8 year old who wets the bed (almost EVERY NIGHT!!!!!)
By jennifer611
@jennifer611 (2514)
United States
December 31, 2006 12:29pm CST
I dont know what to do!
I am so fed up with it!
he has gone through bed after bed after bed!!!
it's to the point where now he just has a matress on the floor and now that is getting bad enough to where I am gonna have to throw it out soon! I cant afford another bed!Ive tried Honey, Ive tried diapers. I have tried putting plastic on his bed and when I come to check on him he tears the sheet up and sleeps UNDER THE PLASTIC!!!what can I do to stop this kid from peeing in the bed???I even wake him up to make him go to the bathroom and he still pee's in the bed..
his room is really starting to stink. I even started making him clean it up on his own just incase its just lazyness, still he doesnt stop!!!anyone else been through this??? what did u do for it???
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63 responses
@maapav (729)
• India
1 Jan 07
This problem is faced by many.Some children do this due to some problem.Have u shown him to doctor.My sister's daughter also has same problem.Doctor said that she will be fine after some age. Find out whether your child has some fear.U can also wake him up in the night then he can go to bathroom.At first consult a doctor.
@ladyambi (80)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Calm down mom. It's not uncommon for children of any age to wet the bed. Sometimes it may not be a health problem. In a general psychology course I was taking I learned that wetting the bed may be a sign of nervousness. He could be afraid or nervous about something at school. If he's not nervous about anything,and his health is o.k. then it's probably nothing. Please mom don't think your child is the only one. There are many.I know you are tired, but it will get better.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
31 Dec 06
my little cousin who's 5 does this all the time non stop, my auntie just punishes him and refuses to give him any drinks after 6pm at night, a while before he goes to bed and now he soon stopped doing it!
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@midnyt_purplez09 (183)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
I know someone who is already 17 years old but still wets his bed. He is a friend of mine during secondary years of school. He is energetic but that's his deepest secret that noone should know. It really fed up his self esteem and he also stinks. I want to help him but I also don't know the right thing to do.
I want to help my friend but I just can't do anything. He said he can't control it. That's why as of now he is suffering from insomnia and he is really afraid to sleep. When he is being asked to sleep on a friend's house he will respond yes but he wont sleep or else he's into a big trouble. He might wet the bed of his friend's house.
This sound freakin but it might happen to your child. I hope not.
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@hades_XXX (1)
• India
1 Jan 07
hey just don't give him too much water or any liquid before he goes to bed...
its because whatever you drink comes out almost two hours after taken.so left him drink what he wants 2 hours before bed.
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@mikeaka007 (29)
• Canada
1 Jan 07
My brother wet the bed till he was 22 and it drove my mom crazy. it was every night till he was 19 then it startedto slow down. my mom tried everything from alarms that wake him up but that didnt work it just woke everyone else in the house up. the doctor said he had a problem with falling into a deepsleep. and there is nothing we could do about it. i always felt sorry for him cause it was so embarresing. he could never go for sleepovers or camping with his friends. There are covers you can buy for that kind of problem. and every night make sure he cleans his bed. try a carpet shampooer for his bed and airfresheners. anther thing that might work is try to pase him on drinking and watch his bathroom habbits. If he drinks 6 glasses of water and only goes to washroom 2 times then try eqauling his habbits out. make sure every night he goes to the washroom before he goes to bed and make him fell comfortable about this problem because it is not his fault and just thing about what the poor little fellow is going through. if you haveany questions just ask. thanks mike
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Make him sleep in the bathtub until he learns to quit messing around with you. This kid isn't even trying. True, children can be like 10 before their bladder matures enough to make it thru the night. However, this child is old enough to know that the plastic on his bed and the diapers are there to help him. The fact that he sleeps under the plastic and won't wear the diapers shows that he's just being defiant, and you have to get that under control before you can solve the wetting problem.
I know you want to be a good mother, but sometimes in parenting you have to make some really hard decisions in order to be effective. This is one of those times. Find something pretty drastic that you can live with. Try getting him up every ten minutes all night to go to the bathroom. If he refuses, either force the issue or turn on the lights and do whatever so that he can't go back to sleep unless he uses the toilet.
The way it is now, he's in control. You have to show him once and for all that you are the boss and that you are sick and tired of his behavior. Don't blame him for wetting, just for making no effort to help you with the problem.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
1 Jan 07
In all fairness, if you were 8 years old, would you want to wear diapers? I realize this mother is desperate to keep her child from wetting his bed, and diapers at one point were used to get him to stop doing this. However, diapers/pull-ups/nite pants (not sure which she specifically meant?) are probably very humiliating to an 8 yr old. Yes, I do agree that he probably isn't trying very hard to make an effort.. but I think his age also needs to be a consideration. (If he refuses to wear pull-ups/diapers/whatever, there's probably a very good reason for that, aside from just defiance).
@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Its an unfortunate situation, Unfortunately, I didn't stop wetting the bed at night til I was 12. My kids stopped at around 9. My youngest who is 4 is still in pull ups at night time. The only thing I could suggest is that you take him to the doctor and see what the doctor has to say. They also have night time pull-ups in stores. Its expensive and you might not be able to afford them, Its better and cheaper then having to throw out the matress.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Sometimes store brand versions are cheaper. We have tried Goodnites and we have tried Huggies Pull-Ups Night*Time Pants. Depending on which store you go to, the Huggies are cheaper. But stores also have their own version of night pants.. You can sign up at the various sites online to get coupons, too. :)
@michele609 (1687)
• United States
31 Dec 06
My son is 6 years old and still wets the bed and the doctor told me that his bladder is still immature! So what I do is but him them oversize night pants and he has to wear them, She also checked him for lead posion because that can lead to that and also ahe told me to not give him nothing to drink an hour before he goes to bed. I hope this help but trust me I am going crazy over it because I also go through bed after bed thats why I make him were the goodnights! There is really nothing you can do they grow out of it!
@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I have asked the doc about it but they havent really said anything or suggested anything.. I hate when they do that.. they just brush off my concerns..
But he did have lead poison when he was little, they dont test him anymore but I am wondering if that might have something to do with it then. I never even thought that could be a reason...
as far as the stopping the drink an hour before, we tried that and when he has a accident again, I move the time back more and still he pee's.. I try to stop him from drinking by 7pm, he pee's so we go 6:30 still doesnt work.. I dont want to go any earlier because I feel like then I am depriving him of fluids and I dont want to make him dehydrated or something... I guess I am gonna have to ask his doc. about the lead poison thing..
Thanks for the input :)
@dragonstar13 (1465)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Absolutely ask his doctor again. And again and again and again until you get an answer. Sadly in today's world, you often have to be your own advocate when it comes to health care. Especially if you have an HMO. I was apalled to learn that my doctor is allowed 15 minutes per patient appt and that includes writing prescriptions, updating the charts and any other paperwork they have.
As to your son's problem. If you rule out any medical condition, then you may just have to live with it. I have several brothers, a son and two grandsons who wet the bed long past infancy and the toddler years. One as late as high school.
It was not laziness or behavior. It just happened. There was no health condition, my parents tried denying fluids, taking them to the bathroom just before bed time and waking them up during the night. Nothing worked.
My suggestion would be to make sure he has an extra pair of clean pajamas and a change of bedding available every night. When he needs you, help him change himself and his bed. When he gets older, let him do it himself. Don't make a fuss, don't discuss it with others in front of him and don't be the one to bring it up to him (of course be there for him if he wants to talk.) Eventually he will grow out of it. Until then, why embarrass him by making a scene?
@melanie652 (2524)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Some kids just take a little longer to outgrow wetting the bed. It may take him another year or two? In the meantime I would take him to the doctor and make sure it's not anything physically wrong. In the meantime, why not try a zippered plastic cover that completely covers the mattress? You could also try the pullups or whatever they're called for older kids that have a wetting problem and just don't wake up to go to the bathroom. I'm sure your son is not being lazy or anything like that. Try to be as supportive and encouraging as you can. I'm sure this is playing havoc with his self esteem.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Jan 07
when you say you've used "plastic" are you talking about a plastic bed sheet OR are you talking about a wet mat(that absorbed liquid, its plastic on the bottom but cotton on top)..if you ARENT talking about a wet mat, try that and put your foot down with him in regards to NOT sleeping under it....here are some other suggestions (I've gone through this myself with one of my kids)
- never scold him EVER...it is very possible that he truly cant help it and giving him hell for something out of his control isnt fair
- monitor his drink intake throughout the day and especially from dinner on
- make sure you remind him to go pee before getting into bed and in the middle of the night wake him up and take him to the bathroom
- DONT put diapers on him!! he's 8 yrs old and that must be EXTREMELY embarrassing and demeaning for him..if he were younger that would be one thing but he is 8
- take him to the doctor and ask about a medicine called DESMOPRESSIN ACETATE..which works on the kidneys by controling or lessening the flow of urine
- finally...be patient..I KNOW its frustrating all the laundry that has to be done, the smell that I'm sure has gotten stronger in his room etc but like i said it could very well be something out of his control rather than something he does on purpose....and though its none of my biz, is there anything that has happened in his life that has really upset him or any major changes etc that could be part of the problem?
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Jan 07
OH one more thing...has anyone in his family ever had this problem that you know of? The reason I ask is because oddly enough my ex (the father of my kids) apparently had the same problem as my child until he was 13 yrs old..now I dont knwo if something like this could be hereditary but its worth lookign into
@medooley (1873)
• United States
31 Dec 06
What did the doctor suggest you do?
My brother had a bed wetting problem until he was older than most kids. He had the alarm, it would go off in the middle of the night and wake everyone else in the house up but him. My mom finally took him to the doctor and they gave him some sort of steriod and from then on he never wet the bed again... Talk to your doctor see what he says.

@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Wondering if your doctor has never really shown any interest in your concerns or mentioned the alarm or steroid ... why are you still going to this doctor?
Besides just the cost of replacing beds, I would imagine that your child is facing a lot of emotional problems and wouldn't be able to spend the night at friends' houses without being embarrassed.
If at all possible I would find a new doctor who not only listens to your concerns, but is also concerned for your child's physical and mental well-being. Best of luck to you!
@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
31 Dec 06
The docs never have anything to say but I think I am just gonna have to really push the issue now because its rediculous...
Thanks alot for the input :)

@jenbatres (799)
• United States
1 Jan 07
First off take your kid to the doctors. . .there could be much more going on. Your child could have a small bladder and need woke up during the night. You could buy nighttime pull-ups for your child and then you wouldn't have to worry about buying a new mattress. The way you worded this, I feel so sorry for your child -- you sound like one of the meanest parents. . .I could not imagine making my child clean up their own mess. . . .Oh and don't think I don't know what your going through, I have a 5 year old who is incontinent -- can't control bowels or bladder-- but I was a parent and had her checked out. It's this type of parenting that makes me Sick
@ranjith_asp (133)
• India
1 Jan 07
its bad..
but try this.. bfr he goes to bed u bettr tk him 2 pee..
also mk him 2 drink some water bfr half an hour to the time he goes 2 bed
@rakeshdas (427)
• India
1 Jan 07
I think its is mental problem. So case is in his sub-consious mind which makes him frightened. So that he has the problem to hold on. Psycheatrists can help u out in that case. Pls contact them as early as possible :)
@amit312_18 (638)
• India
1 Jan 07
one of my friend had similar problem with his urinal part.....he used to wet bed mostly every next night.i ll tell you one excercise that will surely help...but that will take time.
first of all sit on your knuckles.
then try to push the portion of butt to touch to the ground b/w legs.this will stretch alot.do it slow.
do it quite a few times or repeat that few times.
then stop..this small excercise will help and will show results very soon.
@jesi06 (279)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Oh,No! I guess by this discussion I am going to be in it for a while. My son just turned 5 years old and wets the bed. I have as well tried cutting back his fluids,waking him during the night to go,night pants,(he tears off anyway)and the plastic thing(which he makes a hole in and sleeps UNDER to.I thought something may just be wrong with him because my 2 daughters did not do this. They were both fully pottytrained by age 2. I guess I am glad to see it is not only him, but it does indeed get frusterating to keep buying mattress afer mattress. What I did for his 5th birthday (as it REALLY got to stinking in there) I removed his bed and replaced it with one of those airmattress that just go on the floor and raise up. Although he pees the bed almost every night I can at least wipe it down so it doesn't stink.
@usman400 (1587)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 07
Actually in younger age this problem is not fixable (as I think it) u just patiently do ur duty, after some years he will stop it, beleive me there is no 100% cure for it, instead if u try hard madically it can put negative effects that are there in various medicines !
@Starlady0_1 (586)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I use to have this worry my son was about 5 or 6 and still wetting his pants. I was told by someone to stop making a scene about it, how many people do you know who are adults and still wet the bed. So I stopped talking about it and worrying about it he stopped not long after that.