What are your views on GOD?
@wickedgerbils (79)
United States
January 2, 2007 5:37pm CST
Im not falling for it. How can some powerful being control all of us? Gods just like Santa Claus for adults. Made up so well be good all year. I mean nothing is wrong with being good but God is just something to cast all your problems on. Instead of coming to real terms with things you say "It was gods doing" or whatever. Praying and such for miracles is just the lazy mans way out. Instead of trying hard to accoplish things you pray instead and wait for it to get dropped in your lap. I think its crap. I have faith and strength that i can only find in myself and no one else. Maybe Im god???
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84 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
2 Jan 07
Ha ha ha... no, I don't think you're God... you're not old enough or big enough right now! lol
I'm not a Christian, so your topic is very interesting to me... your thoughts too. Not all people pray only when they need something... some pray in thanks too, but why should they need to, if God sees all and helps with everything anyway?
My belief is that there is no Supreme Being, named God. I believe that God is one of several powers that come together in force to balance the Universe. Therefore, He is one of many and not The Supreme God. The Holy Bible has a lot to answer for and truly, I think it was written with a lot of guesswork thrown in.
Thank you for the discussion. The way your question is posed is very interesting and thought-provoking.

@yuuchan (83)
• Indonesia
3 Jan 07
i agree with you when you said: Not all people pray only when they need something... some pray in thanks too, but why should they need to, if God sees all and helps with everything anyway? if ask that question i think GOD want to us know that HE exist, i'm a catholic but i like your thought, i think for some people it's true.

@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
Whatever you are now, whoever you are, may be successful, intelligent, and have and do everything you want, it's God who gave you all such things, that is in the Holy Bible.
Satan wants to sit on the throne of God and be like God. You're thinking may be you're God? God says I'm the One who gives you wisdom. Can you prove where your wisdom comes from? God asked Job Do you know where the lightning comes from? etc etc How about you, do you know?
I believe in God and the Holy Bible. If you haven't read the Holy Bible, read it and I hope you would understand what you're saying.
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@wickedgerbils (79)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Please I am not trying to offend anybody. I respect you for having your own beliefs and thoughts and I hope you shall respect my own opnions and beliefs. This is merily just a disscusion, a look into my mind and im not saying that Im right or your right.Im just sharing my ideas and thoughts.
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@leedug (920)
• United States
3 Jan 07
What if you work hard to accomplish something all your life just to have it crumble before you? What if you were a business person who had your entire fortune ripped out from under with nothing you can do about it? What if you were a talented athlete who worked all your life to achieve your dream, and just when things were going great you get paralyzed in car accident. Point is, I am not trying to put down working hard to accomplish things, but life happens even when you do, and sometimes the only thing people have left are prayers and hopes for a miracle. Other than that there is no real way to prove to someone that there is a higher power if they refuse to believe it. I say prove to me that there is not.
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@leedug (920)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I agree Suzzy. I do respect others opinions though. I just really get tired of people saying, "Prove to ME that there is something out there". Why can't they prove that there is not? No matter what, there will always be skeptics. No offense to the person who started this discussion btw; I am just talking about skeptics in general.
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@SuperSam (172)
• Canada
3 Jan 07
I'm not religious and I don't believe in religions of any kind, I do believe in God but in the sense of science and energy. I don't think it's the lazy mans way out to pray I think it's people looking for hope and putting their faith in something to believe in, and their is nothing wrong with that. what upsets me is not religion or God itself, it's people who can't respect your beliefs....you are Christian or Islam great I respect that...but when you tell them you don't believe in religion or God the way they percieve or believe in him they look at you like you have a rare disease, and like they need to be defensive and push religion on you like the formed the world. 2 things I don't talk about with friends for good reason 1) politics 2) Religion or God
@wickedgerbils (79)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Its a joke! I dont really think Im god! Your funny man
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@lulylove (1560)
• Brazil
3 Jan 07
I think as you and I believe that only who will be capable to make what God made.
That it will only be capable to give its only son for the humanity, to see to suffer it and to die, calling for its name could be seemed God.
But thus one will still not be considered, therefore still it will lack to create the world in 7 days, to more open the red sea and other things.
@luckyman70 (81)
2 Jan 07
This is a good question, and I feel that immediately we talk about it we get stuck in conepts. A lot of peaople ask whether they believe in God, but maybe they should also ask what God is?
@aditya007 (163)
• India
3 Jan 07
God is every where in you ,in me you can't see god by your eye but by your heart.
@inderdeep (69)
• United States
3 Jan 07
when you have no hope that some one will save you, GOD will save you
@milott (2646)
• India
3 Jan 07
Definitely there is someone on the heaven on top to look after our well beings. Without him, we will not be organized or fearful and would like animals doing whatever we wish and ending up being just animals rather than human beings. I feel fight in the name of god is not good and it is against god itself. It should be stopped. I feel all gods are one and it is only the humans who split it into different gods according to their religions and faith.
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@DIXIE444 (123)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I do believe in God always have believed in God and always will believe.
The older a person gets, you will gain wisdom and maybe you will need to turn to prayer and God one day in your life.
I say my prayers each night at bedtime and sometimes take a moment out in my day to fit in a quick moment of prayer.
I think that maybe if more young people would stop turning away from God and making up their own rules and beliefs...the world would be a better place to live in.
Maybe you should get a teen bible that speaks in everyday common language and try to read some pieces of it and you will understand that there IS a God.
What if I believe in God and when he does come back....I was right and there was a God? What if I didn't believe and that last day comes and I never believed?
I am in no way judging you or coming down on you at all, just sayin....I do believe. I am not a fenatic or live in church or anything but I just believe and do go to church a time or two each month.
I feel refreshed and renewed when I go to a service. I attend a contemporary Methodist church were we wear jeans and dress casual and an offering plate is at the door only, they talk in every day plain language to me and we sing songs from 2005 to present.
Check it out in your town....give it a try, you may just like it.
@lulylove (1560)
• Brazil
3 Jan 07
I think that nobody is obliged to believe God. I wait that you are being happy thus, therefore I I am very happy with my together God me. I believe it faithful.
When I say I believe God I say that I only believe it, and not in people who try to be God or to be the word of it. Therefore they are people as I and you.
Capable to miss and to interpret wrong things. Therefore I want to have more privacy with God, therefore if it is my father, why would use other people to speak with me? Parents speak directly with its children.
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
3 Jan 07
I respect your opinion. You cannot jump in the well on purpose and ask God to save you. But if you did fall in my mistake, and you did pray to be saved, He will save you. I did wander off for sometime, and did think like you. But in time, I got back and realised I was wrong. There is God, and without Him, we would never have been here. I don't deny the fact, that we have to work hard. He helps us through that.
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@bugbaby (1787)
• Indonesia
3 Jan 07
Adults who believe in god are no better than children with imaginary friends. Many people turn to GOD for salvation and properity, people turn to GOD to help them get through their situation.
When I say I believe God I say that I only believe it, and not in people who try to be God or to be the word of it. without GOd, we would never have been here.
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@Sawsen (793)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I would ask that God forgives you for saying that, even though it's probably not serious, I still think we shouldn't make a joke out of God. God is not human, and God does exist, just because you can't see Him, doesn't mean He doesn't exist. You can't see air, but you can feel it. Everything around you was created by God. Why would there be books written? Why would there even be a concept of God, if He did not exist? Do you think someone just sat home one day and decided to fool humanity into thinking that they were created by someone so they wrote some books and created history just so that they could fool the world into believing that God exists. God is a universal aspect. God created this universe, and therefore everything and everyone in it. God created humanity in the best shape and form, and gave them the ability to think and make decisions, and He placed all of His creations around you so that you could be aware of His existence, so next time you look at the sky, the sun, the moon, or anything, know that God created it, just as He created you.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I understand your views, but you really could have phrased them less offensively. Praying is not the lazy way out. Sometimes a person needs prayer to help them through a difficult time. When I broke my back, and I was lying unable to move waiting for an ambulance, I prayed. I don't think that's lazy. When I was told I'd never walk again, I prayed. I prayed for the strength to be able to get out of that chair. Guess what, I'm walking. Not everyone who believes in God believes that he controls everything or that he'll make everything better or solve all our problems. Some of us just believe that there is a higher power who set things into motion, and checks in now and again.
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@5berries (120)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Well, He is not in control of us, He created us. He gave us free will so we could be in control of how are lives turn out. Not everything that happens, happens because God willed it. You find faith and strength in yourself because you are a product of God. Your spirit comes from Him. I also find faith and strength in myself. I have always known their was a God, even when I was very little. I can feel Him.
@morfessa1 (190)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
I beleive something is there making sure I'm alrite. I don't beleive that God is what gives me things, I beleive that people pray to set their minds for a goal. Witchcraft does the same thing. Visualising a goal. Your last comment is what a phycologist thinks of religion. That in the end we ourselves think of ourself as God when we grow up. When I lived on the streets, something was there for me when I was in trouble. It was either God or the earth itself helping me through that time which makes me know that I have some purpose here. Hopeing that people are alrite is the same as praying and wishing good luck. If you visualise someone you can almost see how they feel about you at that time. I have to say that I beleive.
@morfessa1 (190)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
One other thing I forgot to enter in here is that the way that I feel is that we are all maifestations menifesting, or we are all creations creating. So we are God and God is us. This to me means that everything is god and God is everything, in otherwords we are created with the same power we have to create, either it's God or something else. I don't like the word God as much as when I was a kid because I feel it's been ruined by lying curches, but I do feel there is something there.
@muralikumar2005 (622)
• India
5 Jan 07
One question which inevitably comes up in a discussion of this nature is what is the origin of God? If God created matter/energy, and designed the systems that have propelled matter into its present arrangement, who or what accomplished that for God? Why is it any more reasonable to believe that God has always “been” than it is to say that matter has always “been”
If God is a being that is unlimited in time, and if He has access to every piece of time as if it were now, the question of who created God is an invalid question. The problem is like asking a student to draw a four-sided triangle. The terminology is self-contradictory.
@nawab_islam (145)
• India
3 Jan 07
God, almighty , benevolent, omnipower. I believe in god. he is the creator of this universe.
@llwilkins (384)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I beleive deeply in God. Y? because i have had many encounters with him. I have had dreams that you can't just have consequently. I have had scripture that he have given me actually speak exactly what i am going through even though i didn't even know the scripture existed. Beleive it or not God is real but it is up to us to have faith and beleive. But no God is not like Santa Claus everyone know that is a little tale that our parents taught us. But God is a different thing he is someone that you don't just joke about he is our creator, our saviour. No one could ever tell me that God isn't real because every prayer that I pray he answers. Every situation that is impossible he makes possible when I am obedient to his word. If more people believed in God and I mean really beleive this world would not be as evil as it is now.
@morfessa1 (190)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
In which God are you talking about though? The Christian God? The Muslim God? Are you another person who is going to say that the words of a church should be law to everyone? The only way to truly beleive is through the way that a church does? Do you know that in your own bible it says everyone must find God to his or her own volition. This means it is up to the individual to find God of his or her own interpretation.