Do You Get Hurt Easily?

@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
December 27, 2006 7:55pm CST
If people say things to you, nasty or rude, do you take their comments to heart or do you shrug them off? Do you avoid LOVE because you have been hurt in the past and would rather NOT love at all to save the hurts.
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21 responses
14 Feb 07
I wouldn't say i get hurt easily as such. I get let down, friends do nasty things and you move away from it. Love sometimes hurtts, especially when you love the wrong person and think they care to much but don't. I've only been hurt by love two times and i only get hurt because i open up and care for people. Most will let you down and stuff and i closed up for a short amount of time but now i don't worry and care like i used to. those who hurt people don't know the meaning of life. Kudos! ~Joey
28 Dec 06
I used to get hurt very easily but now I have become tough and it doesn't matter any more. OF course I am more cautious then I used to be. Well its not worth wasting your life on love that could never be, go ahead make new friends and you'll find a new love a love that only you deserved. If you miss one bus theres always another bus to catch.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
28 Dec 06
and like buses, you wait ages and then three come along together LOL! Thanks for your response, appreciated.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I don't think I would want to sit at the bus stop waiting for another to come along...or three for the matter. :) Great analogy!
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@weemam (13372)
6 Feb 07
Oh yes my friend I get hurt really easily , Ross has a great sense of humour but sometimes I take it to heart and he gets upset that hes hurt me , a big cuddle and i am fine , but if someone says something I wait untill later and ask jim " did they mean me , did I do something wrong" he always says don't be silly you couldn't hurt someone if you tried , but I really worry incase i do , we are too sensative you and I , xx
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
6 Feb 07
It's great to have sensitivity but boy can it be used against us! Thanks pal xx
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@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
30 Jan 07
I think it all depends upon what it is that the person has said to me. I think there is a big difference between someone being nice, & someone just being downright mean/rude. I think if someone is criticizing who I am as a person or is being downright cruel then of course I will get very hurt rather easily. Usually when someone is hurting me with there words I will get very defensive & will end up saying something to them. I always end up defending myself whenever I feel attacked or I know that someone is trying to hurt me. Sometimes it's easier to remember the cruel things someone may have said to you.. Instead of just shrugging it off.. I know that if a complete stranger is to hurt me with offensive comments.. That it is much easier for me to shrug off what they had said.. But when it is people whom I care for.. I find that I take things to heart a lot easier since I care for them.. And I find it difficult to just forget about what they said since they are family or someone whom I love.. So hearing what they have to say would make anyone feel hurt.. I believe when it comes to dealing with cruel comments from someone you love, that we all wound easily sometimes. Sometimes I will try to act like nothing had offended or hurt me.. And then I will go cry in private or turn to someone whom I trust & talk to them about what had happened.. But also sometimes I try to act like something didn't bother me because I feel.. Sometimes if you show the person that they we're able to get under your skin that.. They will keep on doing it because they know it bothers you! So I think sometimes by doing this it is kind of me.. Protecting myself I guess you could say.. Putting up a shield to protect myself from others comments.. I know before I had met my other half that.. Because of what I had gone through before in the past with being hurt by men all to much.. That I didn't want to just put my guard down & love again so easily.. I think sometimes if a person has been hurt by another that sometimes it's difficult for them to let another person in all over again.. I think we've all gone through this though at one point or another.. Where we've put up a shield & wouldn't let anyone in.. Because we're scared of getting hurt all over again.. Because you are right love does hurt.. But at the same time getting hurt by others is what helps us to grow as a person.. In conclusion.. I think at one point or another we will get very hurt easily by others comments, & then other times we will shrug off the comments that we're said to us.. Like I had stated above I think it all depends upon what the person may have said though before hand.. And who it may have been as well. I think all we can do at times is just ignore others.. And realize that if people don't like us for who we are.. Or have to turn to being down right cruel that it shows what kind of person they are.. Giving them the attention that they are wanting sometimes.. Is just a waste of breath if one was to think about it! . . Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
30 Jan 07
Pleasure, thank you very much for your excellent, honest response, appreciated.
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@hopeful28 (1439)
• Singapore
14 Feb 07
I know that this response comes a bit later to your question asked 2 months ago. But I thought I would still reply to it. Yes, I sill feel hurt when people say nasty and/or rude things to me but these people won't be my close friends so I will probably don't feel so good for awhile but it will go away very soon. As for love, I've been more times than I want to remember but I hope I am wiser now for all that I've gone through and will recognise love for what it really is before I decide to take the plunge again.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
15 Feb 07
Hey, no worries, I'm always grateful for responses, and thank you for sharing your experiences, appreciated.
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@bigstret (484)
31 Jan 07
I used to get hurt a lot and try hard to not let it show. Now I am quite happy on my own so I dont get hurt so much.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
31 Jan 07
I much prefer to be on my own, it's easier that way. Thanks for the response, appreciated.
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I do get hurt easily and it does bother me. I don't avoid love because I've been hurt, but I keep my guard up for a while until I'm shown I won't get hurt.
@rosie_123 (6113)
16 Feb 07
I think all human beings have the capacity to feel pain, and be hurt by cruel words. We would not be human otherwise. I tend not to take comments like that to heart though. It is impossible for everyone to like everyone you meet in life - by the very law of averages, someone is going to like you, and someone else is going to dislike you. That is their choice, so I don't lose sleep over others' opinions of me. Most important thing is to like yourself:-)),
@superbren (856)
16 Feb 07
i have becomer tough over the years too. i think moving away from my family for a few years made me a stronger person. i had to stand up for myself , not run for my sisters. i,m very easy going and a bit of a yes woman so i dont often be insulted by people , people dont be rude to me. if they are i ignore them and make sure i dont spend time in their company again.i know people who are offended at every word and i think its nonsenase , i feel like saying grow up and stop taking life so seriously.
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@iamnumbed (164)
• Philippines
3 Feb 07
most of the time, i take things to heart. i hurt easily and worse, i dont forget them right away. it will hurt me every single time i remember those words uttered. as someone who is trying to change my past, i cant just shru them off.. but i hope i will.. soon.. as for love, i hide from it. i haent accepted myself wholly and im not sure if anybody can.. just like most people, i am afraid of rejection.. i hope when the time comes that i can look at myself in the mirror and fully accept the person i see, there'll be that someone who will look at my reflection with me..
@Naomi17 (624)
15 Feb 07
I pretend they don't hurt but inside i'm hurting like hell! I think its to do with the bullying i got at school it made me feel inferior and second best. I cringe inside remembering the hell i went through i am secure in my hubbys and childrens love but i will never be free of the hurt i suffered as a child.
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@Naomi17 (624)
7 Feb 07
Every nasty comment is recorded in my brain and you can't erase it and the comments come back to haunt you when your low. I met my hubby when i was 16 he changed my life instead of feeling not good enough, i was adored and made to feel so beautiful by him. But i didn't expect anything theres always a voice inside me saying- your not good enough!
15 Feb 07
I guess I have quite a thin skin and do get upset easily by hurtful remarks. I have tried to grow a shell to deflect the pain from such remarks, but now and again something will get past my defences and I get upset.
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@stateroad (730)
• United States
6 Feb 07
For some reason yes I get hurt easier then I used to. I tend to blame it on a bad childhood and hurtful relationships I was in. I still am willing to look for love and I am trying to ease up a little on the getting hurt so quickly thing. One thing I do is that when someone says something hurtful or nasty to me I will just take the bad feeling in. I will not lower myelf to say something hurtful back to the person. I just do not like hurting others.
• United States
7 Feb 07
If someone that I don't know says something mean and hurtful, I get a little upset, and shrug it off. They don't know me. If it is someone that does know me, it would hurt me. I am not afraid to love, as I have had a wonderful experience with love and have never been hurt that way.
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@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
7 Feb 07
yes and i have tried to build myself up and not to, but sometimes its hard.
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@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I do take words in my heart easely, I know that's not good for me. But I am emotional, I can't help it. When someone say something rude to me ofcourse I get hurt at that time, but in later also when that incidents come to my mind I feel bad. I am just little sensitive. About LOVE I am very lucky, whom I loved I got married to him. And we are together with great love.
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I have seen the emotional trainwrecks of love and the betrayls and the way people play all the games. I think you have to rise above them all and you just go to your safe place in your mind and in your life untill you feel like coming out. It should be when you feel comfortable not because others push it or try to force it. Sometimes its better to be alone then with some of them anyway.I speak from my own painful experiences.....I am not
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Unfortunately, I am one of those who takes things to heart all of the time. I often wish I could shrug them off, and usually try to shrug them off, at least publicly. It took me several years to recover enough from a bad relationship that I would even consider starting another one, only to be hurt again. After that I put a wall up, and many years later the wall remains. It's hard to even consider any possibility that anyone would ever NOT hurt me after what these two have already done to me, and that makes it hard to trust again. Every time anyone gets close, I back away. I don't want to be this wan, but it's hard not to.
• Netherlands
6 Feb 07
Evil question that made me think - I do get hurt easily, but I do the brave front thing and pretend I'm not bothered, and unfortunately, I think I avoid the intimacy in a loving relationship to avoid the pain. I am married, and love my husband very much, but I don't let him close to me. Horrible for him, huh? Thanks for making me think about that - I get so wrapped up in the day to day that I forget sometimes that I'm in my own little world and shutting out the one who loves me most.
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