Are women born only to work and please men?
By cuterose
@cuterose (1698)
January 1, 2007 4:01pm CST
wherever you go, whatever the country is men are dominating women in all relationships. even in friendship between a guy and a girl, the guy wants to dominate that girl. are men born to dominate? and women born to be dominated? y cant you males treat women eqully??
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63 responses
@sexy_brea (2)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
In Christian religion, a man is created in the likeness of God, thinking that the man could be alone He molded a woman out of the man's rib.
Therefore, a woman is created to stay by the side of the man not over the man, not under the man's feet to be trampled.
So in all aspects men and women should stay together and walk together. Neither should one go ahead and one stay behind. Similar to work, women are very submissive despite getting abused for as long as they know they can make their men happy they'd do anything but opposite is a man he doesn't at all show that he is exerting a lot of effort for any body.
So then this happens because men have their pride.
@beijair (206)
• United States
21 Apr 08
Well, in the christian religion god murdered most all life, to include babies and bunny rabbits in a flood and promises to torture billions in fire. but then again, that is just a myth. God also appeared as a talking bush that was on fire, a snake talked and men lived in the belly of a whale and a man flew up into heaven..bodily.
so if you want to believe myths or guide your life based on a myth, then you will get what you get.

@amit_sood (168)
• India
2 Jan 07
you are absolute write all over in country men are dominating women in all relationship
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@janaina3777 (41)
• Latvia
2 Jan 07
If you think this way... could you explain please how such a phenomena like gigolo can exist? As in this case 'the master' is a woman :-P

@titaniumsoul (1191)
• Singapore
11 Apr 08
Females are not born to be dominated, human beings regardless of gender should not be dominated by each other. The above sentence applies to me because in the current society, the no. of females holding superior positions have increased continuously. Nobody will want to be dominated by the other partner unless it is forced to or willingly to be dominated.
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@clicktoarti (79)
• India
23 Apr 08
mostly i also saw that men dominated on women actually this world is mae by men and women , but at the starting men ruled over the world and women only follow them .but now the time is change ,women olso equal to men.
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@beijair (206)
• United States
21 Apr 08
i don't think it is all men but it is clearly the overwhelming majority. i happen to be much the opposite and like a dominating woman..hehe.
for me it doesn't matter, my wife and i are just equal and she almost always gets her way. if i can make her happy, that is what i am going to do and i live my life for her.
i am happy to let anyone dominate as it really doesn't matter in the end, just enjoy life if you can.
@crusaders (36)
• Philippines
23 May 08
yellow cute rose, u wrong i treat men and women alike.... last week somebody sent a text message somewhat like about you... women and about me as part of the men's race...
ill share it with you ... it was a sort of a reminder to us men....................."woman was not taken from man's foot to be treat upon, not from man's head to be superior over you or not from my elbow nor from man's butt.... but from man's side to be always equal and side/side not behind me. other men forget this simplicity in life written thousands of years ago in the word of god...........have a peace of mind...
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@robinjoseph80 (142)
• India
2 Jan 07
This is absolutely wrong.Because I think they have important role in our life.Women and men have equal responsibilities in their life.They have good influence in a family life.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I don't know so much about India, so perhaps it is more a custom in your country. I am male and from the US and do not agree with domination of any kind. Women are not born to be dominated. It is old fashioned and outdated thinking that helps to keep that sentiment alive. The only reason I can see for domination in any relationship is a lack of self confidence. As in the male lacking confindence in himself and it leads to domination as a form to control a woman. I hope you find a non-dominating male because they are out there. Personally, I would never consider dominating a female. A relationship has to be founded on trust and freedom. We each would have freedom to be ourselves and trust in each others choices. And support each other, right or wrong.
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@wilsonsir12 (494)
• United States
2 Jan 07
well girls are more laidback people scientists have proven it even though it doesnt seem like it how guys just sit around but they say girls are more laid back guys dominate everything they want total control of it all only a few guys will actually let girls be dominate over them but really it doesnt happen much
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
All I know is that I would never take that kind of treatment from a man or a woman. I hope you have a choice in who you marry and it sounds like you had better make it carefully.
My husband learned years ago that a happy life is a happy wife....we respect eachother and have tolerance for our opinions and differences.
As for my conduct as far as what I wear or do , I just give consideration to my husband because I would not want to hurt him. HE does the same for me.
I think men that dominate their wives and families have severe insecurity problems that they should discuss with a psychiatrist.
We are married 25 years and raised 5 boys together. He never once had to be the lord and master in our home. HE treats us with love and respect and that is what he gets in turn.
Where are you finding all of these loosers?
@joannavon (39)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I hate to go get my van serviced because the man who works the desk treats me like I am an idiot. Ex. I had break problems they were grabbing like crazy I told him how they were and he said well I'll have my guys check them out. so far so good they found a broken spring and ordered the part and sent me on my way saying that my breaks would wrok fine that only one spring was missing so it would not create a problem. I drove home and they still felt wrong. like the front breaks now were doing all the work. I called and he assured me everything was fine his words were..."I assure you Ms. Vaugh that your vehicle is completly safe" I spoke to him for a long time and he just talked down to me. I finally just gave up and drove the van. The front break issues got worse and I took it back to the dealership. they looked at the front breaks and everthing appeared fine they turned my roters and said that was my problem. We were doing the final paperwork for me to leave when the broken spring came in for the back breaks. I asked them to fix that problem while I was there. I left for about 30 minutes and they called to say I was ready to go. When I got back My van was parked in the locked area and I had a loner car that seats 5 to drive fora week until they got my van fixed.(I have 6 in my family when Imentioned this he said that we would all fit) My back breaks were completly not working. they had to order several parts to fix them. When I asked what would be replaced,he told me not to worry about it. When my husband called he was told a list of parts. I know more about vehicle maintancae than he does, but because he is a man, they thougth he was worthy of an answer. It burns me up!
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@Lady_Vincy (1538)
• United States
17 Jan 07
No. Women were and and are still not born for that reason. Me dominate women because that is the way history was. If you look at tings now, women are moving up. Soon this world will be run by woman. We are already 85% percent there. In friendships that is not true. My bst friend is a guy and doesn't try to dominate anything. Men are not born to be dominant. The yare just breed that way. Nothing more nothing less.
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@ashjoe76 (1422)
• India
17 Jan 07
Never! If men dominate women all over the world, the only reason should be - ignorance! There is no justification for one gender being considered superior to the other. And never let any man dominate you. In today's world, it is very much possible to resist anyone's attempt to dominate you. So, go ahead, with courage.
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@helpme901 (157)
• India
22 Feb 07
Actully it is my concern too. lol!!! I too had posted the same questoin 1 day back. But there are some country in the world where man are dominated by woman. It is not necessary that always woman is dominated. In china man are dominated by woman. Strange fact!! ISn't it? Now the question comes why man dominate in most of the part.. There are several factor and for this condition only few years are not responisble. It has been taught to the woman since her childhood that she is weaker than woman and man is strong. So she takes it her destiny
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@bel1965 (154)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I disagree with this, I have seen many couples where the woman is the dominant personality. If a woman allows herself to be dominanted it will happen but if she refuses to accept such treatment then she will find a man that will accept her as she is.
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@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
2 Jan 07
I think it is because of culture and religion. That is what is preached: the woman is second-class.
But we all have different views. Unfortunately, society as a whole entity carries the day with that strong notion.
Do u think it can be changed for real, not just in statements and gender demonstrations? I think even women themselves encourage that.
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@cuterose (1698)
• India
2 Jan 07
it can be changed only by men. try to treat them as friends. pls give them freedom to think, dress, take decisions on their own. dont force your views, opinion, likes etc etc on them. here in india, in my house, i'm not allowed to go out anywhere after 7pm but my brothers are allowed to. i shouldn't dress up in the way i like. i can wear dresses which are approved by my dad.
@cuterose (1698)
• India
2 Jan 07
thats really nice of u. its good that u dont dominate girls. we girls dont expect that men should treat us like God. its enough if u treat us as humans. thanks for posting this. i've given a plus for u.i'm really very happy to know that there are men who treat women equally. i came to know this by mylot only. thanks to mylot.
@ritak3 (52)
• India
2 Jan 07
i agree to your point. that correct that mens are dominating womens they forget that they should respect and help a women because just for their happiness she sacrifieses so manythings. takes lot of pain, struggle and what not. they should understand. i think the importance of the term 'Women' or 'mother' or 'Sister' or 'Girl' should be taught to them so that they know that girls are not to be dominated but to be with in friendly and supportive relation.
@Omaghphil (75)
2 Jan 07
I agree that in many countries there still is a great deal inequality. However, in many of the well developed countries, old countries as i like to call them such as the United Kingdom, women are being treated equally. Infact some would say better. The benefits that a woman can enjoy are much better. Long maturity leave is an example. As a man i am jealous that a woman can get a longer time to bond with the newest member of the family while we cannot. Many relationships today the man is finding that it is he who has to work for his woman to keep her. I take pleasure in doing everything i can for my girlfriend. Never have a looked at her as unequal, infact she is definately much more intelligent than i am. In old times an intelligent woman was viewed as intimidating and unfeminine. I on the other hand find intelligent women very attractive. Many its just me. In the end of the day we are all different. Some men like to dominate, some like to be dominated while some women like to dominate or be dominated. Its down to the individuals personality. Thank you.
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@cuterose (1698)
• India
2 Jan 07
one thing is clear from ur post, u love ur girlfriend very much. and she's lucky to have u. coming to the maternity leave, it is given bcoz she would be weak and cannot work. that leave is meant for getting back to normal. u cant point out that to equality in any way.anyhow thanks for posting ur views.
@kaldirris (1)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
whoa! Have YOU ever been choosing the wrong men! Cute, I have to tell you, that the ONLY time a man can dominate you is when YOU give him the power to do so. Yes, men are physically stronger than women (on average), so I suppose he could just beat you into submission, but again, you can always CHOOSE to leave. I'll tell ya right now, that NO man dominates me - I demand (and get) equal partnership in my relationships - friendships AND otherwise. Just start picking better men, Cuterose. Trust me, they're out there.
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@cuterose (1698)
• India
2 Jan 07
i hope so. there should be one gud man born for me. but i'm not pointing only about a life partner, i'm talking about all relations like father, friend. one point to be noted in ur posting is that, "i demand and get equal partnership" it means girls have to demand for it. why shouldnt men give that equal partnership themselves? thats wat i'm talking about. anyhow thanks for posting.