Truth vs Lies!!!
By Dissposition
@Dissposition (469)
January 1, 2007 8:04pm CST
Are you a liar? (white lies DO count as lying)
The truth seems to be hiding from most of us humans, my own father says that he doesn't believe in the truth, nor is it any fun! This doesn't make him bad...this makes him human, we all do it! I have recently become a warrior of sorts, for the TRUTH and it's never ending quest. I have had people tell me I am crazy for giving, living and wanting the truth. Others accuse me of lying about the truth(i find that hilarious!) and for the most part no one wants any part of the truth!...They don't want to hear it! What has happened to us? Families lying amongst themselves is simply ridiculous in concept! But I'd be willing to bet that any given day, there are more lies and B.S at the dinner table than there is truth! What are your thoughts? Experiences? and finally which side are YOU on?
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50 responses
@puma_nz (999)
• New Zealand
2 Jan 07
Yea I lie.. if I didnt Id be a Supermodel! but I dont do it intentionally.. Sometimes Im terribly forgetful and I say that I havent done something when I did.. Its damn confusing! Its hard to be perfect. I tell ya! Its hard.. for those who say that "They dont Lie".. Im calling you a LIAR!! hahahahahaha!
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@dutchess67 (917)
• United States
2 Jan 07
That's not true at all. I don't believe that forgetting something is the same as lying at all. Lying, in my opinion, is purposefully saying something that isn't true.
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
fair call!..if it looks and quaks like a is a duck simply put!...I would love to see a world free of every lie!...and that is the TRUTH!
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
good call on the people who will be like: I don't lie!....they are are lying when they say it, it is a part of this human nature thing!...but our "times" are changing though and I believe that more and more humans are finding it "fashionable" to fight for TRUTH...KUDOS!

@brainwave (94)
• India
2 Jan 07
Sometimes the lies sounds more true than truth. Thats the pity.
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
It is easier to lie...but the buddest's believe that nothing can TRULY be "learned" by taking the easy road....I guess it boils down to if a person wants to learn anymore than they "know" already!
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
Truth controls truth and truth only. It would be nice if everyone could "take" hearing the truth, but the truth can carry a bad taste for those that do not want to hear it. The only time that I allow myself to lie is unfortunately through client bookings for my business...if I told everyone what I thought when they didn't show up for their, I'd be out'a business!...this will then have me continuing a lie when they make an appointment to re-book their tattoo session!...I guess in a way they are pretty fortunate that I am lying to them. I'm REALLY tempted lately to just bring truth right into my buisness!...I just don't know if my clients could handle my truthfull side!
thanx for your comment!
@anweshadas (372)
• India
2 Jan 07
Lying is not a crime or something...
I have heard many people saying that I hate liars and stuff.
But I don't understand why you have to hate someon who is lying because if a person is lying to you it might also mean that the person doesn't find you worth of telling the truth...or else he/she would have definitely confined the truth in you...maybe its just that you don't deserve to hear the truth or something...the fault might lie in you too and is not totally that person's fault who is lying.
Maybe we should be given enough freedom to express our thoughts
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
Lying is not a crime no...but it is a sign of a "weaker" being(look it up in many cultures/belief systems, if you think I am"lying"!)
there is no room for hate...not even for a truthfull person to hate a liar...hate = NOTHING!
No one asked for someone else's "truth" this is a quest only for the self and the self only!
There is NO fault in any man, as well as there are flaws in us all!
EVERYONE takes the blame for there OWN actions, trhth speakers and liars alike! It is a mans fault if he seeks the truth and it is again a man's fault if he should choose to lie!
finally...lie's are thoughts yes...BUT they are nothing of freedom...I am sorry.
...I assume because you said "WE" when addressing the "freedom to express" thing...that you are on the team of the liars?'s okay...if there weren't people telling lies, there would be no need for the "WE's" on the side of the truth?!? Thankfully "we" truth sayers don't really "vibe" on judgments either!
...and once again balance becomes restored...EVERYTHING has it's place!
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
...and by the way I appreciate yer comments...every debate requires two sides for an appropriate were the first to strike hard for the side of the human tendency to lie!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I love the concept of this question. I personally don't think people want the truth, or even know what it is when it is right there in their face. we have trained ourself to see the lies without giving it a second thought. for some it is easier to live in a lie then take the change and explore what is really true. i will admit, i have lived that way myself. i am happy to say that i know longer live in the comfort of lies, but walk through fire for the only way to live and that is truth. it is not always easy, but it is always worth it. thanks for such an interesting topic
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
very truthful, well thought out response...this is the stuff I love to hear from people!...Kudos!
I must recommend a movie to you..."The Secret" it is a doccumentery that EVERY HUMAN questin for truth! MUST see!...please watch it and I would love to hear what you think about it all!
thank you for your response
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
I would say I am definitely guilty of the white lies. I make can't say I blatantly lie....people know if you live in a palace, drive a BMW etc etc.
I also admit that I am guilty of "omitting" parts of a story especially if I am try to cover up for a friend or my kids.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I don't like to lie and I don't normally lie. I will on occasion tell a white lie to spare someones feelings. Here is an example. My mom and I clean houses, I had this customer that was not happy with my moms cleaning. My mom does a good job, but I had previously spoiled these people. I used to clean for them by myself. Well they wanted just me, tell me how do you fire your own mom, I couldn't figure out how to do it. So I did lie and tell her they had a friend out of work and wanted to help her out, so they were going to use her to do their cleaning. Is that a bad lie, was that wrong to tell my mom a lie and spare her fellings. I don't think so.
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
It seems to be that we all agree so far, that it seems to be that small "white" lies are just a part of being human. Could we imagine a world though where "the customer" would just appreciate the fact that someone gave it their best and there would be no reason to have to lie even for a good reason? I know this idea is far fetched...but I have allways been accused of being a dreamer!...LOL!
thanx for your response
@mangmamani (134)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
What is the TRUTH? what is a LIE? if you are searching for the truth then you must accept the truth that more people lie rather tell the truth. It is also harder to tell the truth rather tell a lie. When will you know to tell the truth and when to lie? Thats why a person always tell the truth are considered CRAZY because the truth HURTS people and your self. and thats the TRUTH
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
yes ...but living the truth is a symbol of and in itself for the power of truth, as well as personal acceptance and universal bravery!
and yeah, you are right! can hurt...especially when face'n yourself in your own mirror of "who you are"..there is no worst taste..than the taste of your brains and your being!
thanx for your response
@dutchess67 (917)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I don't believe in lying. I truly believe that the truth is always the best way to go, even if not the most pleasant. One lie invariably leads to another one and so on and so forth to cover up the previous lies. It's just not worth it and its insulting as hell.

@dutchess67 (917)
• United States
2 Jan 07
You're absolutely right. It's not always easy, but I believe it's the right way to go. I am ultimately the only one that i have to face, every time I look in the mirror, and I don't want to feel ashamed to look myself in the eye!
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
Another fighter for the truth!!!!... if everybody believed what you believe and actually practiced it...WOW!
I loooove the truth!...even when it "tastes" reallllly bad!
I do everything I can to never lie and it is not easy!..nor is the battle with liars!..but lately it has become sooo much easier, the more you practice the truth, the more sense it makes! the more it becomes a simple as breathing!
thanx for your response!

@sacred_love (299)
• India
2 Jan 07
yeah.. i used to lie sometimes.. but i used to tell truth in maximum.. but if u ask that which u did in ur whole life. ill tell u that ive lied more than
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
I have as well, ceased to lie, I am addicted to truth I think!...I even enjoy the "truth hurts" part...honestly it may be the best part for me!...crazy heh?
I also enjoy brutal truth wen I get to "give it" to someone who is asking for it...I NEVER force it ..BUT when they ask of it, well THIS IS WHERE I SHINE!
thanx for responding
@jonezy (293)
2 Jan 07
i think you cannot go through life without lying.. the majority of the time we are lying to ourselves, telling ourselves we can just have that one extra chocolate and then we will stop or telling ourselves we dont need to go to the gym because we will do extra exercise later, or that extra hour at work wont affect my family, i will see them all night anyway...everyone lies, its the people that know they are lying that are the worst, when you ask them a question and they will pause, thinking that they cannot tell you the truth and that it will be best for you if they lie, then in this split secound they convince themselves they are thinking of you when they lie and that it is in your best interests if they lie to your face, and there we have it they lie and they feel no remorse because they have convinced themselves it is the right thing to do!
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
you have learned well....the worst and what are the "foundational" lies for all of mankind, are the one's we tell to our selves!
keep fighting for the truth
thanx for your insight
@fanton2005 (9)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
i think sometime lying is necessary . sometime lying is good for example when you are trying to cheerup somebody, or to cover up a friend, etc.. i dont belive in directives like "thou shalt not lie" etc. because they assume that acctions are inherently bad or good, but i think anything can be bad or good depending on the context. so lying is good if it's used properly. truth sometimes hurts. if im in love with a girl i'd prefer her being friendly/cautious rather than tell me straightout she doens't like me and never will. yeah a liar.
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
don't feel bad for it is only human to lie...but the more truth we introduce into life, then the less need for people to feel like this.
thank you for your response!...and honesty!
***note***isn't it funny that the people "confessing" that they are lying...have to be honest about that, therefore telling the truth!?!...perhaps we should just start introducing our selves to eachother as "I'm so n' so...I am a liar!"...LOL!
@sandeeppai (101)
• India
2 Jan 07
Some people dont believe in truth and think that lying will save them from all the troubles. Infact lying will only save a person from really small troubles, but they will soon land up into a big problem as they lies become more. Telling a truth may land up a person in small problem only once, but lying will land up a person into an trouble which does not have any solution. A person with truth and hardwork can be a rich person with a lot of respect, but a lier will not get any respect. Even if a lier gets any kind of respect , it is a temporary one. There is only one logo Truth Alone Wins.
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
..and only a "stronger person" can believe in this way of being...KUDOS!
peace fellow warrior of the truth!
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
2 Jan 07
we all lie, white lies are one of the ways in which life is made tollerable. Imagine just how painful life would be if we all told the truth all the time ? If my wife asks me if her bum looks big in something im not going to say when she bends over it looks like an eclips, am i?
Truth is just a point of view anyway, objective truth is like soap in the bathtub, hard to find and twice as difficult to hang on to, but i wish you well in your quest
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
thanx for that!..I guess it's why I remain single, I used to just give em' that look of "You really want me to answer that?"....It is easier being my way, to just date short term...before those kinda questions ever get asked!
p.s ever tried that soap on a rope thing?
thanx for bring'n some humor to this apparently "touchy" subject!...I am amazed at the response level I am getting on this subject!..on both sides..apparently i struk a "nerve"
@ferozkhan (69)
• India
2 Jan 07
True und lie are the properties of each individual .so its an asset protect it safely
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
Everything is "relative" and everything also does have it's "place"
@shedii (1486)
• India
2 Jan 07
yeh I lie, but only when needed. I believe that in today's world if we try to say only truth, its almost like impossible. And, if we succeed in saying truth everytime we speak, then we make unnecessarily many rivals as well as lose friends manytimes & we are left alone. Actually before I used to say only truth due to which I lost many good things in life. So now I say lies when needed, but not always.
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
isn't it unfortunate what has "become" of human interaction?
I've been through hell and back with everyone in my circle of friends when I started to tell the truth...yes most of them are no longer in my daily existence...but you know what I've realized the most, is that I really don't need those kinds of people if that is what our friendship is all about!
thank you for your insight
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
I agree...TRUTH = LIFE...period!
thank you for you insight
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
our known truth of our existence has been a lie that's for sure!