Would you confess if you have cheated on a partner?
By Shar11
@Shar11 (419)
United States
January 9, 2007 7:28am CST
I always say that if my partner cheated I would want to know right away...Of course who wouldn't really?
Because of that, if something did happen and I has some temporary insanity and cheated, I would feel the right thing to do would be to confess...It wouldnt be fair for me to expect from my partner something I myself couldnt do..
I am sure it would be a difficult thing to do...I would probably fear losing him forever but I think it would eat at me over time and ruin the relationship eventually..living with a lie will eventually cause a friction and seperation in your heart..
A male co-worker of mine once told me his mother's advise to him when he got married was NEVER CHEAT...but if it does happen..NEVER TELL..she told him to live with that burden on his own...I felt that was wrong..
Do you ever feel there is a good reason not to tell?
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80 responses
@fliffy555 (1044)
9 Jan 07
i already have confessed to doing it once and i will never cheat again... i felt really bad... but our relationship has been thwarted by the fact i confessed... id advise not to confess and NOT TO CHEAT!!! really... the reason not to tell is because your relationship will never be the same again... if you tell and your partner keeps you... they will never trust you again... even to sit at home on your own... i know i have been through it
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@fliffy555 (1044)
9 Jan 07
thank you... although people seem to think confessing is right and ill admit i used to believe confessing was right but now i wish i hadnt
@kareng (70903)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I think this would have to be a personal decision. Say you cheat and you tell. The person you cheated with is also married and tells. One of you or both get thrown out of the house and possibly a divorce follows. Two families in jepordy of breaking up.
I don't see how anyone would trust someone that cheated and I don't see how telling and hurting the spouse would really solve anything?
Best not to cheat, and if you love someone why would you WANT to?
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I think that if you truly wanted to repent and not do it again you should just do that. I think to confess could be just an effort to throw off your guilt. It would only cause pain if you truly were never going to do it again.
@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I would never cheat in the first place. I believe it is wrong. If you have to cheat, then you shouldn't be with whoever you are with anyway. Obviously you have no respect for them if you cheat. But IF I did, I would definately confess. No way would I want that on my concious forever. I'd expect to be dumped for it, and I'd deserve it.
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@foxsoon (150)
• Australia
10 Jan 07
Sometimes I think it's not about respect or not about cheating, I guess there's definitely some people who might get into another relationship because of peer pressure and stuff like that.
But of course like you, if I did cheat, I'd confess, if she dumps me I think it's not that I deserve it, but I think she doesn't trust me as much already anyway, because well, of course to start a relationship you need to trust the person and if you are being honest even if you cheated by accident (maybe you were drunk last night or something and was in some weird mood for the next few days), I think she/he should accept your apology, not necessary being dumped.
But of course, the way you confess is also the key to how the dilemma will end. If you got good reasons about you cheating in a way, I guess if she/he understands, it may be alright because relationship is based on 2 fronts not just one side saying I'm in love etc etc. If you are to be caught then confess (like the cheaters series thingy) then of course there's no hope in the relationship unless she/he is a very very good and forgiving person.
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@Shar11 (419)
• United States
9 Jan 07
ooh yes, having them discover it on thier own would make the situation much worse...
Its a hard thing to forgive, but maybe being honest does show some important things..1) that the person does atleast still hold some token of respect and importance for honesty
and 2) it may also show a sense of regret over it happening...
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@mangmamani (134)
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
Telling your partner that you have cheated on him/her will be a timebong ready to explode in your face. If you will not repeat your sin maybe it is right to tell your partner that you have cheated. But will you not repeat it or will you just be a forgivefull person? The truth hurts.
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@Shar11 (419)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Yes the truth does hurt...I guess I keep thinking that if it was ME I would want to know...
I guess you also have to consider health issues too...It would be horrible if not only you cheated, but you contracted something that you could pass on to your partner!
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@limcyjain (3516)
• India
9 Jan 07
i dont think it is easy to confess before your partner that you cheaed him. I have never cheated him and i feel that would never do and keep myself free from having to ever confess to him. I know how much he loves me and wont ever like ot hurt him. I think he would not say anything if this ever happens but would be very deeply hurt.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
9 Jan 07
I belive from the bottom of my heart that cheating is something i would NEVER do. i have been cheated on and I would never want to cause someone else that pain. I also found out from someone else, actually the girl he cheated on me with. she was in love with him and wanted me to dump him, wich I did after trying to forgive and forget.
If I were to cheat I think the guilt would kill me and I would either tell or just break up with him. i could not live with him, hiding the fact that I have let him down in the worst way ever!
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
It's very difficult to strike a happy balance between idealism and realism in a relationship. With regards to your question, wether to confess or not, the immediate answer would then be the ideal, confess! But considering the things that happen in the real world, do you think that the partner will just respond and say ok, no dig deal, you confessed, that's ok for me. Your confession may ruin your partner and may not be able to recover. Of course it depends on the circumstances involved too. Is your partner the emotional type? After the confession, your relationship will never be the same again, that's for sure. There is no such thing as forgive and forget. Nobody forgets in the sense of erasing it from the memory. No, what you did will always ring in your partner's mind. It will always haunt him/her and will think it happened once, it can happen again. Based on this reality of life in the real world, do you agree that some things are better left unsaid? The most important thing here is for the partner who cheated will repent for what he/she has done and promise to himself/herself that he'll never do it again. It doesn't mean I don't believe in confession, I do. But several factors will have to be considered first. You should know how much your partner can take. You are in the position to know his/her pain threshold. Weigh all the factors involved and decide which one is the best, to confess or not to confess.
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@trysameer (219)
• India
9 Jan 07
yeah...if i will cheat anyone...surely i willconfess...as if i will cheat anyone..then surely i will b cheated by anyone one day..! its sure.! dats why i must not cheat anyone dear.!!
@neoarvind (22)
• India
9 Jan 07
I think it is mostly depends on the character of the individual and how much your partner is broad minded! If she is ready to take it in a easy going fashio, everything adds beauty to life.
@elizabeth13 (106)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Good to tell, it would hurt that person, and probably end your relationship. Though I wouldn't want to be with someone, and not tell them something like that. Living with that guilt would be a big burden. A good reason not to tell, I guess the only good reason if the person had a terminal illness, why hurt that person in their last days/months, no other reason to me not to tell.
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@bappaditya (1)
• India
9 Jan 07
will telling the partner help? if oit will...well the...i am ready to...
@precision (2)
• India
10 Jan 07
In my opinion this depends on a couple of things:
- What do I feel about cheating that I have done, and how much is it weighing on my mind?
- How mature/understanding my partner is and what are my expectation from my partner after this confession?
- How honest have I been with my partner in the past and how healthy has been my relationship with the partner?I guess answers to some of those questions would guide me whether I confess or not.
@vinod4net (628)
• India
9 Jan 07
first i will never chear my partner, but if at any circumstances i find that i had cheated my friend then definitely i will let her know the truth so that the trust still remains in between us. I think this is the best way to deal with this type of problems
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@Xtauseef (158)
• Singapore
9 Jan 07
it depends if it is likely that she will know or guilt is too much i will confess and the only way if she will find out is if i tell her then no.In my life only ine time i had 2 g.f at the same time.After a month i dont know something happenen i said to 2nd one that i have a g.f and i really love her.Luckily first one never got to know about this.i have'nt confessed
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@s_ritesh20 (222)
• India
9 Jan 07
i think do they have to share that thing with the partner if thing is done in past life
@pretty_angel (908)
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
If you cheated on your partner then you should better have a confession because you violated the law of marrage and most especially the law of god. But you must really rpent on what you have done because if not, your confession is useless!
@pretty_angel (908)
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
If you cheated on your partner, well you better should have a confession because you violated the law of marraige and even the law of God. But do that if you really repent on what you have done because if you're not, the confession is useless!