What do you think?

@Thoroughrob (11742)
United States
January 5, 2007 8:09am CST
I stopped in at school to pick up my older child for a Dr. appt.. I decided to go a little early and check in on my son that has CP. He is nonverbal and in a wheelchair. When I get there, I meet an aide in the hallway. I asked ho he was doing and she said, "He is doing good today." I go on in the room and my son is sitting by himself doing deskwork. My son cannot write or read. The teacher is in the room for about 2 minutes, disappears, and returns with the princpal. They take me into the hallway, she gets very loud telling me that she cannot just have parents stopping in her classroom. I tried to explain to her that she doesn't write me notes, his work he brings home is way above his level, and the aides have said that they cannot get him to work. The kids on the bus say he is a brat at school. That is not my son. He is willing to try anything as long as someone is paying attention. She proceeds to yell at me telling me that I interupted her class. It is only the second time that I have been there this year. The principal just kind of stood there looking at us like he didn't know what to say. I also have reports that he is always in time out??? He doesn't talk and is in a wheelchair, what could he do all the time to deseve this? I think she just got caught not having someone working with him and she needed to cover her butt. What is your opinion? They do have an open door policy.
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49 responses
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I would definitely try to do something about this! This is horrible, he is your child and I think you have every right to check in on him especially considering that he is a special needs child! You are right I think she got busted and wanted to put the blame on you so it wouldnt be on her! I would definitely try to have a private meeting with the principal and if he doesnt do anything about it contact the school board! Oooh, this is just making me mad and I dont even know you haha! No child deserves to be treated that way!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I have been to the special ed. coordiator, gotten a child advocate, and talked with the principal. I am not satisfied with the way it is being handled. I was called to pick him up from school one day. They were trying to make him walk in his walker, which is very hard for him. He sat down in the hallway and would not get up. He can't get up without the help of someone. But anyway, the assistant principal thought it would be a good punishment for him to be sent home. Hello!! That is just telling him that if he doesn't want to do something, refuse, and he can come home. They just make me sooo mad!!!
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@mansha (6298)
• India
6 Jan 07
I think teacher was at fault too. I am a special educator myself and rewarding the child works more than time out always. The special kids need to be handled with love and love only. I think the school is at fault and please report them if you can. How can they shout at you? Thats a stricty no no- I would have lost my job if I would do that at NIMH. Try and find out if there are any other better schools. I don't like the sound of this one.
@dawn5679 (266)
• United States
5 Jan 07
omg!! If a teacher ever ever raised her voice to me i would just get right back in her face! Also call the school board and tell them about your son and see if someone can sit in the class for a couple of days to see what's going on. If that doesn't work i would be looking for a differnt school! Now how can be be a brat if he can't speak? and i would def ask about these time outs he's getting!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Jan 07
We did have a yelling match after she had gotten nasty with me. The principal basically just stood between the two of us. I think he thought I was going to smack her. I was kind of upset at myself for acting just like her, but she made me mad!!
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@scorpius (1792)
• India
5 Jan 07
in this case i think that you shouild report her or something like that.frankly i think that she is trying to browbeat you or something like that.if you do not like the way that she is teaching then you should amke an issue of this.after all your child may not be all that effective as others but while in the class it is her duty to make sure that everyone gets it.ans also she has to answer to you.thats why we have parents teachers meetings http://www.mcgrathinc.com/articles-031.html http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3673/is_200010/ai_n8915323 http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/1025/p08s02-comv.html
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I'm sorry but I think I would be looking for a new school. If they have an open door policy then there shouldn't be any reason why you couldn't check on him once in awhile. And that was just rude of her to talk to you like that. She probably should have asked you nicely to try to let her know ahead of time when you will be visiting but even that would make me mad.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Jan 07
She was so out of line!! I think because I had an advocate go visit for a day, she thinks I am after her and she has her defenses up. The reason I had done that is my son is distracted easily and I wanted someone to tell me exactly what they are doing with him. I sat in one morning and it was evident that they went out of their way to do things diffently.
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• United States
5 Jan 07
I agree with you. She was covering her own tail. If it was me I would be going to the school board and tell them whats going on. There is no excuse for treating your son that way. He needs help and should get it. The school has an open door policy you should be able to go anytime you want without any notice. In my eyes its a type of abuse on a handicap child that doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. Good luck to you and I hope everything works out.
@uvacerba (427)
• Italy
5 Jan 07
task that is better to change the school and to more find someone adapted he if it is not succeeded to clear the situation with the main one. hello
@mcmomss (2601)
• United States
6 Jan 07
It sounds like she is just mad that she got caught not doing what she was supposed to be doing. If a teacher is good and does what she is supposed to with the children, then she shouldn't have a problem with others watching. I'm going to school to be a teacher and one of the first things we learned is that for a child's education to be successful, teachers and parents should work together. That can't happen if there is no communication.
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@GardenGerty (162836)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Very good point.
• India
5 Jan 07
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@killailla (1301)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
mlpd - mlpd
MLPD on you butt again
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@cowgirl2701 (2079)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I would definitely go back and sit down with the princilpe by himself. I would let him know that if he doesn't do something about that teacher that you will go to the scholl board and have them do something about him and the teacher. Teachers can't get away with yelling at parents. If they have the open door policy I would make sure it is enforced. Start dropping by the school a couple of times a week and see how often no one is helping your son. My son's fiance works with kids with disabilities and she is going to have a fit when I tell her about this.
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• United States
5 Jan 07
Is this a public school? If so go to the school district office the county one . If it is a private school you should be able to go to the american disabilities asociation I would think the ADA protects not only adults but children with disabilities . If they have a open door policy you have every right to go as often as you want and personaly I would go more often seems he is not being looked after right .I might would check all the legal services call the dept of justice they handle the ADA act look up the ADA web site learn your sons rights insist he gets them !!
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
Did the principal not say anything to you afterwards? I'd make an appointment to meet with him and express your concerns. I wouldn't be happy with that situation at all. I'm shocked that this teacher yelled at you as well......not very professional.
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• Philippines
5 Jan 07
I just have read your post and i think the teacher was just cauth flat footed. She was not expecting your arival. You should do that often to check your childs status and ir the teacher is taking care of your child or not. It will also keep the teacher on her/his toes.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I think so too.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
5 Jan 07
Oh dear this is dreadful you have a right to make sure that your son is going alright and with a teacher like that and the principle of the school, don't you have an education department where you can report what is going on at this school, and yes I agree that she was caught out and needed to cover her butt.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I have been and they are looking into it, but I figure it is probably useless. The principal doesn't want any friction. He will back her up. I have no witnesses.(except school people)
• United States
5 Jan 07
If they have an open door policy - you can go "check in" whenever you want!! Something wrong is going on - that teacher gives a bad name for us all. You should talk to the prinicpal (without the teacher) about your issues and about the teacher yelling at you for coming in her classroom. When I become a teacher - I can't wait to have parents come in and help out in the classroom or stop by to check on their child - it means that the parents cares about the success of their child!! Maybe you could volunteer in the classroom and see how he really is in the classroom?? Best of Luck!!!
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I think she feels that I am after her, and she has put defenses on high mode. She is to te point she don't hear what you say.
@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I think the teacher was being unfair, I would try and look into another school and blow these people off.
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
That is so ridiculous, I would have the schoolinvestigate it right away, i would also stop by unannounced regularily from now on, she is screwed, not doing her job now freakin out cause she was caught, Call your school board, contact local news.
@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
8 Jan 07
i think a school should have an open door policy espically for children as special as yours, and espically if you are not getting progress reports or anything from the teacher that is very frustrating.
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Well....in this day and age you should have stopped by the office before going to the classroom. Most schools have policies that require this. As far as the classroom situation and my experience working with special education students..... If he cannot read or write then the work you are seeing at home is done with a "hand over hand", most likely. The paraprofessional will basically hold the student's hand over the writing tool and do the work for them. The work that is way over his head is the result of them trying to expose him to learning. No one can know if he is getting any stimulus or not and so that is how it is handled in a school setting. Those who are in wheels chirs and cannot talk can still be disciplined. I have placed wheelchair bound students in a "time out" when they begin to hit or bite. This is something they might not do at home if they are not required to do much. Some students with the same issues as your son, lash out at school when there is a change in routine, or one activity ends and another must begin. If he can move his arms, he can strike out. If he can eat without a feeding tube, then he can probably strike out. Part of inclusion is dealing with the consequences of misbehaviour. You might have caught him having a good moment because no one was trying to work with him. As far as the teacher covering her butt, if your son isn't the only student in th eclasroom there are other considerations here. Often, if someone different comes into this type of classroom it sets off other students and behavior issues develope quickly. I am sure there is no reason for the teacher to cover her butt just because no one was working with your son at the very moment you stopped in. No student gets one on one attention all day long, its just unreasonable and creates behavior problems when the student ISNT' getting one on one attention. Every human must be able to sepdn time alone, without the individual attention of someone else. If this teacher actaully got really liud then perhaps she was having issues that day, but often people use the term "yell" when they are not really being yelled at, but admonished. Remember, If your son cannot read or write, his ability to lash out or refuse to comply with requirements of a classroom might still be intact. Don't judge those who work in these types of classrooms. They are far and few between.
@jenbatres (799)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I would be looking for a new school, or have the school come in the home to teach him. I am welcome in my childrens school anytime. If I wish I can eat lunch with them everyday and help in classrooms when I want.
@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I think that you are correct and should look further into it and if you don't get satisfactory result look for a different school for him. If this person yelled at you there could be a good chance that she is doing the same to your child. That would be concern. Talk to the priciple also he should have been atleast correcting the teachers behavior towards you. If she wasn't doing anything wrong then why can't a parent just pop in. This usually encouraged from any school.
• United States
5 Jan 07
I agree - the teacher could also be yelling at your son and that is not ok!!