Why are most women terrible drivers?
By catchre
@catchre (396)
December 30, 2006 10:55am CST
Some women are just not fit to drive on the streets. They get nervous when somebody overtakes them. They can't parallel park. They drive too slow. Most of the time when I see a car which is having a difficult time maneuvering to turn around, it is almost always a woman behind that wheel. Why are most women not good drivers? I applaud women truck drivers because they have the skills to manage huge trucks. It makes one wonder what is so hard about driving a car.
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66 responses
@Rapture (84)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I hate to break it to you, but the statistics show that men are far more likely to be involved in fatal crashes, far far more likely, something like 300% more likely, its true that men drive more than women do as well, but not enough more to account for the difference in fatality rates
Men, especially under 30, are also far more likely to engage in riky behavior. In this age category, young men also pay more in car insurance, since its a statistical fact that they are more likely to cause and be in accidents.
"Some women are just not fit to drive on the streets", while this may be so, there are obviously at least as many if not far more men that shoouldn't be driving.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
31 Dec 06
That's why it costs more for young men to get insurance.
Men statistically seem to do more dare devil type things with their cars and get into accidents.
Although, one of my biggest pet peeves on the road is when women are putting on their makeup or worse, painting toe nails, while driving. I can't say many men are guilty of that one! But not all women do that, not all women even wear makeup. I don't even bother.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
31 Dec 06
With you 100% rapture!
Someone is blowing off steam, showing prejudice, without any facts to back up his theory.
I'll agree there are some bad women drivers. There are also bad men drivers. I believe statistics show that, generally speaking, women are better drivers than men.

@Crystalwatson345 (441)
• United States
31 Dec 06
haha I like how you are picking at women. I am a woman and I dont drive to slow I have no prob. maneuvering around cars at all in fact I am quite good at it. I can parellel park but we dont do that to often in Louisiana but If I have to I know how. but my mom on the other hand is not a good driver she has had I dont know how many accidents and must arent legally her fault but If she would be good at manuevering around she probally could have avoid most of them. I dont know how many people almost hit me because there careless driving but I manage to never get smacked. lol well I dont think all women drivers are bad.
@rallymercado (307)
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
Bravo to you!!! But I must say, you are one of the few...
@divir_vij (1591)
• India
30 Dec 06
The small problem with women is that the take a little longer to take a decision. also they are very analytical and tend to get distracted with small things. I dont say that men are good drivers men also do many accidents but women their only problem is the lack of reflexe and thus the will do more accidents.
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@pizahr (265)
• United States
31 Dec 06
That is just sexist!!! I have never been in an accident and I can get to where I am going easier and better than most men. Because you are idiots and dont or wont ask for directions. And also women do not get in more accidents. Men do because the drive faster and pay less attention.
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@supernova85 (1)
• India
31 Dec 06
It has been proved scientifically that women have high reaction time and reflex..its on the the main reasons...

@Ridgydidge (558)
• Australia
31 Dec 06
I do take offence to this post, as a woman driver myself, I find I am a better driver than most men I know we are currently on a road trip & my husband preferres me driving. I believe in the P & L plate system, & find most student drivers need us to have more patience with them. Which I give, because we all learnt to drive at some stage. Maybe the P & L plate system needs to be kept in place a little longer for some drivers to let everyone know we need to give them a bit more patience..
@ilunice (946)
• Netherlands
31 Dec 06
I hope ya not picking on women. Anyway,women tend to be distracted by so many thoughs going on in their mind. For instance, if their man of boy friend is sdeat beside them in the car, they always want to see what the man is looking at especially wen the see other woman on the stree, they are so much distracted and want to see how their lover reacts. they are always aprehensive seeing their man looking so seriously on other women. women, is this true? please react
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@rallymercado (307)
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
yeah they are insecure about everything...their relationships and their driving skills
@annihilus (2181)
• Italy
31 Dec 06
I don't agree to this because I see both women and men as terrible drivers! The beggars are trucks driver!
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Wow, talk about ignorant and prejudiced.
I don't care if someone overtakes me, unless they are a jerk about it. But even then, I don't honk and flash my lights or something, I just let them be a jerk and figure they're raising their blood pressure, will die earlier, and will be off the road soon enough.
I'm not the greatest at parallel parking, but that's probably because I don't live where I have to do it often. I'm sure if I lived in Los Angeles, I'd be a pro.
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@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
31 Dec 06
Rubbish - you just can't generalise like that, I know some crap male drivers! I drive a huge vehicle and I don't think i'm too bad at it - not hard at all - give us a bit more credit!
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
31 Dec 06
Catchre, where are your statistics? You cannot make such statements without evidence to back them.
I am a woman and have been driving cars and motor bikes for well over 50 years, averaging about 25,000 kls a year. I have never had an accident. I have never had a ticket. I consider myself a good driver and so do people who drive with me.
I don't know where you are from, and maybe things are different there, but here in Australia it is the young male drivers who cause so much havock on the roads. I'm afraid I can't quote statistics, but I have read numerous reports in this country which show that women are much safer drivers than men.
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@ursjosh077 (19)
• India
31 Dec 06
you are right.. i goes either way with woman.. they are bad drivers when their emotional out burst is higher than woman who have the guts and strength to face dangers.. usually their fear is the main cause of accidents rather than their driving skills..
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@MzLefty (311)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I do not think that women are the worse drivers,take a look at the drunk driver that have been arrested,and you will see that the majority of them are men.it sounds as though you must be talking about the elderly.I myself am a good driver,never had a accident that was my fault.the time that i did have a accident was because a MAN had ran the stop light.
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@karimulla_ou (161)
• India
31 Dec 06
it is by nature, most of the time a woman is producted by a man in some form from child hood, like in child hood girls are protected by her brothers or she depends on her brothers and in younger age she depends on her father or husband, so she feel secure under some men, when she become independent, she need some guts which will come very difficultly, so it is by nature.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
31 Dec 06
i have to agree with you and i have had bad experience wiuth woman driver esp when thye drive 2 wheelers you know like scotrs and bikes.unfortunately they do not care much for the rules of the road and seem to think that they can drive anyway they want to.and if you complain against them they immediately start calling you MCP[chauvnistic pig] and stuff like that.

@Kaorin (756)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
Thats funny, because my father AND my grandfather AND my boyfriend, in fact, almost every man I've ever encountered can't read a map. Period. They look at it, turn it around, scratch their heads and grumble. My father gets lost on even the most basic trips, and my mother is always the one that can get us home, no matter where we end up, Same as my grandmother, and same as me.
So I find it funny that its a 'Proven Fact' that men can see spatially and read maps better... I don't buy it as fact, sounds like an educated theory to me.
@rallymercado (307)
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
alright all you female drivers who are still in denial...here are the facts you are asking for. The first one is an experiment which clearly states you lack the hormone, testosterone, which can improve your spatial skills (map reading and parking). Read it. It might give you a better grasp of reality.

@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
31 Dec 06
This is so true. Ask doctors who work in a morgue, and they will tell you that men are indeed more likely to be involved in risky behavior, and are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents. Anybody watch "Dr. G, Medical Examiner"?
I may not be a perfect driver, but compare myself to my husband, and my driving record is nearly flawless. He has failed to mention to me some of his incidents, which I have found out while shopping around for cheaper car insurance. Go figure!
Of course there are some women I pretty much refuse to get in a car with if they're driving, but there are some really bad male drivers, too. (Men driving with their knees, or they're tailgaters, etc..)
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I was agreeing with Rapture's comments, by the way. Not the original poster. I think his opinion is unfounded.
@Goranimal (315)
• United States
31 Dec 06
The only bad female drivers i encounter are Asian females around Atlanta, its a nightmare being behind them...and also I see on a daily basis females putting on there make-up while driving! is it really that difficult to wake up 15 minutes earlier to do that?
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@quatelmon (955)
• United States
31 Dec 06
That is an extreamly sexist remark. :( It makes me really sad that even now a days, people think that way. Especially since you are so young!!! Men are more aggressive drivers, and not in the good way. My car has been hit twice, once while it was parked and once while I was stopped at a light, both by men. If you ask me, it just depends on the person who is driving.
I actually think you probably just posted that to get a lot of responses to your post.
@catchre (396)
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
I actually think you got offended because you are one of those terrible women drivers. Maybe, you got hit twice because you didn't park your car properly and you didn't focus on the street light. And the other times you didn't get hit was when you stayed at home.
@kittykatzz (1132)
• United States
31 Dec 06
OMG.. i cant beleive you would even respond to this comment in such a way!. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! a true act of a sexist!. you are just unbelievable!, i myself have been in 2 accidents NEITHER caused by me, one was a woman and one was a teenage boy, the woman only nudged me on a crowded street, but the boy took an illegal right hand turn crossing in front of me while i was in his "blind spot" and TOTALED my car!.. thankfully i was able to get out of my car myself and he was not really injured, but as i walked toward his car, clear as day across 2 lanes of traffic he said "im soo sorry, im soo sorry, i was gonna go to McDonalds but then i suddenly wanted a coffee coolata!" .. yeah , and women are "just terrible" like i said before, terrible driver can be of both men AND women, but when insurance companies show figures for safe driving discounts they range from high risk to low risk in THIS order... 16-25 is highest risk next is ELDERLY, then comes MEN! and yes, thats right, WOMEN DO get the highest insurance discounts, so go check your records. we can do anything we want and we look better doin it!
@zack_3004 (1207)
• Malaysia
31 Dec 06
women are terrible driver... it is true..
ok... u try looked at them when they are driving..
they always make-up in car...