Should abortion be permitted?????
By avs189
@avs189 (1030)
January 11, 2007 1:17pm CST
Abortion one of the most contentious and emotional dilemmas faced by the modern world,,, especially whether one should allow the termination of the child while it is being growing in the mother's womb.Sometimes the question is further being stretched to the point of fact that upto what stage when the child is growing on mother's womb should be allowed to be terminated.
Who has right to decide whether to terminate unborn child who cannot articulate his/her rights ??Whst should be the bottom line drawn for termination 2,4,8,20 weeks??And what if termination of unborn child is necessary for survival of mother, in that case are u not contradicitng the rule of "taking life" ??
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25 responses
@prettydoyce (282)
• Philippines
11 Jan 07
NO. gives wy to increase PMS, AIDS and a lot more
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@4rC_4nG3L (132)
12 Jan 07
abortion shouldnt be aloud, if you cant cope with a child, wait till it is born and send it up for atoption, dont steal the life of an unborn child, its murder and is sick!!
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@knights_of_honour (348)
• India
11 Jan 07
Of course yes. Theres no doubt about it. Look at the first place, we need to think who thinks of abortion? Its those parents who do not want their child. Now what happens to the child whose birth is not at all warranted? It might be the doom of this person's life if he is born. With a sure chance of a disturbed child hood he is not likely to attain his most of his potentials. He is sure to face much difficulties in his life so why unnecessarliy you will bring a person and let him suffer for no fault of his own?? Is it not better to silently kill him when might not even feel anything... so take a second look and you would be sure Yes abortions should be made legal.
@astrotink (169)
12 Jan 07
I personally do agree with abortion but I try not to judge those that have had one as each person has their own reason and it it them that will have to live with their decision, maybe the choice of aborting your unborn child is a soul lesson or karma, who know??
If child is aborted the soul will come to another. This is why I try not to judge, The way I see it is if that person made the wrong decision because they were young or being selfish at the time they have the rest of their lives with that guilty feeling, isn't that punishment enough without everyone else judging?
@lynn3024 (198)
• Canada
12 Jan 07
personally i do not believe in abortion. you make a very good point but a doctor cannot tell you you will die if you have this baby. they can only tell you you might die. A mother should have the need to risk there own life for the life of there offspring. i would take that chance.
if you have a child and you were givin the choice between there life and yours whos life would you save. or if you had a child who became sick would you kill them so that you wouldn't have to deal with it?
@jbones32103 (717)
• United States
12 Jan 07
To me only in situations in which the mother and child would be in danger, then the mother should decide on who to live. also I don't believe that a woman who was raped,should have to raise the rapist's child
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@avs189 (1030)
• India
12 Jan 07
Yep pretty good fact adding a new dimension to the topic ,but i feel whether be it child of raped women, afterall the kid in womb doesnt know its status unless its out in the world ,so dou feel its harsh on his part to termminate him just bcoz he was cause of social evil??/
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I do not think the government should be allowed into personal matters. The government should not be able to touch a woman's reproductive rights. I think, abortion should be allowed under certain circumstances..and really, the government should stay out of it, they have no business with reproductive rights.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
12 Jan 07
That is a difficult question. I personally do not believe in it, but, I am sure certain occasions cause for it. It is up to the mother to decide though, as she has to live with it. But, there should be a much lower time element to do it. Like 2 weeks.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
12 Jan 07
In sweden I think the law says that it is the choise of the woman up to 12 weeks after that u have to seek a permit from the state and to get that u need to show that ur health, the babies health is in danger or that there is some other extreeme reason to why you can not have this baby!
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@avs189 (1030)
• India
12 Jan 07
Yes thanks for enlightening me .. i feel such a rule should really be implemented bye the government of the respective state as it shows that they care for its responsible citizens
and treat the issue of abortion seriously rather than meandering abt the cause and effects!!!!!
@jellybean80 (244)
15 Jan 07
I think that anyone who says that abortion should not be permitted under any circumstances is extremely narrow minded as there are times when it not good for the pregnancy to continue, and I don't think that it is just limited to health reasons, though the survival of the mother and child are of course important.
There is no definitive answer as to what stage a foetus becomes a 'life', though most people will have an opinion on it. I think that abortion should be legal if for no other reason than to make it safe and to minimise the number of 'back street butchers' who will continue to perform them illegally. I also think that if tests have shown that the child will have a debilitating illness then abortion should be allowed, and perhaps even promoted, not for all disabilities but in cases where the child is certain to die at a young age and will only increasingly suffer the longer they continue to live.
Also I think the mental health of the mother should be a cause for concern, such as young mothers who are not emotionally ready to deal with the birth of a child, it's all well and good to say that they can give the baby up for adoption, but at the price of another's mental health, can that really be a good thing?
Those are far from the only cases when it could actually be the best thing to have an abortion, but I think enough to argue my point that it's relative to the situation. Abortion is used too often as a form of contraceptive after the event and that I don't agree with, but unfortunately its a price to pay for making legal in the situations when it is beneficial.
@avs189 (1030)
• India
15 Jan 07
But who should be held responsible for figuring out whats the basic time when abortion should be permitted???I mean is the gvernment laid rules or the mother erslef.???
what if mother herslef wants child even if she knows that child cannot survive more than one yr ???
in that case even thought abortion is fruitful would be it appropriate to hurt the mother's feelings....
@pam3636 (24)
• United States
12 Jan 07
My personal opinion is that abortion should be legal as long as there is no possibility that the fetus can survive outside of the uterus on it's own. I would consider that killing a baby. I think that the record for the youngest preemie delivered and surviving for at least a year should be used as a guideline for abortion rules.
@avs189 (1030)
• India
12 Jan 07
Yes i completely agree with u ,that record of child survivng for atleast year should be maintained since it would create conscious awareness among the people abt abortion and help in reducing unecessary abortions among the young teenage girls and make them think twice before giving birth to child.
@Equilibrium (61)
• Romania
12 Jan 07
I shall never agree with the so-called mothers that can be so cruel to take away a life that's growing inside them.
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@bev_arch_20 (842)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
since here in the philippines abortion is illegal, i want it to keep that way, have pitty on that selfless life your going to kill and be afraid of God.
@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
15 Jan 07
No I do not think abortion should be legal. I am a woman who had a very hard time conceiving and was told many times I could not have a child, but I did have one. I think if a person does not want the child at least give it a fighting chance and let it be adopted. Ther is no better miracle than giving birth to a child sent by God. I understand everyone has their reasons but I still think the child should be given a chance at life.
@chimex4real2k2 (1853)
• Nigeria
12 Jan 07
Abortion is murder and should not be allowed whatever the reason be..
@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I don't believe in abortions. That is taking a life that did not ask to be here. There are two people responsible for creating that baby and if they do it, they need to deal with it.
@raveemenon (1071)
• India
12 Jan 07
abortions are against nature . So normally it should not be allowed. However there are numerous circumstances when it becomes invetable. retarded growth of the foetus,minor getting pregnant,genetic disorders etc. the law need to prescribe very stringent screening of abortion requests.