Waiting, waiting, waiting....ttc
By happymommy6
@happymommy6 (35)
United States
January 10, 2007 11:31pm CST
My husband and I have been trying to concieve #5 since August! I hate the waiting game and I hate the disappointment of the negative test. Mine is kind of a wierd situation. I have a 15 month old who I am still nursing. When she was 4 months old I went on birth control because I wasn't ready for another one just yet. In July I stopped using the birth control (the NUVARING)and I stopped having a period. I thought for sure I was pregnant when I didn't have my period in September but sure enough all the tests were negative. Same thing in October. In November I got really confused because up until I stopped the birth control I was having regular periods. So the doctor says its possibly because I'm still nursing my daughter. So here I am in January, still no period and I haven't checked in a long while to see if I'm pregnant but I figure it'll happen when it happens right? BUT WHY CAN'T IT HAPPEN NOW?!?! Oh well...the Lord has a plan right?
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18 responses
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
You said you stopped birth control and you're nursing your daughter. Are you nursing your daughter while you're taking pills? That's dangerous. As for trying to conceive a baby, you're still young so don't stress yourself too much to conceive. You know since many conceptions occur without anything that would be considered "trying", just enjoy the company of your husband.
Parenting can be all-consuming, with many opportunities to get hung up on logistics and forget to take pleasure in the experience-now is a good time to learn to relax and enjoy the ride.
@happymommy6 (35)
• United States
11 Jan 07
No I wasn't using birth control pills as I mentioned I was using the Nuvaring as birth control its progestin only and completely safe in nursing. Its a ring that is inserted once every three weeks and then taken out on the 4th week when you have your period.
Honestly I'm not too stressed about conceiving I already have 4 beautiful children whom I love bunches and bunches. We would like 6 children (now I'm opening myself up for some criticsm I'm sure)and I really would like to space them close as the others have been because I don't want any huge gaps. My husband and I are perfectly happy waiting and we are enjoying eachother and enjoying being parents.
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@hiitssomu (657)
• United States
12 Jan 07
u r brave .. 6 kids... congratulation .. i wish your dream comes true ..
@the_actor (494)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
I guess there are side effects of birth control that stops your monthly period so you better consult your OB-Gynecologist to be sure of your status. But well, that's true God has really plan which you have no control. Just pray hard everyday. He is a God that knows what we really need.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
11 Jan 07
OK, wait...you said you are trying to conceive #5...Does that mean you already have 4 kids? Wow! You must be rich! Because I have seven kids and that is because I couldn't stop from getting pregnant! Not saying that i don't love my children because we didn't try for them. But...if I wouldn't gotten pregnant, I wouldn't have this many because it is a huge strain in this economy!!!
I agree with your doctor. It is probably because you are still nursing. It is pretty normal for a woman to not ovulate when your nursing. It is the body's way of saying, OK, she is already feeding one so we can not support another until she stops.
So, if you want another child...you going to have to ween her. And given that she is 15 months old, I would have already weened her.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Wow, that's amazing that you still haven't had your period! I have a four month old and am nursing, but I don't have mine yet either (I'm not using birth control.. we use a spermicide. b/c I do not want another baby just yet..) but it's amazing having a 15 month old and not having yours yet, I guess your best bet if you really want to get preggers is to wean your 15 month old, but even then there is no guarantee that you'll start your period right away (though you should) GOod luck to you, you are a brave woman wanting six children, but I believe that God gives us the grace to do what we need to do.
@serene2 (278)
• New Zealand
11 Jan 07
Not everything goes according to our plan.
Yes, GOD is the creator of all living things.
HE makes all things beautiful in HIS time.
We want another one to be a play mate for our son, but time and my body clock are not really agreeing.
So we have come to the conclusion that if it happens it happens.
If not then thats it end of that.
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@cuhmeal (13)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Hey Happymommy, I think your last comment nailed it: the Lord has a plan. I believe we're the same religion from a comment you made on another discussion, but I had a similiar thing happen to me. I've only got one little girl (22 months) and when she turned 1 I went off a low-dose birth control pill that I was taking to get it out of my system (I was also nursing), but I got pregnant the first month after. I miscarried, but only after a few weeks. Months went by after that and we didn't get pregnant, but I was having a regular monthly period while still nursing my daughter. I finally stopped nursing her at 18 months and the month following I was pregnant! I knew that the nursing was affecting us conceiving so if you're anxious to get pregnant I'd stop nursing your little one. Like they say, it's a natural birth control (only for some). I think I got pregnant after going off the pill because my body was out of whack for a bit trying to recover from the hormones and so I ovulated. Who knows...the female body is quite strange!
@anja31 (707)
• Canada
12 Jan 07
the lord doesnt has a plan for you. That is something that you can decided. It is the nature, you can have a second child soon, or not or even you can have just one. Be not in a rush it comes when the baby will come
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
12 Jan 07
Yes nursing your baby is a good reason why it has not happened yet. My daughter is the same way. She does have # five he is 27 months old now. She plans on waiting just a little bit longer maybe when he is 30-34 months old then trying for her last one number six and hopes when she does concieve it will be another boy. They have four little girls, ages 4-10. Then she will be done she said. She actually had concieved in July but lost the baby in the first trimester. She was sort of sad, but said she was not ready for another anyway. She said it was an accident she got pregnant. She is going to be 31 on the 31st of this month. Hang in there and God will bless you when the time is right.
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I think the reason why you are not getting pregnant is because your still nursing until you stop nursing it will be hard to conceive.they also say if your stressed about getting pregnant it wont happen if you do not even think about it and let nature takes its course then it is bound to happen.
@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I definitely know how you feel. Me and my husband have been ttc#1 for a few years now. I suffer form Polocystic Ovarian Syndrome and that makes it that much harder. I tried clomid once but all it did was mess up my cycle and I was late on my period for up to 2 weeks for the whole 3 months that I was on it. I thought I was pregnant every month because I had never missed my period before the clomid. So I figured it had to be the clomid and I got frustrated and told my doctor I didn't want it anymore. She put me on Metformin and Actos because my sister n law has the same problem I do and she got pregnant with the Metformin. So I figured I would try it. Well I have been on it for 2 years and nothing. So we decided to just take a break for awhile because it was stressing us out big time. Anyway I figure that it will happen when it happens and if it doesn't then I guess it wasn't meant to be. Believe me it was very hard to come to that conclusion because I want a baby so much. But I got tired of the disappointment every month when my period came. Anyway I say just enjoy the ones you have now and if it's meant to happen it will.
@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
11 Jan 07
You are right, the Lord does have a plan for you. I know that it is frustrating. I remember when I was trying to get pregnant, there was the build up of am I preggers? Then waiting for the test and then--Negative. What a sinking feeling! Everything will work out. But your doctor is probably right, your period isn't coming because you are nursing. Good luck!
@mummy2jake (399)
• Australia
11 Jan 07
As far as i knew, u usually dont conceieve while b/f. Although you can it is harder to happen.Whatever happens, i wish you the best.We have just started ttc #2.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I am so sorry that it's taking you so long to conceive :( You have the right attitude in that it'll happen when it's meant to happen, but i know that it can still be so frustrating if you wish for something with all of your heart and are having a hard time acheiving it. I wish you all the good luck in the world for having a child soon! ^_^
@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Good things come to those who wait. I see how this can be very fustrating for you. I would suggest the next time you see your doctor ask him if he could refer you to a fertility doctor, maybe this can help you. Good Luck...