English language-quite strange.

@vik87391 (169)
December 28, 2006 5:25pm CST
I am putting forward this topic for discussion but i am not sure whether it will gather any interest.If it does then i would be quite glad.I admire english language and am a great fan of this language.But there are some things quite funny and strange about it. Why do we say : 1.'a tv set' when we can onky get one? 2.'slept like a baby'when babies wake up at least 10 times a night? 3.'banks have branches' when money does not grow on trees. Posting just some examples.Let us discuss at length.
2 responses
@shooie (4984)
• United States
29 Dec 06
lordy - rednecks
"Git-er-done" get who what where done? Lordy the South has gone wild. It's funny my husband says hose pipe as do many others here in the South I call it a water hose. I'm from California so things are said a lil differently in different states. Sometimes I have to say huh?
@vik87391 (169)
• Spain
30 Dec 06
rated yoy.that wa s avery fine answer.
@janet069 (663)
• United States
29 Dec 06
"Yall should live down here in the south". It aint gonna git no stranger than that!
@vik87391 (169)
• Spain
29 Dec 06
lol,this is quite interesting and funny native language.keep it up.