Answer me seriously ........will u recommend abortion?
@cute_missmary (3866)
United States
19 responses
@sreedhar (576)
• India
11 Jan 07
My answer would be yes. Abortion is not at all bad in all cicumstances, it is very much recommended in many situation. I am a medico and i see many cases where it really becomes inevitable. Its better to eliminate a child before he is born, rather than bring him into this world and make him and his family to suffer without any mistake of his own.
@198112 (335)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I wouldnt recommend she gets an abortion. She should seek medical attention she get help that the baby can be born safe and healthy. Then afterwards I would suggest she get her tubes tied. Because she is rwally placing herself and her kids at risk of having poor health.
I would also hope that she is getting plenty of help by the father and other members of the family because she really have her hands full with her special need children.
@heartonfire (4119)
• Denmark
10 Jan 07
well,first of all i will have to ask why she didn't protect herself considering the past situations and knewing that it's not likely for her to give birth to a normal child...but,if it really happened AGAIN ...i would say that if she can raise her kids properly and give them the love and attention they need,and if she is happy with that then she should go on with the pregnancy..if she sees it as a bargain and she feels overwhealmed by all this ,then an abortion would be the best choice,because that child has no fault for his mothers actions.,..i usually say that we have no right to decide over other people's lifes but if we can spare a person from suffering then we should do it..
@creativemuse (193)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I think she should stop getting pregnant! This is irresponsible behavior for a normal person. Her Doctor should have recommended sterilization after the syphilis was diagnosed. Can she afford to care for her own children or does she sponge off society? I am assuming that her first 2 children were healthy? She will eventually die from the disease and each pregnancy take its toll on her body shortening her lifespan even more. Yes I would recommend abortion if the pregnancy is less than 3 months along.
@Julia1970 (410)
• United States
10 Jan 07
She should have had her tubes tied when she was diagnosed with syphalis. I worked in a faciity for mentally and physically disabled adults and there was a patient whose mother had syphalis and gave it to this patient. This patient's quality of life was non-existant.
@coolpig08 (131)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
i agtee. she should not allow herself to get pregnant because she already knew of her condition. but if she can support her children she should continue her pregnancy.
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@bertus_magnus (329)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
well, i'd suggest that she see a doctor and let the doctor evaluate her situation. medical experts can help her decide if an abortion is the safer choice. and also, the question didnt state if the mother wants to keep the baby, because you cant recommend abortion to someone who wants to have a child. though looking at her situation, i might be led to think that not having the baby is her best choice, both for her and the baby.
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@sudhir60875 (223)
• India
10 Jan 07
i suggest her to go 4 the abortion and take care of her health...
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@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
10 Jan 07
It would depend on many factors. It would matter how far along, whether she just found out. things like that. I do beleive in abortion in certain circumstances. There are so many diffrent things to consider first though before it should or shouldnt be done.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
12 Jan 07
No, I wouldn't recommend abortion regardless of the situation. I think once the baby is concieved, the baby has every right to be born regardless of what is wrong with him/her.
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I would not tell someone they should get an abortion. It is not my place to do so.I just don't feel it is right to tell someone that they should get one. It is a decision that the person would have to live with for the rest of their lives. If the person had decided to get one I would support their decision because it is their own choice.
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@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
10 Jan 07
That would depend on how far long she was and what kind of parent she was. Is she a good parent a bad parent. Does she want the child? This is a personnal choice for every women to make not suggestion to be made because we feel her life is to hard. Or for anyother reason. I would recommend her to have her tubes tied before recommending abortion if she is capable of taking good care of her children.
@cute_missmary (3866)
• United States
10 Jan 07
ya that is right, even if having all those kids, she is a good mother, then she shld have the baby & not think for abortion
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@Lady_Vincy (1538)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I wouldn't recommend an abortion. That is still a living life inside of her. If she decides she wants to have this child it is completly up to her. There is nothing saying that this unborn child would have any disfunctions. What I would recommend is that she sees a doctor about her syphilis and how to keep it from infecting her unborn child.
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@orangepeel (90)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
well, syphillis, being as it can infiltrate the child, can be a very serious problem. More weight is placed now that she is pregnant. If she wants, she could consider having laboratory work-ups done, just to be sure on the condition of the child. If the child is in good condition, they can treat the disease, and she could still continue on with the pregnancy, now if in case it doesnt, she could think about her future plans. It is not up to you or anyone else, to give her answers on her own questions. All that we are here for, is to give her clues, on what will the consequences of it all would come out. If she's happy with her life, then let her be. she has 8 lucky children, and it's up to her , if she decides if she wants to have another baby in her life, or not
@ashnbri5303 (32)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I wouldn't recommend it but if she wanted it then I would stand by her decision. Just because it is a decision that every woman neeeds to make for herself, she doesn't need outside opinions who aren't going to be taking care of the children..etc. But I would tell her that she needed to be more careful it didn't happen again!
@cute_missmary (3866)
• United States
10 Jan 07
yes for future, u can warn her that she shld b careful
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@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
11 Jan 07
NO!!!!!! I could not recomend it unless it indanged the health of the mother.
@cute_missmary (3866)
• United States
10 Jan 07
veri good suggestion to all...............really good message
@urzicutza (1971)
• Romania
10 Jan 07
if she is happy and wants to get a nother baby why should i recomend abortion?she has to know what to do with her life!if she already made 8 kids why should not have a nother baby!
if she loves them the way they are!
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
11 Jan 07
Under NO circumstances whatsoever would I recommend abortion.
Abortion is murder. There can be no valid reason or excuse for murdering an unborn child.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Wow, what a scenario! For sure there will still be those who will say this woman should have the child and put it up for adoption if she doesn't want to keep it, but that an abortion would be wrong. Sorry, I'm pro-choice and it's situations like this that solidify my opinion. True, this is a purely hypothetical question and - hopefully - there aren't many women around, if any, with that bad a situation, but if there are abortion is the best, most humane solution! I know the argument about how many couples are so anxious to have a baby but how many are actually willing to adopt a child with severe, permanent deformities? That's a huge commitment and in order to make that commitment you would have to accept that it will come at a tremdous cost, financially, physically and emotionally for the rest of their lives. And given this woman's history and the conditions of the children she already has, plus the fact that she has syphilis doesn't bode well for this pregnancy. Personally, I would advise her to terminate this pregnancy and to have a tubal ligation. I'd like to add that all of us who are pro-choice are not the heartless "baby-killers" some on the right like to make us out to be. I'm all for education, prevention, and taking care of the children that are born as well as their parents.