Why do we as a county . . .

United States
January 3, 2007 8:49am CST
help so many other countries? Why is it our responsibility to help others? We have so many starving and homless people in American, but we can help other countries. Why can't we help our own? Why do we pay for non-Americans to get a college education, whey so many Americans would love the opportunity to go to college but can't afford it. Please help me understand.
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26 responses
• United States
3 Jan 07
I have also found this to be a troubling fact. There are so many ways in which we can help the homeless, and yet we are constantly ignoring them. It's one thing the have a nationally televised program to help raise money for the homeless, but it's another when the government does nothing to start a program to help the homeless find jobs, get re-educated to get a job, and find ways to restart their lives. I know that there are some homeless people that want to remain homeless, but I'm sure that the majority of them would like to restart their lives. Our government does a lot of things that at times just don't make sense. And Why? For their own personal gain? What could be more rewarding as to help people restart their lives, and get the education or job. Not only does it effect their lives, but it also helps the economy. Wow a 2 for 1 deal.
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• United States
3 Jan 07
I think there should be more programs for homeless people so they don't have to remain homeless. We also need more programs for food -- many elderly people eat just one meal a day, because they can't afford to buy food.
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• United States
4 Jan 07
I was a runaway teen, I was homeless. I was fortunate enough to get a job and get off the streets. I have even managed to pay for college, on my own. I do think that homeless people especially teens are looking for another option.
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• United States
3 Jan 07
Have you ever been homeless & hungry? I have, but most people haven't even missed so much as one meal or slept in a tent on purpose. I think the reason people don't seem to care is that they just can't relate.
• United States
3 Jan 07
Actually I have been I left home at 15, I was homeless and hungry for 3 weeks. I got a waitressing job and have worked ever since.
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• United States
3 Jan 07
That's why notice and want to do something about it.
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@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
3 Jan 07
Not sure about the americans policy but i do think that if that a policy that US implement , they surely at least has a good reason behind it yea
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• United States
4 Jan 07
Well I'm not sure if they have a good reason, hopefully they do. I am trying to find out the reason. THank you
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@stailgate (2363)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I totally understand what you are saying. It was so horrible that when our country was going threw all the huricanes and wild fires, and we couldn't get help or national gaurd out there because they were all over seas fighting a war we have no business in. They are fighting a holly war, while we are fighting for oil, I feel. We are suffering here with high gas prices, poverety, homelessness, people not having heat ect. and thousands of dollars go out to feed cloth people in other countries. We need it here!! Our people are suffering!!
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• United States
3 Jan 07
I am glad another person agrees. American should start spending more money on it's own people
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@kareng (70316)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Personally, I think it is time to start helping America. Look around you...Americans aren't the majority here anymore. It's sad but true.
• United States
3 Jan 07
I feel everyone that is a citizen in the country is American, but i still don't understnd why we help so many others. Our own people are starving, barly making the rent.
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@umjuna (100)
• Netherlands
3 Jan 07
Maybe to balance things out? America also causes a lot of grief in the world. I hope ya'll can take a little critizism. Maybe america want to do some friendly things to make things even. Don't get my wrong I do agree with you, I think America and about every other country, should take care of their own country first and be busy with that, instead of thrying to rule and fix other countries
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• United States
4 Jan 07
I know that America also causes grief. I also believe that every country should take care of their own first.
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@zotopec (307)
• Pakistan
3 Jan 07
Those are not funds segregated for education, those are funds to make your country popular among those who perhaps like it less. Then for whatever reason they need it, you give it to them so that they could be grateful and prevailing hatred be removed from general impressario, or simply popularity graph might be upped. And then politicians use this kind of incentives for their own good use, they give donations like these to have their own way in exotic lands, there are plans a simple mind could never understand, remotely adherent to their good in their own homeland, and then there is , of course, this desire to control and manipulate other people's lives and projections about you. And what better way to obtain these without spending legal paper tender?
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• India
3 Jan 07
I dont agree with you. I am from India and I have seen how much Americans have helped our country without expecting anything return.We too have people who speak like the way you speak.But they have not done anything in return to America except speaking this way.Nor they have done anything good to anybody except commenting negatively. I think if you can kindly look at good things from good angles it would sound better.
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• United States
4 Jan 07
If our county is in debt as bad as they say, why do we still have allocated funds to other conutries? I can see helping others, but what about our own citizens.
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• India
4 Jan 07
hi there, would you think that america helps to other countries because of responsibility? I dont think so because there is an economic view to this point. In todays economic world the 'International Co-operation' is an imporatant factor because no country obtain all resourses on its own so that they had to make an good relationship with others so that to maintain this relationship they helps in crisis to the other countries. And not only america helping to the other countries but others also helping.
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• United States
4 Jan 07
I think we should make good relations with other countries, but I don't feel that we should have to give all that we give. Thank you
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I am a firm believer in charity starts at home. We have many problems that need fixing in this country. Parents having to decide whether to buy food or medicine for example. People living on the streets and many are not due to mental issues but the fact that so many of us live pay check to pay check and we miss one we lose far more then just some money. Why do so many Americans have to go without medical care? We help people all over the world but some I think we need to say enough is enough to. I see the commercials to help a child who is starving. They then show these children with gold earings and other jewlery on. My thought is have them donate that jewlery to the pot for some food, clothing and medicine. We keep sending money, people and objects over there and yet after thirty years it's not any better. How long are we supposed to help them? I agree college is not affordable for many Americans. Scholarships are nice if you can get them, if you meet the requirements that they want. If you don't go to college (or a trade school, something beyond high school) it is very difficult to get something above a menial job. It's possible just difficult and even with the schooling it isn't easy to get a job. You are not the only one confused at how things work. We help so many around the globe and yet forget about the people just down the street. It leaves me confused as well.
• United States
4 Jan 07
Very well stated, I agree 100%. I have noticed the comercials with the gold earrings too. They put a child on tv in rags, no shoes, and gold earrings and ask for money.
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• Ireland
4 Jan 07
All industrialized countries help to combat poverty in developing countries, not just the United States. When poverty decreases it provides political stability, security and on a world scale less chance for wars. It will increase international trade which will benefit the US. So in the long term this help will benefit the US citizens, even if they do not notice it directly on a personal level. Maybe the US government doesn't do enough for their own poor citizens, but the voters can influence this when there are elections. George W Bush was re-elected, so I assume the majority of Americans agree with his policies and priorities.
• United States
5 Jan 07
great answer, you did well in answering my initial question.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
4 Jan 07
In the rational sense, I agree competely with your post. How can you tell the neighbor to clean up his property when your own yard is a mess? But the answer to your question lies in diplomacy and foreign relations, bribery to get what we want from other nations.
• United States
4 Jan 07
I know we get from other nations and all. I feel that all countries should worry about their own first. If you have kids and they are starving, you would feed them before offering food to the neighbors-- why does our country not do the same.
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@ilvrshn (463)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I absolutley , 100% agree with you. I have never understood this myself. I really feel bad for other countries but children are dying all over the place. We have children in our back yard that are almost starving. Without the US agriculture providing families with food stamps many of us would be in the same boat. I see children being abandoned. we have childrens in shelters and foster care that need our help and attention also!
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• United States
4 Jan 07
The children and teens are the ones I feel bad for. I don't think teens under 18 are even eligible for foodstamps without parent/legal guardian. So what do the homeless teens do, they have to provide for themselves.
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@atreyasa (79)
• India
4 Jan 07
we have to help others and we have to see ours also
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• United States
4 Jan 07
thanks, i feel we should help our own first
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@Reviver (339)
• Romania
4 Jan 07
I have also found this to be a troubling fact. There are so many ways in which we can help the homeless, and yet we are constantly ignoring them. It's one thing the have a nationally televised program to help raise money for the homeless, but it's another when the government does nothing to start a program to help the homeless find jobs, get re-educated to get a job, and find ways to restart their lives. I know that there are some homeless people that want to remain homeless, but I'm sure that the majority of them would like to restart their lives. Our government does a lot of things that at times just don't make sense. And Why? For their own personal gain? What could be more rewarding as to help people restart their lives, and get the education or job. Not only does it effect their lives, but it also helps the economy. Wow a 2 for 1 deal.
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• United States
4 Jan 07
I agree with you. I don't think that people want to remain homeless, I feel that some don't know any other way. It has become their way of life, to them this is the way it has to be.
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@anja31 (707)
• Canada
3 Jan 07
I have the same problem as you. Helping other people who live in an other country and forget the own native people in your country who are poor and dont have any money for food. Somethimes I really dont understand. The goverment has to loook in their own country before giving money to other countries.
• United States
4 Jan 07
Exactly, there are many people that collect cans daily just for food in this country.
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@mlmpeople (777)
• India
3 Jan 07
I am in India, a Christian, I have seen Americans helping our country from ages.I have always say this to our people here. I feel if God blessed America so much it is because of your great hearts.Though people dont at times realise this quality of Americans, God sees it.Even in calamities Americans are the first to rush to help the people.I have expressed this in mylot in various places several times.GOD BLESS AMERICA. I pray for Americans often.
• United States
4 Jan 07
I am glad that you have been helped. I just get upset at the people living in the streets and sewers in our own country and no one cares.
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
3 Jan 07
It's not just the U.S. Every country has its own problems, and yet most of them, even the smallest nations, give aid to those less fortunate. As for college, universities give scholarships to people all over the world based on how talented they are, why should they just give aid to Americans? The government may give aid or visas to foreign students, especially if the U.S. has a strong need that can't be filled here. There aren't enough Americans interested in some fields in science, computers, and engineering, for example, so we have to get them to come in from overseas.
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• United States
4 Jan 07
Why could we not offer to train troubled youth in these types of fields. Wouldn't that lead to a better life for them?
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@classy56 (2880)
• United States
3 Jan 07
i dont know why,it just dont any sence why our gov.dont help the american ppl.an its ashame i see alot of poor kids were i live an homeless an seinor citizens who try to live off ssi an cant make ends meet.
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• United States
3 Jan 07
I feel that we should worry about our own county a bit more instead of all the other countires. I have seen several homeless teens in my area- it is cold. We have no shelters for them.
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@ilunice (946)
• Netherlands
3 Jan 07
Possibly America is playing a bird with beautiful feathers but very mall body. The beautiful feathers make everybody to appreciate the bird not knowing that the bird has no credit to its body. I think this is the case with the person that is good to outsiders while neglecting his responsibilities to his own people. America is not the only coontry guilty of this infidelity. Most African countries are just like that. The all love playing the role of "big brothers" to other african countries while their own national are wallowing in abject poverty. Let us pray for leaders so their objectives would tally with the need of their fellow men.
• United States
3 Jan 07
Thank you for your answer. I am glad that i am not the only one to see it this way. You stated it perfectly in calling America "big brothers"
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
4 Jan 07
One reason we help other countries is because we are the richest nation on earth. We have the resources and technology to give aid when needed. Another is to help maintain healthy relations with our allies and other countries. And because it is in the interest of being humanitarian. It is difficult to understand why we cannot seem to take care of everyone in this country. At least the starving and homeless. I don't believe in the government providing for our every need. As wealth is created in this country, it should be easier to help others through donations and giving. I sometimes think there is a disconnect between the resources and how to properly distribute them. Private agencies would be a better source of aid than government taxation and redistribution. I know there are countless agencies and church based organizations ready to give support to the needy. Perhaps the need outweighs our ability to meet it. If I give a million dolllars to help the poor, how far will it go? You could give 1,000 people each $1,000. How long would that last? All I am saying is that with millions of people needing assistance, it takes a lot of extra income for enough people to make donations. Good topic though.
• United States
4 Jan 07
You stated an excellent response. I see more why we help other countries A+. I still believe it is wrong for the homeless. In my local area, we had 3 major factories close in the last 2 years. . .They employed about 25% of the people and many can't find jobs. Do to factories moving overseas, people are becoming homeless or having to move into trailer parks -- how fair is that?
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