A friend of mine....

A real Ozzie and Harriet couple - Ozzie and Harriet from the old television show.  The opitome of great family values.
United States
January 10, 2007 10:50am CST
his wife offered him to engage into a threesome, he has yet to give her an answer, that I know of. He asked mee for advice on the matter. I told him, you two have been married for 12years now and you have a great marraige (a real Ozzie and Harriet type). Why would you want to risk possibly messing that up by bringing someone else into your marriage? I have had threesomes and then-somes in the past so I know the pleasures of it, but never with a significant other. My belief is... why turn a housewife into a hooker. I think that a marriage/relationship is between two people and that is how it should stay since there is a whole slew of possible difficulties that go along with that action. But there must be a reason why this is comming about now and I have yet to talk to her. So here it is posted to get other opinions on this matter, so what do you think?
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33 responses
@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Well, I completely understand not adding fuel to the fire!! You are right in that a marriage is between two people...not two people plus 3, ya know!! I feel the same in that threesomes are for those that are not in serious relationships...I have never been in one, but have been invited and didn't feel comfortable at all in participating due to the fact that they were an engaged couple and she was my boss!!! But...you mentioned that it was a "Ozzie and Harriet" type of marriage, so with that all I can figure is that the marriage is starting to turn a little "dull" and she is wanting to spice it up. Whether it be for her or she thinks that might be what he wants, I think that is what she is trying to do (or it could be a deep dark fantasy that she has never talked about until now!!). Either way, I think that if he doesn't feel comfortable then he should tell her that and come up with a different, "spicy-er" way that will not only be good for both, but also be more comfortable!!
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• United States
10 Jan 07
I have known both of them for a real long time and I know that she was a real good girl, so maybe she is getting bored or something or maybe she does think that he is. I do not know all I know is that it hurt him for her to suggest such a thing as I know it would mee since it would have mee questioning if I were not good enough or whatever. As soon as I have the chance I am going to have a talk with her and try to figure out what is happening since they both come and talk to mee about their problems. Thank you for the post and have a great day!!
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@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
10 Jan 07
You are quite welcome and I do hope that you are able to talk to them to figure out just what in the heck is going on!! Hopefully it is not for the worse and that some good can be accomplished!!! Good luck!!
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• United States
10 Jan 07
I hope so also since they are both good friends of mine. thank you for the response.
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• United States
10 Jan 07
Sounds familar. My husband wants to us to become swingers. I'm not into it. What would happen if you end up with aids, or a std. You never know. I pledged myself to just one person and I think that's the way it should stay. We have been married for almost 18 years now. Sure it would spice things up but you never know what would happen. We are both very jealous people. Crazy but we love each other alot. He hates when another man talks to me and I don't like it when other woman hang on him. So I don't think it would work out for us. His wife must be getting bored of the same routine. Maybe he should romance her again and change things up. I hope they don't do this but if they do I guess that's their life.
• India
11 Jan 07
you could consider another view point...that very often people, both sexes fantasize about these varied situations. it is all fantasy..in the mind, yet they do verbalise it during the heat of passion. however, despite the verbalisation, they do not really mean it and if the partner were to bring it up in broad daylight or appear to be acting on it, it could cause terrible heartburn and damage to the relationship. please do try and make sure that the offer for the threesome was not part of such a fantasy which both may have done while pandering to each other during their lovemaking. it may wellturn out that his being upset is because of bringing up the matter later.
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• United States
11 Jan 07
Thank you very much! I did not even think of the heat of the moment situation. But as every psychicatrst (sp) would tell you "Stuff said out of the spur of the moment or anger are usually solid truth.) so it still makes mee wonder what the underlying cause is for such a request. Was it to satisify him, her, both of them?!? All I know is that it scaired the hell out of him. Thank you for the post and have a great day!!
• United States
10 Jan 07
I dont agree with threesomes. I think they are nasty and gross. I dont think it has anyplace in a marriage. I think that marriage should mean something and that by "sharing" your partner you are making your marriage less than what it should be. If threesomes were sooo great, then they would allow people to have more than one wife or husband. IT is against the law for a reason.
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• United States
11 Jan 07
In alot of countries plural marrages are very common, also there is quite a few people that have additional spouses here in America. But as I said before that is something to do before a significant other. that is a significant other becaous they are prefered above all others and thus should not be shared with noone. Three and then somes are pretty damn good for some people but they have been a COUPLE for 12 years and that should show that they need to stay a couple not a triple. Thank you for the post and the opinion, have a great day!!
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
10 Jan 07
I think it depends on the couple. There are couples who have open marraiges etc and they are perfectly happy with that, but it will destroy other people's relationships. I think your friend and his wife need to have a serious chat about whether this is really for them.
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• United States
10 Jan 07
I agree in that it sounds like she is trying to spice things up. However, this is a BAD way to do it. I have never heard of a reltionship that went unharmed in this situation. Eventually someone gets hurt or jealous or worse. What happens when this 3 some becomes a 2 some in private, unbeknownst to the significant other? That does happen, alot. There are some serious repricussions they need to discuss and consider. Bottom line, he doesn't wnat to do it. End of story. No matter how much she does, he is against it and it should be dropped. He is uncomfortable. He needs to stand his ground on that matter and stand up for his marriage. Then think of some way to spice things up in another way. Make sense? Good luck to your friends. It's hard when things get bored, but it's just a bump in the road. This too shall pass!
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• United States
10 Jan 07
With the world being the way it is there are alot of ways to "Spice things up" without bringing someone else into you bed. Although my friend may not think about them I can definately give him some ideas, if this is the case. Thank you for the post and have a great day!!
@missybal (4490)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I agree with you. It's a marriage and if it has lasted for 12 years then it must be that it's lost a bit of spark in the bedroom for her to wish to engage in this. I would suggest to them both to try some new things just between the two of them to spark up the relationship again. Engaging in a relationship with a third person will rip their marriage apart, most likely jealousy if she believes he is liking the other woman better in the sack. However I can't believe that she would even suggest it to him. Is she having a relationship with this girl already? Is this why she wants it all together? Is the girl more to satisfy her or her husband? Really I would suggest they walk away from it. If I were him I'd be insulted to be asked to share in something that should be so special between a husband and wife.
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• United States
11 Jan 07
He was hurt by the suggestion and that is why he came to talk to mee. I have yet to talk to her and I do not even know if it wes a guy or girl she was proposing since he did not say. I will have a talk to her as soon as I ccan get ahold of her and find out what the deal is. Thank you for the post and have a great day!!
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Maybe she suggested it because she thought HE wanted it?!? I know as a woman, I try to do everything in my power to make my man happy, even if it's not something that I neccesarily want to do. You know what I mean? Maybe she only asked because she thought that is what he might of wanted. My old man and I have discussed having one. We both agreed that it is something for single people to do and that we love eachother and would not want to risk our relationship over something so silly. We are both very jealous people too...so that would make it much harder to actually go through with. I think that they should be sitting down and having a serious talk about this. Maybe she is tired of being a good girl and really wants this, maybe not. The only thing he can do is ask for an explanation. And hope for the best! Tell your friend I said Good Luck.
• United States
11 Jan 07
Thank you for the response and for the correction up ^^^ there. I still have yet to catch her so that I can have a talk with her. That is a great choice that you and your guy made (IMO) there is so much already to complicate things that you do not need to throw another peice of wood into the fire. Hell the world now-a-days is so rife with all sorts of problems and being the jealous sort, tsk, tsk, tsk.... that sounds like it would be disaster. When I was into that stuff ther was no emotional attachment and thus it was good, but with Mrs. Mee, oh hell no I think I would go nuts, her body is MY TEMPLE and I WILL NOT DEFILE IT!! Thank you for the post and the thoughts, have a great day!!
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
10 Jan 07
I would never ever try that with a partner whom I am really in love. I think it would be the downfall of my relationship. I am not ready to share my partner with anybody else. I have read a quotation recently and it is still imprinted in my mind. It says something like this." A real man is not a man who make love to 1000 women but a man who makes love to his woman in 1000 ways."
• United States
10 Jan 07
Great quote!! I think that I may use that in the future. Thank you for the post and have a great day!!
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I'm not even looking at the moral dimensions--purely rational, it's an invitation of trouble, to bring in anyone else... emotions misdirected, risks of intimacy lost, disease, unwanted pregnancies, new temptations. One has to ask why did she make him this offer? Was it something he's shown an interest in and pestered her for? Or was she feeling guilty for something? You've got to wonder about these kinds of things.
• United States
10 Jan 07
That is my wonder also. I am certain it was not his pestering since he is a real good guy. Back in my younger days I use to try to set him up all the time and it just did not happen till he found his wife. Also I can be sure of this because it hurt him that she asked this. So I wonder what is her motivation. Thank you for the rational approach to this, I did not even mention that aspect to him but I definately will to her. Thank you for the post and have a great day!!
@kareng (70295)
• United States
10 Jan 07
WOW, it is hard to speculate as to what brought this on so we can only assume she wants to experiment? This kind of lifestyle doesn't work for most couples. If you cherish your marriage as you should as sacred then you wouldn't be thinking of this kind of opportunity. If not keeping your marriage sacred and your vows intact, then you should be sure both people are comfortable with the situation and agreeable. This often ruins relationships and marriages. What if they do it once, and one can't stop? How would the other spouse feel? How could he/she still love the other? Also, there is the possibility of contracting STDs. It is like opening a can of worms with dynamite. Hope you can get them both to see the possibilities of what may happen on the negative side.
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• United States
10 Jan 07
that is one of my big points. Say he does go for it at her suggestion, ya know to make her happy. That one time goes to two, then three, four, etc..... then she decides that it is not good for her and he is hooked on the changing tail. Then they end up in divorce court since this mousy little guy is now hooked on that stuff, or vise-versa. Thank you for the post and have a nice day!!
@dejiflow (128)
• Nigeria
10 Jan 07
No one can turn this housewife into a hooker... she is already one, and only wants to come out in the open at this time. It is sufficient grounds for divorce.
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• United States
10 Jan 07
How in the hell did you come up with that???? You either need to re-read or reboot that brain of yours, geesh.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Jan 07
I wouldn't want to risk my marriage for something like that. I'm happily married (most of the time!) and I don't think it would be worth it. I think you gave your friend solid advice, but maybe they're just curious about what they could be missing?
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• United States
10 Jan 07
I love the little pause of (most of the time!) you've got there. As my Dad always said, "Don't worry boy all good couples fight, and the making up is the best part. But as a man you need to know how to pick and choose them, since more often than not she will always win.". I wish you all the best of luck on your marrage!! Have your fights and enjoy the make-ups!! Thank you for the post and have a great day!!
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
I do not think that it would be a good idea to engage in threesomes especially with your better hlf. that is sooo not needed in a marriage
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@cisco1 (539)
• United States
11 Jan 07
yeah i agree with you. and i couldnt have said it any better. Marriage is for two people not three. and having a threesome may cause problems later down in the road.
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@sahergul (774)
• Pakistan
11 Jan 07
well i am agreed to ur opinion buddy...
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• United States
11 Jan 07
I have to agree with you. If you are single it is not a big deal, but if you are with someone even if not married and just a committed relationship, I don't think that this is something that should be done. If they go through with it there will be many problems to come. One or both may start suspectig the other of cheating, this will cause their relationship to dwindle. Trust will just be one of the problems that could stem from this. There could be so many more to go along with it. If they have been married happily for 12 years, nothing is broken, why bother trying to fix something that is just fine.
• India
11 Jan 07
marriage is something which is a very pure relation between two people. you should not involve any other person in your privacy, as this can turn out to cause trouble in your happy life
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@bogish (4)
• India
11 Jan 07
friends are special gifts to us god gifted them to us so make use of them anmd u should help them in all means
• New Zealand
11 Jan 07
Is she asking for 2 males or 2 females? If 1st one, perhaps she trying to tell you something? If 2nd One She either just wants to please you! or She gone Bi & this easist way to get what she wants without be called cheating on you, either way, is a bad move.... once done....is done can be very damging in more ways you can imagine...just for the sake of 1 moment!
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