A Christmas Without Photos

United States
December 27, 2006 6:42pm CST
Yesterday started out like any other day. The difference was that it was our day for my children to come celebrate Christmas with us. I rose early to set out everything that I would need to put the finishing touches on the day. At 11:00, I drove to town to pick my Mother up. We were off to the supermarkets in search of markdown pies. The rain was coming down pretty steadily so I dropped Mother off in front of the entrance of Price Chopper. After locating a spot to park the car I grabbed my trusty umbrella and headed inside. Much to our dismay, there were no markdown pies to be had. All the pastries were still marked at full-price. We decided to give Hannaford a try. The rain was still coming down, but it did not dampen our spirits. Bing Crosby was crooning away, singing for a White Christmas. Once again I dropped Mom off at the entrance and found a nearby parking place. With umbrella in hand I too found my way inside. Mother had already found the pie section. They were marked 99 cents for the small ones and $1.99 for the large. She picked out a pecan, pumpkin and Dutch apple. There would be dessert for dinner afterall! We finished up the shopping and headed home. Once home I turned on the Christmas music. Hubby turned on the Christmas tree lights. The house was filled with good spirits. My daughter Celisa and our friend Gregg arrived at 2:00. Shortly after, my daughter Jessica and my grandson Troy arrived. My son Mark called to say that Mark III was running a fever and I advised them to stay home with the babies. They said that Kyra and Dominic would still be coming over. They had stayed at their grandparents and would be dropped off at about 2:30. Jessica and Troy opened their stocking gifts. Troy spied the cookie platter and asked to have a cookie or two. Because the turkey would not be ready until 4:30, we allowed him to have a couple of treats. The adults had a few too. When Kyra and Dominic arrived and finished opening their stockings we began opening the gifts that were under the tree. Kyra and Dominic were coughing quite a bit. I gave them some cough syrup to quiet their coughs. They looked pale and told me that they really didn't feel well. After they finished opening their gifts my daughter Jessica drove them back to their grandparents. Troy wanted to play at his computer. While he played his games, the adults chattered away. My place was in the kitchen. Gregg joined me to help with the preparation. I always accept help. You could hear the bellies rumble from hunger pangs. They would have ate the turkey raw if I let them. Once the turkey was removed from the pan I began making the gravy. Hubby, who isn't the most skilled in turkey carving, began hacking at the bird. It was mutilated. My daughter was disappointed that she didn't get her drumstick. She did get the meat, but no bone to hold on to. When I heard the battle of the bird going on behind my back I yelled to Gregg to take over the carving. Grace was offered by my daughter Jessica. I cried. Each person grabbed a plate and served themselves from the buffet style set-up. Most everyone sat at the long folding table that we set-up in the living room. There was not enough room for me. I sat at the table in the kitchen. I enjoyed this immensely as I could view my family and watch them enjoy the meal I had prepared for them. Following dinner we broke out our discount pies. The pumpkin and pecan were the only two that we ate. Everyone commented on the fact that the pies were nothing compared to my homemade pies. Jessica rounded up the gifts for Mark, Bev and the babies. After she brought my Mother home, she delivered the gifts to my son and his family. Celisa and Gregg stayed until 11:00. We visited and played games. Today, around an hour ago, I came to realize that we did not have one photo of the festivities. The only memories that we will have are those that are embedded in our minds. Sometimes they are the best, but still, it leaves me feeling a little bit empty inside. This was the first Christmas without photos.
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60 responses
• United States
28 Dec 06
Darling Butterfly, Spread your wings and print out what you just wrote! If you don't scrapbook, I am willing to bet that you know someone that does. Either do or have someone do a page for you with your words on it. Your prose is the picture you have painted of this year's holiday ~Donna
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• United States
28 Dec 06
Thank you Donna. I am trying not to feel bad about not having pictures. Your kind words help.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
28 Dec 06
You really are a good writer. And I to am sorry you did not take photos. But memories will never fade - remember that. My parents house burnt down this past April. They had the same house for almost 30 years (that is my age and I had lived in that house up till the age of 25 - off and on after highschool). All of their photos, wedding memries (36 years worth) are all gone. BUT my point of telling you this is not for the sadness but to show that no one can take away memories from you - they can not burn in a fire, they can not wash away in water - they forever will stay with you as long as you keep them in your heart.
• United States
29 Dec 06
Thank you for adding to this discussion Shannon. There is nothing that can take away your memories. Huggers to you.
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@MellieC (783)
• United States
28 Dec 06
You know the same thing happened to us! We were so excited about our sons 2nd Christmas that we forgot to pack the camera! I have vivid memories of his first christmas and you know what? I don't think I'll miss the pictures. My sister and my aunt's all had their cameras ready so I'm sure I'll snag a few from them but for now the memories will do!
2 people like this
• United States
28 Dec 06
Nobody else even gave it a thought either.
@katyzzz (2897)
• Australia
28 Dec 06
I understand how disappointed you must feel. At least you have what you've written here to include among your souvenirs. Better luck next year.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
I will make sure to take many pics throughout the year.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
28 Dec 06
How sad, but sometimes I do that too. Or I take digital on my old Sony and don't download and print them. The only consolation is that you did not spend your day enjoying it through a lens, but actually were there and present for every moment.
• United States
28 Dec 06
My husband is usually in charge of the camera. The one thing I didn't miss was yelling across the room to him to get him to take a pic of someone. So I guess it wasn't a total loss.
@djb876 (93)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I agree with the post that says print out your prose and scrapbook it. Make the fact that there is no pictures part of the scrapbook page. Do you have a reciept from the pie? A computer picture of one of the games you played? You could even cut from magazines pictures that resemble the meal you cooked. Your family could submit handwritten thoughts on snippets of colored paper. I'll bet this scrapbook page would bring back the memories clearer than if you had just the pictures! Happy New Year!
• United States
28 Dec 06
You guys have some wonderful ideas. Thank you. You make me feel a bit better with every post I read.
@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Oh!! I'm so sorry that you didn't take any photos, but guess what? You'll always have those memories in your heart. While the day is still fresh in your mind, why don't you start a journal. You won't have pictures of the day, but you'll have your vivid recounting of the day written down so you can remember the wonderfullness of it. I'm glad that you enjoyed your day. Hope the grandbabies feel better soon. It was my sons first Christmas, so of course his picture is my avatar.
• United States
28 Dec 06
Your son is absolutely adorable. What a smile. Thank you for your comments. : )
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@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Thanks for the compliment. He is extrememly happy. That smile rarely leaves his face!
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@caramello (4377)
• Australia
28 Dec 06
What a great day you all had, and you have written it so beautifully with fine detail. There has been many a time I have said "we forgot the camera!" but the mind is like a camera so you can still all cherish the day in your thoughts!
2 people like this
• United States
28 Dec 06
Thank you for your comments. It really was a great day.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Wow! A Christmas without photos. That is unheard of in my family. I grew up with so many flashes that when I had children, I was afraid my children would have constant stars in their vision. LOL Seriously, it can't be a complete loss yet. You could try this... If you haven't taken down the tree yet, see if everyone can come over this weekend for a family photo. Even though you would not have the pics of all the happenings, you will still have the time preserved in front of the tree for this year. Time goes by so fast and kids change so fast. At least you can still capture the memories of the family being together. I hope they will all agree to come over for a family photo. Hey....you could even throw in one more pie and the one that ya'll didn't eat as dessert gathering. Then you can take pics of everyone enjoying each other's company also. Best of luck and it is not too late.:) Happy Holidays hun!
2 people like this
• United States
28 Dec 06
I like to surround myself with people who think alike. Great to have you guys around!
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@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
It's okey that you have not take pictures what important is you really enjoy the company of each other.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
28 Dec 06
At least you have the precious memories. No one can take those away. Hope the grandbabies are feeling better.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
I can only hope that they are quick in their recovery. I want to see them playing with their gifst. I will get pics of them playing.
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• United States
30 Dec 06
Hopefully they will be feeling up to a visit next week. I miss my grandbabies.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Good idea. if you don't have hem of them opeing then getting them playing with them is just as good.
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@nhtpscd (1416)
• Australia
28 Dec 06
Memories last a life time too. We didn't get photos either this christmas as the camera broke and haven't replaced it yet. The main thing is you had a good time. You can make up for it next year.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
I hope to get pictures of my family using the gifts that we gave them.
• China
28 Dec 06
I have not one photo too in this Christmas.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
21 Jan 07
Awwww...i am so sorry that you never got any photos of this wonderful family Christmas!! Those memories though will definatley be cherished and hept that much closer to your heart because of this though!!!! God Bless!!!
• United States
21 Jan 07
We are having a get together in March and will have a nice dinner and many pictures.
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
28 Dec 06
Wow wonderful time u had there and seriously photos are the sources of being nostalgic sense but what matters the most is u had a great time no doesnt matter if u missed a photo
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Dec 06
I spoke with my son this evening and he said not to worry. He could not be with us this year either. HE will be expecting a turkey with all the trimmings in March. We can take many pictures at that time.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I'm always taking pictures of family events and when I go out with friends. Though this year for Christmas and my best friend's birthday I didn't take any pictures and I feel bad. I would like to have some memories of those nights. I think to make up for not taking pictures this year, I'll take pictures throughout the year and next Christmas I'll take a few extra more so I'll have the memories.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
It truly feels odd not to have any pictures to reflect back on.
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Maybe next year, you'll get to take more pictures.
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• United States
4 Jan 07
WE are planning a get together in March when my son comes home.
@volschenkh (1043)
• South Africa
28 Dec 06
A heart warming story indeed. Dont worry too much about the photo's. My story is even worse. I was all by myself on Christmas day, I made my own Christmas lunch....BUT... I took some photo's of myself having Christmas celebrations! HOW SAD IS THAT! hehe
• United States
28 Dec 06
I hope that you at least had a good day despite the fact that you were alone.
@gigarange (1165)
• United States
28 Dec 06
It is alright. The heart remembers more:)
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Dec 06
How true that statement is. Thank you.
@bluej20 (113)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Of course everyone wants pictures from the holidays, but since you can't get the moment back how about having the kids draw a picture of their favorite part of the day and have each of your guests make a comment or write something special about the day and make a Christmas 2006 scrapbook without the pics.You can include wrapping paper if there is any left that was used,have family take after the fact pics of them wearing clothing that were gifts,you can take hand prints of the children to show how little or big they were.Don't forget you can still take a pic of the tree and include some cards you recieved as well.Years down the line you can pull this out,maybe when the first grandchild arrives and have a good laugh or a wonderful memory.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
I have received many responses including yours that state I should do a scrapbook. It sounds like a great idea. I have been checking out the scrapbooking section of the craft stores and find it to be interesting. My husband will gripe at doing this, but if I want it, I do it.