The Ten Commandments, etc.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
January 1, 2007 12:44am CST
The following ten commandments were written on two tablets of stone.
There are more than 600 other commandments given by God in the
wilderness to the Israelites - to the Israelites only as they were the
chosen people of God and they were in the wilderness that time (they
were separated from all other nations).
In the New Testament, all these commandments were summarized into
two - love of God and love of neighbor as self.
1And the Lord spoke all these words saying:
2”I Myself am the Lord the God of thee, who led thee out of the land of
Egypt out of the house of slavery. 3There shall not be other gods to
thee except Me.
4”Thou shall not make idols for thyself nor any likeness, whatsoever in the
heaven above and whatsoever in the earth under and whatsoever in the
waters underneath the earth. 5Thou shall not bow to them nor thou shall
at all religiously serve to them; for I Myself am the Lord the God of thee,
a jealous God giving sin of the fathers on the children until the third and
fourth generations to the ones who hate Me 6and doing mercy into
thousands to the ones who love Me and to the ones who guard the ordinances of Me.
7”Thou shall not take the name of the Lord the God of thee on worthless things; for the Lord shall not at all cleanse the man who takes the name of Him on worthless things.
8”Remember the day of the Sabbaths to make it holy. 9Work six days and thou shall do all the works of thee; 10and on the seventh day Sabbath to the Lord the God of thee; thou shall not do in it any work, thou and the son of thee and the daughter of thee, the servant of thee and the maidservant of thee, the ox of thee and the donkey of thee and any cattle of thee and the proselyte the sojourner in thee. 11For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the
things in them and He rested on the seventh day; on account of this the
Lord eulogized the seventh day and made it holy.
12”Honor the father of thee and the mother, in order that it becomes well
to thee, and in order that thou shall live long time on the good land, which the Lord the God of thee gives to thee.
13”Thou shall not commit adultery.
14”Thou shall not steal.
15”Thou shall not murder.
16”Thou shall not bear false witness against the neighbor of thee.
17”Thou shall not desire the woman of the neighbor of thee, thou shall not desire the house of the neighbor of thee nor the field of him nor the
servant of him nor the maidservant of him nor the ox of him nor the donkey of him nor any cattle of him nor whatsoever is to the neighbor of
18And all the people saw the sound and the lamps and the sound of the
trumpet and the smoking mountain; and all the people stood from afar.
19And they said to Mouses:
“Thou thyself speak to us, and let not God speak to us, lest perchance
we die.” (Exodus 20:1-19)
God says that if you violate one, you violate all. Those who insist that
these are not for the Israelites only, can you fulfill these 10 and all the
other commandments so that you would be saved and be with God in heaven eternally?
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18 responses
@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
The full text of the 10 commandments are quoted, safer than blah blah.
@djb876 (93)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Thank you for your post. I wonder if people really understand that by following the simplicity of these guides, their lives would be a more quality existence. I wish that all those who post about their bfgf, breakups, clubbing, ex's, jilted lovers, and other hardships of life could really understand that these guides are what can prevent screwy lives. They aren't restrictions, they are protections.
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@sunsham68 (1376)
• India
2 Jan 07
Extremely well said! I wish people would understand this and live accordingly. Protection not restriction. WOW. CI couldn't have said it better. I am rating you A+ and if this was my discussion, you would be the best response!
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@Pikkie (71)
• South Africa
3 Feb 07
I agree with you completely!!Just think how great it would be if we just kept to "Love only God and no other god and Love your neighbor like yourself". No more crime, hate the list is endless! If we could do just that the world would be heaven on earth. Thanks for saying it so beautifully!!
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
1 Jan 07
As you pointed out Yeshua broke down these commandments into two: Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind and soul
Love thy neighbor.
Yet, we as humanity cannot even do that. So few, no even how to Love themselves, let alone show gratitude for life. It's hard to blame them though (with Love there isn't supposed to be blame) because we live in a pretty shady world, where the "religious" point fingers and persecute the young and lonely--calling them all sinners, and our political leaders use the name of God and Christ to get votes, and those who are in the so-called "Christian right" turn more people away from God and Christianity with hit-and-miss Biblical philosophy. That is it's easy to say to a homosexual "Sinner! Man shall not lay with man..!" But what about "Judge not, lest ye be judged" or "let he who casts the first stone be without sin."? Meanwhile, these same people vote for the politicians who claim to represent Christ--these politicians who start wars for oil and political distraction (Thou Shalt not kill, remember)--these politicians who chirp on the sanctity of marriage, while having been divorced a time or three. If you really want to bring someone into the flock, so to speak--you must show them with actions. Love as Christ taught us to Love, and this whole world would be a much better place.
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@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
I should like to take the opportunity here to extend my appreciation to all those who responded or gave comments to responses and as a gesture of gratitude, I have rated you all with the positive rating. I will also rate positively all others that will still be responding or giving comments to
responses. May God bless you all.
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@celinlocario (334)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
If we understand the two commandments in the New Testament, we do not have to say in detail all the ten commandments and all the others numbering to more than 600 because they are all already included in these two commandments.
@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
2 Jan 07
The Ten Commandments of Moses (Deuteronomy 5:6-21, Exodus 20:3-16) run as follows--and I am even going out of my way to leave out the bounteous and blatantly-religious language that actually surrounds them in the original text, as well as the tacit approval of slavery present in the fourth commandment, none of which is even remotely suitable for political endorsement by a free republic:
1. Have no other gods before me [the God of the Hebrews].
2. Make no images of anything in heaven, earth or the sea, and do not worship or labor for them.
3. Do not vainly use the name of your God [the God of the Hebrews].
4. Do no work on the seventh day of the week.
5. Honor your parents.
6. Do not kill.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not give false testimony against another.
10. Do not desire another's wife or anything that belongs to another.
Now, we can see at once that our society is entirely opposed to the first four, and indeed the last of these ten. As a capitalist society, we scoff at the idea of closing our shops on a choice market day. And our very goal in life is to desire--desiring is what drives us toward success and prosperity. The phrase "seeking the American Dream," which lies at the heart of our social world, has at its heart the very idea of coveting the success of our peers, goading us to match it with our own industry, and we owe all our monumental national success to this. Finally, our ideals of religious liberty and free speech, essential to any truly civil society, compel us to abhor the first three commandments. Thus, already half of Moses' doctrines cannot be the foundation of our modern society--to the contrary, they are anathema to modern ideals.
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@swak1962 (129)
• United States
1 Jan 07
It's been pointed out to me that virtually all religions follow three basic concepts in which even the 10 Commandments applies.
1. Self-Worth: You have value to yourself. You should respect yourself and feel comfortable with yourself. If you are uncomfortable with yourself, then find what you need to change to become comfortable. For loving yourself is essential to achieve #2.
2. Social Respect: Understand your neighbor, you may disagree with him or her, but have the courtesy to disagree peacefully. If your neighbor asks for help, give him what help you can, for it is to the betterment for them and for yourself. By showing this respect to your neighbor, we become neighborhoods, which then become communities, which in turn then become nations. Also, by achieving your own self worth, how can you love your neighbor if you do not love yourself?
3. Spiritual Awareness: When individuals, neighbors, communities, and nations achieve love of themselves (self worth) and love of their neighbors (social respect), they've achieved two-thirds of a higher power's divine plan. In such a plan for a Garden of Eden (or utopia), it is only fitting that we turn our attention in honoring that higher power, for it is that divine spark in each of us that has started it all, Love of God. And how can we love God if we do not know how to love ourselves or our neighbors.
Read through the 10 Commandments, and see if you can determine which commandment fits in within these three categories. Look through other religious doctrines and you will find that these categories also fit in very nicely within their own dogma. Ultimately, no single religion has it all right, and none of them have it all wrong. Even though many may claim they adhere to their religion's rules and commandments, they fall short in achieving these three basic concepts.
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@whacks (774)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
All commandments in the Old Testament are embraced in these two commandments in the New Testament - the love of God and the love of self and neighbor. We cannot harm or hurt God and others if we do these. Those in the Old Testament are just specifics. All of them are summarized in the two commandments in the New Testament. All are sinners and are short of the glory of God. That was why God gave us the way for our sins to be forgiven in the New Testament. If we obey God, our sins will be forgiven and we will be saved from the lake of fire and we will be in heaven to live with God forever. The New Testament is clear on how to be saved on the day of judgment.
@clark16 (375)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
I agree 100% with you mother, But I'm not so perfect human being that sometimes I really commit sins at different levels, I'm trying to do my best to follow it, but if you love God, you automatically can follow these things, if He's in your heart, you become His great follower and loving child.
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@nuffsed (1271)
1 Jan 07
Since there is no proof or evidence, that God did anything of the sort, and this whole subject is a matter of Faith, any subsequent argument is pointless. I have to say all of the consequential religious competetive hatred is also pointless.
If God ever communicated any words to humanity; I consider that using a language that specifically addresses one race and excludes all others from being classified as "chosen" peoples is an act of hatred and hipocracy, in the light of instruction to love thy neighbour as thyself.
The whole concept of "chosen people" is far too human for me to believe as attributable to a God or god of love. We are currently witnessing the forces of beleif in Aramaggedon and the will to bring such horror to fruition. These beliefs leave far too many races colours and creeds excluded for me to give them any respect whatsoever.
My god is a god of love. This is not the God of your bible I suspect.
As the armies of the Islamic brotherhood are swelling with new believers, so are the followers of non-exclsive, non biblical beliefs, gathering in ever greater numbers.
@diggle (13)
• United States
2 Jan 07
The biggest problem with "the Ten Commandments" is that there is more than one version in the Torah, what non-Jews would call "the Old Testament." Non-Jews also find it convenient to switch around the rules in order to avoid having to deal with the very basic stated premise that "The Lord is ONE."
@rein2410 (809)
• Australia
3 Feb 07
I also learnt that if you violate one commandment, that means you violate them all. As a human, it will be hard not to violate all of these as this world in under the hand of the evil one but that does not mean it is impossible. We have to be intimate to God in order to succeed in following all the tenth commandments. On the other hand, satan will not like it if we get too intimate to God and always bother our relationship with God, but if we stay still and follow God wholeheartedly and defeat satan, we will be able to follow all the tenth commandment. But that does not maean if you break you dont go to heaven, I cant judge people like that cause God is forgiving and always forgives our sin, accept the sin that cannot be forgiven in the gospel of Mark(I cant remember exactly)
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
1 Jan 07
I follow the 10 commandments to the letter but not because I necessarily believe that I will go to hell or any other place after I leave this world. It is a good ruler by which to live but not for everyone if they so choose not to abide by them. One man's meat is another man's poison....meaning that what's good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander. You are entitled to your beliefs and can convey them to others but to do it is such a nagging way upsets me. I am a sinner in many ways but what I is my business no one else has a right to tell me that as such I will go to hell. I am a fatalist I am going when my time is up and where I am going after that is anybody's guess. I have never met anyone who has been to heaven and come back to tell the world what it is like. Just because it is written in the Bible that if I keep His commandments and worship Him and accept His Son as my personal savior by baptism does not make it a fact. I'm like Harry S. Truman when he said, "I'm from Missouri and you have to show me." I will get whatever I deserve and as long as I live a good life and help my fellow man within my means and actions then whatever is in store will be what I deserve and nothing more.
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