Those of you that have had babies and given birth ... did you get an epidural?
By rachelcaron
@rachelcaron (1679)
United States
January 3, 2007 4:35pm CST
I went in thinking I would see how it goes and if I really needed it I would get the epidural. Wow, as soon as those first few contractions hit I gave in and asked for the epidural. It made things so much easier, but they had to turn it off when it came time to push. I had to push for 2.5 hours with out it. ouch.
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26 responses
@sanell (2112)
• United States
5 Jan 07
okay so I went in just saying whatever happens happens, I was not going to try to go natural and I was not going to try to go with pain managment, I just went with the flow...I started contracting and it was not painful until I got to about 5, and even that was not painful it was just annoying as I could not sleep, so they gave me epidural and that was better and before I knew it it was time to push. They thought it would take about 2 hours on average, but within 35 minutes of pushing baby #1 was out.'
My second time my water broke, and I knew that I was in trouble but no contractions so they had to induce labor, and YES that does hurt I made it to 6 and I thought I was going to do, contractions were consistent at every 2 minutes lasting like 90 seconds or more - it sucked, I thought I could hold out but I was dying, and before epi I was at 6.5 and after I was at almost 8 and that was only about 5 minutes - then I told them again that my first was born rather quickly when I got to 10 and within 2 hours, they said they would check on me...
well I felt something down below did not know what it was, well sure enough, they came to check and baby head was already crowned....
Then within about 2 minutes I said "I am not pushing but baby is coming"
well, sure enough they had no time to even break down the bed and before my doctor came in she was out!! No pushing!!! I did not have to push, I did not even realize my body was pushing until after I felt the head crown!! It was so easy the second time. but the epidural was much more appreciated the second time around.'
I kept telling my husband, O I am a wimp, with the pain but when I heard I was already dialated to almost 7 I was okay with getting the epi.
It was great, they turned it off after baby came, I got stitched up and all was done.
No more babies for me though, we are through unless my sister needs me to surrogate or something I will do it in a heartbeat for her but I am sure she will be able to do it on her own!
@rachelcaron (1679)
• United States
8 Jan 07
wow! that's great that you didn't even have to push on the second one.
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@atemel (9)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
I was in an induced labor for almost 24 hours! I was put into sleep coz dilation is not progressing but woke up only an hour after and had pains again. The other women who were with me had epidural and i definitely thought of getting one for myself seeing them quiet and sleeping but then my doctor suggested emergency C-section that same time due to my baby's failing hearbeat. My boy's a year and 3 months now!
@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I was in labor for 56 hours. I had 4 epiderals. I pushed for 5.5 hrs. Still no baby. They call it failure to descend. Finally they took the little booger by C-section. Honestly there was never a doubt in my mind about getting an epideral. I never wanted to try natural, but they let 3 of epiderals run out to see if I could push harder, it didn't work. I truly thought I was going to die from the pain.
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I was one of those women who never had anything during labor and delivery. I was afraid to have anyone messing with my spine, and they never had enough time to giv me anything. Once I went into labor it was always really fast!
One thing I DID have, was demerol after giving birth. I requested it so that I could relax afterward. LOL
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@rachelcaron (1679)
• United States
11 Jan 07
That's great that it was so fast. I did not have demerol. Luckily I was pretty relaxed and content afterward.
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@mom2rottie (620)
3 Jan 07
I had pitocin with both of my deliveries, which I hear makes the contractions a whole lot worse. The first one I had an epidural with about 3/4 way through. (Labor lasted 13 hours) My 2nd one I was in labor for 72 hours, I was only dilated to a 4 and they had broke my water, I was exhausted and asked for an epidural, as soon as it was in I fell asleep. I woke up 15 minutes later thinking I was having a really bad contraction and he was actually crowning. My doctor said (in jest) with the next baby she will give me an epidural as soon as I'm in labor! I guess I just fight having them and once I can't feel it labor progresses fast.
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@lotsoflove (11)
9 Jan 07
It is amazing that some women don't have any trouble with birth and enjoy it. I pleased I chose to have an epidural when things got painful as in the end I had to wait 8 more hours and found out my baby was in breech. after all that time I had to deliver the baby upside down with legs in front of body and thank goodness I had already had the epidural!
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@rachelcaron (1679)
• United States
9 Jan 07
wow. they actually let you deliver a breech baby? go you!
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@tanya6 (333)
9 Feb 07
i myself went in thinking i would do it all naturally as most of my friends said i would feel better for it so i only used gas and air for the pain but after 8 hours i did ask for a epidural (and i hate needles)but my midwife said it was to late and took away the gas and air so i did do it all on my own and i did feel amazing afterwards but then the pain hit and i then felt like a battered ball lol but it was worth it and i really am proud of my brithing experiances.
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@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I know they gave me something when I gave birth to my son, I'm not sure what it was but I was as high as a kite. I couldn't push before the pain killer because of the extruciating pain in my back. Than I couldn't push because I couldn't feel a thing. They kept telling me I was having a contraction and I needed to push which I thought I was but I wasn't. LOL
@independent_inAK (274)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I had planned on giving birth totally natural(at a midwifery) with my first. Unfortuneatly, I ended up being transferred to the hospital and had to have an emergency C-section(long story). I was not happy and was actually very bummed for a long time. I had such high hopes of a natural delivery and I felt like that was taken from me.
When I became pregnant with my second one I wanted to give birth as natural as possible although I had to be in the hospital since it was going to be a "V-back". It was a miracle in itself that I was going to be able to attempt a v-back. Things went well but after a while my baby wasn't progressing at the rate she should've been. I needed to relax and the only way I could was to get an epidural. I was kind of bummed but it was either that or another c-section. I was not about to do that again! After the epidural and some rest I was able to have my baby the way I'd hoped. It was an awesome experience!
@mommy2jason922 (529)
• United States
2 Feb 07
i was induced and they broke my water when i reached 3cm even tho my doctor really wanted to wait till i was 4, but i was progessing so slowly. before i went into the hospital i was at 1/2cm for 2 1/2 weeks! no matter how much i walked! well anyway when they broke my water, the contractions came hard and fast, and i just started crying (i cant take pain at all) and screaming it hurt soooo bad. so the nurse asked if i was ready for my epidural and i was like yes!!! so she called the other doctor to come put it in and i didnt even feel him put it in. all i felt were the contractions. ten mins after he put it in i was numb. he had to keep coming back cause it kept wearing off. then i basically slept for the 7 hrs while my body did the rest. by 6 hrs they checked me and i was only at 5, then an hour later i said i really need to go to the bathroom and my mom got the nurse and she called my doctor and he checked me and said i was complete!! oh i was soo nervous and happy and couldnt wait to push. then they started warming up the bed, and getting all the things ready, and said lets see how well you push. i didnt do to well so they said they would come back in an hour to check me. well 15 mins after they left i screamed at my mom to get the doctor cause he was coming!! the doctor and nurses came in and told me to push i did and he started comeing down so they got all their clothes on tore down the bed and cleared out the room, even tho they really didnt have to do anything cause as soon as my sisters heard them count 1,2,3,ect... they were outa there lol! well i pushed for an hr. and he got stuck!! so they cut me and used forceps. i didnt even know that they cut me till after i delivered him and they said they were stitching me up. i ended up getting a 2nd degree lacterion. i thought i was going to hurt like hell afterwards but i didnt! i only asked for a pain pill once while i was there for the 2 days! and as soon as i got to my post-parturm room and my legs were "walkable" again, i was up walking around going to the bathroom and everything else. the only thing that hurt was the infection i got a week later in my stitches.
@5dollarmiracle (144)
• United States
1 Feb 07
With my first three I had a spinal, then you had to lay in bed for 12 hours afterwards. With my last one I had an epidural. Wow was it so much better. I only had to have pains a minute apart and they gave it to me. It was so much easier and I gave birth to a 10lb 1 1/2 ounce baby. 22 inches long. I'm only 5'1 weight is usually 125 lbs. That was one big baby boy. Instead of laying in bed for 12 hours, I was up and showered after 10. Didn't have to wait for permission to be up.
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@apky12 (769)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I got an epidural the first time and a spinal the 2nd time (repeat c-section). I loved both of them and I think they are a God send. I felt so much better with both of them. I actually went into labor with my 2nd and was in labor for 2 days with no progression but the pain. I couldn't wait for that spinal by the time I got it.
@jen0526 (82)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I tried to go natural with my first, and ended up with an emergency csection after 22 hours of labor, and I was given the epidural with that delivery.
I had a spinal with my second, it was a planned csection.
I had a hard time with both of them, as I am allergic to morphine, the main ingredient. It makes me itch like crazy. I was prepared for it the second time, but the first time I had itched so much I was bleeding. I was too tired to realize what I had done.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
I wanted to go natural but never completely cut out the option of an epidural. LIke you I decided to wait and see if I would need it or not.Thankfully it wasn't needed for any of my kids.
I have to say I was one of the lucky people that had very easy labor. I think I might be one of the few or only people that was joking with hubby about having another one even before she was completely born.
My son was even easier, he was born in about 10 minutes. I remember the doctor was passing and when my husband asked him if he had time to go park the car he told him that yes.. he could go park the car, then have a coffee, buy the newspaper at the gift shop.... so my husband went to park the car in the proper place but didn't got for the coffee or newspaper. He was back really fast, but not fast enough. Andre was already born LOL
MY kids weren't that big, but not that small either. Katt was 8 and 8 ounces pounds and Andre 7 pounds 11 ounces.
@kittensmommy (386)
• United States
19 Jan 07
My ob didn't really give me a choice, he just saw how I was in pain and goes " YOu 're taking the epidural , I want to go home already" LOL
I went to the hospital because my contractions were on top of each other , no break , i thought that is it , i got ther e, they called him , he came checked me and said oh you're not dialeted at all , go home walk a lot then I'll see you tomorrow in the office , , by the time he pulled out if the hospital parking , my water broke , he came back up , admitted me , left again because I hhad a while to go
an hour and half after he left I was ready to push,he came back , but was to late to get any epidural , but all in all he said I was quick for a first timer , 4 hours total time at the hospital so ...
the next time , I went on time and got my epidural , I wanted to savor it this time.
You forget the pain so you can get pregnant again,it's a mind trick
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@somnolence (460)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I did have an epidural. I tried to go without one but they said my blood pressure was raising too high and I had to do one. I don't know if it even worked because I could still feel the contractions just the same as before, and then they had to give me pitocin because my labor wasn't progressing. THAT really hurt.
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@gypsylady28 (945)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I had chosen to have a natural birth. After having contractions for a couple days that would get down to 5 min. apart and then go back up to 20 min. apart, I was tired. The hospital gave me Demeral (I think that is what it was called), to relax and get some sleep, while they were delivering another baby. I had never had any prescription strength pain killers before and I agreed to the epidural. Which turned out good, because I ended up having a c-section anyhow. I was too small to have him natural. LOL He had a cone head for a day or so from being in the birth canal.
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@mommy2damm (51)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I didn't get one with any of my 4 kids. Just a shot of something to take the edge off the pain.
@Anne18 (11029)
17 Nov 11
For my first two children I just had gas and air and that was fine.
I had an epidural for the birth of my twins as I had a c section and wanted ot be awake when they were born.
I had to push for more than 2.5 hours with both of my other children, painful but well worth it