How do you tell your very good friend that your child doesn't like her child?

United States
January 4, 2007 11:46am CST
I have a very good friend and I love her to death. The problem is that my dd does like her dd and seems frustrated when they are forced to be together. This obviously has cause me to now really hang out with her as much, but now I feel I need to say something. Her dd is mean and seems to always want to compete with my dd and all my girl wants to do it play. My dd is very girly and sweet whereas he dd is somewhat rude and tends to be very rough. My friend however, thinks her Dd could do know wrong and I completely understand her feelings, but it is a problem. What should I say?
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39 responses
@goldjay (465)
• United States
4 Jan 07
You probably shouldn't say anything. It is a fact of life that children are different and parents will not tkae the news well that you don't like their child. You will never see your friend again if you say something.
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@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Exactly. I had situations when I was a kid of having to be around other kids I didn't like. My mother knew. I had to learn to deal with it. I learned how to stick up for myself and that mommy wasn't always going to be able to "save" me. Today I am a kind hearted, strong, independent woman. It is not mean nor is it "letting" your kid down. It is teaching your child that one day, when she has a job, she may have to actually grin and bear it.
• Zambia
5 Jan 07
Quite true. The best thing to do is to try and talk to your child to keep away then. U have to take caution in how u explain it to your own kid, depending on how old the child is.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Friends - Come in all forms,shapes and sizes
Well I would get together with your friend and you both need to talk about it. I had to giggle. When you said her daughter could do know wrong in her eyes. Smiles seems that is the same you feel about your daughter as well. Yours sounds girlie girl and hers seems to have a lil tomboy in her which there is nothing wrong with either. You are use to your child being girlie girl that the roughness of the other child may come a cross as rude. You didn't mentioned the age of the girls so ya know. But sit down with your friend maybe when ya'll get together can do it when the husband or partners are home or can get a babysitter. Or if the girls are old enough have a talk with them and see whats up. Are they in your sight the whole time they are together. Maybe they each do stuff that annoys the other. Dunno...good luck
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I kinda got the same feeling when I read about the rudeness and roughness being a lil tomboy and the other being a girly girl. They are going to clash, because they're opposites. They both need to be guided to deal with each others differences. It could be a good thing for both girls.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
4 Jan 07
what does dd mean?
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• New Zealand
5 Jan 07
darling daughter i am assuming.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
4 Jan 07
You can be her friend without your kids having to interact. I think I would try to plan activites that do not involve your daughters. I am not sure there is a nice way to tell her how your daughters feel about hers. I would never want to force my child to constantly interact with someone they do not get along with. You can only expect your child to behave for so long before a melt down comes. Good luck with this.
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@marryann (45)
• Canada
4 Jan 07
Wow that's a tough one and too bad that they don't get along! However it is what it is! I would refrain from letting out all the true feelings you have about her daughter but I would be honest and somehow mention that the girls don't seem to hit it off very well, and then perhaps just plan activities for yours when you have plans with your friend. Keep everyone happier. I love girlie girls who are sweet which you describe yours as :)
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@lelabrown (217)
• United States
5 Jan 07
WOW, that's a good one. I would love to know the right answer to this as well. I don't know how many times my son has said the same thig aobut another child;and here I am wanting my son to know his feelings are important,but to be loving as well. Lela
• United States
5 Jan 07
I agree with celestial. Very well put and I think saying it like she said is great.
• India
5 Jan 07
well i think you just need to know why her dd is so rude .if you get the reason i think its better to advise your friend on it.
@lilmissy (481)
• United States
5 Jan 07
if you have no problems between ur self besides ur children then find ways to hang out or talk w/o the girls and as they eget older nd go to different schools there may be less problems but if you offend her about her child she will probably end the friendship
@Darkwing (21583)
5 Jan 07
I think you have to carry on just as you are. Discuss it with your daughter, if anybody. She has to learn that she is not the only child in the world and that all children are different. Eventually, she will learn to get along with your friend's daughter, but it might take some time. Each of them probably feels that they are having to share attention for the first time and have different ways in reacting to it. When your daughter is old enough, and I presume she isn't yet, she will have to learn to stand on her own two feet and face up to the rest of the kids, at school. This is called growing up and finding your way in the world... developing a character and learning to get on with others. You have to make a stand with your daughter firstly, I'm afraid. She has to know what's important to you, i.e. her going to nursery, to school, etc without you, and when you want to see your friend, that is equally important to you... she must learn to accept this. Don't upset her to the point that she rebels, but perhaps explain to her that you need to see your friend, and that she should try to play nicely with your friend's daughter. You have to show her now, that you are the person who makes the decisions and she, right now, is the one who respects those decisions. I think if you stick to that manner of teaching, your daughter will grow to be a very likeable and agreeable child, and later, adult. Good luck with this.. it is difficult, but hey, we all have to put a little work in with our kids, huh?
@kareng (70460)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Try to find something else for your daughter to do next time. Maybe a homework project at the library or at another friends house? I think in time the other girl will get the picture. I understand that you don't want to hurt any feelings.
• India
5 Jan 07
I think you should directly tell her that her daughter is rude and that both your children dont like being with each other. I think it is fair to tell her about it before things get worse. You ignoring the issue will do no help as it is going to surface uo sooner or later. So , I think the best thing would be to talk to your friend about it and tell her that it would be good if your children dont spend time with each other as they are not enjoying each others company.
@neeraj05 (211)
• India
5 Jan 07
simply try to avoide their meetings.. bcoz everyone do not like everyone .. and u may understand ur fren this if u find such good chance and mood......... but b cautious
@Reviver (339)
• Romania
5 Jan 07
you can be her friend without your kids having to interact. I think I would try to plan activites that do not involve your daughters. I am not sure there is a nice way to tell her how your daughters feel about hers.
@jsan0147 (186)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
i say it soft
@scorpius (1792)
• India
5 Jan 07
first of all i have to say that to any parent thier child could do no wrong.that said i think that you can subtly hint to your bossom buddy that your daughters are nopt getting along very well.anyway do chk out the links given below!
• India
5 Jan 07
there should b no communication gap between friends. what i feel is tel her straightaway..
• Pakistan
5 Jan 07
well i guess first u need to find out why ur child doesnt like her child....and try resolving the issues with ur child first...see if she has any solid, justified reasons for not liking the other child...otherwise, as part of her upbringing, try teaching her to get along with others...the younger u start this education the better it will be for ur child :)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
If your friend loves you as well she'll understand how you feel. She's a mom too and she'll understand how we have to protect our kids. And we don't have to force our kids to do something they dont want. Tell her in a nice way though that wouldn't hurt her feelings.. but if she doesn't understand just think of this...Who's more important your child or your friend?
@dawn5679 (266)
• United States
5 Jan 07
If she is your friend she will understand.. Not everyone is going to like everyone right? well this is just one of those instances so be truthful but senetive to her feelings..
@berta67 (176)
• Virgin Islands (British)
5 Jan 07
The age of your ¨dds are important. Tings will change with time so i suggest that you keep calm for a while. Never say that something is weong to a mother. common sense and protecting ones child is not a good mix.Good luck