What would you do in this situation?

United States
January 8, 2007 10:18pm CST
I have a friend that is known to be a pathological liar. She has lied about the silliest things like getting a job and then being fired because they hired someone else that they liked better, being pregnant and then having a miscarriage when she was arguing with her boyfriend, guys giving her money just because she is beautiful...you name it and she has probably made up a story about it. The most memorable story that she has ever told is that she got pregnant at the age of 13 and now her aunt in Las Vegas is taking care of her baby. She claims that her mom paid for her to have surgery to remove her stretch marks and that not even her brother knows that she had been pregnant. She called me the other day and told me that she had gotten a letter from her doctor saying that she has cervical cancer. I don't know if I believe her or not because of all of the lies that she has told in the past. It could be that she is just saying this because she wants people to feel sorry for her but then again it could be true. What would you do in this situation?
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32 responses
@GardenGerty (162451)
• United States
9 Jan 07
It is hard to care for someone, and know that they lie constantly. You could be very polite about this cervical cancer thing, since you do not really know. Just tell her that you are willing to go with her to one of her treatments. She will then either have to "put up or shut up" but you will not have told her to her face that you believe she is lying. She may actually have some kind of personality disorder.
• United States
9 Jan 07
You are right. It is really hard to care about someone that you know is lying to you. I really don't want to hurt her feelings by asking her if it is true. Going to a doctor's appointment with her is a really good idea. I know that I would feel really bad if I didn't believe her and it turned out to be true.
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@kareng (69631)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I would give her the benefit of doubt just because of the nature of this possible lie, just in case it is true. However, most doctors give that kind of information personally first hand and face to face, not through the mail. Good luck with this friendship. It sounds very one-sided and she has a problem with telling lies that needs to be addressed.
• Australia
10 Jan 07
Do they really send letters out to people stating they have cervical cancer???...i recall when i was diagnosed with early stage cervical cancer i was told by the doctor that i needed to see a specialist where they did other tests ect, it was the specialist that told me the news....hmmm i dont think i beleive her....
• United States
10 Jan 07
Thank you for your response. I didn't think that a doctor would break the news to someone about something that serious via a letter in the mail. That is one of the main reasons that I am having such a hard time believing her. She has also just recently told me that her doctor is just going to tell her that there is nothing that she can do for her so she feels that it is pointless to try.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Wow, this one would be Hard to believe if this was one of my friends, and someone I believed in at one time. This is almost like the Boy who Cried wolf who did it one too many times, and there was no Help when they needed it the most. She might just be trying to Scam people and have them all feel Sorry for her, or she could be telling the Truth, but I guess if it was me, and maybe if I somehow seen proof of it as in going to a Dr's apt. and them mentioning it there, I would be very leary of them, and probably afraid to ever Trust or want to talk to them again.
• United States
11 Jan 07
I think that she either lies to make people feel sorry for her so that they will pay attention to her or that she really believes her own lies. Either way she needs help and I hope that one day she will realize this. It is like the boy who cried wolf and that is why I am having such a hard time believing her.
• United States
28 Jan 07
The most recent update I have gotten about my friend's condition is that she went to her doctor and they did a biopsy. She says that the test came back positive and that they are going to freeze the cancer off. I have asked if she needs someone to go to the doctor with her but she always says that she will just ride the bus.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
10 Jan 07
It's really hard to trust someone like that. You don't really want to call her a liar, but it just all seems so unrealistic. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt too much and get burned in the process. Even if it's true, I think your friend has some complexes and could use some professional help...
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• United States
10 Jan 07
She very definitely needs professional help. The only problem is that someone needs to convince her to admit that she has a problem.
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@18111983 (66)
• Bangladesh
10 Jan 07
hmmm.i dont think she is lying this time.i think this time you can trust her that she is not lying
@onouui (80)
• Australia
10 Jan 07
This sounds familliar to someone I knew who did something like this. It is really difficult to choose whether or not to believe someone about something so serious when you know they've made such outrageous lies before in the past. This person I once knew (befriended) did a number of dishonest things to everyone, so I guess that's why many people disliked her. She had quite a strange personality though. It was pretty loud and she made herself sound really spoilt and stuck up sometimes, not caring about how others felt. Pretty confusing. If it was me, I'd probably be a bit honest with her and ask "Is this really true? Are you lying to me?" I asked this a couple of times and she'd reply "Would I lie about this (something serious) to you?" So I believed her. Once she told me she would be gone for surgery for her epilepsy and would be away for 10 (i think.. ?) days. I wasn't sure what to think and the factors sounded pretty fishy.. but being the gullible person I am, I believed her. We often got into arguments and we decided we didn't want to be friends anymore and it was getting pretty repetitive about her sort of having a split personality or something. That (mentioned before) is such a close and true explanation, though! Personality lost/confusion, eh.. Anyways, part of my experience I'd thought I'd share.. Good luck to you =
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• United States
10 Jan 07
It really is very hard to know what to believe. I have heard the "would I lie to you" question so many times that it gets harder and harder for me to believe anything that she says. The things that I find hardest to believe are that she was told in a letter instead of face to face and that her doctors office hasn't scheduled her an appointment yet.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I think I would tell her that the news was depressing for you, but not for the reasons she would be looking for. Its depressing because she doesn't value your friendship enough to avoid wasting your time with these attention getting maneuvers....you needn't actually say that to her though. Just say that you aren't comfortable talking about problems unless there is going to be a handy solution, and that the frustration of having all these problems in her life must be horrible. Then I would try changing the subject. If she couldn't manage to stay off subjects that put her at the center of some imagined turmil, I would be busy everytime she wished to talk with me ot spend time with me. YOu could also start writing a novel about a woman very much like your friend. After all...what are friends for? LOL
• United States
10 Jan 07
It is very depressing to me that she tells lies all the time. She should know that I am there for her and that she doesn't need to lie for me to be her friend. I have often considered writing a novel about all of the lies that she has told but disguising the character so that her identity would not be obvious to others in hopes that she would read it and realize that she has a problem. If this turns out to be a lie as all of her others were I may just have to give up on the friendship.
@feralcat (426)
• Canada
10 Jan 07
My best friend from years ago was a pathelogical liar. He too at one point told me he had cancer and that he was in an abusive relationship. Confronting his partner I found out that in fact the abuse was reverse and later found out he did not have cancer. I was mad. and faced him with the lies and realized that he beleived tem himself. The sad thing I think is they believe so hard in their lies that the boundary between reality and fantasy is pretty much non-existent in their lives and that they live their own lies.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I know that I would be mad if I found out that she has been lying about this. She really does seem to live in a fantasy world believing in her lies. I just hoped that she would have grown up and not needed to lie about things by now.
• United States
9 Jan 07
It's hard to care for someone like that without getting sucked into their drama. If you think she might be telling the truth, ask her if you can accompany her to a doctor's appointment, or ask to the see the letter. Is she aware that you know she's lied about so many other issues? If not, maybe it's time for a confrontation.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I asked her today if I could go to her appointment with her. (she doesn't have a car so I offered to drive her) She told me that she had stopped in to see her doctor today but that she was not in the office until tomorrow. When I asked if she had scheduled an appointment for tomorrow she told me that the receptionist kept ignoring her every time someone else came in the door. I am really having a hard time believing her because this i sreally starting to sound just like all of the rest of her lies.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I watched an episode on Oprah about people who lie like this, it was horrific. Anyway, I agree ... it's about time for a confrontation, just not now. I think I would ask to see the letter too, beg to go to the doctor with her or something to see for myself. However this may not be a good time for a confrontation because she may actually be telling the truth. The psychologist on Oprah did say that liars need to be 'brought out'. People should let them: the lies are not fooling anyone, they need counseling, and that no matter what... people love them just the way they are. One lady on the Oprah show even repeated told everyone that her baby would suddenly stop breathing, she even stood by and watched as her child was operated on for no reason just because she wanted sympathy. The lies can go too far.
@natuser28 (907)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Sounds like you need new friends. This one just what someone to listing to their drama. She from what you tell me doesn't care about your opinions or your life. She needs a entertainer to fifull her mess. Leave out of her life.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I know that she seems to be nothing but drama and that it would probably be best for me to forget about her, but I would feel absolutely terrible if this turned out to be true and I didnt believe her. She needs someone to try and get her to admit that she has a problem so she will get some help.
@Melizzy (1381)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Ask to see the letter. Ask her the name of her doctor. Offer to go with her to the doctor. As for the baby thing, yes, she's more than likely lying. However, she may have suffered some sort of abuse or maybe a rape or pregnancy in the past that she did lose or did abort and is having some sort of reaction. Or not.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I know for a fact that her story about having a baby at the age of 13 is a lie because there is no surgery that her mother could have gotten her to get rid of her stretch marks. She has lived a normal life with her very protective mom and she has never been abused. (I'm sure that she would have told everyone if she had been abused or raped since she talks about everything else)
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Wow. I don't know if I would feel able to believe her at this point, either. I mean, her story about being pregnant and having a baby at 13 and her aunt living in Las Vegas taking care of the baby is nonsense. It would make me very skeptical of anything else that she says. It would also be really sad if she really does have cancer and no one were to believe her or show her any sympathy, however. But it seems as if she is bringing that on herself by having told so mnay lies. And with medical records being private, i can't see how you or anyone else could check to see if her story is true...
• United States
10 Jan 07
I know that I would feel terrible if nobody believed her and it ended up being true but you are very right in saying that she is bringing it on herself by lying.
• United States
10 Jan 07
First of all when it comes to this type of person, you can never tell if they are telling the truth or lieing. This is like the little boy who cried wolf. I would really distance myself from this type of person. I had a friend who lied so much about some of the same things that I really felt she believed the lies she told. Once she told my best friend a lie about me I was through with her. My best friend also does not speak to her anymore because she knew me better than that. A 12 year friendship beat the 3 year friendship.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I completely agree with you. Her situation is very much like the little boy who cried wolf. I really do think that she may believe all of the lies that she tells. I am very tempted to give up on our friendship if I find out that this is a lie as were all of her others.
@allen123 (76)
• United States
9 Jan 07
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! the lion queen! if it was me id set her up, to prove to her that she has a problem. id make her lie then catch her right in her face, then confront her and say "hey im your friend you dont have to lie to me and if you feel you have to we dont need to be friends".simple as that.
• United States
10 Jan 07
Thank you for your response. That is very good advice. Everyone else that has ever called themselves her friend has always just stopped talking to her when she lies to them. She has a problem and she needs help. I understand this and I would like to find a way to catch her in a lie without embarassing her.
• United States
9 Jan 07
Ask yourself this. If you are a doctor. Would you send a letter to a patient to tell them they had cervical cancer? DO you think that would be the procedure for it? I dont think so. I have to say this: she is obviously a bad liar. At least the lies are bad ones that dont make sense. You could still be buying into her crap. That would suck. Honestly I would just ignore it. I have a step daughter who lies about everything. Well she really used to when I first married her dad. She is bad at it too. She seemed to stop, but the other day she told her real mom she got her period. She hadnt. So her mom gave her all this attention. I did too, until I realized it was not true. It all came to a head when I noticed all these pads in the garbage that were used but nothing on them. I sat her down and asked her what was up. SHe admited after a bit that she was trying to feel cool, and wanted to get her period before he older step sister. It wasnt a big deal, other than the lie. But what do you do? I just told her enough was enough. No more lies.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I can understand wanting to fit in and be like everyone else but it is hard for me to understand why someone would want to lie about something as serious as having cancer. If this is a lie I may have to just tell her that we are done.
@leonilyn (467)
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
i have a cousin who is like that. she too can make all people believe in her. she wrote a letter to his dad pretending she is her(my sousin) friend. and also she ask her classmates to lend their cellular phones to her. and then she sold it and told her friends that her auntie brought it abroad.. hahaha.. funny but i felt pity on her.. about your friend just try to make some ways to know if she is telling the truth without telling her in order not to offend her.
• United States
9 Jan 07
Thank you for your response. It is a good idea to try and find some ways to figure out if she is telling the truth or not. I would really hate myself if I didn't believe her and it turned out that she really does have cancer.
• United States
10 Jan 07
wow!your friend sure likes to tell alot of lies.If I was you I would take her word on this one only because what kind of person would lie about a life threating illness just for attention.if it turns out to be true and you don't believe her what kind of friend would you actually be if you didi not believe her?and if this turns out to be another one of her lies then i would sit down and talk to this girl about all these lies she has been saying and tell her how you feel but until you find out its a lie i would believe her on this one.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
9 Jan 07
That is truely sad that your friend has a lieing desease. She wants someone to give her some attention. She obvisiously didnt get it when she was young. If you are a friend to her you should confront her with her lieing. Tell you know she has been lieing. It just might be true that she has cancer.They usual send you something in writing when you have a pap smear. I think you need to have a talk with her. If not you are not friends, in my eyes.
• United States
10 Jan 07
I have confronted her about her lies before and she has always said that she would never lie to me. I personally think that she believes her own lies are true.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
This is a hard situation to be in and it is like the story of the boy that cried wolf. It is hard to believe someone that has lied so soo many times to you about other things that are also just as important. I guess that the best you can do is go along with it to a point until you know for sure. Maybe even have a talk to her about the fact that it is so hard to believe her due to her history of lying! Good luck and God Bless!
• United States
29 Jan 07
Thats so crazy cuz I know someone just like that and to believe them is like being a fool unless you have the proff in front of you!! Somepeople just need the attention cuz they think they dont get it enough!!