Living in Mediocrity
By chinggay73
@chinggay73 (45)
January 2, 2007 3:13am CST
Don't you just hate being just so-so? I mean, yes, you might know a lot of things, do a lot of stuff, have oodles of talents or skills...but don't have one particular thing that you do so well, you can be considered an expert on it. I am such a person. I know how to sketch, how to dance, how to write, do poetry, sew, bake, invent recipes, talk, sing...but of all these things, I cannot be considered an expert on any one. I am not really complaining, mind you. I do appreciate having been given quite a few talents to use. However, I cannot laud myself either for I can only be viewed as mediocre. Talk about a veritbale Jane-of-all-trades.
It can be pretty frusrating sometimes. For example, I am currently working as a singer for a hotel along with two other girls. My two companions have very powerful voices and can belt out songs that range from Whitney Houston to Mariah Carey to Celine Dion. Me? Oh, I have to settle for those "cool" tunes by Norah Jones and Sade. I'm not putting these two artists down either. I love their music. They're fabulous and are big names in their own genres. Its just that people from where I'm from tend to judge musical prowess by how high a note you can hit or how long a note you can sustain on that high pitch. Hehehe. I am considered the mediocre voice with the face. Now, don't get me wrong. I can sing. I am a professional, considering that I get paid to do it. I just don't have the pipes to impress people and to get them to sit up and applaud.
As for my other talents, they all take the same boat as my singing...okay but not super. Oh well, living in mediocrity can't be all that bad. At least, if one venture fails, I can always try something else. I may not be the best, but at least, I can do it...or try to do it with flair.:)
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