Do you have road rage?
By Kareng
@kareng (69617)
United States
December 30, 2006 6:01pm CST
Do you get excited, mad, angry when someone cuts you off in traffic, passes you and then gets in front of you and slows down, or drives down the road with their blinker on for no reason? What gets to you when driving? And what do you do to keep your road rage in check?
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13 responses
@troopy (168)
• Australia
31 Dec 06
Take deep breath's is the best solution for me, but what gets my heart pumping is when there is 2 lanes merging into 1 and you get all the idiot's speeding up the lane thats ending then trying to force there way in , in front of you.. i have to really keep my cool there. Do they think there life is more important than mine , so im happy to sit and wait in traffic as i have nothing better to do..
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Just look straight ahead and pretend you don't see them :) I let 1 person in and that's it! The rest must wait for some other sucker to let them in. That's just rude.
I've seen people who will basically drive in both lanes so that no one can drive up and merge in front of them. I'm not that bold but I do like the idea of it :) Why let these people get in front of you? How come the stuff they gotta get to is more important than my stuff?
@troopy (168)
• Australia
14 Mar 07
I done that the other day , just took up halve the other lane and this car came up behind me and started beeping the horn and yellin out so when the lights changed i moved over all the way into there lane and let everyone else go past both of us, they were really pissed at me.. haha
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@Marshell (60)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I love to drive; to me the challenge is sticking to the speed limit, and all the rules and laws of the road. What really gets under my skin are those fog lights! They are meant to be used in FOG; not on a clear night on a two lane road with you behind me, blinding me in my mirrors!
I get angry when people speed past me in a populated area, especially around schools.
I wish I had the money to open up a driving school. I would call it "Bummies Driving School for Dummies".
I think road rage is a scary thing. I sure hope I don't do anything to get hurt by someone else.
As for me? I pray! Yes, for me it really helps. I say: "In Jesus name I pray, please keep me safe lord. Please stop me from becoming angry, and help me to stay legal". And I use my radio to keep my mood elevated.If you already feel happy it's harder to get mad.
Even with all of this, it is soooo hard not to scream and cuss and blow my horn! Especially in the school zones. I live in a small, tight nit community area, where we all know each other. So I sometimes have a hard time controlling myself when I see, for example: the driving teacher for the county speeding down the highway with kids in the car, trying to get back because they are a few minutes late!
I am not an angel by a long shot; and I try really hard not to judge others. But when those others are putting my life and my families life in danger, you bet I get angry. But how you deal with your anger has a lot to do with your environment and what else is bothering you.I know all of this, yet I fall into the same trap! It is a vicious cycle. All we can do is take it one car ride a a time and try to be the best driver on the road.I said the best, NOT the fastest driver.
I have been called an old fogy for my beliefs, but I don' care. There are to many people out there on the road. Most accidents are caused by poor driving habits.Point blank. All it takes is one second and you could hit someones kid.OK I'll quit preaching now!
I guess my bottom line is I try to constantly put things in perspective and keep my defense strong. As long as I am watching the other drivers I should be able to avoid an accident.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Preach away! I just hate people who drive as if there is no one on the road besides them. Then there are people who seem to think that their car is made of foam and no one can get hurt. I believe distracted driving is worse than drunk driving, b/c drunk drivers are usually trying really hard to drive good so they don't get caught! Not that drunk driving is good, don't get me wrong, but at least they try a little harder than the girl I saw putting on lipstick, talking on her cell phone, and going 40!! I'll find people to send to your school for sure :)
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@sailoffwithme (870)
• United States
3 Jan 07
No why bother dose not get you there any faster and you might get somebody killed I think it's stupid to see people do that when they are driving. Most road rage is caused by road stupidity if people would pay attention and stay off the phone and drive like they are suppose to less of this would happen
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@DeeBloomers (688)
• United States
31 Dec 06
It is a normal reaction when someone does something unpredictable out on the highway, it is a way to vent, but you have to know when to let it go and not let it eat away at you. That can be dangerous.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Well, for awhile there I was getting bad. I got really ticked off when people would drive too close to me, then try to go around me even though there was nowhere to go!! So I would get my heart racing and go grrr a lot.
But now, I learned to relax and breathe in. Those people are idiots. So if someone is driving really close to me (when I'm already going over the speed limit) I slow down :-D Then when they try to go around me, I speed up. Screw you for driving too close to me and trying to push me into going faster. I guess that could seem like road rage, but it's pretty funny.
Here's another thing that's funny, watching someone cut you off, than cut in and out of traffic for a mile. Then at a light 1 mile down the road, I look to the left and it's the same person! Guess all that cutting in and out really got them so far ahead of me haha!
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@kareng (69617)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I do the same thing when someone is tailing me too close. I slow down. It usually infuriates them and they start blowing horn or giving me the finger. Oh well, you shouldn't be driving so close to me. I had one stop behind me last week and I couldn't even see the front bumper let alone the tires! I'm afraid I would have come unglued if he would have hit me in my new car!
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Well I'm even worse now b/c someone DID hit me at a red light. I was stopped at a light behind a long line of ppl. The right lane was closed (construction). I'm sitting there listening to Linkin Park and just watching in my rear view mirror as this SUV is coming really fast towards me! I was relaxed at first thinking "she'll stop". Then, I saw she wasn't stopping, had nowhere to go b/c a car was still stopped in front of me, and I braced myself as she hit me just enough to cause thousands of dollars of damage. Thank god for insurance!
I was really upset when I got home thinking about my poor car which I keep up so well and drive so little :( And the dumb broad was trying to say "i'll pay you, don't call cops, i have no insuranace" but I was already on the phone with them so it was too late. She said it was a friends car, I really don't care who's car it is I'm calling the cops! So since then I've been nervous about people not stopping behind me.
My mom told me that I should start stopping earlier now and leave space in front of me. Then if someone is coming fast, and doesn't look like they are stopping, I have a few feet to move up. If anything, they will see the brakelights flashing as I move up and get the hint! It seems to work and I do that all the time now. I trust no one anymore.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I ued to get really upset and sometimes really angry if someone was driving way below the speed limit and I couldn't get by them. Or if someone would cut me off that would upset me too, now it bothers me a little but not at all like it used to.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
31 Dec 06
This may sound absolutely crazy but it has the totally opposite affect to me. I can be really frustrated and angry at home but when I get behind the wheel of my car I am extremely calm, if someone cuts me up I think so what, what's the point in getting mad, none what so ever, you just get worked up, your heart beats faster, your stress levels raise all for what? I am very considerate when I drive and have plenty of patience for other drivers. Weird or what!
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Hi kareng my new friend.LOL I do get really upset when something silly happens on the road. Some people should not be allowed to drive on the roads. Because they could have caused some serious accidents. But luckily Im very causious while driving and I can always tell when someone is going to do something stupid.
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Most of the time I can manage to keep my road rage confined to mere utterances rather than outright acts of stupidity, although there are times when I have been tempted to do some really stupid things just as a payback to another driver.
Just a couple of days ago I was running a little behind for a doctor's appointment 35 miles away. It was not that big of a deal since I was only a few minutes behind, but there was a truck going a few miles per hour below the speed limit just ahead of me. Every time there was a passing zone, he would speed up so that I could not pass then slow back down. At one point in time he actually went 20 mph over speed limit through the passing zone to prevent me from passing, then dropped his speed lower than what it had been before. He was obviously doing this deliberately. Although I did not retaliate, I will admit that the thought did cross my mind!
There are so many drivers out there though who have no regard for others that it is sad. It is not only this though. Some do it out of carelessness, some from boredom, some to feel in control, and I guess it just makes some people happy to risk the lives and safety of others.
Thirteen years ago, shortly after the birth of my youngest son, I was returning to the hospital with him because of some medical problems. Another driver was in a hurry and decided to pass where there was no room to pass. He ran my car onto the shoulder of the road, and an oncoming car into the ditch. My car was still drivable, and I could have caught him if I wanted. Let me tell you, if my newborn baby were not in the car with me, there he would have seen what road rage was all about!
@kareng (69617)
• United States
24 May 07
It is very annoying when you see someone driving slowly and speeding up as your situation and even more annoying when you are the car behind them. I've had this happen to me. I only shake my head and say...what goes around comes around and your turn is coming real soon!
Wow, I'd have gone nuts if that happened to me with a baby in the car. I would have called the police and reported them at least, hoping maybe they would find them.
People just don't have any respect anymore.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
24 May 07
I contacted the police, but since we had no cell phones back then and he was moving so fast, I doubt that they ever caught him. I could not get a license number, just a description of a very common type and color of a car. Luckily, no one was hurt, but we were all pretty shaken up.
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@nicolecab (923)
• United States
17 May 07
yes, very badly. i am trying to work on it very hard now that i have a child in the car with me. i am also trying to get my hubby to work on this also!!