why people care so much for animals

December 30, 2006 10:20pm CST
well i really though about this issue many times! am not saying not to care for animals but i sawn many people in western society who would mourn and cry hard if their pet dog or cat is died ! well i cant see much grief in them even if a human is dead ! also this trend spreaded to asian countries where some rich people buy some costly breeds of pets appoints them a servant and takes much care of dog than the servant who is a human! guess ya peeps got my point
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60 responses
• United States
31 Dec 06
alot of people look at their pets like their kids and treat them just like they would a kid.that is why alot of people cry when they die because it was like their kid.i do not think you do not have feelings if you do not find a point to mourn even in humans.have a heart and understand that to these people these pets are their children that is why they spend alot of money on them.
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• India
31 Dec 06
yeah! i agree but dont u think that there were many poor deprived people in our damn world! aren't they eligible for our love and effection rather than pets?
@5berries (120)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Yes, there are a lot of poor and deprived people out there who need our love. But if you look at the overwhelming amount of people in need, you kind of overflow with grieve. When the Tsunami in Thailand happened, a lot of Americans felt helpless. They greived over the ones that were lost but didn't know how to help. After seeing that kind of loss and sadness, you have to shut off for a while to protect yourself from depression, especially if you don't see it in your everyday life. Pets are here everyday, they are what we see and who we interact with. It is something we can touch and feel. I know that if those victims of the Tsunami were here, we would pour our hearts out to them. We did for those in need on 9/11 and we did when Hurricane Katrina hit. It is close to home and we do what we can.
• United States
31 Dec 06
i believe that yes, there are many people that also need our help and support.i'm not saying chose animals over humans... how about we concentrate on both? we should do our utmost to help both. also an interesting scientific fact: animals have been proven to to have a positive physical effect on humans. they have been shown to help in lowering blood pressure, sense seizures before the person has one,helping alleviate depression, and the list goes on.
• United States
31 Dec 06
They give unconditional love, can be trusted, protect their loved ones, don't care about money, how you look, what colored your skin is, how fat or thin you are, your politics. I could go on and on. I do cry when I lose them. Can you tell me of any human who has all of these qualities not just some of them.
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• United States
31 Dec 06
Exactly- unconditional love. I love cats AND dogs, both. Though I admit I'm more of a cat person.. but dogs are so much more dependent on humans. I mean, they LIVE for our affection. How many times do you see a cat so excited to see their owner that they pee all over the ground? I would guess probably almost never. However, this is a lot more common with dogs. They're very excitable creatures. They lick, they bark, they wag their tails.. for the most part, dogs are just so grateful to be part of our lives. They don't care what we look like, what car we drive, whether we wear a wig.. LOL
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I want to try to answer this again. I sense some real thought and sincerity in your posting but also there is more than a little generalization. In the West, we have a long tradition of believing that animals teach us to love God, ourselves and our fellow man. It probably goes back to St. Francis of Assissi who, as you may already know, was the gentlest and most caring of saints. He gave everything he owned to the poor and he was also the "Saint of the Animals". I think you are probably thinking about those celebrities that put diamond collars on their little dogs and strut down the red carpet until said little dog weights too much to carry and is imediately replaced. All true animal lovers know that those folks are not animal lovers. They're publicity seekers. I too think those diamond studded collars should be sold and the money used to feed hungry people. (In fact I'd like to yank them off and drop them in a Salvation Army bucket.) However, I also believe that anyone willing to leave an animal to starve and die in the cold is just as likely to leave a human to starve and die in the cold. It's the true animal lover that will take both creatures in. Just as Francis of Assissi often did.
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@kareng (69193)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I think animals give unconditional love. They are always there for you, and they accept you no matter what. On the other hand, you are the owner and have to supply care for them as if they were a child. They depend on you for food, and medical care and love. They give back much more than what I give to them in my opinion. It sounds like you have never had a pet of your own. You should try it.
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@MamaBird (155)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Animals are very intelligent. They learn to know your every move and emotion. Therefore, becoming part of the family. They feel and hurt emotionally just as we do. One example.......when you yell at an animal, they cowl down and know that you're not pleased with them. When you praise them for something they've done, they jump and leap with joy. These creatures were created by God as we were. They deserve to be taken care of if for no other reason than being God's creations. As far as the rich caring for pets the way they do, it's their money to do as they please!
• United States
1 Jan 07
Rajiz; have you ever heard of "unconditional love"??? Love and affection without demands?? THAT is what a pet gives I have 3 very wonderful pets; 2 dogs and a cat. One dog is a chocolate labrador(Emma) one is a pekingnese(Sassy) and the cat is Nemo(an american bobtail).I fell ill one day and was alone at home; except for my pets. I was so sick all I could do was CRAWL down my hall to the phone for help. The whole time Emma also crawled beside me licking my face as if to say(you're not alone).She sat right by me as the ambulance drivers prepared to carry me out.And she cried the whole time I was in the hospital; walking from room to room looking for me.She has remained attentivly by my side through many other episodes of bad health and protectively if someone approaches.The other two also give us the same attention and love.I praise those rich enough to do such for their pets; or anyone that has and cares for one.
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• United States
31 Dec 06
It is called heart and sensitivity. A wonderful trait to have in one's human character. Animals do have feelings emotionally and physically. They do give love to humans.
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@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
31 Dec 06
Your animosity to the western society is showing. Again.
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• Philippines
31 Dec 06
Well you dont have pets for sure thats why your saying that. I have a dog, when she got sick i tried my best to make her survive, but shes not. I cant explain what i feel, shes part of our family, we treat her as member of our family. If you think that im stupid because i cried a lot, well i dont care. You cant feel what we feel all those who love their pets so much. You are entitled with your own opinion, as well as i do. We love our pets which is animal, it means we are loving person. If we can love animals much more with HUMAN right? And as your saying whats wrong hiring servants for their dogs, its their job, they got paid with it. And just a suggestion, try to have a dog, and you will know what we feel for sure!
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@Jamian (2603)
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
Sometimes people treat their pets like their family, some people enjoyed that thing, we cant blame them if they really love animals.
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@classy56 (2880)
• United States
31 Dec 06
pets are like family members you love them with all your heart.i do anyway.some people do treat their pets better than humans my dad was one of them.try getting you a pet an it will become your best freind an then you will understand
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
31 Dec 06
Then in the eyes of someone such as yourself I must be one crazy man who needs to be locked away since I care as you say so much for animals but again, I also realize that people are the cause of this "suffering and not only to other people but to animals. But hey I've come across people like you all my life because yes I am one who cares that "much" for animals and their well being and honestly I don't pay any mind to this type of thinking. The more I get to know my cats, the less I like some people LOL
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• India
31 Dec 06
they care because they to are fellow beings
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@82idiots (595)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Because they are innocent and humans are not. When we suffer, we understand the ramifications of it, animals don't. Their is a permeating primal innocence behind why we feel for animals. We see this innocence.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Some people are so impressed by animals, they want to change themselves into being one. Look for shapeshifting discussion on myLot.
• India
31 Dec 06
yeah thats what i feel,we just forget that we are animals a so called"social animals"but behave worse than animals.hehe.
• India
31 Dec 06
yes we are also animals.don't you know that?we are even worse than animals sometimes.at least animals pay back somehow for what you do for them,but we humans are worse than them.you better think twice before posting such things.
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
31 Dec 06
Hey mand great response. We are animals but ulike animals, we treat often times one another like crap.
• India
31 Dec 06
thats coz prehaps the pets are much more faithful than servants.lol
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
31 Dec 06
On a serious note to that, there are pets and animals who have treated me much better than some human beings have.
@wings33 (230)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I agree. Pets love you unconditionlly and are so much nicer than people. People can be very mean sometimes.
@priya123s (320)
• India
31 Dec 06
due to loneliness in developed country the get more affection towards pet.
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
Really, are u really sure that we are lonely thats why why were getting affection from pets?? I dont think so, im so much happy with my life, having a pet is a different thing.
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
31 Dec 06
dear rajiv, you will not going to understand it when you never trying to keep cat or dog. try and discover how its like to have them at home. how loyal they are for you. and how they need you to love them.you will never now , if you got no experience.
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
i do agree with you, when i read this really im upset. He dont know whats the feeling anyway.
@Madruga (137)
• Romania
1 Jan 07
Because people needs somtime a living thing that won`t hurt their feelings in every moment.Animal are those things that we need to realize that we aren`t alone on this world...
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I think the first group of people mentioned use the animals as companions. They give and receive love, protection etc. They often feel as the animal is a member of their family. The animal is a friend to them. When a friend hurts you hurt too. (generally) The second group getting servants and such, treating the animal as royalty.. well they just plain have too much money.. I am a member of the first group. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.