Why "PAK Vs IND"; Why not "PAK and IND"
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
December 30, 2006 5:00am CST
Is there really war between India and Pakistan people...I think no...this is the only created by dirtly politics in India and Pakistan...both are populated countries only having very bad governemt politics than any other country in the world...see the growth in China, big populated country in the world and think about the economy rate there....why can we...why can we(India and Pakistan) make a new meaning to this world..I hope that from this gerenation the revolution on the violence in India and Pakistan should start...Is my thinking is foolish??? I didnt think so
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42 responses
@kingadnan (1538)
• Pakistan
30 Dec 06
yes, good topic you have started, i am from pakistan, pakistan and pakistanis want peace and friendship with every country but i know some indian people hates pakistan and pakistanis, they really abuse to pakistan, they make movies against pakistan and china, some indian people don't want to make good relation with pakistan, but pakistan wants to make friendship, some indian members using abuses to pakistan in some topic, they really hurt my feelings.
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@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
Sorry my fried I didn agree with you...every indian want to make friendship with pakisthan..Personally I want to make two "sisters" (India and Paskisthan" again in the same line to make strong ourselves...
And if you talk about the movies the cine-filed is doing business...even they do pictures on local fractionists.....and these are getting good collections...
It is our responcibility to educate the people in these issues...
At this point I even hate the media which insted of publishing the real facts they create for their crazy news......
One thing we do not forget that we got the Independece because we are together and media had played a big role in this...now same media and politics making our distance too long
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
Thank you
So Please share this idea will all of our frieds so that one day will come that we together choose or make a government which will really work for this
@taruha (559)
• United States
30 Dec 06
very interseting observation,it is always said that india vs pak and never india and pak.this is due to basic war type relations between the two countries and we all must now unite to remove this impression and feeling from the world.
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
Thanking you....
My aim of this discussion was not to make it interesting.....it for just to spread and idea to each and every person in India and Pakisthan
@jithinsb (518)
• India
30 Dec 06
This is each n every true indian's and pakistani's dream..but this dream wud never be attained because of the above said political games...i dont know how brothers once living together were turned against eachother and made enemies to the core...this is very bad
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@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
Thank you
Spread this dream of you and me to all of our frieds so that one day will come that we can choose or make a governement that really work for it
@attitudewidrulz (112)
• Pakistan
30 Dec 06
no at all u r thoughts about both countries are absolutly great i heighly apprieciat and i like the way u define i wish new gernation should think about it and set an example for other countries,
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@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
Thank you
Why cant we think and make a good step to start so that our next generation will follow
@nomi_prince4u (248)
• Pakistan
30 Dec 06
Thts gud Topic and your thinking is good not foolish!
Iam Pakistani and I think tht you are right about the Gov. of both countries!I agree with you!
The ppl of Pak & Ind love each other and they have no fight between them so why the Gov.do to put lines between both?
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
Thank you...
So spread the idea to all of your frieds and ask them to spread to their friends so that one day will come we together can choose are make a governement that will work for this
@mansha (6298)
• India
30 Dec 06
War is never between people its always the power struggle between the two rulers. Ordinary prople are too busy to make war, they are busy trying to put out nest mea on the table. The very partition between India and Pakistan was due too the stubborn ambitions of two leaders who allowed people to die to fulfill their own ambitions to rule over a country. Still people are fighting a useless war for them after they were gone others took their place , bno one is bothered about their soldiers and their families but only who will win and win what few kilometers of barren land??? I wish people could see this and stop hating each other for living in the other country or for being of different faith.
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@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
You are true the war will not in between people it will be only to sutain thier seats in the ruling community......then it is the time to change for our next generation
@shyam4uall (1002)
• India
30 Dec 06
India and Pakistan have shared the same history and also share same culture.Apart from these the relation has never been a friendly one between the both governments.I can challenge you that there is no hatred feeling in the people of both the nations ,they have been suffered from the dirty politics of both nations and also forced to believe wrong sentiments about each other.
Even now I think there is nothing changed and again we can live as brother and have friendly relation between ourself.
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
You have good opinion on this
Can we believe that by the next generation this may resolve if we start foundation for this
@shineison (874)
• Uganda
30 Dec 06
you must have to review all history from where and why these distances became b/w PAKISTAN and Bharat.
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
5 Jan 07
Why should we have to dig the past and make a new steps for the future take the past as a lesson.....as when ever we dig the past always past is rewinding
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
You are correct....I think it may resolved by educating the people in kashmir and starting new projects so that the people will have work so that they cannot think to join in terroist groups
@cyberserd (28)
• India
30 Dec 06
U sound from one of thesw 2 countries mentioned here...let me tell u something I am an Indian...and fell that the situation created is all political...no one wants war on the other...but yes...when instigated...each one likes to go for the others throat...even I have felt that at times....so I fell we should let the politicians fight themsleves in an arena...and if some another politician does it...we should let him fight a bull next time...probably they will learn then....truly...I would like peace with that country....but not at the cost of my independence...
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@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
8 Jan 07
As I already told that this situation is truely caused by the politicians only.....but as if you said if we let these people to fight whose time, money and energy is going to be waseted....
@niranjan05 (106)
• India
30 Dec 06
Hai friend india and pak are not enemys their are one but the politicians make it as two for thir own cause and in the back america is a main reason for this.theywant a base in asia so they are using pak so they will never allow us to join
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@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
You are correct.....lets take chance to change our mind to choose a government which will work for this....so that atleast our next generation will enjoy
@yasirkhan316 (35)
30 Dec 06
Amazingly nothing divided this nation in the past, not even religion and now ever since the British left they've been at each other's throats. It was the whole divide; the sharing of the land and the separation of the peoples which led to disagreement from the off.. which later led to war, war and war. They were at the brink of war in 98' i think too; these days they're... better friends, I think.
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@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
I verymuch thank to that u already agreed as friends
@ajay22 (300)
• India
30 Dec 06
We as a nation still need to try to do alot to build trust. If we say its because of dirty politics than why dont we remove these politicains, India has a democracy and pak though under mussharaf has an elected PM. the whole point is we as a nation still need to get mature and stand up.
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
8 Jan 07
The only way to eleminate the dirty politics to choose a good party which is not having a past experiance and have good passion to think and believe in new vision of piece and leading...
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
30 Dec 06
There will be no end to India Vs. Pakistan issues unless people like you and me come forward and declare boldly what we do believe. The days of enemity should now become an event of the past and we should appreciate the soft sentiments of one another, try listening to each other, share talks everywhere possible to make a knott that will not be torn by any Political Evil Wishes anymore.
Thanks for starting the discussions.
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@dradelelassy (1208)
• United States
31 Dec 06
there is conflict between INDIA and PAKISTAN ,and the main issue of conflict i think about KASHMIR
if politics listen to sound of fairness ,all problems will be solved but they look for voting
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@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
Thank you....I think Kashmir problem will be resolve by educating the people of Kashmir piece and let them decide to opt....and you are true the polics of the two contries should also change the thier mind and really work for the piece
@drrahul44 (1152)
• India
30 Dec 06
i am with you..u are on target...i would do anything for that thing to happen..and i would wish to see both the countries united before my last breath...
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@fajaralbeli (77)
• Pakistan
31 Dec 06
hi i m a pakistani ,name fajar nice if any body can answaers these questions then problem will maybe solve .........
1)Tallerance ? anybody has it ?
2)respect? wheather whoever u r hindu,muslim,sikh,christens do we respect eachother do we?
3)easy to take means" listen to others rather than use our own mind" why is that?
4)provoke each other? films like LOC,BORDER,GADER,TANGO,16 DECEMBER indian films cuz pakistani film industry have no future ?
plzzzzzzzz how many qustions do u want tell me and most of us indo pak youngster need answers can anybody ........... answer me ??????????
* *
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
1) Tollerance...yes everybody have it..war will come only if it breaks. I think throughout the wold should ascept this
2) One thing we should remember/recall all the holy books means the same "One god and One blood" and "Every one of us come from two persons" may be names of these two persons are creativity of the authors because at those time man did'nt have thinking power of keeping the names and divide with religions...
...We respect all religions
...If you are talking about the Babri Maszid issue...this bledy created by the media for their crazy presentations and the peopole followed the same thinking this creation is real...ofcourse the time mattered at this issue
....If not how this issue come down?? I think u realise this...otherwise everybody should be figting continuesly..but it has stopped...at this time I can say the politicians are creating all the nonsenee
Finally I can say..if people of India is not respecting their religious each other India cannot servive for these days...Proudly I can say that the only country seviving will number of religions is only India
3)What ever may be situation listening to others will sort out lot of problems
4)In India Filim Industry became a platform for Bad business....they are really doing business not making realising pictures to educate the people...
You know only Hindi moves of this kind...I knew even in my mother tongue also....
But there are very good movies like "Police Story": A story against the Terrroist and Naksals...which entirely non-religious..this only a small example...
As already told you that is time matters...all these movies came against the Kargil war...
Literally we need frienship with you...we dont want to fight for religions...
Imagine the future if India and Pakistan get together again............
Finally Dont Forget "WE" both fight together for our Independence...and we make all this nonsence lisening to the others word...why can we belive in ourselves and work for the nation IndoPak
Thank youI am sorry if I hurt you if any thing is mistaken...I think you understand the present situation..
@rahulnlu (29)
• India
31 Dec 06
how do u that what in the mind of pakistani people. how do u know that there is no war between india and pak. yes just for thesake of writing u can write it but its the fact that the pak people do not feel the same as we feel. in pak elections ( whenever it takes palce) there is only one issue thta they will take over the kashmir, they will destroy the india, etc etc. and for this they get votes. they win. its the fact that in each and every street of cities like lahore islamabad or karachi, there are terriost offices like al kayda, hizbul, lashkar, they damnd maoney from the pakistani peopole and that money is used to crea the terror in india. pak people give full support to the kashmiri terriost and so called jihad. if u dont trust it u can find it urself. so i m totally disagre with u that there is no war between India and Pakistan people. yes there is a war and it will remian unless pak people changes there mind.
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@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
10 Jan 07
My friend...why cant we think the comman man in Pakisthan, what ever the support he is giving to the terroist groups is not by his willingness and only by the pressure from them...
@mahen15 (23)
• India
30 Dec 06
we would definitely not want to fight with our neighbours...its only a big political game and hype caused by the medias of the two nations which is causing these misunderstandings..there is nothing of the sort of hatred among the common people of both the countries and this has been proven time and again...its time tht we realise this fact and the people of both the countries start working towards a productive future..