I Need Help With My "Starving" Cat

United States
January 6, 2007 1:25am CST
His name is Jax. He is 9mons old and he's been quite sick for a while. He got a cold and my vet gave him amoxicilin for it. For a few days he did nothing but sleep. Now hes so thin. Hes really boney and its almost gross to touch his back. My vet says hes ok, he just needs to put on a little weight. But he eats barely as it is and he's constantly running with his brothers. Its really hard to get him to gain wait. Does anyone have any ideas? Im desperate.
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23 responses
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Jan 07
If he is having any trouble breathing he won't eat. If he can't smell the food he won't eat it. It's that simple. If that is the case try pushing his face into tuna with water (right from the can). The scent is stronger which will penetrate but also he will lick it off and then eat it. If he is breathing fine and eating somewhat to help him gain weight you can give him sweetened condensed milk. He will lap that up and it has a lot of calories. It does help with putting on some weight. As he starts to gain weight thin it with either evaporated milk or regular milk. Then you can slowly reduce the ammount of the sweetened condensed milk and increase the other. Once he's near ideal weight you want to have all the sweetened condensed milk gone. Now I know some people give milk to their cats every day others don't. If you don't want to then slowly phase it out so that he is just drinking water. I hope that helps.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
15 Jan 07
Hi Neisha, so sorry to hear about your poor cat. I just want to say that the above advice appears spot on - if cats can't smell they are less inclined to eat. One of my cats became ill after contracting a mystery virus. She was treated with antibiotics and appeared to be recovering but she stopped eating and was becoming thinner and thinner. Like yourself I was very worried. I found that feeding her tempting dishes with strong smells, such as tuna, made her inclined to eat more than her usual. I also warmed her food, very slightly, (by heating on medium for 15 to 30 seconds) in the microwave. Sliced ham and turkey also tempted her. She recovered and today is slightly overweight! I heard somewhere that un neutered or un spayed cats tend to be much thinner than those that have been treated. Hope this helps! And hope your cat gets better, I am sure he will.
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
I've never had success with Amoxicilin I find that either Cephalexin, Cepha drops or Clavamox usually kicks a URI pretty good. Have you tried Nutri Cal and Felovite? they are paste like nutritional supplements that have high calories and vitamins and minerals. Also there is Cat Rebound which is a Salmon flavored milk for sick cats, post operation and for rescues. This also has a high amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals which you can give Jax via a plastic syringe (without the tip). You can also try stinky food like tuna.
• United States
7 Jan 07
basicly this is what I was going to suject even raw honey might help give it energy you want to make sure it is getting enough water to drink dehydration will kill it faster then starvation .The rebound would be best but sugar water could work in a pinch .I did this once for a dog a few spoons of sugar in a glass of water and a pinch of salt it is better then nothing until you get rebound .
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
7 Jan 07
I agree with you although I use Corn Syrup. Anything to give the cat a quick boost.
@anushri (961)
• India
7 Jan 07
well it happpens with pets if they r sick they only sleep and dont eat much let tht cat recover then she will eat and gain his weight dont worry just take care of him
• United States
14 Jan 07
If Jax is still sick, you might try giving him people food. When my cat got the flu, she lost half a pound and well, she's only like five pounds to start with. most of the time they say not to give cats table scraps or tuna or the like because it is too high calorie for them, but giving her some special treats helped us get Rain back up to a respectible weight. and, yeah, Rain slept a lot when she was sick too, so just love on Jax and encourage him to eat. If he seems too thin, take him to the vet again.
@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
17 Jan 07
All I can think of is give him pieces of chicken ,or tuna ,just anything to get the little guy to put on some weight have you tried given him some catnip to increase his appetite?
@glasser3 (354)
• Hibbing, Minnesota
7 Jan 07
okay well first off id try feeding him canned cat food or possibly milk or a combination of the two also if your gonna use regular hard cat food get the kitten cat food as it is designed to help them gain weight. From there i might also suggest try worming your cat as this may help him gain weight too. I hope this helps and i wish him the best of health and i wish you good luck.
• United States
7 Jan 07
Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. I think some people may have misunderstood me. Jax isn't starving, he just looks like he is because hes so thin. He does eat by himself, he just eats very little. Plus while he's playing with his brothers, he's doing nothing but running. Thats one of the reasons he doesn't gain weight. I will try some of your suggestions though. Keep them coming if you have anymore.
• United States
15 Jan 07
Hi NeishaB. Are you correct in saying that your cat is actively playing with his siblings? That makes me think he feels pretty good now. I have had the same cat for 17 years and she has been very thin at times and really large at times. I wouldn't worry so much if he is up and running, though, or he could have some parasites that are taking his nutrition away. Are his siblings thin or large? Some cats are naturally skinny. It is really hard to tell, and I am not a vet, but I am just trying to look at the situation from my experience with my cat and all of her kittens over the years. Cats are picky, too, and I have found that many cats like kitten food and that also helps to fatten them up because of its nutritive content. If you are really afraid for your cat, take him to a trusted vet and get them to do some tests on him! Hope that helps!
• United States
16 Jan 07
Thanks for your posts guys. I've tried a few of you suggestions and hes actually put on quite a bit. He's still pretty thin looking but he's fatter than he's ever been. Thanks everyone. Haha he doesn't look like he's starving anymore. Gatorgirl, you asked if his siblings are thin or large. Jax got weighed yesterday and is currently about 3lbs His twin brother Jaspur, who at birth was the runt of the litter, is about 5lbs. His 2yr 10mon older brother Bear, is about 8lbs.
• United States
15 Jan 07
I am sorry to hear this. You posted this a week ago, is he any better? If not, please go to a different vet for a second opinion. Try a good quality cat food with no by products as the first ingrediant. Try royal canine. Use kitty food, as it has more fat than regular cat food. You can use kitty formular cat food until they are 12 months old.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
7 Jan 07
I'll grow I promise - Younger cats are normally thin because of being so active.
If he is running with his brothers it seems he is doing okay. My cat was supper thin and I worried about it but my husband was not and told me not to worry about it. She would run and climb trees and kill birds and stuff but she never ate the birds and things she caught play with them and let them lay. Your cat is young and active. Just keep an eye on him and be patient the weight we start to pack on...lol ours did
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
7 Jan 07
It sure does take them awhile to regain weight. Try buying cheap sardines, packed in oil, that is what my mom always said to do. It has lots of calories,and is good for his skin and hair. It also might be just the change he needs to make him enjoy food again. I would also recommend giving him a good quality yogurt, because of having taken the antibiotic. Does he act like his mouth is sore? Have you tried any pet vitamins? I am using one from Wal Mart that you spray on the food. good luck with your kitty.
• Romania
7 Jan 07
my cat is verri thin.He eat but he is thin becouse he is verry active.I thinck if he eat that is a good thinck and if you follow here and you see that nothing is wrong with here that meens that she is thin becouse he is energic and he plays a lot and he consume a lot of energy.Maybe when he will get matture he will get fat.But in generraly the male are more fat that the female.
• United States
15 Jan 07
If you can find it (usually most pet stores carry it) find a product called Cat Sip. This is specially formulated milk for cats and give your cat some everyday mixed with his food. I have used this on cats that have become really skinny after an illness or during an illness and it has helped them regain the weight that was lost. I also use this combination with abandoned cats that I find outside.
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Have you tried sardines? tuna fish...all of those things? I would try many different things and see what food he goes for. You will be able to see what hes reacting best too.I would also consider asking the vet for advice if you dont get any results.
@lilkim90 (133)
• Canada
13 Jan 07
I have a while idea. Maybe give him some milk. Put the milk in the baby bottle. Carry him in ur hand and out the bottle in his mouth. It sounds crazy. I know but try it. Cats like milk.
@happy29 (28)
• United States
13 Jan 07
A couple months ago my cat,Yoshi,got an airborn viral infection.He would not eat and became very skinny very quickly.I got a syringe(with no needle in it) and used this to force feed him Pedialyte and baby food.After about 2 days of this he started eating on his own again.He has put most of his weight back on now.I mainly gave him the Pedialyte so he wouldn't get dehydrated. Good luck with Jax.I sincerely hope he comes out of it.
@tiff1496 (570)
• United States
7 Jan 07
Sorry to hear about you little Cat. My cat did the same thing when i had him declawed. The one thing I could get him to eat was baby food, the kind with just meat in it. Good luck!
@Piratesware (2888)
• Indonesia
7 Jan 07
well... must take care with slowly, give his want.. and care it with slowly
• India
7 Jan 07
i am sorry i can't help you with it i have no idea you might consult your vet again sorry
@mfibong (138)
• Singapore
7 Jan 07
why don't you try to give him some good cat foods?...try to ask food shops for pets..this can maybe help him gain appetite since you're serving him new kinds of food..
• United States
7 Jan 07
probably just doesnt really feel like eating much since he was sick. and the amoxicilin makes you really sleepy. he needs to get rehidrated. let him drink water and try to feed him a little food or give him wet cat food. so he doesnt have to chew so much. give him some food with more nutrients so he stays healthy other than his cold and his weight. dont need any other customers.
@onlyme123 (124)
• United States
7 Jan 07
If he just recovered from an illness, give your cat sometime to readjust to eating regularly. Your vet should guide you on your cat's diet. Consult your vet if you should give your cat a calorie-dense cat food or if there are supplements you can give him. Your cat won't starve himself if he's healthy otherwise. If his energy is high and he burns off fat quickly, maybe something with a little extra fat in there. But again, check with your vet first before giving your cat any supplements.