Can white and black people that much different?
By MoneyMann
@MoneyMann (27)
United States
December 28, 2006 5:07pm CST
I am a black man who wants to know how much are black and white people diff what makes us look at each other they way we do. Why do we judge each other the way we do there are so many rules to follow just to live its crazy think about it if i go to the wrong little town i might get hung because of my color if white people say the n word around black people they will get there butt beat but why? Why does the world have to make it that we we have to all look at each other in a different way why? Would it be that bad if we all just saw each other as people under the same sky and sun and stars who are making the best out of there life until its time togo. There so much more we can spend out energy on besides hating each other like saving our lost children not just your children but the children they hang with to because they have more effect on your children then u think our world is in trouble its time to wake the hell up and and do something and stop talking about it. what do you think?
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87 responses
@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
28 Dec 06
I use public transportation a lot. It's a good place to observe how people react to each other. You know, if there's a black guy wearing sportswear or if he just looks like a construction worker, people will not seat beside him. But if you see a black man wearing a suit, tie and squeaky black shoes, people will not, generally speaking, be afraid to sit or stand beside him at the bus waiting line. This is because no one will think the black man in the suit will steal their wallet and run, cause seriously, how would he run away in those squeaky dress shoes? But the guy in the sneakers, he's probably up to something!
Bottomline is, whatever your race, people will judge you by the way you look. If you don't want to be an outcast, you have to conform. You have to dress nicely, get an education, talk properly, be "suave", fool people into thinking you're one of them. On the other hand, I've seen many educated a-ssholes who are up to no good and many simple, poor people who aren't. But how can you tell one from another? Prejudice is sometimes a form of self-preservation. If I see a group of black kids looking like ghetto thugs, you can be sure I'm making a U-turn and taking anther route! It's not because they're black, it's because they look dangerous. This isn't racism, is it? It's a complex topic which cannot be answered simply by "let's just all get along". I try not to think racially, but at times you have to and you simply cannot help it. I've only been mugged once (actually they didn't steal anything because I gave them the slip), I was about 14 or so and I was walking home when I spotted these two (white) kids who looked like they were up to no good. I naively thought they'd do me no harm, maybe I was making a poor judgement about them, but sure enough they tried to mug me. I should've listened to that little voice in my head. And see, they weren't black, they just looked like trouble. So you see, blacks and whites aren't that different, it's just that blacks have more stereotypes and statistics working against them. Not to mention all the black musicians who perpetuate the ghetto stereotype. As for the origin of racism, most racist people I know either had racist parents or had a bad experience with black people (ie: got mugged). But there is also a lot of racism from blacks to whites, I've experienced it first hand. But that type of racism isn't often talked about. In any case, I can only hate indidivuals, I can't find logical reasons to extrapolate a negative incident to hatred towards an entire group of people. I hope I made some sense. Probably haven't, I'm totally incoherent today and probably shouldn't be posting at all! :)
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@rosaflorence (1924)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I wrote something simular to this and you should check it out. I think that we are all equal. I am multiracial. My mother is mexican and my fater is white(basicaly he has seven diffrent white blood lines like sweedish, irish, scotish ect.) Noone realy knows anymore about what they are. Like my father for instance he is known as being white but what exactly is white anyway? I think that you should be able to date or be friends with who ever you choose to without anyone talking bad about it. Good luck in your search.
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@Crystallanelle24 (90)
• United States
29 Dec 06
White people have many different lines of culture. People assume that when you are white you are alright, you are the same as another white. People dont see that irish and scottish are different. Different cultures do not always get along just because they are white. Russians and germans, two different cultures, two different types of people. American whites, have nothing in common with other countries, but whites are quick to say they are irish, scottish, russian, etc but yet american culture has nothing to do with irish culture, or scottish. Has nothing to do with americans. My family is Irish, African american, Native american, Caucasian, and German. Different assortments of culture.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Well Money mann when you get to the bottom of it I don't see any real difference between you as a black person and me a white person. If your are cut your blood is just as red as mine. You love your children as much as I do mine and you want the best for them the same as I do. If you hurt you cry the same as I do. The main differences as I see it, is a cultural thing. The things that are different in me and you are the same kind of differences as between me and the white man in far off Russia. The differences are all on the surface. The problem as I see it that we see those few differances instead of the many things we have in comman. Great discussion by the way.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
28 Dec 06
There is no difference other than skin color and God made many things of different sizes and colors, because he likes a variety. Just look at the rainbow and the flowers and birds, We don't see them picking on one another, calling one another horrible names or degrading one another. Sad how humanity wants to hurt each other. No differance at all but so many think that they are better. I have black friends and American Indian and lation and asian and I like them all. All have different character's personalities and traits and great people. I am sure your a a very nice person. MoneyMann
@kpisgod (994)
• India
28 Dec 06
If u look into history its what the white people did to themselves.They always saw themselves as superior to black people.And wanted to make sure they were so .For this they went to any limits even torture.
And slavery was a sin, even then they practised it.
This went on for centuries which really changed people's mindset.Only proper education and counselling can change this hatred for each other.Allow peple to mingle more and above all teach and learn to respect each other.not by their skin color but as individuals.
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@smacksman (6053)
29 Dec 06
Well the hard fact is that the white man was superior to the black man in those far off days of slavery. He was superior in trade and transport and that was how the slaves were bought (from their fellow black chiefs, I might add) and transported across the world to be sold.
I'm pleased to say that the English were the first to stop slavery.
I quite agree, respect each other as individuals - but also accept that other cultures do things differently, not right or wrong different, just different.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I just remembered this book It has a big barring on how the white man looks at people of different skin colors. It may help to explain what you are asking. "The Origin of Species
by Means of Natural Selection,
The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"
First Edition
by Charles Darwin
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Dec 06
I certainly don't judge anyone at all to me it is no different being black or White
But I do know that a lot of People do judge and you are right there are better things to do in Life and it is being wasted by all this
Life is to short anyway
@not4me (1711)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I love what you wrote. I recently started a discussion about this lady from Iran who got to go up into space as part of the X-prize project in September. She said astronauts should run for president as they have a unique perspective on the world.
She said when she looked out of the space station's window and saw the Earth, she really saw the big picture. No wars, boundaries, skin color or religious bickering - just the Earth as a whole. I think if more people got to experience that, there would be less judgment and fighting in the world.
As for what you are talking about specifically, I'm currently in the South (military family originally from San Francisco) and I see racism coming from both sides. Around here white people hate black people just as much as black people hate white people! It is sickening. I've been targeted myself at our only store around - Wal Mart (ug). I've been hooted at and hollered at by black men threatening to follow me home and f*ck me in front of my "pretty white husband" and physically ran into by black women who are like, "What b!atch?" and walk away. I am the least aggressive person I know! I just don't get it. I am nothing but friendly and helpful to people!
Similarly, we just bought a house here in SC. In this small town, except for the military community, whites seem to be the minority to some extent yet most of the people on my street are older white families. Our next door neighbor and the family across the street are both black. Upon first meeting of the white neighbors, they all gaged us to see if we were prejudiced! They said things like, "Those people in that house are black....but they are *nice*." Another couple said that even though there are two black families on our small street, they haven't driven down the property value! I was shocked both times and made it known that I did not appreciate their words and that we are not racist and I walked away as they stumbled with their words in mock-embarrassment.
I grew up in Upstate NY and moved to Cali when I was 15. Until I moved to SC, I have never experienced such animosity and racism! I've never EVER looked at color before. I've always lived in communities where whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos and whoever else were all great friends! So I am both confused and irritated by everyone here.
I can't wait until my husband is out of the military so we can move back to San Francisco and experience normalcy again! All of this has opened my eyes to how racism still exists but it only exists in small-minded people and I'm sorry but I'm just not one of them.
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@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I do not judge people i do not think black and white people are different except for the color of the skin.i think people take things the wrong way because society made it this way.i do not look at people in different ways i do not think it is right and god created us equal so i think we all should be treated equal it should not matter what color your skin is.i think you are absolutly right.people should stop being so prejudice because of the peoples skin color when they are other problems out their there is already to much hate in this world why make it worse by being racist.I know i am not racist it does not matter the color of skin in my book we are all the same and have to go threw the same stuff because society has made it out to be like this it is just awful to be like this why cant we just stop being hateful and prejudice and stop judging people.
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@taruha (559)
• United States
29 Dec 06
hating or loving the persons based on their color or race is really the worst thing in this world.we should love all the human beings equally and live happily in this world.when there is no enough time to make love, why should we waste our time in fighting? I may look like a philosopher but this is fact.
@soumodeep (944)
• India
28 Dec 06
Depends on people. If you look scientifically then no human being is different. All of them are human beings. Only that while people has less melanin in their skin and black people has more melanin. Other then that not much of a difference.
But depends on you. If you think that they are really different then they are.
But fact is black and white people are as similar as they are different.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Hi! I agree! We have to accept each other as we are. We are all humans and we all have the same concerns and needs for survival. We need to work together and quit hurting each other!
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@caramello (4377)
• Australia
29 Dec 06
The colour of a persons skin does not make any difference to me as we all have red blood, and the skin just a different colour. For a long time I have wondered why a "black" person is called that as I have only ever seen someone with brown skin and never black!
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@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
29 Dec 06
I couldn't care less whether someone is black, white, pink, blue, grey, you get the idea. Stereotypes suck and I don't have any respect for those who stereotype any group. I agree with everything you are saying, and I am not black :) It's fortunate that there are some open minded people out there, kind of balances out those who are narrow minded. Just be the best you can be and take pleasure in knowing that, despite what others think. Man I should be taking my own advice sometimes.
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@whitefeahter1956 (70)
• United States
29 Dec 06
well i'm white and a woman and every since i could understand the line between black and white i never had it .....I did how ever had great parents and they tought me that man hisself has started this all through time ....and the circle just kept going and what we are dad use to say if god isn't in it it isn't they way to dys things are differnt my kids don't see color of course i told them that if you think your differnt then think again because your not, to youngest girls 20...and 21 are dating black dosen't bother me never did i told them if your happy and your heart tells your in the right place then who cares ...happeness is all i want to see then in. so i think your right but just to tell you man did this to us and i'm so sorry...but things are changing and i see it everyday and just like some blacks can't stand whites it all in the same mind as hate and if god isn't in isn't a place to be....your going to be ok and i know i'll be ok to and our kids will be ok becuase the usa is coming to turms to more peace and soon it will be in the past just like most of our history..we are going to bigger things to fight in this world soon and it isn't going to be white or black it's going to be the fight that man has brought on this eath and that is going to take all of win....
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@Crystallanelle24 (90)
• United States
29 Dec 06
There is no difference between people, we are all humans. NO two people are alike. We have our own traits. Its ashamed that in 2006 people still dont see passed the racial lines. I wish people would wake up. But the obsencity of it all, people do look at others weird. The darker the person the worse people assume. Racist whites think that all whites are ok, even the ones who commit crimes, but the minute a black commits the same crime, its the end of the world, and its time for the nazis to march. Im sick of the stereotypes. A white man in a suit is just as likely to kill you as a black man in street clothes. Ever heard of the BTK killer. 30 years of murder and he worked for the church. People will wise up one day!
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@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
29 Dec 06
i dont know why either. i'm a white female and i wanna know why too. it is crazy and people are harsh. i get on yahoo answers and people there are very racist. someone will ask a question or answer a question about different races and they have nothing good to say about it. makes me mad. they shouldnt look at skin color. if it's because they "race" is dangerous. that's crap because whites blacks asians all go to jail for the same things it has nothing to do with skin color. its such a touchy subject. people need to grow up. this isn't slavery and it should have never been slavery from way back.