Bill collections - What gives them the right to be so obnoxious?

@kbkbooks (7022)
December 30, 2006 1:12pm CST
I have several credit card bills I can't pay right now. I just don't have the income. The collectors keep telling me they are small balances, but they don't let up with the calls. I don't know how many of you have ever had collection calls. Before I became disabled and couldn't work my credit was flawless. Now they call me a few times a week from all the places where I am not now making payments. For some reason, awaiting honest disability benefits, they have no regard for the fact that you are waiting for the government to finish its coffeebreak and cigarette (which takes several months) and get on your file. They have no regard for the fact that you are feeding your kids from food bank donations. They don't understand that you just don't have money. I tell them, see those payments I used to make regularly? If I have money, I pay. I just DON'T HAVE it now. As soon as the government gets off its butt I can probably work out the "arrangements" they want me to make. Well, we can just make an arrangement now for you to pay x dollars per month. But I don't have it now. Well, ma'am you bought the stuff and you know you owe us the money and it must be paid. Oh, no, REALLY? What a surprise. Then comes the part I just love, or hate depending on your comprehension of sarcasm. Ma'am surely you must have family or friends who will lend you the money. Let's see, I say, my mother is 74 on fixed income. My mother in law is 85 in a nursing home. My sister has three small kids and her own house expenses. No, no one to borrow from. How rude do they think I am? Well, we see you made a fifty dollar payment last month, where did that come from? EXCUSE ME? That is not your business. Well, yes it is, because you owe us money and....CLICK. I've talked to a couple lawyer type folk who can give me advice without cost. They told me I can hang up and the collectors can't really do anything. They tell me the collectors can't really do anything to me. In other words they are just bullies. My car belongs mostly to the car dealer and I make payments to them regularly because of my husbands help. Since the loan is with the car company, no one has the right to take the car and the house is only in my husbands name so they can't touch that. I wonder if the bill collectors go home and night and act that obnoxious with their kids and spouses? Wow, I'd be writing divorce papers so fast your head would spin.
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1 response
@lulu897 (176)
• Canada
30 Dec 06
Bill collectors are really rude and ignorant, seems like they have no heart. I normally just don't answer the phone, we have call display and if there is no name on the phone then I don't pick it up.
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
30 Dec 06
I have been trying to convince hubby to get caller ID, and to switch to company where longdistance and local are all included. I haven't convinced him yet. We could be saving money and paying off the bill collectors but his mind is back in the age where you picked up the receiver and cranked to get the operator and told her what number to dial!! (Ok, I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea).