Is the essence of Islam Sacrifece, blood and death? then that is not a relegion
By xxabhix
@xxabhix (321)
December 31, 2006 11:21pm CST
I recently watched the nick berg video and was very disturbed, the terrorist read the holy kuran and then sliced his head off it was so heart aching. the were reading the kuran and then sliced his head off saying the name off alla, i was very shocked. his head was cut like a goat. at the choped of head was held in the terrorist hand as a trpohy cup. he still said alla mohilalla.. is islam all about death and killing people. the that is not a relegion. there is no god.... i am very sorry i am very disturbed by the video. i still have tears in my eyes...
19 responses
@shi_2000_21 (2680)
• India
1 Jan 07
They don't have any other work other then beheading innocent human beings in the name of religion. They are just following what is written in Quran.
@jawadthedon1 (15)
1 Jan 07
u stupid idiot have u read the Qur'an??? i dont think so....this is not wot the Qur'am says...stop makin assumptions....go read it and then come bak with a comment!!!
@FredDurst (82)
• Qatar
1 Jan 07
shi_2000_21 u happen to have some hatred for islam i can sense it
how can u say such a thing if u havent actually read the Quran u r just makin wild assumptions
I agree with wat ya saw on dat clip was inhumane but just because they read the quran doesnt make them Muslims
Look at me Iam a christian i have read the geeta and other religion books and I was really inspired by reading the Quran by the teachings of The QURAN its just like looking in ur soul and certainly leaves a mark in ur heart its a really peaceful religion
i can explain it to you like if a hindu or a jew or a christian does any crime u go after the agressor not the religion u punish the criminal not the religion so next time while commenting think before sending any comment we r not here to create a bad impression and remember

@harsh1985 (593)
• India
2 Jan 07
absolutely not!! i think jihadis generated there own defination for killing inocent people!!
jihad means kill the enemy is your own mind and not kill people...
i am sure that not all muslims are terrorist but unfortunately all terrorist are muslims and nobody can deny this fact... i think there no religion exist on the world hich allows their follower to kill people.
there are some extrimist people in each religion which spoils the name of total community..
such extremist must be banned!!

@mujeebrehman (158)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 07
Dear Friend, you are right that to sacrifiece is a barbariasm, but you should also look the behavour which is the Amirican Army doing in Iraq with Muslim Women. that is not relegion either.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
1 Jan 07
"Look at the behavior which is the American Army doing in Iraq with Muslim Women"
If you have any information as to US troops violating Muslim Women, you can get those troops thrown in jail. The USMJ is strongly against rape. All US officers will enforce the laws against rape. Go to the commander of any US troop violating Muslim Women and there will be an investigation and a trial if there is any evidence.
I know for a personal fact that what I have just told you is true.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
1 Jan 07
USMJ is supposed to be UCMJ which stands for Universal Code of Military Justice. It says Universal because it applies to the all branches of the US military.

@colonelsanders (209)
1 Jan 07
For those who want to seek the truth and purely want to know the truth.
watch this video with open mind.
If u still feel confused and have questions, please refer to Ask anyone who is an expert in islamic subject.
Seeking is knowing my dear friend.Dont just believe everything from the media.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
1 Jan 07
That site was advocating that teddy bears were unclean in a topic... They have a section for women and a section for men. A users profile explains the Sunnah as the only way to live ( THe Sunnah is full of AWFUL things, Muhammad did many questionable things, regardless of if he is a prophet).
I encourage you likewise, to read "Why I am not A Muslim" by Ibn Warraq.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Oh, so just because right now you aren't willing to put dynamite on your back means you are completely seperate from the entire terrorist ideology?
Do you support the terrorist actions against America or any other country? Do you agree with terrorism's goal?

@mannu_india (702)
• India
1 Jan 07
look man these terrorists r not the head or chief of any religion.u can't blame the killings on any religion.if they r killing that means they r bad not the religion.
@treblem (316)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
islam is "the abomination that causes desolation". they're really terrifying. they just hide themselves in the name of love and peace but the core of their religion is hate and destruction. sorry if i offend some muslims but i think everybody has the right to express their opinion and my opinion is based on what i always see on muslims. though their quran teaches goodness but they act differently. i am not saying that christianity is better. all religions of this world is bad. they lead people to total disaster and doom.
@UcoksBaBa (800)
• Indonesia
1 Jan 07
You could not accuse just like that towards the Islam religion, tried to be investigated by you beforehand who they that did that, because I a Muslim and knew would about the punishment for someone that killed was his reply hell, I thought you were better find out beforehand from the Islam group whatever they and what true they were correctly true the true Muslim who must be done by you and don't say the terrorist only from people's circle Islam, could you thorough would the incident 9/11 that accused people Islam that carried him out, Bush a Christian tried investigated whether his religion and whether having the right he to forbid the other country to make the annihilator's weapon was his country in allowed had.
So don't accused on behalf of but investigated beforehand about that.
@shyam4uall (1002)
• India
1 Jan 07
I don't think you should judge the Islam religion by just some of the people who use the holy Khuran for the bad things.They just want to confess to the people that waht they are doing is Islam but they don't know the real thing in it.I think Islam has never told its follower that kill other people and destroy the world in the name of freedom..etc.So some of the bad guys,terrorist are spreading the wrong message of the religion Islam.And as a result due to some of those the whole islam community is bieng blamed..
@vkbllm (474)
• India
1 Jan 07
Well Islam is a good religon. What u mention is dark side of it. You cant help it. What always wrong is wrong here too. People from other religons do such hatred crime in other excuses, Here They take excuse of Islam, Thats all. Islam is very much a religon. Not All Muslims are terrorist. But u cant hide fact that ALL TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIM!
@joelsosmena (40)
• Northern Mariana Islands
2 Jan 07
I think Islam is not a religion, it was created by Muhammad to protect him. Christianity is based on humility, forgiveness, love, I dont know about Islam? Why would you teach your followers to attack and kill others because they are not muslim? What kind of religion is that? In America, everyone can practice his own religion, but in Middle East you cannot even bring a Bible. Selfish Religion.

@Guaracha (11)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
Saddam was executed in Iraq. If America intervened to stop the execution it would have been condemned as intervening in the sovereign rights of another country.
America has no more or less humility than any other nation. It has however a bit more democratic freedom than most countries, especially with regard to religion.
If it would make any difference, I am NOT American.

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
1 Jan 07
The Quran is a peaceful book, and the muslim faith is a peaceful faith. They have both been hi-jacked by the fundamentalists, just as the Bible has been hijacked by fundamentalists. What you see on the news is a small number of people doing bad things. The majority are good, peacable, hard working individuals. You need to do a bit more research on the principles of Islam before making such broad judgements.
@oneebahmad (13)
• Ukraine
2 Jan 07
Hello, This is Oneeb Ahmad. Well iam also feeling very pity abt this act...really by heart. And when i saw this news really i also get anoyed.alot. MY friend This is Not ISLAM ...ISLAM is peace...One thing u should remeber terrirists are extremist they have no religion. In every religion there are extremist persons.right..and Islam Always tell us to use the middle path. But As far as Killing is concern Islam is totally against about such act. Really iam a muslim and iam against this act.every that Muslim who is not extremist is saying this is just for de faming Islam. Friend Islam even says that dont even tease any non muslim. They are saying ALLAH-Ho-Akber while doing such act, they are on their way but iam sorry to say this is totaly wrong.
remeber one thing NEVER hate any person Just Hate whts wrong it that person. same the case with religions Islam always says Dont say to others preeching wrong. And basically islam wants peace but such kinda persons are just de faming coz they dont know well islam...even me iam a simple person but this act is not in Islam. this is totaly redicolous and We Muslims are ready to fight againsts such terrorists weather they belongs to Islam or anyother religion.They are just extremist. and To fight doesnt only mean to fight with a sword u can fight with first ur knowledge...Islam preffers first table talk.
the Moral of the story is that, SIMPLY this is not ISLAM. They are just extremist and de-faming Islam. and We cant assume ISLAM as these terrirorist are showing off.
iam sorry if i did anymistake....its just my point of view with the help of best of my knowledge... Thanx!
@teufelskind (813)
• United States
2 Jan 07
well look at history they kill in the name of their god christians killed well I should say wiped out the indians for not being christian and their land. Look at all the people that Saddam killed when they hung him he had the kuran. it is something that has been around forever and will never go away it is sad but it is also part of life i wish this was not so but it is.
@isakuyoiki (166)
• Indonesia
2 Jan 07
When you knew only the surface, you will never find what is the truth beneath. Have you ever realized where 'april fool' tradition came from? Learn it my friend, you will know why...
@swasti (1157)
• India
1 Jan 07
yeah that happened alomost a year was shown in tv news all over the world. seriously i dont know wat the hell goes in these terrosists minds...they all should be phycos i think. it is very pitiable that innocent have got to face this horrid things in life..i too was in tears whne i saw this.
@dhn1975 (91)
• United States
2 Jan 07
You people who are saying Islam is bloody are completely ignorant. First of all, explain to the world why you are in Iraq and killing millions of Iraqis, you a supposedly Christian nation. I bet you can't even tell me Jesus' two prime laws. Second, do you know that the CIA funded the Muslim Brotherhood, which later on became the political wing of radical militant islam, what you ignorants call "terrorism"? So really America created these terrorists just like they funded Osama bin Laden, just like USA funded Hussein, just like USA sends hundreds of billions of dollars to the Middle East for Muslim oil, and then you hypocrites have the nerve to say that Islam is bloody?
Please crawl out of your cave and get some sunlight. Your ignorance makes you blind.
Also, don't hate what I say because you think what I say is wrong. hate what I say because you can't refute these facts.
@zeeshan123 (216)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 07
all i can say is....
one who says crap about some relegion does not belong to any relegion...
cuz NO relegion in this world allows any one to say crap about any relegion...