Puppy lamed........
By MamaBird
@MamaBird (155)
United States
December 28, 2006 8:50am CST
I have some friends who got a 8 week old puppy for their 10 year old son. One day she ran to the store and was gone about an hour. Her son wanted to stay home with the puppy. When she got home he was holding the puppy, crying. She asked him what was wrong and he said the puppy got caught up in the recliner. His hip was out of place. She finally made him tell her the truth. He had swung the puppy and let him go and he hit the wall. Do you think this is a bad sign, for a 10 year old? You know they say serial killers start by hurting animals.....or just an accident? Do you think he should be able to keep the puppy?
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59 responses
@bluej20 (113)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I don't know about being a serial killer but that is not normal. Also what was this parent thinking leaving the child home by himself, he's 10. No not an accident. Intentional. And if you called the athorities they could be in trouble.Its against the law to harm an animal.I hope the dog was brought to the vet.Being an animal activist as I am if I knew who this was I would call the police.
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@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
28 Dec 06
When I was ten I knew what would happen if I did something like that, so I would rule out the accident thing.
Plus leaving a child of 10 home alone, someone should swing the parents around a few times and let them go against a wall.
The parents should be punished and the 10 year old also.
These so called parents are not too awefully bright I guess.
You know where I live in Canada it's illegal to leave kids under 12 home alone, period. A criminal offense.
Kids do really stupid things, just like adults, but they can be corrected and trained to do better. I am afraid for some adults more correction should be used.
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@feelinggood (217)
• Canada
28 Dec 06
I agree with you all the way. I think this is a very serious issue.
@Jennibug29 (157)
• United States
29 Dec 06
the child admitted his fault, this is good. however did/does the child show remorse? remorse is what serial killers lack. we once had a neighbor that was set on killing our dog. he kicked him so hard he needed a hip replacement, amung other much worse, scarier things. it turns out this crazy man was a child molester. the child needs to see a consular, and speak to someone about his feelings what ever they may be. if his mother will not take actions try speaking to the school.
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@ianpaulbeatingo (81)
• United States
28 Dec 06
There are two possible things, it was an accident or it was not but either way, the puppy was hurt badly and I believe the kid doesnt have the right to keep the puppy or to own another pet. The indicent is most likely to happen again. Until the kid learns responsibility, he should be limited to stuffed toys and not pets.
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
29 Dec 06
The boy being 10 years old should of known better to not swing the puppy and leave him go.If he did not know how to take care of the puppy he should of not got one. I do feel sorry for the puppy and I would not give the puppy back to the boy.He needs to learn how to take care of animals.
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@debsstuff55 (19)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Children need to be taught responsibility. One way they learn is through the example of the adults around them. An adult who leaves a 10 year old with ADD alone obviously is not setting a good example.
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@amarines13ytch (243)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I think it's jumping to a bit of conclusion to say he could become a serial killer. A lot of children are aggressive with animals, foremost why they should be left at home alone with them until they are old enough to understand. I think myself that at 10 he should already know how to handle an animal, but maybe not. I think she should sit down with him and talk about it. Yes she has to accept some blame too. I'm glad the puppy is going to be okay, poor thing.
@ShadowWalker (969)
• United States
29 Dec 06
My first reaction was to say the puppy should be taken away from the child and given to home that would love and care for the it. But upon further thought I think that would be defeating the purpose. He needs to learn that you don't treat animals like that. I'm clueless as to why he hasn't learned this already. At ten he should have already learned this. The mother should take some blame for this. She should have not left a ten year at home alone. I'm glad the puppy is okay.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
28 Dec 06
ooohh. That's terrible. I think that it might have been an accident. I mean has the kid show agressive behavior towards animals before?? I think the boy should be checked out before a decision is made to let him keep the puppy or not. I don't know of anyone at any age who would do that to a puppy. That's just wrong.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 Dec 06
If this is the first pet this child has ever had he will not necessarly kmow that swinging it would it to get hurt. The boy needs some lessons on caring for a pet. since he was crying he was remorseful. and there for not headed toward being a seriel killer. If that were the case he would have hidden the pup. somet imes we expect kids to know things that they can't know because of lack of experience.
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@lucsct (261)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Some people simply should NOT own pets. This is one of those cases. They need to find a better home for this puppy because obviously they can't provide the care it needs. Leaving a ten year old at home alone is bad enough but leaving a ten year old alone to care for another living creature? That's even worse.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I've also heard that many serial killers start out harming animals. Frankly, if I were this boy's mom, I'd be concerned. Swinging a puppy by the tail and catapaulting the poor animal is not normal behavior for a ten year old. I'd probably let a skilled pschyiatrist decide whether or not the puppy stays.
@MamaBird (155)
• United States
29 Dec 06
He had the puppy under it's front arms swinging it. I truly think he was just trying to play with it, but just hadn't been taught the proper way to play with an animal. You can't swing them around like you do with another child. Like going round and round in circles holding hands.
@kareng (69889)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Wow, I feel really sorry for this puppy. First of all, I would never have left a 10 yr. old at home alone.
This child has proven that he is not responsible enough to care for a pet and should not have one in my opinion. I also feel that the mother should take some of the blame at what happened here.
What happened to the puppy? Did they take him to the vet? Could anything be done or did he have to be put down?
@deargoodbye (761)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Unforunetly, the puppy is the one who suffered for the mother's bad choice and mistake.

@trendytrends (170)
• Spain
28 Dec 06
Its very sad . Poor little puppy. For no fault of his he suffered. Maybe it was an accident maybe not.........whatever be it but it is clear that the child was not trained properly to handle the pet. Parents are equally at fault.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
28 Dec 06
in the first place, it's not just a mere accident. even if we say that he's just trying to play with the puppy, it's won't still be a good reason to forget about it. we even if how young we were before, we know that we should not be hurting animals and people in any way. even if we aren't yet in the right age to understand everything, we all have this common sense within us. the boy knew that he will hurt the puppy if he will do it. but he still did it. it doesn't exactly mean that he will become a serial killer when he gets older. the thing is, he did something wrong. something bad. and the parents should make the kid realize that what he has done is wrong. he's still young and he can still learn good things if taught well. he still has the chance to change for the better.
@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
28 Dec 06
The boy needs therapy :|
That's definitely a sign that he's not all right up there. Lots of kids go unchecked for this sort of thing, then they grow up cruel and without any sense of humanity. I can remember seeing this kid one time, he grabbed a baby sparrow that had fallen from the nest, took out a pocket knife and cut its head off, then proudly walked around with it, trying to scare the girls in his class. He was about 16 or so and had a history of causing trouble, stealing and destroying school property. Don't let that happen to your friend's kid.
@MamaBird (155)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I think this sparrow incident is a lot different from what happened with the puppy. After visiting with he and his Mother both, the child was swinging the puppy around, holding him under his front legs, like you go round and round with a friend, got dizzy and he and the puppy fell into the wall. Now things are a lot clearer. Plus, he showed and still shows remorse for this accident.
@classmates2006 (32)
• India
28 Dec 06
its really bad to hurt animals that bad..do please keep out the puppy and just warn the boy to be more carefull..i don't think this is something unnatural and you have to be worried.might be a coincidence
@apostrofy (661)
• Romania
28 Dec 06
it depends. was he crying coz he knew he will get caught or did he cry coz he actually felt sorry for what he did? he's a kid and maybe didn't think as far as in what would the counsequencies of his play would be. i'm really sorry for the puppy though ... poor little cutie
@mansingh2006 (157)
• India
29 Dec 06
in order to instill some kind of fear or responsibility d kid should be kept away from d puppy at d same time he should be taught how to take care of such pets as well
@eternalskyes (273)
• United States
28 Dec 06
OMG, that poor puppy needs to be taken away from the child, He is not responsible enough yet to care for one. At that moment i would only allow the child to play with the puppy when a parent was there to supervise the child. I know that might seem harsh, but no way should that child be allowed to have a puppy if they will treat it like that. Im sorry im a big animal activist(SP?)