do you believe in franchising?

January 8, 2007 3:13am CST
if you are to have your business would you rather get a franchise , where the name is already known to the consumers or build your own brand or name, start from scratch then up. are one of those people who has a lot of money but doesn't have the luxury of time and patience to start up a biz or a strugling new biz operator
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6 responses
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
6 May 07
I did try to run a business a few year back. I run a computer shop, with the popularity of computer shop 5 years ago. It was fun at first, but you need capital and lots of work to make it successful. Unfortunately I have to closed shop because we, my family left the country for a two year expat assignment in the USA and the caretaker we hire to take care of the business don't know how to handle it, there are lot of fees demanded by the local authorities and lots of regulation. So when we come back I thougth of franchising also. I read about franchising and tried to learn the ins and outs of it and I realized it's not for me. What I am afraid about it is on handling people, I don't have that skills. You need to hire people and deal with people. So I did not pursue it. What I'm up to now is invest in mutual funds and other funds offered by bank. I am also looking into buying or putting up an apartment for rent once I have enough capital.
• Philippines
6 May 07
wise investment,'s good you had enough dough to invest in mutual funds, i suggest you get into government securities like in treasury bills because it has lesser risks ,fast turnover and higher yields which you can re invest and re invest.i would agree with you on franchising and besides it is better to develop your own name it might come out better.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
23 May 07
that's one tough job robert. and sad to say you lost the shop. but as others say, when one door closes, another one opens. so, you might have lost the computer shop but you're getting into something new and better. and you have lots of ideas and so, i know you can make it.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
30 May 07
hi, tigerdragon. are you so familiar with treasury bills? it is sad that i have to keep on scraping money yet which i can use as capital investment for use in starting some small business. now, you have given some inputs about treasury bills. if these are that good, i would like to know more about it.
@meleshia (624)
• Philippines
30 May 07
My family franchised a business last year and it's still going strong. It was quite accidental how we acquired the business. For some time, my dad was thinking of franchising but we didn't actually act on that until my officemate told me of this new grocery store that will open and they accepts tenants to rent in their grocery. So we rented the place and finally applied for the franchise that we've had our eye on for some time. It's a SME that sells clean, street foods (fishballs, squid balls, kikiam, etc) and it's quite popular here in the Philippines now. The processing for the business application is not so hard and it's not really expensive, too. ^_^
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• Philippines
30 May 07
is that that "king"? glad that you shared on this discussion maybe you could provide us with some information as to how to manage a small to medium franchise just like your family has since you are already into it. this for those who is thinking of getting one like trinidad.thanks.
@meleshia (624)
• Philippines
31 May 07
Yup, that's it...the "King of balls" lol! ^___^ Hmmm, well, the processing for the application is not that hard. What we did by ourselves are the applications for the DTI, and other government mandated permits. This is for the "company name" but now for the business. The permits for the business are handled by the franchise. ~_*
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
23 May 07
franchising is too expensive. it's just for rich people. but if ever given the chance, i wanna go for franchising, too. however, since i can't afford paying for the name itself and other materials, i might start up from scratch and build my own name on my way up. it's gonna be filled with loads of hardwork but i guess i'll be proud that i did it my own way.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
26 May 07
you are so right. there are ups and downs. but honestly, it's less work if you franchised. it's just that, it's really expensive, too.
• Philippines
26 May 07
franchising has it's ups and downs. there maybe a franchising unit feasible.we just need to do our own pencil pushing before we decide to do so.franchising is also for people who does not have the time to do all the nitty gritty of puting up a business.
• Philippines
30 May 07
this time, i would like to get a franchise rather than start something new all on my own. franchising will be good since the product is already established in the market and there is a good demand for it. marketing will no longer be a headache. presently, my thoughts are on health products. aside from earning, i will be helping people t get healthy. the earnings may not be as good as, when i am having a business all my own, but the risks are much lower compared to an all new business to put up.
• Philippines
30 May 07
i would suggest you take time to read markhodget's response on this, look at the one above your response,that's him.i would suggest you tag him.have more time to do your business plan and see if you can do the same on your own.thank you for dropping by.have a great week!
• Australia
29 May 07
Frnchising is an option a) if you have the capital and b) if you have the personality and commitment to match the company's profile. The trouble is that people see the succes stories with franchising and not the failures. I personally know several preople who leapt into franchising without really investigating what was required and as a result they lost substantially. Here are some general tips. Investigate the franchise terms and conditions fully Investigate the market in your proposed area of competition - is it allready highly competitive, does its demographics match your product etc Carefully analyse how much it will cost to run the business and budget on a worst case scenario for the next 12 months - can you afford it? Personally I would prefer to bi;d a business from scratch and when it's hugely succesful then offer franchises to people who would be investigated thoroughly before I would allow them to operate.
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• Philippines
30 May 07
as always.thank you for checking me out,mark.expectedly,you came up with substance on your are correct in stating that most entrepreneurs made a lot of mistakes by overlooking some nitty gritty stuffs.they thought that they don't have to do the demographics of the site since they assumed that the company have already done for them and the same goes with their financial planning. i believe that it works if the brand name is institutional, but one has the finance to support it head on where big money begets more money as compared to smaller investments on a small scale prespective of the proposed franchise.i agree on the conclusion that it is better to build one's own business and brand name where it has more room for success that getting a franchise.thanks for this one.nave a nice day.
@r0131n (357)
28 May 07
I've recently been thinking of franchising but with so many things available I don't really know what to get. Its good to know that you already have a name that people can relate to. You have an instant audience for your product. I like the idea that the bulk of the hard work have been eliminated. It is expensive but the return looks good.
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• Philippines
28 May 07
first of all you have to consider yourself which are the items you are comfortable with , a product you like or passionate about because that would mean a lot when crises stikes as to have that drive to make it through hard times in business then everything else you like the product,will you have the passion for it,will it be easy to manage.these are some of the things you have to ask yourself before putting up your business franchise.oh, and also you have to consider your marriage with the franchise owner, if it is stale, you ship out because it would never work and you will be wasting a lot of your produvtive time.