How does my being a lesbian affect you going to hell?
By Pigglies
@Pigglies (9329)
United States
January 5, 2007 12:36pm CST
Why do Christians often want to "save" me and feel the need to tell me I am sinning?
I'm not a Christian, so I don't believe that I am sinning as I don't follow that rulebook. Even if I did follow the Bible, it's highly debateable that being gay is actually said to be a sin in it.
But in any case, why do people who believe that the Bible says that being gay is a sin, feel the need to try to warn me? Does it somehow affect their going to hell if they can't "save" a gay person? What's the big deal on telling people? If you're like this, do you just do it to get people riled up or do you genuinely believe you are doing some kind of good with this?
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36 responses
@amafrias (455)
• United States
5 Jan 07
OMG I just posted a discussion at almost the exact same time as you with a similar headline. Mine was to really see if anyone actually reads the contents of a discussion before answering it. There are so many anti gay people out there I used it as my eye catcher to see. I am a christian and regardless of what they say I do not interpret the bible to say you are a sinner, and the God I believe in is a loving God, and would never condemn you for being who he made you to be. The Bible is an interpretation anyway. Not something set in stone and proven. Man wrote it. That should say a lot. I hate people who use religion to condemn others. I do not practice religion, only my faith in God.
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@linepau1 (188)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
Yay! Another Christian that feels the same way I do about the bible. It's really amazing how few will even think of considering that it may not all be correct written. The fact that it was translated enough times to make my head spin should be enough proof as well. The bible WAS used as a method of control at some point.

@linepau1 (188)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
I can't give you bible proof because I'm not really one for it. What I can say though is that it would be considered more of a sin because it's not "Natural". Now trust me I mean that in no way to insult you. I've been exploring a little bit lately myself and I really had no problem with any sort of sexuality to begin with. Anyways. to keep on topic.
It is within the Christian religion to share their religion. Maybe not so the way they do now... some going so far as to force it on others, but it should be shared, not forced onto people. Share does not even mean convert, but to tell what we are all about. Christians wishing to "save" someone that obviously doesn't want to be "saved" are just what gives the christian religion a bad name today. As far as I know, it is not straight out said that being gay is a sin, but moreso frowned upon.
As a christian though I have to say that if God really loves us, I don't think He would be so cruel as to send so many people to hell because we followed our hearts to someone of the same gender. That would sure fill up hell quickly.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
6 Jan 07
See, I don't mind sharing. When I ask. I ask my Jewish friends questions about their religion all the time. I find it fascinating. But they don't expect me to become Jewish. Nor do they think I'll follow their religious teachings. They know they are just telling me about the religion for informations sake.
I agree that Christians saving anyone are giving themselves a bad name.
And hey, if all the homosexuals are in hell, I think it must be one awesome party there!

@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Tell them to mind their own business. Your soul is no one's business but yours. They do believe that they are doing good. They believe that they are doing God's work. When pwople try to preach to me, I just tell them no thank you. I am responsible for me and no one else.

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
5 Jan 07
yesssssss true religion (if i ever find any ill let you know) will only be concerned with helping others not trying to save poor lost misguided souls , lol like pigglies
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Exactly. I often ask people who say they are doing God's work what they really do. I often get back the answer that they go to church and they preach to people. I tell them they should volunteer instead or something. Make their time useful. Go to an orphage and help out or a senior home or an animal rescue. If you have that much time to be going around preaching, make use of it instead. Especially because people just don't want to hear it.

@magikrose (5429)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Honestly they actually believe with all there beingthat they are doing the world a great deal of good. I agree that you are not doing anything wrong at all and I give y ou loads of credit for bringing this up.
You are not the only one they preach to about being "saved" I am a Wiccan, and to them I am a sinner also because I choose to worship diffrently.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
6 Jan 07
im a pagan witch and scare christians, its not long ago they wanted to burn people like me to save my soul, i get the feeling given half a chance some of them would still like to do it
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I have several friends who are Buddhist and they also get preached to. Just because people don't believe in Jesus, that doesn't make them a heathen.
Even when I see people doing something that is genuinely bad for them, like smoking or eating fast food, I don't say, "OMG! You are sinning! You are trashing your body!" I figure they are grown adults and can do what they want without my input.

@aryangentleman (1122)
• India
6 Jan 07
I am a Hindu and I dont think that its the Christianity only tells us that being a gay or lesbian is a Sin, I think every Holy Scripture talks about it. I am straight but then I dont believe its realy a Sin, every one has its own inclination and if God made us then HE also made us the way we are. No one can turn me into a gay or bi curious unless that kind of emotions are trapped in me and this can't be fabricated. So one has to understand that these Holy Books are written by Mortals and they tried to come up at their best to define some social as well human behaviour so that Humanity works at micro level.But that dosent mean they are right all the time or every word they have written define the ultimate.
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@aryangentleman (1122)
• India
6 Jan 07
So dont worry about Sinning or some body telling you, you going to Hell and believe me if you happen to visit Hell(not becuase you are a lesbian) there is a fat chance that you will find rotting there the person who told you, you will be going to Hell much before you and might be staying there till eternity.

@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
6 Jan 07
You're being a lesbian effects me in now way whatsoever. Your choices are your choices and no one else should be effected by it in any way. They might look upon you as different or decadent or whatever but that is their problem. While there are many debates on the subject whether it is a sin or not is anybody's guess. One man's meat is another man's poison. I ain't even gonna waste my time trying to convert anyone from anything to anything. As human beings we have a right to choose what we like and what we want to be. It's others who can go to hell as far as I am concerned. I don't know if or where I am going to go after I'm buried six feet under and frankly I could care less....not gonna lose any sleep on it believe me. I have no idea why people just can't leave some things alone. While homosexuality has seemed to bring up questions that have no specific answers, it has apparently raised some legal questions that perhaps might solve a lot of the hate, distaste or whatever about homosexuals. The bottom line is they are human beings and as such should be treated the same as everyone else.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Excellent response! Unless I was doing something wrong that affected others (like murdering people), I don't see what the big deal is. And if I was murdering people, I should be punished by law and put into prison, not be scorned by religious people trying to "save" me.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
5 Jan 07
hahaha pigglies nice one
Ithink christians (but also moslims) will atack anything they feel uncomfortable with and use their book to make themselves look right. Your sexuality scares them therefore they will justify their fear by using their book to back up their irrationality. If they didnt have a book to rely on they would have to address what it is about your sexuality that scares them, that is never going to be a comfortable feeling.
It is much easier to try to make you addmit you have got it wrong and for you to stop being silly, come on grow up and stop pretending to be a lesbian, every christian knows it cant really exist, just ask queen victoria, lol
good luck and keep posting

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
6 Jan 07
well keep on posting and pay them no heed we think a lot of you on here and that has got to be worth something
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Ah yes. This is only limited to Christians because of the area I'm from. I mean, we have several muslims here. But you're not going to see them forcing their beliefs on others because it would be found unacceptable. But Christians seem to be allowed on college campuses even if their sole purpose is to go around preaching to students. And you see people handing out Bibles sometimes at the market even. But I've never been handed a Quran (if I was, I'd probably read that too... or try to! The Christians don't understand some people have difficulty just seeing the words with their tiny mini Bibles).
Hehe! Great post. I think that must be it... they don't want to think about what really scares them (in many cases, finding out that they are stuck with their own sexuality and won't be "cured").
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
6 Jan 07
Quote "I think Christians will attack anything they feel uncomfortable with".
Hey, that's NOT true. I've just stated in the post above that I'm a Christian. And I know lots more too and not one of us go around attacking anyone over their beliefs. "Live and let live" is my motto. I've a lot of friends who are differenet religions too and it doesn't bother me. Please don't tar all Christians with the same brush.......or Muslims for that matter. It's prejudiced.

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I'll never understand it either..I mean I know they are 'supposed to' do but what I dont get is how they think angering others is going to benefit anyone and more than that, being unaccepting of others ya ya I know the whole "love the sinner hate the sin" rant but that in itself is a very negative and assbackwards way of thinking...I'm NOT a "sinner"...I am a loving human being...I DON'T "sin"..I live
i think what really gets me ticked is when you tell someone like that your stand on it all yet they continue to natter at you anyway..even when you ask them nicely to please stop bugging they continue to natter anyway...
I dont need to be 'saved' by anyone and truth be told even if I did, the only one who CAN save me IS ME!
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Excellent response! So true.
I hate that saying too, the "love the sinner, hate the sin". I'm not part of their religion. I'm not sinning. Even if I was in the eyes of their God, I really could not care less, because I do not even believe in their God.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
6 Jan 07
people feel that is also their responsibility and the need to save others as well. its like what Jesus did, he saved sinners so they will have their place in heaven. if you brother is in sin, don't you want to save him and see him in heaven too?

@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Well, people can't "save" other people. Only Jesus (if you believe so) can save people.
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
5 Jan 07
I'm a Christian and I belive in the bible, but I don't go around telling people how to live their lives. I'd much rather mind my own business, live a good life, and help people out where I can by doing some practical good in the world rather than preaching.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Evangelicals believe that it is their responsiblility to convert as many non Christians to Christianity as possible. I do think they think it wins them heaven points. A few years ago, I went to Washington DC to protest the federal marraige amendment. Someone on the opposite side told me that I needed to be saved and I would see the truth. I informed them that I do consider myself a Christian, but obviously my brand of truth isn't the same as theirs. When I told this woman that I was straight, she informed me that I couldn't be straight if I was sticking up for gay people and I likewise couldn't be a christian. So I guess that makes me a non-christian follower of christ and a lesbian who has no attraction to other women. You learn something new every day.
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
I wish I had paid more attention in Sunday school, because I know there is a passage in the new testamemt where Jesus says "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
I can't remember why he said it. I think a woman was about to be stoned for adultery, but don't quote me on that one.
And a quote from Walt Disney's Bambi If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
And one from my gramma If you point a finger at someone 3 are pointing back at you.
I think that pretty much covers anyone that is not going to be nice to you
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
9 Mar 07
We want you to be saved because we care about you. Most importantly, God cares about you more than you will ever imagine!
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Oh He speaks but you just don't listen. God loves you so much, but you have closed your heart to Him.
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@pheonix6209 (155)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I was a christian for about 30 years before I came out myself. I can say that the reason they want you (and now me!)to be "saved" from sin is that they consider the result of sinning and not getting eternal life is not only your fault, but their fault as well. Its like walking by a fire and knowing someone was in it and doing nothing to get them out. Not only have you sinned (by "being a lesbian"), but they have sinned becuase they did nothing to get you "out" of it (forgive the pun!). Christ sent all christians into the world to share the good news of the gospel which includes sharing (and I use the term lightly) the fact that you have sinned and now you need Jesus. That is the gist of it.
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
Sorry first of all, all religions holy books say being gay is a sin. Second of all, Christians want to "save" and "convert" the whole world it seems, you being a lesbian does not directly affect me, however I dont want to see you and your partner making out on the streets, but in that case i dont want to see a male/female couple making out on the streets either, i find PDA very offensive, but I don't worry about anyone elses sins, just my own.
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
exactly, that is the thing that gets me PDA, gay straight, imaginary whatever the couple is, it grosses me out, ill hold hands and small kisses as well but i see these people practically doing it on the sidewalk...eewwwww
@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I myself hate that they feel they have to need to save anyone. It doesn't matter if you are gay or not just if you don't think like them. It is intheir religon I guess to tell the world and make everyone think and feel the same way.
@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
6 Jan 07
well we only offer advices for you to help you.. it is true that you are not a christian but we will tell u the truth so that u can be saved remember it was man and womnan that was created and not a woman and a woman..
@emelianenko (77)
• Philippines
6 Jan 07
does the bible really say that gays could never be saved. I cant remember any passage in the bible saying that or even a cannotation of it. Dont worry, its a social issue not a religious one. Dont concern yourself going to hell or heaven, that would depend on your deeds in this worldly earth.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I must say, and please know, I am not preaching to you or anyone else. I don't believe that good people go to hell, regardless of their beliefs. I have known so many athiests and pagans and agnostics who take care of their fellow man and try to treat people right. If I belived that these people would be damned to eternal fire for not believing in a monotheistic God, I couldn't worship such a creature. I've heard the Jeffrey Daumer was born again before he was murdered in prison. If Daumer went to heaven and a pagan friend of mine who always does good for her fellow man went to hell, I would be really pissed off and would probably deny heaven. That is the problem with evangelicals. They can't see beyond their own backyards. They don't know how to identify injustice. They say, the lord works in mysterious ways. That's not mysterious, it's vain as hell.
I respect your beliefs. i just personally cannot believe that this life is all there is. I'm not certain whether my belief is in another incarnation or whether it's a heaven thing, but I do believe there is something after this.
but I would encourage you to read the link that I posted earlier, so you can throw their verses back in their faces if you feel the need.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Thanks for the link, I will definitely check that out.
I would think too that if there is a God, being a good person should count for something. I've known people who said they were Christians and they sinned all week long, then confessed on Sundays so it was okay. How was that okay?
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
10 Mar 07
My point exactly. Good people are good people and I would rather live with a thousand athiest who treat each other well because it is the right thing to do than to live with a thousand Christians who try to do good deeds because they think it will get them into heaven. Hypocracy is something that Jesus taught against, but most so called Christians don't see this. THey've never read his teachings. Whether one believes he was the Messiah or just a madman, he really had his thumb on how we should act toward one another.
@CaroleeKaufold (1853)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I surport you 100%. I am a Christian that belives God made us all in his/her image. He is a God of love, not defeat. He welcomes us all. You are not a sinner, the people that hate you are. I will not go to a church that doesn't welcome everyone. It's ok for Christians to divoice, eat meat on Friday, cuss, and have affairs. B*ll Sh*t! It has to be one way not how ever the wind blows.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Well said! It seems like people who often accuse gays of being sinners are having affairs, eating meat, divorcing, etc. And if I'm not mistaken, those are more clearly spelled out in the Bible as being sins anyway.
My aunt once stood up in church and told the minister to stop or she'd leave, when the minister was ranting about homosexuality ruining the country. I guess the minister stopped, because my aunt supports the church so much.