I would like to learn of documented cases of Autism caused by MMR vaccines
By cognigen
@cognigen (121)
January 7, 2007 6:28am CST
My 13 year old daughter has regressive Autism, most probably caused
by MMR vaccine that was preserved with Thimoseral, a mercury based
Autism is a spectrum of disorders; and it may result from many
causes, but there is clear research indicating that many cases
result not from vaccines, so much as from the mercury-based
preservative used in some multiple-dose vaccine vials of MMR
vaccine. Several class-action court cases are progressing slowly in
the USA against the pharmaceutical companies for use of thimoseral,
the mercury-containing preservative.
Nobody, however, can be absolutely certain about the cause of any
individual case of autism at this time. In our case, we have a
profoundly autistic (low functioning) daughter who was vaccinated
from one of the batches of MMR vaccine which has been proven to
contain double the usual amount of thimoseral due to a drug company
error. Our daughter, Erin, now 13 years old; unable to speak and
not toilet trained, was developing normally, and had a small
vocabulary at the age of 18 months when she received the MMR
vaccination, and she started regressing and losing her language
skills almost immediately after that vaccination; although she
was not diagnosed with autism for nearly six months; and it took
an enormous amount of detective work for us to determine that she
was vaccinated by one of the high-mercury batches of MMR vaccine.
When Erin was diagnosed, we immediately packed our bags and moved
from Port Hueneme Washington to Seattle Washington, where a world
renowned autism intervention program was operated at the University
of Washington. Our clinical psychiatrist there was Dr Alan Unis,
who did pioneering work in brain chemistry and autism.
Although we enrolled Erin in the program immediately when we moved
to Seattle, it took us a year to finally wrangle an appointment with
Dr Unis; who of course immediately knew that Erin's likely prognosis
was lifelong disability. During our first appointment, Dr Unis
also informed us that he would be able to provide us with only
limited help, because the University was shutting down his clinical
practice due to lack of funding. It seems that inadequate finances
and lack of insurance are a plague among parents of autistic kids,
and we understand why. The poop smearing, tantrums, and other
impossible behaviors can be nearly unbearable -- Erin is extremely
frustrated by her inability to communicate. Luckily, at that time,
our online business was thriving, and we were able to donate
$500,000 to the University to keep Dr Unis' clinic open for an
additional period.
Dr Unis did find ways for us to help control some of Erin's
symptoms without sedating her. He was (and is) one of the world's
foremost authorities on the use of the anti-epileptic drug
topamax as a mood stabilizer for autistic kids. We tried other
medications, such as Prozac, with no substantial results. Dr
Unis is now chief of Child Psychiatry at a hospital in Spokane.
I will tell you one Erin story. One time, before we met Dr Unis,
we were having regular consultations with a resident child
psychiatrist at the University of Washington. At the end of our
meeting, the doctor wanted to spend a little more time with us,
and Erin wanted to wander the halls. The doctor said it was not
a problem because the area was secure, and no door could be opened
from the inside to get out, unless the receptionist pushed a button
allowing the exit. So we talked for about five more minutes while
Erin wandered the halls. As we were leaving, we followed the
doctor into his office, and we saw his jaw drop as he got a reality
check about living with autism: Erin had smeared poop EVERYWHERE,
on the computer, the keyboard, on dozens of medical books and
Just once, Laurel and I attended a "support group" for parents of
autistic children at the University of Washington; but we would
never attend another because of the profound hatred all of the
parents seemed to be expressing toward their children who were
innocent victims of this tragic syndrome. We love our Erin, and
have devoted much of our business and personal life to her.
Because of the lack of real facilities in the USA to help a
profoundly autistic child, we eventually moved to Mexico, where
we have a large staff of people devoted to Erin's care; as well
as to providing a good life for Erin's younger sister, Megan.
Megan, incidentally, was given her MMR vaccination from a single
dose unit, which we have determined was NOT preserved with
mercury. Except for dyslexia and some symptoms of ADHD, Megan
is developing normally. There are photos of Megan with some of
her horses in our profile.
Megan has horses, many pets, and we are raising her to be bilingual
and bicultural -- but that is another topic...
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12 responses
@brightbluesea (1143)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I just want to say that I am glad that you wrote this article because I had no idea about this and they tell you so little when you're signing those vaccination forms. Best of luck in your search-it looks like a few people have already responded
2 people like this
@kylerrhys (164)
• Philippines
8 Jan 07
Wow...I have no idea MMR vaccine can cause that. I just had my son vaccinated yesterday. I just pray that something like that won't happen to him.
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@akotalagato (1334)
• Philippines
8 Jan 07
OMG! this makes me scared have my son get his mmr shot. he is way delayed on his vaccines due to financial reasons and we are still saving up for his vaccinations. and i would hate to think that instead of the vaccine protecting my son, it would cause him more harm instead.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I have a pretty large amount of experience with autistic children as well. Have there been any established links between vaccines and Autism? I was unsure whether or not they had actually made teh connection that it was caused by the vaccines.
How long was normal development until you noticed regression? Perhaps it wasn't truly normal development but a lack of noticing the symptoms until they got more severe?
Good luck, autistic children are a handful. Best wishes
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@cognigen (121)
• Mexico
8 Jan 07
The MMR article in Wikipedia.com does not discuss the relationship
between Thiomersal and Autism. The article says that there is no
scientific evidence that MMR vaccine causes autism, and I agree with
that conclusion.
The evidence points to Thiomersal as a cause of autism, and the
Wikipedia.com article on Thiomersal not only bears that out, but
the article points out that the US "homeland security bill" will
shut down thousands of lawsuits by parents against Eli Lily for
poisoning MMR vaccines with Thiomersal; resulting in many cases
of autism. Further, quoting the Wikipedia.com article:
"In 1982, the FDA issued proposed regulations calling for the removal of thiomersal from over the counter products. The regulations were not finalized until 1998, a sixteen year delay from the time an FDA expert panel concluded thiomersal was unsafe, ineffective as a bacteriostatic agent, and caused cell damage. Thiomersal was continued in use despite being known in the scientific community as a serious neurotoxin.
July of 1999, the FDA requested that manufacturers remove thiomersal from pediatric vaccines, because the immunization schedule had resulted in some children receiving more mercury than the amount deemed 'safe'. When researchers looked at the toxic effects of mercury, they found that if the vaccine schedule is followed, American children have been exposed to thirty times the acceptable level of mercury from vaccines."
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@delafe (1)
• United States
8 Jan 07
There is an interesting article on the Consumer Reports website:
It discusses the use of Thimerisol as a preservative and the suspected link to Autism. It also brings out that in addition to the MMR vaccine the hepatitis B, Hib and DTP vaccines also contained high concentrations of Thimerisol prior to 2001 (It even mentions that an average size baby recieving vaccinations would receive 187 micrograms of mercury, which is twice what the EPA deems safe for very young children.
The article makes for good reading. Everything I have read (doing research on this topic because my wife and I are expecting our first child in March!) is pretty vague concerning whether or not mercury is still used. Everything mentions the FDA mandate in 1999 and that after 2001 vaccines were made without SIGNIFICANT amounts of Thimerisol. I find this disturbing- ANY amount of mercury is significant as far as I
@ssharp (50)
• United States
31 Mar 07
delafe - My husband has a half brother and half sister (2 years apart from eachother) that are both autistic - so his step mother has been very active in giving me Thimersol info - I asked our pediatrician about it and they said that they dont use that preservative any more in the the vaccinations for young children however the flu vaccine did contain the perservative but that they have also made a flu shot that is preserv-free. My step mother in law is highly advising me from allow the doctor to give y son the MMR cocktail and to request that it be individual shots. Does anyone agree with this suggestion - or will it not make much difference?

@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Erin is such a beautiful girl. My son, CJ is sitting on the horse in my picture.
He's 8 now and has high-functioning Autism and I know he got it after he received the MMR vaccination. He began talking early and then after the shot, less than 2 weeks later he stopped talking all together and became very violent to himself and others. He is much better now; the violence has all but stopped and we're working on him talking grammatically correct as well as to speak conversationally. I started a discussion the other day myself on the subject. When you have time you may like to puruse it and you'll find out more about our experience(s).
We have a lawsuit going on for well over 3 years now and the lawyers write us once a year to tell us they haven't given up, but until it's acknowledged that mercury causes Autism in some children, their hands are tied. I feel it could be any day now. I pray, that is. As far as I know they haven't been able to come up with a test to prove what mercury has done to our children.
I'd like to keep in touch if you wouldn't mind.
Keep loving those beautiful girls of yours as we do our son and we'll all get through this.
God Bless
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
11 Sep 08
My son is Autistic && I do believe the MMR could be linked. The reason I say this is because when my son was 10-15 months he was pointing at things && even talking a little. After the MMR we noticed a withdraw. He then stopped responding to his name && then he lost eye contact && then we got the diagnoses at 2 years of age.
I'm not 100% sure if the MMR is linked, but I can't say it's not either. I feel something is wrong with all vaccines. It's been heard about that even vaccines without mercury can cause some kind of brain failur or signs of Autism. So what are we to do?
I know the MMR is what most parents claim caused the Autism or triggered it... in my case I might feel more safe saying it triggered my sons Autism because he has always had somewhat of an issue to respond to people. I thought he had a hearing problem even as an infant, but he passed all his tests. So it can be confusing because my son also talked && then becamee non-verbal.
I find it weird how a child can say "I love You" ... && then not speak at all... && it all goes down hill after that one shot, meaning the MMR... so something is linked!
Here is a link that might catch your eye....
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Hello. I am very glad to meet you. Our son was a normal, happy, smiling child at age 12 until he had the MMR shot. The shot that he received was from the bottom of the vile, so we believe he received a lot of extra mercury in the shot. Mercury is a heavy metal and tends to settle to the bottom. It was hard for us to see his personality change at 30 days after the shot. Then he became a nonverbal, nonsmiling person who just sat there. He became autistic. Then he regressed to becoming severely autistic.
We love our son very much. Worrying about him probably was the reason that I got cancer fout years ago. We do have hope. There are people out there in the world who have seen their children become virtually normal by biomedical means. We are trying to get our son well from autism by chelation to remove the mercury from his brain. We also give him various supplements and soak his feet in distilled water with epsom salts for sulphation and magnesium. We know of a paper on how to use epsom salts on children if you want it. It really helps in many areas. He is slowly improving. He is starting to smile and getting a lot more active. He loves to read and to organize things.
I would suggest that you go to web site for the Autism Research Institute and the Yahoo group Autism Mercury. Please feel free to email us with any questions you may have. Please have faith in GOD and pray. Remember, Jesus is the Great Physician. Albert
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
8 Jan 07
My daughter had the shot at 18 months old, she had pheberal seizures shortly there after. she did have a fever but they gave her a shot- antibiotic - and she went into complicated seizures.
They favored one side of her brain.She was on Dilatin for almost 2 years! Could this be related? She has severe alergies now and gets bronchidus easily. She is 20 now and hasnt had anymore seizures.
@solaris955 (26)
8 Jan 07
Thank you for sharing this with everyone. You are fantastic parents and Erin is very lucky to have you.
Wishing you all the very best in the future.
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