tell your opinion about islam?
By sungat
@sungat (1015)
January 9, 2007 1:54pm CST
please provide your ideas about islam,muslims and else you know about islam please describe them
16 responses
@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
10 Jan 07
dear sungat
where should i start about islam?
i'll start with a ittle about myself . i am from libya,a muslim arab country in north africa . i am a doctor, and i am not married (are you married?would you like to consider me?)
you might have noticed i did not mention anything about MY religion,to answer that truthfullly,i dont know !
if by religion you mean what i was raised to be,and what my community believes in,then yes ,i am moslim .
islam came to this country lke it came to yours,invaders from the arab peninsula bringing the word of "god" ,however arabs fared better in this country ,which , unlike pakistan,has been "arabicized" .i am proud of being an arab,don't get me wrong,but i am now aware that i might not be anymore arab than you . the difference is,in this country the original inhabitants embraced "arabism" not just islam and became "arabs" not just muslims .although some people here still maintain they are"berbers" not arabs it actually is impossible to tell , because the arabs and the native "berbers" intermingled and intermarried so that ,ethnically ,its impossible to tell them apart now .
that part was about me.
now about islam .
in the sixth century A.D. arabs were poor desert people who survived on camel milk and dates ,and the occasional caravan returning from syria to yemen which tey would rob .although arabs shared the same ancestry as the jews, the religion of their common forefather Abraham was long forgotten in arabia,where idols were worshipped .these idols were a veritable source of financial income ,because people would visit them for blessing and whoever controlled access to these idols benefited from the riches and gifts the pilgrims brought with them and enjoyed their respect .
the most arab city for it's idols was Mecca ,where idols were stacked in and around the "Ka'ba" ,a cubical building erected around a the remains of a meteorite considered holy by the then pagan arabs .because of the harsh conditions of the arab desert world , they had a primitive social structure,they had to develop a system of traditions to ensure survival in such an environment . feuds and vendettas were common , as the only security in those poverty-stricken places was the knowledge that anyone who is killed would be avenged by his tribe ,who will either kill his killer or exact financial compensation from him (blood-money) , also burying unwanted female new-borns was common for fear of shame should daughters be enslaved in one of the frequent "Gazwa"s or raids by other tribes .they had a patriarchal society where the tribe was preeminent and the elders "sheiks" ruled each tribe and guarded it's interests .some good practices were born of those conditions , like the bedouin habit of generosity towards guests , however the arab traditions were mostly detrimental to the arabs as a nation ,especially when compared to their mighty neighbors, the Byzantine and the Persian empires .compared to those pillars of civilization ,the arabs then were but dirty ,hungry desert rogues .
during these times, a man emerged in Mecca called "Mohammed" (the praised one) from the tribe of "Koreysh" , a respectable tribe of Mecca which controlled the Ka'ba .although mohammad was orphaned at a young age , he grew up to be a well-to-do merchant and was celebrated for his integrity,wisdom and honesty and was frequently resorted to in conflicts where he would act as arbitrator .
although mohammed benefited from his position in the Koreysh tribe and grew wealthy after marrying a rich widow who had invested in some of his caravans,he did not like the status quo and began contacting some arabs who followed abraham's religion and were not idolators , he also contacted christian monks in syria ,and thus learned about the great world outside the arab peninsula . in one of the most dramatic instances of history , mohammad looked with discontent upon the situation of the arabs as a nation , these feelings he had WOULD ROCK THE WORLD , the world would never be the same .
as mohammad grew older and more experienced ,a whole vision for society began to reveal itself to him ,and he started teaching to his immediated family and servants , then his friends .
slowly his teachings spread and it became obvious to our prophet that a conflict with the champions of the idols would be unavoidable , and thus he fled to Medina ,and from an affluent merchant from Mecca he became a political fugitive .
in Medina , the whole city embraced the new religion , known as "islam" (The Surrendering) meaning the surrendering of one's will and destiny to one ,almighty Creator,"Allah" or(The God) .
the teachings of islam not only offered an alternative to idolatry ,mohammed consolidated his sense of right and wrong,his humanity ,philanthropy and altruism,his love for his people , and his vision for a nation that would soon outshine the superpowers of those times, Byzantium and Persia ,into the "Koran" ,the book he dictated to his followers .
i am sorry my answer was so long ,but only after saying all that can i reveal to you the difference between MY view of Islam and that most widely accepted by muslims .i think mohammad was the greatest and most influential MAN ever to walk the earth ,simply because of what he dedicated his life to, his love of People .that ,in my opinion,is his greatest Miracle. to this day ,western historians cannot explain how a few ignorant , hungry arabs could be converted ,as if by magic,by the words of this man alone,to a nation that would eventually conquer the world and bring about changes that would set human history . all that he accomplished with no prospect of personal gain and at great personal risk ,although he could have been king supreme over the arabs should he have accepted that offer from the chieftains of the pagan arabs ,who onlyasked of him that he spare their way of life and relinquish his mission .instead ,he endured being stoned by children and fools in AL-TA'EF ,and being wounded in many battles ,in order for the "word of Allah" to prevail.
that is why i rever that man, i don't believe the koran was sent by allah or by any god,though,and that is enough to be considered "kafir" or infidel by most moslems .
islam today is in a different world than the one mohammad knew, the religion that once heralded benevolence ,humanity,social organization and solidarity is now frequently used as an excuse for tyranny,ignorance and pedantry.
i wish muslims would reflect more on the life of that great man ,who would only say about himself "LO! Mohammed is but a prophet ,the like of whom many were sent to people before"
a man who dedicated his life to saving his people, and all people ,from ignorance and decadence. instead Islam suffers today from impractical ,literal interpretations that do more harm than good and are far from capturing the Spirit of it's great author .
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
10 Jan 07
hey sungat , can you believe this took me almost 2 hours to write?
i was writnig it down the first time and i got disconnected , but not to worry! i saved it in notepad just in case ! when i reconnected , i was just gonna copy the reply from notepad but, i discovered pasting is only allowed for members with more than 500 points.
i was about to give up , but i looked at the picture,and thought :
i must let Sungat see this, maybe it will impress her !
so i started writing all-over again (copying really,from the saved notepad)
i hope you like it !
btw thanks for accepting me as a friend ! i love you !
@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
13 Jan 07
I congratulate you on your firm belief .
My answer as to how I explain Mohammads success is I don't know, he was a special and great man , believing that he was the actual author of the Koran doesn't mean I respect him less .
As to "god" 's existence ,I don't know ,either .All I know for sure is that the god that created atoms and photons and galaxies and human cells and all the elements did not write the bible OR the koran , because the creator would be alot wiser than to make the scientific mistakes contained in these books .
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
13 Jan 07
A long story to read, did you right all this to impress a 'supposed to be girl'. OMG!!.
And if we take your claim that 'Muhammad (PBUH) dictated the Qur'an to his followers and it was not revealed to him by Allah (The God). How are you going to explain what the west has also failed to understand. Just how could an illitrate man dall all what he did and did it in a short span of 23 years.
If Qur'an is not God's word. How are you going to explain to me the following.
1. Why is is so easily memorised, considering its size and the fact there are countless number of Muslims all over the world who have memorised the whole book, word by word, phrase by phrase. Just name one other book (religios or other) that has been memorised by just a few people.
2. How come this book remains UNCHANGED, UNALTERED, although it has existed for about 1400 years now and is published throughout the world by different countries, different publishers. But the Quran published in Lybiya is the same (in test, wording) as one published in India or Malaysia or Egypt, Saudi Arabia or anywhere else.

@mansha (6298)
• India
10 Jan 07
I am not muslim but I will try and explain Islam as I understand it. Islamm the word means submitting to the will of allah otr the almighty. Islam is not a relifgion but a way of life to be lived. The basic belief of Islam is that anything you do to become closer to the God, that the kind words you speak or help out others etc are act of worship. Muslims believe that quraan was written by God himself as prophet mohamad could not read or write. Quraan is the only holy scripture that has been memorised by followers of prophet mohammad in exactly the way it has been written and in the same language(Arabic) in which it was written. Evn non muslims agree that quran is the only holy scripture that has not changed at all. Quraan that exists today is exactly the same one which existed at the trime of Prophet Mohammad/ Prophet Moham,mad was last of the messengers of Allah, first being Abrahm.From the very beginning of the mission of Prophet Muhammad, his followers came from a wide spectrum of individuals -- there was Bilal, the African slave; Suhaib, the Byzantine Roman; Ibn Sailam, the Jewish Rabbi; and Salman, the Persian. Qur'an, repeatedly addresses all human beings by saying: "O mankind!" Additionally, in the Qur'an, Almighty God is never addressed as the God of a particular people or nation.Islam doesn't view other religions as being either completely true nor completely false, but believes that all true religions were at one time divinely revealed. However, over time the teachings of the various religions, due to a variety of reasons, have become distorted and mixed with made-man ideas. But nonetheless, Muslims are required to be tolerant of other revealed religions since the Qur'an clearly says: "Let there be no compulsion in religion".Islam teaches moderation and rejects exremism. Islam teaches that human beings have responsibilities at all levels -- to other individuals, to their families and to society as a whole. By maintaining a unique balance between the physical and spiritual, and between the individual and society, Islam maintains a balance in all directions.Islam rejectsthe idea of an intermediary between god and people. Mohammad prophet was seen as a man who was highly enlightened and recieved message of the God. It rejects the idea of saints and priest.To call any man as lord or saviour is not accepted by islam as it believes in surrendering and bowing only to the almighty God.
To know more about Islam go to this link
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
16 Jan 07
if u know so much about Islam and know that Islam is the best way to have ones life y dun u accept it
if u want to have any querries regarding it do inform me plz
ill be pleased to answer
@irwanyzan (88)
• Malaysia
2 Feb 07
i love 1 phrase that i knew, Knowledge wont be usefull until they practice. Practice without knowledge is crazy. Your knowledge about Islam is good. may Allah grant his sight to your heart.
@isakuyoiki (166)
• Indonesia
10 Jan 07
Islam means 'Submission to God' and it is monotheistic faith religion. Follower of Islam is called muslim. Become a muslim is simple by saying syahadah, a statement that there is no god but Allah and Muhammand is the His messanger.
The quran is believed to be the last revelation to Mankind though Muhammad - the last and the seal of all prophets. Islam also believes in Torah (old testament) and Injeel.
Islam is misundersood by many people - muslims or non-muslims - as they only see from the negative angles. Overall, it should bring peace to universe. Sadly, it has been 'made' misleading by those who blantly interpret the teachings.
@deepuj (591)
• India
10 Jan 07
I am not muslim, but i like the faith of muslims. It is one of the most beautiful relegions , but also the most misunderstood .When i say misunderstood , i mean by both muslims and non muslims.
I feel there is sectism in islam, and ppl use phrses from the holy book n intepret in ways that suits them best n not what is intended to be taught. all relegion tell us the same thing ,to lead our life in good ways, without any wrong doing, so we should follw that a lead a good life. I belive those who commits acts of terrorism n voilance does not belong to any relegion, rather they are not humans, so i like all muslims,all hindus,all christians and all the ppl in this world who hold a faith or belives in humanity.
@puppo_bacha (89)
• United States
14 Jan 07
hmm i m muslim ALHAM DU LILLAH.. sho i can say dat ISLAM is perfect and complete religion dat covers all issues about everything.
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@Bbilal (1998)
2 Feb 07
Islam means submitting of God. Islam is the only true religion God has provided us by in the englighten of Quran. Most of the scientific stuff is done in the presence of holy quran! God has gifted me the best religion amongst. I want to thank him for this thing :)
@dinaki08tt (583)
• Portugal
16 Jan 07
religions r only a way to feel godliness...
v hav no god... no one can c god its not going tohappen at all... all r a sort of feelings... u can only feel god...[so y legends says in each and every one god lives].
to feel that feeling regilion is used... its actually a tool to feel god... every regligion has good and bad.... "once a person feels d godliness and time should suit him/her to maintain ll b something spceial"
what i am saying s regilion is a tool... i dont specify any of it..
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
10 Jan 07
off course Islam is the only true religion
our Holy Book RURAn is proved to be 80% true upto now scientifically the rest 20% our scientists cnt discover upto now
and shortly it will be proved true
islam is the only religion that gives equall rights to every one
if ppl dun profess it rightly it dsnt mean that islam is nt rihjt it means that ppl are wrong!!
it gives excellent rights to ladies
and evethng is perfect and complete in ISLAM
if u have any confusion or need to ask anythng plz ill b glad top tell u
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
16 Jan 07
sorry its THE *QURAN
i wrote wrong above
may ALLAH forgive me
@puppo_bacha (89)
• United States
14 Jan 07
hmmi m muslim.. sho i can say dat ISLAM is perfect and complete religion dat covers all issues about everything.
@dazzlingkaykay (209)
• India
17 Jan 07
I respect Khuran and thier believes. I think there were unnecessary fights among hindus and muslims regarding caste. Once Indo-Pak fight is over, people will try to respect each other.
@karannyk (187)
• India
13 Jan 07
i like islam and islamic people and most of their religious eed.........but there are few things in islam against womens freedom which i disagree........
still i feel no system is perfect..........
and everthin has a pitfall...............
@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
16 Jan 07
what do u feel bad regarding women??
ask clearly ur question and ill be happy to clearify
according to islam
@dollardove (26)
• Pakistan
2 Feb 07
Islam is True but Muslims can be get benifit form it when they accept it form heart and act and spend their life as Islam teach .
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Jan 07
To be perfectly honesty the only opinion I have is that they are just trying to live like the rest of us...I dont know anything yet about Islam so I have no opinion in regards to it...