would you prefer your first born to be a male or a female?

January 4, 2007 1:42am CST
i prefer my first born to be a male because it is usually the first born who shoulders more responsibilities such as acting as the head of the family in case the father dies, caring for the younger siblings. males with their strong physiche can provide more protection to younger siblings. the strong character of males makes them ideal to rule over the family and they are most likely obeyed by the young hardheaded sibligns.and when it comes to looking for work they are surely to find one. The other sad part though is that you can't dress them the way you can dress females. It's always more fun dressing the female kids.
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84 responses
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
4 Jan 07
What, and women can't shoulder responsibility and care and protect their siblings? Those traits have nothing to do with gender and everything to do with how a child is raised and the values instilled in them when they're growing up. Instill the same values in two children of different genders, and they'll both grow up as capable, strong, responsible people. Besides that, if you want to rely on outdated stereotypes, men are the ones with the long history of running away from responsibility and taking care of a family.
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
i respect your views. and dear am not saying that women can't shoulder responsibilities cause i too am a woman. im simply saying that since the first child is usually burdened with problems for being the eldest,like protecting the younger ones. what if someone bullies the younger sibling, males are more likely to be feared when they reprimand those who bully their siblings, don't you think? if there are troubles that can't be avoided, male are better in fighting back physically than females. again am not stereotyping. am sorry if you understood that way.
• United States
4 Jan 07
You are stereotyping. And please don't call me dear, you're not a family member. By saying 'boys will be more feared/respected', that's a stereotype. The stereotype of the aggressive, power-assertive male. And the stereotype that women aren't feared and respected.
• United Arab Emirates
4 Jan 07
Yes, head up misskatonic. As far as i'm concerned, it really doesn't matter, which one will be prefer as long as the child is healthy. And as far as responsibility or any other aspects are concern, the fact still remains that every character is being moulded by the parents and it's sorrounding from infancy to adulthood. So we just couldn't generalized that men can be more responsible or what than women. The burden of good children still lies in the parents nurturing.
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
for me, it doesn't matter. either a boy or a girl, he/she is an angel given to me by heaven so i will ensure to take good care of him/her a lot and raise him/her as a good and God-fearing person
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
that's nice to hear.
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
at the end, you would only wish that you have a healthy baby, regardless of gender.
• United States
5 Jan 07
I say female because my first born is female. Either way, I wanted a girl anyway.
• Philippines
8 Jan 07
great.thanks for the response.
@lxwy2005 (167)
• China
5 Jan 07
Haha...of course it's female,because i am a girl now,just easy...
• Philippines
7 Jan 07
heehhehe. thanks for the respond.
• United States
4 Jan 07
I would prefer a girl,becuase I think a girl should always be older,so the guy cant rule and she could be bossy on him.
• Philippines
12 Jan 07
@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
13 Feb 07
female ... for many reasons ...
• India
13 Feb 07
they are more matured and now a days its more difficult to control boys ... another reason is that i actually believe that parents are responsible for how they behave not their gender
@perugu (5279)
• India
4 Jan 07
hi,if i prefer male ,that must be in RICH family..if it is not necessary in the case of female,but must be born with most beauty even POOR..
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
thanks for your comments.
@abg1988 (340)
• India
4 Jan 07
it can be anything.
• India
5 Jan 07
ya it true it can be anything but in these world now will find girls r not less than boys as if a boy can handle the whole house after his dad than same girl can also do the same as i m a girl an d after my dad i have handle my whole faimly so u can say aboy is more better than a girl girl r too fast than a boys n more ahead now in this century dont u think the boys r only best but now girls r also more best
4 Jan 07
I would like my firstborn to be a male, because then, when I have daughters, they'll always have a big brother to defend them...I mean, it's not that big a deal for me, I mean, a girl would be nice as the oldest too, as they'd be able to sort of mother the other kids... Aah, decisions!
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
thanks for your ideas. male or female they are both adorable.
4 Jan 07
i think it would be a male first for me for alot of the same reasons (although as said above women can do it aswell) but i think the son should have to be the stronger and take care of the family and be the big brother when the girl is hurt i think most mens dream is to see there son grow into a man and goto the pub together fixing cars togehter whereas they see the female as there little girl no matter how old they get
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
hehehhe. you're right. fathers always tend to see their female children as little girls despite the fact that they are ages 20 up..
4 Jan 07
hmm, doesnt really bother me what my first born is, a boy first would be good, so would a girl first... actually boy first lol
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
great. we both want our first born to be a boy.
@lelabrown (217)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I agree cuddle, I have an 11 year old son,and would absolutly want him to be the oldest,as he is strong/protective and would be great at the "big brother" role. You're also right that it's more fun to dress little girls{all the fluff & lace} :) I wsa a nightmare for my mother at the teenage years,so I'm kinda scared to have a girl..lol Have a blessed day, and Happy New Year all! Lela
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
thanks lela..
• Philippines
25 Dec 07
hi there! I prefer my first born to be a male but it doesn't really matter just as long as my kids are healthy and normal. So my answer is male :) He will be the one to care for his sisters/brothers. Since I don't know how it is to have a big brother, I like my kids to have a big brother who'll take care of them and watch out for them.
@yanxchick (250)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I have to tell you, though I don't ever want children, I just want the child to be healthy. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I spent Christmas Eve in the NICU of a hospital watching my baby cousin on a respirator because she can't breathe properly. She's not even a month old yet and she has tubes all over the place. It shouldn't be like that. Boy or girl, it wouldn't matter. I would just want a baby who doesn't have to go through anything like that.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
13 Feb 07
I donĀ“t care as long as he or she is healthy - that is the one thing I care about. A woman can be as storng and protective as a man.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
really depends, nowadays female who is the first born also shoulder responsibility. so i think its not in the gender. What can men do women can also do. Personally i would really like to have a female but lately i was thinking it really depends on what God will give me. i will really accept whether its a boy or girl as long as it is normal. Thats the most important.
@thediesel (287)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
I would want to have a male as a first born for a simple reason. I want my family name to be carried on. Thats it. Basically, either a male or female will do. I just want a male so that I'm assured that my family name will carry on for at least one generation more.
• United States
13 Feb 07
I always wanted a girl first but now I have three wonderful boys. I can understand your viewpoint of a boy being first to take care of the family but women can help with the family just as much. Women can be pretty hard headed and motivated when they need to be! :) I still hope to have a girl someday but if I'm blessed with another boy, that's OK too.
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
13 Feb 07
Really i don't think i mind about that at all...what comes it comes and it will be equally loved. Anyway if i have to choose by force, maybe a girl, us they guys are a bit crazy headed sometimes, especially as teenagers so maybe an elder sister would help control us a bit lol. Anyway as i said i don't mind.
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
I would prefer my first born to be male, so that he could protect his younger siblings. But be it a male or female, it's how you reared them that matters most because this will show in their attitude.