r honest & true to her? there cld b a gambling link in this.find out by telling her =)
@marinejunkie (16)
• Iraq
28 Dec 06
First of all, you have already made excuses about your idiotic behavior. My friend, cheating is cheating. The girl that you are with or should I say "were with" will inevitably find out. Women have a six sense about these things. Second, if you were in your girlfriends shoes, what would you be thinking about this? Why would you think for one minute that this was something that you could just walk away from without destroying at least two relationships. You should have never even put yourself in this position if you truly cared for your girl. God will have mercy on your soul- she will not! My suggestion, tell the girlfriend that you are both not right for each other and that this was your fault entirely. It will not make the hurt go away- but it will lessen the blow to her. Tell her that you do care about her but to be fair to her and the relationship, you must leave- if she wants you to stay and try to work it out, agree but do so with the agreement that you seek some sort of counseling, and you seperate for a little while. Give you "both" the time to examine yourselves for what you really feel inside. NOT DATING OTHER PEOPLE! This just adds insult to injury! You both may realize that what you had was not what you wanted. Tell her the truth- not to lessen the guilt because that will always be with you. Tell her because it is the right thing to do- take responsibility and be man enough to except her feelings whatever they may be. I know, I have been down this road- my wife took me back but we are still feeling the fallout two years later- you will never be trusted again- know this. This will always be hanging over your head like a dark cloud. Otherwise, let her be happy and let her get on with her life!