Prove the existance of GOD!
By philippines
@philippines (74)
15 responses
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
Oh I have a lot to say about this one, lol. First off, I'm an atheist, and a well informed one. With that said, here's my comment.
You can't. And neither can your friend prove that he DOESN'T exist.
No self respecting atheist will say for certain, 100%, that a God doesn't exist. What we WILL say is that there is no proof. There is no evidence supporting it, so we choose not to believe in it. Pretty simple, huh?
Atheism is simply lacking a belief in God. We can't say for certain there isn't one, because there's just no way of doing that. What we can do is disprove most of the theories that christians and other believers use to support their claim. The bible, for instance. We can't consider it a viable source of information because it's historically inaccurate, contradicted several times over, and written by man .. who are completely fallable.
We can disprove the bibles claim that bats are insects. We know they aren't.
We can disprove the bibles claim that the sun revoled around the earth. Sciene proved otherwise.
Now, as for you wanting a way to prove the existence of God, I have two things to say to that.
1. You can't.
2. Why would you need to?
To address #1. there is no way to provide proof of an invisible deity, sorry. Belief in your God relies on faith, and faith cannot be proven. This brings us to #2. Why would you need to? Your faith is personal, and it should be. It's not up to you to prove existence of a God to someone else. Believe what you want, and let others believe, or disbelieve, what they want.
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@aaron2416 (152)
• India
9 Jan 07
hi....with respect to you, i just wanna say something regarding ur comments, dont get mad, im just giving my opinions...All matter is made up of atoms, i think u agree with this...but atoms are invisible and still we the question is who created atoms..atoms cannot just from by proves the existence of God
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
I'm sorry, but it's obvious you don't know very much about atoms. They are visible with an electron microscope, or through atomic force microscopy, or through x-ray microscopy. They are not in the least invisible .. only too small for eyes or standard microscopes to see.
That kind of kills your point. You 'might' want to look into these things before using them as fact. You can read up on atoms at wikipedia, by the way.
No offense taken. :D
@philippines (74)
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
Well am a Born Again christian, God changed my life. God changed my bad habits too. And God still doin miracles. As of now theres no cure for Cancer, We have a hundreds of church brethrens healed in Cancer thru prayers, some of them are almost dying. heres are some pictures:
(To all Atheist please take a look)
I think God will reveal himself to anyone if you will just humble your self and repent to your sin. Everyone needs Jesus.
Thanks for your participation :)

@aaron2416 (152)
• India
9 Jan 07 far as the exixtence if God...u can jus task him this simple question.....suppose u r driving and ur car broke down in the middle of a very dark road....suddenly there appears ten men out of no will he feel?.....(see whats his answer is) if he says he gets scared...ask him why?...then tell him,,,if those ten men are guys who just came out from a prayer meeting in a church...will the fear went away or wht will he feel...? all the best. God be with you

@aaron2416 (152)
• India
9 Jan 07
its not creating fear in someone , its trying to see what is his heart is believing. the earth cannot come into existence just becoz of some big bang...(i am a science student)...GOD is God...noone can define God..He is Unique...thats why we are humans and God is God
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
You're a science student?? And yet you thought atoms were invisible?? Um ... yeah.
And in response to this comment, I have only one thing to say. Who made God?
We could go on a neverending circle here, but I'm really not interested. It's not my job to disprove your God, I don't care what you believe in. I will tell you that if you want to try and provide PROOF, you're fighting a losing battle. There isn't any. Belief in God is faith based, simply because there IS no way to prove it.
So have your beliefs, but don't make up facts that don't exist, like atoms being invisible being your proof, lol.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
Sorry, asking someone about their personal feelings is not proof.
And in this case, you're relying on a stereotype to try to induce fear into someone in hopes of it triggering a response. Using fear is an age old trick when it comes to religion, hence the whole "behave or burn in hell" stance. Which still provides absolutely no proof or evidence. :D

@kulanuwun (1404)
• Indonesia
9 Jan 07
You just can pray for your friend, and let the holyspirit doing his power
@philippines (74)
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
Thanks dude, hope by Gods grace I can convince and convert him as a Christian.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
9 Jan 07
And where did you hear that I wonder? Provide a source. :D There isn't one, by the way, because it never happened. There are active websites online still searching for this 'alleged ark'.
By the way, did you know science has already disproven the idea of a world flood? There is no evidence to support it, but plenty to disprove it.
@tnsonshine (56)
• United States
11 Jan 07
May I just say this. No "Big Bang" created this wonderful earth that we live on and no "Big Bang" created the bodies that we were blessed with. Look around you - what more proof do you need to know that God exist. Dont' you ever forget that our God is an awesome God. Keep praying for your friend and hopefully one day he will see the light.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
I'm sorry, but the concept of a big bang isn't theory, it's scientific fact. All stars, planets and matter can be traced back to one specific point. You can't dispute fact, it just shows ignorance of the truth.
Now, the point that most 'educated' believers choose to push is that something must have created the matter arranged to have that initial explosion. It's the theory of intelligent design. It's heavily flawed in many areas, but it's a more logical discussion than trying to convince someone a big bang didn't happen when science has already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it did.
@Muhammed_the_Terror (23)
• New Zealand
11 Jan 07
Save yourself some hassle...
You dont prove God exists... you cant lead a horse to water and make it drink!
A BIGGY! WHY should god show himself to anyone????
Who are you to demand proof?
Dunno what bible some of you read! But it dosen't say Sun revolved around the earth at all, IT not once ever says the world is round nor flat
Most pharse in bible dont mean what we thnk it means... our modern socitey makes sure of that!
Good question, for Big Bang, who put, what ever it was there to go bang?
who put god there? he will tell you when hes ready, WE COULDN"T POSSIBLY understand it, as humans! Maybe god wasn't put there! God is not what we think god is... he has hinted that many TIMES! thats why he put a HUMAN form of himself on earth called Jesus, so he could feel what we feel, etc etc... If sience so smart, why are they re-writting everything time & time again? bible not need to do that, only BAD people do that, is FORBIDDEN for any Human to change or add to it!
For you TRUE christians, dont try to convince any1 of GOD it cant be done that way... ones faith cant be decided by simply knowing diffence between a rock & pebble, it takes true heart & love for that... material things cant prove god... if you want to help people out, use the heart!
@tnsonshine (56)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Amen!!! You are so right. I think this is my last visit to this forum. I just get to upset at people's ignorance and hatefulness.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
11 Jan 07
You can't prove God exists. That negates faith. Faith is belief without proof, and religion is founded on faith. The whole point is to give yourself completely to God without that proof. And you can't prove God *doesn't* exist, either.
People are allowed to believe whatever they want. It's not up to any of us to convince anyone to believe anything. Why would you want to oppose your friend's belief like that, anyway?
@moto47 (555)
• Indonesia
10 Jan 07
I have this story :
Once a time there ia an atheist who traveled by train. When the train crossing a beautiful landscape consists of a blue mountain and a clear lake on its foot, a moslem who sat in front of him said "subhanallah". Then, hearing such a sentence, the atheist said to the man in front of him, " you must be a moslem "."How do you know?", the moslem asked back. "Only moslems say such a word when they see beautiful things in nature...", the atheist said.
"Why do you say such a word?", ask the atheist. "To thank and praise Allah, the creator of this universe", answer the moslem. " I don't believe in God, there is no God I think, all things just happened by themselves...", atheist said. Shortly, yhe moslem tried to explain why he believed in God and the debate between two of them were very serious and hot while suddenly the train stopped and of course all passenger surorised and some are bumping each other or fell to the floor. Then, the moslem spontanly said "astaghfirullah" while the atheist said "OH MY GOD!".
You see, indirectly the atheist ackowledge the existence of GOD through his words "oh, my god!".
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
I understand your question to mean you want to convince your atheist friend that God exists, that you believe there are ways to prove God's existence but you are not aware of them.
Here's my advice. God's existence can not be proven by reason and logic. It is an impossible task but it is even more impossible to prove that God doesn't exist. It takes faith to believe in God and it takes more faith to believe God doesn't exist. The best you can do is to give rational arguments but they in themselves are not sufficient enough.
Among the arguments that believers use are the law of causality (cause and effect). What we see around us is the effect and that there must be a cause, a higher power. It is easier to come to this conclusion than to just simply say, things just happened without a cause. The law of order in the universe implies a supreme mind behind. Order in the movements of billions and billions of galaxies down to the smallest atoms and electrons did not just happen, it implies a supreme mind behind. If you collect millions of letters, put them in a can and throw it to the wall, the odds that they will be arranged to make a dictionary, is 1 with infinite zeroes. The order and arrangement in the world and in the universe is just so magnificent. Even if you start your friend thinking in the light of all these arguments, the next problem will be which God. The Christian God as understood in the Judeo-christian tradition? Allah? or what?
Belief in God is a matter of personal faith. There is no point to be dogmatic about it as dogmatism and religious fanaticism breed division and religio-racial hatred.
Live by what you believe. Reasons and logic say To see is to believe, Faith says, To believe is to see.
To conclude, you can not prove and neither can your friend his position. The best is to cite rational arguments though limited in themselves. Preach what you believe by way of lips and life. They can work wonders.
It is not wise to accept an idea without proving it first, it is also not wise to dismiss an idea as not true just because you can not prove it.
@xcmatx (173)
• United States
10 Jan 07
There is no way to prove God, because there is no real proof of his existence. Athiests need physical proof. The best you can do is take him to church, it works for some people.
@khalablue (309)
• Canada
10 Jan 07
There is no "proof" that God exists, anymore than there is "proof" that he does exist. However, there is an abundance of evidence to suggest that the universe and all it contains has been created by some one or some thing.
Think of the very smallest thing that you yourself have created. By the very fact that you have had to think about what you are doing and that you must use a precise methodology to bring about your creation suggests that in order for anything to exist it requires the use of intelligence.
If we look at all of the systems in place around us, there is proof that every one was created by someone, they did not just happen, so why would we think that the most complex system of all "just happened" because we were not there to witness it first-hand.
I am in the process of reading "The Language of God" by Francis S. Collins. He is the scientist who directed the human genome project. Francis was himself an atheist until well into adult-hood and it was through his study and application of science that made him doubt his atheistic attitudes and led him towards embracing his belief in God. As he says, the existence of God is the only thing that makes sense.
So, where actual proof is not available faith comes about by evaluating all of the evidence and reaching a conclusion that makes sense to you. In science it starts with a hypotheses and ends in a theory. Where a hypotheses frames the question, a theory is a conclusion arrived at when the evidence comes down heavily on one side versus another.
@paarsurrey (62)
• Pakistan
9 Jan 07
Before I give a response, it is important to know, whom you believe is God? Maybe he blieves God but not the one you believe in, so you may be thinking he is an athiest. So please tell me what is the name of your God and His attributes.That is very important.
I am an Ahmadi - a peaceful faith in Islam, working for unity of all the religions with peaceful means.