Lady, it's just a darn mouse for crying out loud.....I'm outraged.
By mari61960
@mari61960 (4893)
United States
January 3, 2007 7:34pm CST
I was at a local pet store today and a woman and her daughter were looking at gerbils. The little girl about 7 or 8 yrs old, noticed a baby mouse that was missing it's foot. The mother got a staff person and told them. The guy opens the cage, picks up the little mouse looks at it and drops it in the trash barrel nearby. We all just stared for a moment in amazement of what we had just I wrong?
I thought the little girl was going to pass out as she turned white as a ghost. I said to the man, "what are you doing?" He looks at me as if I am the crazy one and says... "Lady, it's just a mouse for crying out loud" and he walked away. When I left the woman and her daughter were talking to the Manager.
It really ticks me off when small animals and things like hermit crabs, snakes, lizards, and such are treated as "throw away pets"
Yes the mouse was a pinky...and probably wouldn't have lived. But geez don't just toss it in the trash...especially in front of a child.
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73 responses
@Country_Girl311 (194)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Holy Crap! I used to work for a pet store, and yea the mice are usually feeder mice and I dont care so much for them, but what he did he could get fired for!! Not to mention morality in front of customers and saying that was plain rude. If he works for a corporation pet store he will and should deffinately be repremanded for that action! Just because they are feeders, doesnt mean that the pet store doesnt look out for their well being!! It could still be sold or used for feeding the stores snakes. What an idiot!
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
4 Jan 07
That employee should have been fired as he has no business working there and obviously has no consideration for mice or animals in general. That is sick to throw a mouse away in the trash like that and in front of a child. This person is certainly lacking something in the brain department or common sense area. I feel bad for the child, mother and the mouse. I think the mouse could have lived even without the missing foot.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
4 Jan 07
That is enough to scar a child for life. I don't believe in hell, but if there is such a place.....well you know what I'm thinking.
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@hassanchop (820)
• United States
4 Jan 07
That's just dumb. Not only is that a mouse that can be still used as food for the animals that eat mice regardless of having one less foot than usual, but to treat it like a waste like that in front of the little kid is even dumber. That guy should get fired, but make sure he gets reported to the manager so that he does get fired.

@coldchill (107)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I was in a Mom and Pop pet store and there was an albino rat in there thats eye was swollen shut and had blood gushing from it. I went and got the owner and told him that one of the rats was hurt thinking he'd do something about it. He walked over to the cage with me, looked at it and said it just got into a fight with one of the other rats and walked away. I was outraged. If nothing else, it should've been seperated from the others. I tried to find someone to lodge a complaint with, but no one really cares, which is sad.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
4 Jan 07
The sad thing is, pet store managers typically don't care. This being said by someone who has gone undercover to several mom and pop shops, and worked in a large chain petstore (in just about every store in 3 counties) as well.
Good luck getting a manager that cares!
PETA used to care and have a website for complaints. Now they've even given in. There is no one that cares about small animals it seems that is willing to do something about it.
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@smacksman (6053)
4 Jan 07
I would have bought the rat, Coldchill, and then put it out of its misery.
They are only interested in money, not the welfare of the animals.

@innechen (1318)
• Indonesia
4 Jan 07
its really up sading thing when i saw that situation, that kind of person should not be hired to work in a pet store.i likes animal even if its just a mouse.i mean they are still baby and they arent capable to feed themselves yet.and what he did in front of customer is really not right specially in front of a little girl.i hope that man would get fired at once.not to mention what he say to you is also rude.geez i hope i would never seen those such a thing in front of my nose.
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@ModelMom (129)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I have no words for what you witnessed. That is just atrocious and that poor child must have been traumatized! Unbelievable, I really am shocked. Hopefully the manager did something about that employee's behavior. It may just be a mouse, but it is still a life.....makes you wonder how the other pets are treated when no one is looking.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
4 Jan 07
It depends on the store, but in general the animals aren't treated very well. You have to beg them to even put FOOD in the cages sometimes. And proper food? Good luck!
But the sad part is, the pet stores seem like palaces compared to the pet mills those animals came from.
@shelonewolf1969 (486)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I worked at a small pet store a few months they really did take care of the animals the small ones too had thier cages cleaned regular fresh food all that even the feeder mice and rats .They really did make sure the animals were took care of .
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Actually, if it was a birth defect it could have lived. If one of the other mice bit it off, they probably would have just killed it later. But what he did and his callous attitude were inexcusable.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I hope that manager makes some changes pertaining to the employee procedures. That is rude and very insensitive.
If anyone is going to work around children , they should be educated about appropriate behavior. I think the customers should be respected and that was cruel.
Thats animal cruelty as well and there are a few orginazations who deal with things lke that.Im sorry but I would have fired him for that.

@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I don't think feeding mice to your cat or encouraging them to cat mice is's what cats do. But selling the mice to children so they can feed them to store animals, that's taking it a bit too far. We all know that animals prey on smaller animals, but to do that in a pet store as if it is some fun game is just wrong.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Jan 07
We had a pet store around here once that kept mice and sold them to kids who came into the store and then let the kids feed the store's mongoose with them. The township got wind of it and closed them down.
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@youfearthetruth (98)
• Canada
4 Jan 07
why did the idiot throw the mouse out? he could have sold it as snake feed? the pet store here sells mice to ppl with exotic snakes....
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
4 Jan 07
I would have thrown the biggest temper tantrum the world has ever seen if I saw that happen in front of me. I would have exploded like a bomb! I would have cussed him so many ways that his ears would catch fire.
I would have complained to the manager and I more than likely would have dug the pinky out of the garbage. No way! That is horrible thing to do. "It's just a mouse" What? It is just another living breathing creature like that idiot.... Sad
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I think I stood there with my mouth hanging open...bottom lip touching my feet !! I didn't want to upset the child any more than he had already done...I let the mother handle it.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
4 Jan 07
The pet store employee missed an excellant opportunity to teach the little girl about the real facts of life. That would be concerning predator and prey, eating or being ate!
It was wasteful to just throw away a perfectly good mouse.
Would not the snakes have enjoyed that which he so carelessly threw away?
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I really don't think the employee had that much of a brain to teach But you do have a good point.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
4 Jan 07
that's horrible!! i love baby mice, they are so adorable! I saw something when I was younger they tore my heart apart. It was the first time I had ever felt pain for an animal's well-being and to this day, I tear up thinking about it.
My family owns chicken houses, so obviously we set rat traps and things because the rats get in and eat up the materials that the houses are built with. So we have a lot of mice. Well, one day I saw a little pink and black speckled pile on the floor of the chicken houses when we didn't have any chickens. As I got closer, I started crying to see that it was a litter of baby mice, tee-tiny baby mice covered by ants!! I don't know how the ants got to them, but the baby mice were wiggling around in pain from the ants biting them. I couldn't figure out anything to do without the ants attacking me as well, so I just ran away crying. I was like..9 when I saw this. it broke my heart.
But yeah, what the store employee did was horrible. If they are going to dispose of the mouse, they should do it privately, not in front of customers and certainly not in front of children!!! I thinkt hat employee was just trying to be funny, thinking everyone would get a kick out of it. He was wrong.
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@linzmcwilliams (1552)
4 Jan 07
Did you manage to fish it out or did he kill it? It could have lived if it's only problem was a missing foot. Everyone is right, there is no way he should be working in a pet shop and he should be sacked. It's really shocking behaviour and i'm not surprised everyone was upset.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
4 Jan 07
As I left the store the mother and child were talking to the manager, who had taken the baby mouse out of the trash and was holding it in his hand.
@fluffleshark (810)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
Oh that is just TOOOOOOO awful! Poor mouse! And poor little girl who saw that!!!!
Ok, yes, the mouse probably wouldn't have lived, but it should have been left with its mother to at least have the comfort and warmth of its mother and siblings for its last hours!!! (As all of us would want for ourselves I'm sure!) Just because it's smaller than humans doesn't mean it can't also feel pain and emotion!
Even if it was pet shop policy to just throw it in the bin, HOW can somebody do that in front of a child???!!! I think that if it was a small child, the employee should have put it back with its Mom and assured the child that the mom would look after it and see that it was okay. For an older child maybe the employee could have gently explained that there wasn't much that we could do, but it would be happy just being near it's Mom for the moment.
How awful - I sincerely hope that employee was put right by the manager!
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I just found out last night that he was fired for his callous actions. Apparently it wasn't the first time something like this had happened. The manager told me they guy was still in training but is not there any longer. Thank God.
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@fluffleshark (810)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
Thanks Goodness he's gone!!! Well at least the manager sounds like he has more humanity!
Poor little mousie.... (and little girl!) :(
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@umjuna (100)
• Netherlands
4 Jan 07
Are you serious? Who does such a thing? I am really stunned just by reading this, let alone witnessing it in real life. To be honest I do not like mice and rats and those types of little scary animals, but to treat them like that, like trash? Uh uh no way. Especially a little tiny pinky one. Just leave it with it's mommy. That guy should be fired, if I was the manager I would have definitely fired him as soon as possible. That is no way to treat an animal or your customers for that matter!
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Oh my goodness. I truly cannot believe that audacity of certain people. It is amazing how some people treat animals like they are 'things' and not living, breathing, feeling creatures. I'm so sorry that this happened in front of a child, and that poor mouse.. even if it wouldn't have lived anyway, it was still so cruel of that man to do what he did. I can't believe that he would do that right in front of that woman and her daughter, and in front of you too since you saw it as well! Sheesh. This makes me really sick as well. No animals should be treated this way, no matter how big or small. All living creatures are worthy of more respect than that! ^_^
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@Reviver (339)
• Romania
4 Jan 07
how cruel and insensitive! This employee needs to be reprimanded or better fired. A pet store is usually a place with a lot of children as well as all sorts of animal lovers. The little girl probably feels horrible because she is the one of noticed the mouse and then witnessed its "disposal". The mouse could have been easily put into a different enclosure and left alone. I don't know if he would have survived or not since he was missing a foot but still--give him a shot at life. What if someone with only one leg had come in there looking for a pet mouse?
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
What a horrible horrible person. How could he do this? I mean, I know that mice are generally not liked as animals but at the end of the day it is a sentient being, it can feel pain pleasure and a whole range of things.
It really does make you wonder what goes on behind closed doors?
A lack of respect for life such as this is tragic. Hopefully not reflective of pet stores in general, but somehow I think this is a vain hope.
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@enchantedemerald (454)
• United States
4 Jan 07
How cruel and insensitive! This employee needs to be reprimanded or better fired. A pet store is usually a place with a lot of children as well as all sorts of animal lovers. The little girl probably feels horrible because she is the one of noticed the mouse and then witnessed its "disposal". The mouse could have been easily put into a different enclosure and left alone. I don't know if he would have survived or not since he was missing a foot but still--give him a shot at life. What if someone with only one leg had come in there looking for a pet mouse?
@spitfire147 (468)
• India
4 Jan 07
This was really a cruel act to just throw the poor mouse in the trash barrel just because it was missing a leg. What impact will this have on the impressionable mind if the 7 yr old?? These animals are small and do not talk, that does not mean you just throw it away in a freakin' trash barrel. I mean what could be worse than that?? Imagine if someone picks you up and throws you in trash . Why? Because you're handicapped! This is outrageous..Don't think anything can be done about it though.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
4 Jan 07
You're right about not much being done. This type of thing I am sure happens alot. I think it has do do with the size of the animal in some peoples minds....which doesn't make any sense to me.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
20 Jan 07
This man should not be working in a pet store. He obviously has no regard for pets. Secondly, he seems to have little regard for teaching children to appreciate all forms of life and to treat pets lovingly. Thirdly, the lack of people skills and business savyy. You don't do these types of things in front of patrons. You wait until no patrons are present!
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@BlondeDitz (144)
• Canada
20 Jan 07
Wow, if someone had done that in front of me, I think I would have started crying my eyes out. I love animals, no matter what they are. As long as they can breath, as far as I'm concerned, they should be given the chance to.
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