Idiots in the neighbourhood.
By kris182_2000
@kris182_2000 (5475)
January 2, 2007 1:50am CST
I have now had almost an hour to calm myself down after some idiot(didn't see who unfortunately), egged my house.
This happened just before 2am my time here.
Last time I checked, it wasn't even close to Hallowe'en.
We've lived in this neighbourhood since the end of September but have never had problems like this.
I just had to wash the egg off my front window and am not ammused, but am lucky that it wasn't a rock and that the window didn't break.
The sad thing is that the idiot(s) who did this saw the lights on in the house. You'd think that it would be a detterent to them.
We have Christmas lights up inside our window, but we're not the only house that has lights up.
This is normally a quiet neighbourhood, although it is a high traffic street. Cars are still going by at this hour.
Why do you think people pull such childish pranks in the middle of the night?
We don't have an alarm system, and haven't had issues on the occasion that we've forgotten to lock the doors. Do you think we need to have a system installed because of this incident?
Honest opinions please and no one word or one liners please. This is a serious topic.
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32 responses
@xkaraix (595)
• Australia
2 Jan 07
Thats terrible! People that egg houses don't seem to realise how damaging it can be and how long it takes to remove... especially if they've been there a few hours!!
I don't know why people do it or why they're so cowardly to do it at night and then have a couple of laughs at how awesome they believe themselves to be. I would never do anything like that because I wouldn't want it done to me.
In regards to the alarm system, I wouldn't worry about it unless you really think its neccesary, this incident just seems like annoying pranksters.
@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
The police officer I'd spoken to right after the incident told me to wash it off right away and that's what I did. Unfortunately it made a huge mess down the window, and coated about 3 feet of window and the sill. It took 4 buckets of water to get almost all of it off, but it's cold outside and there was no way I was going to continue splattering myself with water to clean it up.
If I ever catch who did it though......
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@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
2 Jan 07
The world has changed a lot since my youth when we never locked our doors, but I do remember some kids in the neighborhood acting up once in a while and your dilemma sounds like one of those innocent ones. Your light was on and he wanted to scare you and he did. He's laughed himself to sleep not knowing he made you paranoid. I've woken up to trees being decorated with streamers of toilet paper all over them, my mailbox was turned upside down, and my full trashcan put in front of my front door so I couldnt open it and had to walk in the mud from the back door to the car in the street. These didnt happen at once, not even in the same year, but over 10-12 yrs. And yes, it wasnt near Halloween. 2 of the culprits were caught red-handed and for a few weekends I had my car washed, lawn mowed and bushes trimmed for free. Lessons learned from male hormones kicking in.
If this egging never happened before, take it as an isolated incident. If it happens again, then notify the police. Calm down and tomorrow it will be funny.
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@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
You know, it's funny already.
Of course I'm thinking this as I'm getting ready to go to bed. I have to work tonight, so I won't be around to know if it happens again.
I sure hope it's an isolated incident. I wouldn't want to be calling the police again about a Hallowe-en prank being pulled 3 months too late!
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@forfein (2507)
2 Jan 07
You have asked for no one word answers, but there is only one word
We live in the main street out of our town, and we live almost opposite the local "Pub"
Usually, during the week this is not too big a problem. But.... at the weekend, Friday night and Saturday night, the "Revellers" !!! as they call them selves, think it is really funny to bend the windscreen wipers of the cars parked in the street!
One of my friends had his wing mirror broken off!!
Why do they do it??
They are MORONS!!!!
@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
You're so right. But at least you added more to the one word used to describe this.
Sad thing is that it's not the weekend, and most people are returning to work today. We think it may have been teenagers that are still off of school.
It's so true. They are morons!!
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@jenbatres (799)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I wouldn't install anything, it was more than likely teenages or durks leaving a bar and having a good time at your expense. At least it was egg and it washes and nothing was broken. Good luck
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
2 Jan 07
i know this is awful, i moved into my neighbourhood over 2 years ago now with my new born baby and my partner. after living here for a few weeks, sumbody egged my window at 1am one morning i was sitting down and i actually got really scared as i know this is a bad neighbourhood from what i have heard and my street is normally quiet, well i didn't see anyone as it was black outside so i went out and washed the egg like you did. 1 hour later another bang on the window, id had enough at this point and i ran out but there was nobody to be seen, i checked the window and there was a stone on the floor, it was quite big so i took it in and threw it in the bin, i then sat down again nothing happened until a few months later a bit of wood got thrown at the door it was quite early this time 7.30pm at night tho yet again it was dark because it was a winter night and i went out with my boyfriend he run up the street as we seen a few boys running but he never caught up with them :( i left it, was all quiet until last week about 10pm somebody banged so hard on the letterbox i thought it was police and again i couldn't see anyone! but since then ive had nothning of that kind tho i am due to move out of this neighbourhood this month as i totally hate it, its a nightmare living around here, although my actual neighbours are lovely living in my road but i just don't like the fact these people are doing this becuase after all one day my window could get smashed and i will be the one paying for it not them, something needs to be done with these stupid idiots by mine, they wouldn't think that was fun if i did it to there house! anyway just keep a close check in your window and watch out for them and if so ring the police to report them, whoever is doing this!
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@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
I called the police and was told that nothing can be done since I didn't see anyone.
It hasn't happened again, and the inside door is open so that could be why it hasn't happened.
This is a safe neighbourhood and that makes me wonder though.
The sad thing is that the police will only do something if the window gets broken.
The other sad thing about this incident is that I was up when it happened, and less than 10 feet away from the window.
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@sreekdlr (4)
• India
2 Jan 07
i know this is awful, i moved into my neighbourhood over 2 years ago now with my new born baby and my partner. after living here for a few weeks, sumbody egged my window at 1am one morning i was sitting down and i actually got really scared as i know this is a bad neighbourhood from what i have heard and my street is normally quiet, well i didn't see anyone as it was black outside so i went out and washed the egg like you did. 1 hour later another bang on the window, id had enough at this point and i ran out but there was nobody to be seen, i checked the window and there was a stone on the floor, it was quite big so i took it in and threw it in the bin, i then sat down again nothing happened until a few months later a bit of wood got thrown at the door it was quite early this time 7.30pm at night tho yet again it was dark because it was a winter night and i went out with my boyfriend he run up the street as we seen a few boys running but he never caught up with them:( i left it, was all quiet until last week about 10pm somebody banged so hard on the letterbox i thought it was police and again i couldn't see anyone! but since then ive had nothning of that kind tho i am due to move out of this neighbourhood this month as i totally hate it, its a nightmare living around here, although my actual neighbours are lovely living in my road but i just don't like the fact these people are doing this becuase after all one day my window could get smashed and i will be the one paying for it not them, something needs to be done with these stupid idiots by mine, they wouldn't think that was fun if i did it to there house! anyway just keep a close check in your window and watch out for them and if so ring the police to report them, whoever is doing this!
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
2 Jan 07
This is a copy of xXMeganXx's post on the first page. I have reported this guy to myLot. I would urge others to do the same.
@mandrin823 (386)
• United States
3 Jan 07
egging houses is just something that young kids do (ive been there not too many years ago) they dont have anything to do, there bored, although i didnt really egg houses we toilet papered them, but now coming from a home owner and knowing what it takes to make a house hold run and look nice i feel very wrong for what i did, us as young kids would never THINK of breaking into someones house, we never had that problem in our town, but now a days the kids are stealing everything they can get there hands on, so coming from my mind i would think about getting something installed maybe a security light or something. good luck
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@GlussBrazil (290)
• Brazil
2 Jan 07
Oh. This really happeneds? This is terrible. Why people egg the house of another one? I can't understand it. I think you should call police or put some cameras in your house to catch these "idiots in the neighbourhood"
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@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
If you read the topic right, you would see that I already called the police. Nothing can be done. I also mentioned that it's a quiet neighbourhood. This seems like an isolated incident.
Do you have any idea how much security cameras cost? More than I can afford and it would look stupid to see a camera on a house in a nice neighbourhood.
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@Darkwing (21583)
2 Jan 07
I would imagine that these were kids, not drunken revellers. Who else would go out of the house with raw eggs in their pockets?
I also think that possibly they picked on you because your lights were on, and they wanted to draw you out of the house, for a chase. Perhaps just for the devilment of it, or perhaps even for more sinister reasons, like leaving one or two of a gang closeby your door when you gave chase, in order to ransack your house whilst you were out of it.
Failing those two reasons, it can only be somebody whom you are out of favour with, for some reason. The fact that they chose New Year's Day could also have a bearing on the reason for the attack.
The only thing you can do, is watch and wait to see if it happens again. Be as alert as you can, and try to catch them out. Of course, it may not happen ever again, and will seem like a waste of your time, but on the other hand, catching them would be a bonus.
Why, oh why can't parents take more responsibility with their children? Why do they have to commit such mindless deeds and interfere with the lives of others? It beats me.
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Oh I would have been so mad. People do such dumb things. Someone has been going around our neighborhood late at night and hitting mailboxes with a baseball bat and knocking them down. I asked my husband why people do such stupid stuff. What is the point in doing that? If they knock my mailbox down I'm going to be irrate. The police have already been called out to our neighborhood several times about this issue and they say they think it's just kids. I think they need to patrol around the area so they can find out who is doing it.
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@eternalskyes (273)
• United States
2 Jan 07
WOW, im very sorry this has happened to you...Egg can really ruin the paint on your home! Do you live in a community with neighborhood patrol? If so, have you asked them if they have seen anybody or anything that doesnt belong in the community?? Im not sure a security system is going to fully benefit you, but if you add in motion lights that when they detect movement, they turn on! That might alert you quicker and hopefully be able to catch the caulprit quicker. It is very childish and i am sorry it happened to you....
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@himanshurailkar (8)
• India
2 Jan 07
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
2 Jan 07
Minused here too. Please see the next page for a copier and paster.
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@kstanley7 (1171)
3 Jan 07
ermmm wow thats ermmm constructive anyway just a friendly message to let you know minus report for you... have a nice day :)
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@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
Same here plus a report. I'll be sure to look at the copy/paster job and report it.
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@gagandeepxi (178)
• India
3 Jan 07
ya do think there should be system installed because of that accident .ya it do make us irritate because of the idiots living in our neigh bour hood because they trys to do disturbe us while this is the verybad things they try to do and which hurt us alot
.my neighbours are always trying to make me irritate by doing such types of thing and so i thought that there should be system for our protection from these idiot neighbours they always do those things we dont like seeing or watching and trys to make us say some thing bad to that they could fight with us.....!
@leedug (920)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I don't know if you saw this on the news recently, but this man put up one of those blow up snowmen in his front yard for Christmas. For the past two years, someone has came with a knife and vandalized his snowman. The poor guy put it up for all the neighborhood children to enjoy it. Anyways, this Christmas he put a hidden cam that was aimed right at the snowman. Sure enough, the little punk that vandalized before came back again and tore his snowman up. Now he is in jail :-), or was. I would think seriously of investing in a cheap closed circuit cam than can record malicious activity. Good luck and sorry to hear about that.
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
3 Jan 07
people who do stuff like this are very igronant.i do not understand why they do things like this.I know people do it on halloween which is bad enough but i think people should put other peole into consideration when doing stupid things like this.i do not know if they do it because they are bored or need excitment i do not see a need in doing this to people it is very rude and igronant.
@spitfire147 (468)
• India
3 Jan 07
This is a really unfortunate event and is far from being amusing to me. But , such incidents are very common these days , they are just cheap pranks played by young kids or maybe even a bit older.And yes , I think should get an alarm system installed as it would really help you catching such people if they try to repeat such acts in the future. Today its an egg , tomorrow it will be a stone or some other hard thing. So, as they say "Prevention is better than cure" , I think you should try to be prepared against such incidents in the future.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I seriously recommend that you do get an alarm system installed in your home, for your own safety. It does not even have to be something so hi-tech, just a regular kind of alarm system.
And, there are a lot of crazy people that do really rude things, and we cannot control them all, the good thing i(even though it might not seem like it), that more than likely they will do this again next year, and so if you were prepared, like say with a video camera attached somewhere, you could see who it was and take it to the cops. And, you never know, they just might do it again, within the week, if they think that they can get away with it again.
In an area not far from where i live, there is a man who gets his lights stolen off his lawn every year. This year he videotaped the kid and sent it to the cops, but sadly, it wasn't very clear, I am not sure if they caught the kid yet...