Abortion without religion
By sunshinecup
@sunshinecup (7871)
December 27, 2006 8:48pm CST
I would like to hear views on abortion, without the use of ones religion. I think it would be interesting to hear some point of views based on rational facts that everyone could relate to. Such as, I support the right of abortion as a choice because I think it's important to keep abortion a legal medical option to all women. I also think no one has the right to force a women to carry another living being inside her body without her consent.
What are your views?
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58 responses
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I'm a mother of three and they were all born within 2 1/2 years of each other. They were not planned and if I was to map out my life I would not have had the last one so close. But when I look into his face and see the joy that he gives me there is no way that I would ever be able to abort one of my own children.
I think that abortion is selfish. Why are my wants more important then the life of a child?
Furthermore I've known too many women who have had abortions and have more regrets then they ever imagined.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Dec 06
I am a mother of two little girls and nothing warms my heart more than their smiles. Yet I started having children at 26, with a husband and a steady life. I was lucky. Not all women find themselves so lucky and decide they are not fit to have a child. Do they not deserve to have a Doctor preform their abortion? I also know woman who have had abortions, I even knew two that had them when they were banned here. All of them were sad they had to make that choice, and wondered what if. Yet all agreed abortion was far better a legal option.
@AngEngland (320)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Why could they not have put the babies up for adoption? In america there is a 5 year waiting list to adopt a baby!
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@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Dec 06
Adoption is a choice after birth. If one feels they can not continue the pregancy, this is not an option at that point. I agree adoption is a wonderful thing and I fully support it.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
28 Dec 06
I think that abortion on demand should not be an option since the DNA of the fetus identifies it as a Human Being. The mother does provide the environment for the fetus to thrive, but no part of the fetus's metabolism is run by the mother. The fetus is a living, Human being and therefore shouldn't be killed at the whim of the mother.
There are medical reasons why the the life of the mother would come before the life of the fetus, so those options should stay open.
Killing one human being for no other reason than some do not acknowledge them as human is no different then the Nazis killing Jews or Slave Owners killing slaves... just because legally they can.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Dec 06
The drop of blood was into response to DNA. Please don't twist my replies to others.
The logic used to uphold slavery has nothing to do with abortion. No one claims the fetus is not human. I have yet to say that.
Again, your twisting words. I never once called the fetus a parasite, those are YOUR words.
I agree, when one can suggest we force women to give birth to increase our enconmy, it does seem we as humans have no regard for life.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
30 Dec 06
I have yet to say it was never human. Sorry, but not once. I also didn't say it was "part of the mother". Last but least, until you can quote me saying it's not human (as if a human can birth frogs or something!), THEN the slaves and the jews are just gonna have to find their own discussion.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Dec 06
If you acknowledge a fetus is human, then you are condoning a mother's "right" to kill her child for convenience.

@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
I'm against of abortion for even the we give the woman the right to refuse to carry it, how come the baby got there if she does not allow it to happen so on the time she allows it she already have the obligation to carry the baby except only the victim of rape.
@re08dz (1941)
• Australia
28 Dec 06
I have three kids and while I can never imagine having an abortion I have also never been in a situation where I needed to make that decision.
There are so many different scenarios as to why abortion might be a choice - from medical to emotional, that I don't think anyone can truly say way what's right and what's wrong in a definitive matter.
As on the fence as this response is - I believe that every woman has the right to make that decision, based on what they know of themselves and the reason behind why they may choose to have one.
@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Dec 06
I so agree, I can't say I would ever have an abortion. I have two wonderful girls, so apparently I choose not to twice. However, I can't say I can make that choice for someone else.
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@AngEngland (320)
• United States
28 Dec 06
This is the arguement always used to support abortions, "What about rape victims who concieve or when the baby would kill the mother?". Those types of abortions make up less than 2% of ALL abortions in the United States. So, if you concede and say "OK, abortions are legal for these cases only" that would save a tremendous number of babies.
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@AngEngland (320)
• United States
29 Dec 06
No absolutely not. I personally would never, will NEVER abort a baby. I believe all babies are blessings from God regardless of the circumstances under which they were concieved. I was simply referencing the poster above who said she thinks abortions should be legal in case the woman is raped. I was pointing out that those situations PLUS medical "necessities" only account for not even 2% of all abortions.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
3 Jan 07
The problem with this post is that you can ask for non religious reason against abortion and people will spout them to you. But they have religion in their minds when they do. Anyone who says that abortion is murder and that a fetus has a soul is getting this misinformation from religious sources.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
3 Jan 07
Yep and if you called them out for being rude they have a fit. IMO it's from lack of respect for anything that lives past their own noses. Sad really.
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
28 Dec 06
I think that abortion has it's place. However..when I became pregnant with my son my boyfriend at the time wanted me to have an abortion...and I don't believe in that. I told him there was no way..and that I was having my son with or without him...he left me when the baby was born..but I raised him...and I have never been sorry.....However...I think if a woman is raped...she should have the choice...but I would still probably want the baby..because it would still be mine..and it is not the babies fault...

@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Dec 06
Well I don't know about this Scott case. If you can give me a source, I will read about and tell you what I think. I can't say if there was a double standard or not.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Dec 06
It's been made very clear in the laws. Not to further support the Pro-life movement "it's a person", but to further support Pro-choice. Taking away the mother's right to have her pregnancy to continue is consider murder. This is not done to confuse us into thinking a fetus is a person by law. If that be true, where are the laws that suppot while I'm pregnant I receive 2 paychecks since two are working. Or I get 2 tax returns? Better yet I get to vote twice?
Again no one has the right to make the choice for the mother.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
28 Dec 06
Abortion should not be a matter of religion or morality. you should have kids only if you want them. they are like inviting guestsx over. unwanted guest you never can be comfortable with so you should think before you choose abortion as an option. if you can love your kid even if its not a planned one then only go for it. Love is most important factor to decide to have or not to have the abortion.
@AngEngland (320)
• United States
28 Dec 06
My mother was the product of an affair. She was adopted out. I think about all that would not be if her mother had been selfish and killed her, rather than giving her a chance at a happy life.
The thing with abortion becomes "Where do we draw the line?" It's ok to kill a baby until it's head is out of the womb. Oh no wait, partial birth abortions are now pushing for legality. So what? It's ok to kill a baby until the cord is cut? Than it is a "real person". So I could kill my 37 week old baby becuase it wasn't born early, yet my friend who had a premie at 28 weeks can't kill her baby becuase it's already delivered. Her baby is real and mine, still in the womb, is not? Does that really make sense?
Either the baby is a baby or it isn't. It is simply an arbitrary and illogical lines we've tried to draw in our minds to justify something that we KNOW in our hearts isn't right. Do women suffer PTSD after having a tooth pulled? Or a cyst removed from their ovary? NO! Yet I have counseled with more than one suffering PTSD and anxiety attacks after having an abortion. It simply is not the same.
So then, does the issue become age of the baby? To kill a baby after so many weeks than THAT is killing but before that it is an abortion? At what point then should you draw THAT line? By 20 week a baby girl fetus has all the future eggs in her ovaries she will have for her entire life....think about that. By 20 weeks all the genetic material she will provide for her future children 20 years from now is already there and present. OK, so we can't draw the line at 20 weeks...it must be before that.
Well how about 8 weeks. Thats around the time the heart begins to beat. What is the first thing paramedics do to determine whether a human is living or not? They check for pulse! For a heart beat! This one has a heartbeat! An abortion STOP A BEATING HEART. Period.
If you begin to draw the line then it can just keep moving wider and wider. It is a slippery slope to begin to walk down.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Dec 06
Where do we draw the line?
The line is drawn, once the fetus can sustain life outside the womb, abortion is no longer an option. Unless it's a toss up between the mother's life and the fetus. However again, if it can substain life, it's not going to be aborted.
Partial birth abortions are not struggling to be legal, they are. Just as they have always been. This is a procedure used in late term pregancies when the fetus can not survive birth and the mothers life is at stake.
Many mothers suffer from depression (for years), injuries and even the ablity to have a baby again after birth. Both sides can have risks and long term effects. However not all or even most on both sides are high percentages of this happening.
The line in America is keeping it's thickness is in tact. We as a nation have yet to push for laws to allow us to kill children, in fact we make the laws more strict in this regard. Nor have we pushed for abortions against the mothers will, again laws are stronger in protecting her right to have it. The idea that we are heading down some path where children will someday be legaly killed in the streets because women have been given a choice, is silly.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Dec 06
To the fist section of your reply. I havn't a clue what that is a reference to. Could you go a bit in detail for me.
Have you ever heard of women going through post-pardon , killing themselves or their own children from a Dental operation? I've seen women that do and have from giving birth. Again, should we ban the right to have a baby because there are risks?
There is no shortage of help for women with PPD. Help is availble through their OBGYN, Family, counselors, churches and many other areas. I yet to meet a women that needed support and was unable to attain it.
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@laurie0515 (116)
• United States
29 Dec 06
i think every woman should have a choice to have an abortion. But I dont think that she should be using it as a birth control method! I know someone who does use it as a method. I think that is very nasty....she is on another abortion in a week...isnt that nice.
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@goldjay (465)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I personally would never hava an abortion but I believe that women should have the right to early abortions if that's what they choose to do becuase it is better for them for wahtever their reason. Only you know your circumstances and only you can make the decisions for yourself. I do think that hteir should be education before an abortion such as what other choices may exist for a person other than abortion but it still should be the woman's choice before the first trimester is over.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I am 100% Pro-Choice. I beleive it is the Women's choice whether or not she will carry a child. That right should not be taken away from her. Should she make the decision alone? NO-- But ultimately it is her choice.
I cannot imagine a child ( girls are starting their menstal cycles earlier these days) getting raped and getting pregnant from this- For this reason and many other reasons I am Pro-Choice.
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@1stPeter318 (12)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I spent several years studying decision making in a graduate program. I focused on how women with crisis pregnancies decide to have abortions, adopt out, or keep their babies (oops! fetuses). This issue was difficult to study, because the sides are so polarized. Rather than stay focused on the decision making process, because it was next to impossible to gather data, I interviewed women who had made these decisions years before. Almost without exception, the women who aborted reported deep feelings of remorse. Many of them reported having fertility problems. The few who denied feelings of remorse got angry and cut their interviews short, when asked questions like, "How old would your child be now, if you had not aborted?" The women who adopted their children out had mixed reviews. None of the women who kept their children said they had made the wrong decision, even though most of them had made sacrifices to keep their babies.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
26 Jan 07
I find that rather odd, I myself have met or do know many woman who have aborted and I didn't find the same results. Many regretted getting in the position altogether and having to make a choice at all, but most did feel it was the correct decision for them at that time. In fact I met one, just one that regretted aborting and actually felt she made the wrong choice. Reckon that goes to shows, results depends on where you go for the data.
Now, I worked with many low poverty women as well as recovering addicts through an out reach program a few years ago. These women became my friends and topics such as abortion were just one of many things we discussed from time to time. This is how I met these women. How did you find so many of yours that had abortions? Just curious.
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@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Personally it is none of anyone business what a woman decides to do with her body. It is a woman's decision to make. No one has to live with the consequences but her. We can argue back and forth until we're blue in the face but ultimately, it's really one persons decision and that is the woman that is pregnant. At the end of the day it doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong because the only one that lives with it is the woman herself.
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@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
30 Dec 06
You call it murder, I call it choice. Tramps, huh? That's pretty hysterical coming from you. So basically what I get from your post is women are tramps because they sleep with men and can make choices with their bodies that men can't make. I've never been faced with it nor have I been around someone that has, however, no man or woman has the right to tell me what I can and can not do with my body. It's just that simple.
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I beleive abortion should be an option only in dire necessities. Such as rape or terrible problems realted to pregnancy if she kept a baby. I do not agree with anyone who aborts for reasons of anything other, such as she is not ready or whatever other reasons she may have. Adoption is available and abortion should not be considered in times like these. I am pregnant right now, and this is my 3rd child. I have a rough road ahead of me, as a single mom living at near poverty level but I will never throw this child away.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
26 Jan 07
Princess, to say if adoption is available, then abortion should not be allowed, is no different than supporting slavery. Women should never be forced to carry out an unwanted pregnancy, just because there is a demand for babies by others. In my opinion it's a sick suggestion and further demeans the value of the female and equates giving birth as nothing more than a supplying for the demand; creating a product.
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@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
29 Dec 06
My feeling on abortion, well firstly I would not judge anyone who would do it. And in most cases I would not ever consider it. I honestly was not ready to have a baby when I found out I was pregnant with my son but I never thought of aborting just for that reason. Besides, if you REALLY don't want a child and you are pregnant, there are couples out there who want a baby and cannot have one and will be happy to adopt. However honestly I would be FOR abortion under some circumstances. One being what if a woman was raped and got pregnant? I would think that having the child due to that would be a horrible reminder. Secondly, if the mother's health is in danger while being pregnant, then it would have to be. Thirdly, if it was found out that a child had an incurable disease that would cause the child to have no quality of life or even die young like if both parents had carried a recessive gene and the gene was passed on by both.. in that case I feel it would have to be as well. That is my opinion on abortion.
@witmuch (184)
• United States
29 Dec 06
i understand where you are coming from with your comment, but i have the answers to your What If questions. most people don't want to hear them but it is my job as a chirstian to tell people about the truth. 1stly If a woman is raped and conceives a child, yes she has the right to give up that child to adoptive services, but also know that what happens to us here on earth, there is a reason. these are the hardest tests for women to face and they mostly deal with forgiveness, and trust issues. Achild is a gift from God and a sign that he trusts you enough to take care of one of his own. secondly, i can see about the health issues of the mother. but thatis where prayer comes in. there are many other options than to abort. and prayers do get answered. i am living example of that. Thirdly, what if you had the incurible disease and your mother aborted you because she thought that you couldn't live like that and didn't give you a chance to prove yourself. what about that? there are many children out there that may nopt be able to comprehend the stresses of this world or be able to understand what a sickness is but they do deserve a chance to show this ungodly world that they can servive. no matter what disease they diserve the right to live, and if God needs them He will take them. i have seen many things in my life but i can tell you that it is possible for God to heal people from things that you would and could never imagine possible. but know this! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!
@johny_shokeen (80)
• India
28 Dec 06
i do appreciate ur opinion of boycottin abortion but
in some countries, under developed like india, boy child is preferred more than the girl child.
& also how far is this correct to kill someone(infant) without his/her consent inside womb
so, i advise that its better abortion is illegal only.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Dec 06
An abortion against the mother's will is somthing I know no one of supporting. Again, I am for choice and not for that choice to made by someone else for the mother.
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@kellifly11 (100)
• United States
28 Dec 06
When a woman is raped and ends up pregnant she should be able to choose abortion as an option. That is just not fair for her to be required to keep a baby that was conceived in such a way. And then people always say a child has the right to live, but I dont necessarily agree. They haven't developed any feelings or emotions. They arent an actual living thing until after about 3 months after conception, which abortions arent done after that anyway.
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@bimmer999 (1158)
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
i think it should be the woman's choice..
its her body and its her baby..
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@AngEngland (320)
• United States
28 Dec 06
What about the baby's choice? In this situation the mother is ending 60 years of life for the baby to save herself 9 months of hassle. The waiting list in America for adopting an infant is 5 years! She should be willing to sacrifice 9 months of her life to give her baby a chance at 60+ years of happy life.
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