The God Delusion
By penguinsshop
@penguinsshop (114)
January 11, 2007 7:35am CST
Has anyone here read Richard Dawkins's book 'The God Delusion'? For anyone who hasn't heard of it, Mr Dawkins is I believe a scientist and an outspoken atheist. In his book he presents the case that there is no God and that it is a 'Delusion'. I think he states somewhere in the proglogue that he wants people to pick up the book a theist and put it down an atheist.
I've never read it myself, but a friend of mind says she might get it for me, has anyone else read it? What did you think of it?
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17 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
12 Jan 07
Nope haven't heard of the book, the guy nor will I buy it. Here is why....
I get so sick of the “converting” that goes on with both sides of this issue. Look, I feel in my heart there is a God. Nothing more and nothing less. If this guy and anyone else has yet to have that feeling, oh well, his loss. I won't push my belief on him and I sure as hell don't want someone else pushing theirs on me.
The extremist, again on both sides here, need to stop thinking they know all and we need to follow their logic. They really need to get a hobby. The fact he wants us to read the book and put it down as an Atheist, tells me right there, he is not better than any Bible thumbing preacher that threatens hell fire if you do not believe as he. Why would anyone want to listen yet alone give people like this the time of day? Is it the same appeal as watching a train wreck? I don’t get it.
All I can say about this guy is,
Bless his heart. :-)

@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
14 Jan 07
Hi Sunshinecup, I initially felt the same way you did about Dawkins being too extreme. In fact I'm in the midst of arguing to other atheists on a different forum(although I am an atheist myself), that his approach toward religious moderates is too heavy handed, and not that different from extremists on the other side.
However, reading the first section of the book has given me something to think about. He cites numerous examples of how atheists are being denied access to services or due process and are becoming targets in the same way communists were targeted by McCarthyism.
In his introduction to the book, he writes that he is aiming the book at people who feel that it's not safe to confess to atheism, even though they don't really believe in God. He does NOT write that he's trying to turn theists into atheists; he just wants atheists to stand up to abuse. I haven't finished the entire book, but so I should stop before I risk misrepresenting him, but so far it seems more reasonable than I had expected after the hype.
@sunshinecup (7871)
13 Jan 07
It is when the author here, clearly states he has hopes of turning people in to Atheist. When you go to an extreme like that, your doing more than sharing your ideas.
@Bartolin1980 (98)
• Ireland
12 Jan 07
Some people believe in informing themselves on both sides of the story, it's not necessarily proselytising to simply want to inform others about what one believes to be true

@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
In all honesty, I will probably never bother. I don't understand why atheists feel the need to convert other people. Some of them are worse than the evangelicals.
I *know* that my spirituality is not "logical". I don't *care*. Art isn't logical. Love isn't logical. I don't care about that either.
I will go over to my corner and have my spiritual practices, and I won't bother anybody. And I would really like it people like Dawkins would have their beliefs off in their little corner and not bother me.
Sorry for the rant, but having to justify myself to atheists all the damn time is starting to get really old. The Jahovah Witness that come to my door all the time will at least go away if I ask them to.

@Indrajeet (39)
• India
13 Jan 07
I am sure u will never understand because atheists are never really trying to convert other people. They don't need to. But I am sure u can explain why "religious" people have killed, coerced, and bribed in order to convert people of other faith to their own.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
As a militant atheist who writes articles on the subject, I hope I can offer another point of view to your opinion on this.
I don't care what people believe, I really don't. My mother is catholic, as is my grandmother. My two daughters both believe in God, just not God as the bible depicts. I respect their individual beliefs, and wouldn't dream of intruding on them, as I hope they respect my choice to not have those beliefs.
Where people like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Brian Flemming and others speak out, and myself for that matter, are when religion is infringing on basic rights, governing laws of a society or attempting to impact the lives of the entire population, even though the entirity doesn't share those beliefs.
While I respect individual belief, I can't abide those beliefs attempting to govern my life based on their religion. You say you have your beliefs and don't bother anyone with them, that's wonderful. If your beliefs work for you, then I applaud you for them, whether I happen to share them or not. However, not everyone is as considerate as you.
Governments attempt to run nations based on religion, lobbyists attempt to use the bible to impact or change laws, to restrict science and medical procedures (abortion, stem cell research, etc). This is why atheists, and the atheist movement in general, has started speaking up, and will continue to do so.
Our beef isn't with your individual beliefs, it's with those beliefs being used as an excuse to govern a way of life.
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@shiboleth (270)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
It cannot be proven that there is no God. The very idea is rediculous. Man cannot hope to understand God and no book would be able to prove otherwise.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
You obviously haven't read the book, and have little knowledge on what it's about. Dawkins doesn't attempt to disprove God, his book is about the rational versus the irrational and the impact on society.
And likewise, it cannot be proven that there IS a god, although the burden of proof lays on the one claiming existence.
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@penguinsshop (114)
12 Jan 07
Dawkins isn't trying to disprove, but convince or open people minds, I think once that's happened, people will see the truth
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
I haven't yet, and am really looking forward to reading it. Unfortunately, I'm having to order it offline, since the sales people at our local bookstore gave me some interesting glares when I asked about it. They don't keep it in stock, and as an evil atheist, the glares I received when I asked about it prompted me to not bother increasing their business by shopping there again.
I'm reading Sam Harris's End of Faith at the moment, another excellent book regarding the illusion of faith and the way religion is hindering and interefering with regular life. It's an excellent read if you ever get the chance.
Dawkins is considered one of the primary voices in the militant atheist area, very respected and admired. However, he does have some concepts which some believe to be a little radical. However, he is under the viewpoint that religion is not only unnecessary, it's flat out dangerous .. and in many situations I agree with him completely.
You might also be interested in the short documentary by Brian Flemming called The God Who Wasn't There. Flemming is another militant atheist, who makes some excellent historical points with this documentary. It's about an hour long and definately worth the watch.
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@penguinsshop (114)
11 Jan 07
Yes, I've heard of 'the God who wasn't there' and I may consider buying it in the future because I am interested in that sort of subject. Thank you for your post, it was very interesting!
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@argelo (65)
• Philippines
12 Jan 07
Bible said those people are those who have no wisdom or knowledge. They just exist in there own righteousness. They never recognized the glory of God. One think I know for sure there is a GOD and My GOD is living GOD.... All in the universe and this world are made by our GOD and that the evidence that he exist. Are they looking for a proof? Just let them open their eyes and see the world....
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@xcmatx (173)
• United States
15 Jan 07
Thats no proof at all. How would this God create everything? What solid proof do we have? We cant hear or see him. How can he be so powerful, but never tampers with Earth, we're supposed to believe that?
@HelmetKool (10)
12 Jan 07
Ok some ever so clever dude writes that there is no God 'So it must be true' What a comfort to know that we are all doomed to eternal nothingness. I know an even 'cleverer' dude who says he does exist and who gives comfort to millions in fear and time of need. I know who will get my vote as I draw ny terminal breath. and is it not funny that many 'atheists' suddenly cry out for God when they think their end is nigh? I have Hope you keep your book
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@HelmetKool (10)
12 Jan 07
Rant and rave? thats a bit harsh Is that what atheism teaches? accusations? and as for not reading this book how do you know? have you read the bible?
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@spreadingtheword (643)
• United States
12 Jan 07
While I respect all beliefs and certainly his right to publish such a book, the thing I will never understand is why a person needs to work so hard to try and make people not believe in something. Atheist work so hard to try and prove that there is not a God, and I don't understand it. Just state your beliefs and leave it at that. I totally respect all atheist, as we have a right to our own beliefs. I just wish they would not work so hard on this. As Christians, we try and spread the Word of God, but I personally don't go around trying to convert atheist, as most Christians. I know many do, but they are different and maybe a little too close-minded. I would like a world where everyone believed there own beliefs and let people decide on their own, like I did, about what they believe in. Just my opinion, and this is a great discussion.
@benks420 (215)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
I've never read the book nor heard about it. I'd most definately like to read it though. Has Richard Dawkins done any other good pieces of work? I'm not totally sure if I believe in god. All of my life I've never really fully believed in God. I thought about it a lot though and came to the conclusion that, if there is a god, its the collective of humanity, Everyone working as one, that could be god, we could do anything and as a collective, we would know everything.
@Bartolin1980 (98)
• Ireland
11 Jan 07
His book The Blind Watch-Maker, which is a defence of Darwinism and to a great extent an attack on creationism is an amazing book, it literally changed my whole outlook on Darwinism and cleared up so many areas that I was ignorant of- to put that in context, I was a believer in evolutionary theory before I read it just thought I knew how it worked, then realised shortly into the book that what I knew was superficial and imperfect, I would recommend the book to anyone especially to those like myself who thought that they knew what Darwinism is about and how it works
@jajatisalgoe (646)
• Belgium
12 Jan 07
Looks interesting,
haven't read it though, but yeah it's more of a shock in america than it is over here in Europe I believe, more religious people over there, isn't it?
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@Kayzzaman (173)
• India
12 Jan 07
No, I have not read Dawkins' book. But I must tell you that I am out and out an atheist without reading that book. But I do admit that I do have some awesome spritual feeling about the whole universe.
I wonder why some people always unnecessarily take to the streets to prove the non-existence of god. Is this as such an issue to debate about? What has come out of this? Their proving point about runs like this: This is not here, so that is not there. What have they proved about the creations of the natural and animal world. All are mere hypotheses not QED. Unnecessarily they are beating about the bush. My being an atheist in practice has never required the services of Richard Dawkins et al. In this nasty world, there are so many nasty things prevailing uninterrupted. Is the non-belief in the existence of god is such a paragon of Ideas. There are so many practicing believers. They don't give a damn care to the ideas of non-believers. Are they the only nasty things of the world?
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
12 Jan 07
You're misinformed on many points.
First of all, you can't possibly be an atheist and be spiritual. Doesn't work both ways.
Secondly, you claim believers don't give a damn about non believers ideas. You're more right than you know. They care so little about us that they assume they can change laws and change society to suit their religion, and the fact that we don't believe the same means nothing to them. Which is why people like Richard Dawkins speak up.
He's not trying to disprove God. He's trying to tell people to use the brains you were born with and don't believe something irrational simply because someone told you it's true.
We're not out preaching against God in the streets. We're fighting laws, and fighting governments and fighting lobbyists who ARE out in the street preaching about God, trying to make everyone conform to their morals and their beliefs.
The fact that you can't see that worries me, actually.
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@Indrajeet (39)
• India
13 Jan 07
I have not read any of the books referred to in this discussion. I had a strong belief in god but in the last few years I have grown to questioning the the existence of god. I really did not know that there are so many like minded people until I read this discussion. I was actually thinking of writing a book someday. I guess I am too late. :-)
I will definitely try to read those books. Thank you.
In Hinduism there was actually an atheist school of thought. which is really interesting. If u want to know more visit